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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Hey girlgaf!! I've missed yall! I'm sorry I haven't been around, graduate school and my love life have made me a complete recluse. Anyways, I was wondering if you guys could help me with something!
I made a thread for this here, but also figure I should post this here as well for the members that know me!

So for the last two years, I've been working on an art performance/ installation piece for my MFA thesis show. I've just installed the work, but need audience participation via memory submissions though a website I've made. Every day, through the site, I collect people's memories and attempt to recall them after sitting in the gallery space for x amount of hours (basically once I think I've remember all of that I can within that one sitting). I have a computer in the gallery for viewers to access the website when I'm not present, but I want people from around the world to access it and submit memories anonymously.

The installation is basically 500+ bottles of water for each memory to be held in. The paper I use to recall and write down your memories chemically reacts to the water and basically dissolves, leaving the ink behind. Every day more and more bottles will be filled, until the entire installation is complete. Evaporation will eventually cause the memories to turn to dust.

Anyways, I would love for you guys to participate! Here are some pictures of the installation:
The installation as it's currently set up.
Close up of some of the empty pharmaceutical bottles.

A shot of how the bottles will react and look after memories have been placed inside each one

Here is the website: (tonight the address will change to betweenmemoryandforgetting, but until then, this is the current site: Between Memory and Forgetting.

Any submissions would be appreciated. Of course, I'll screen for any ridiculously inappropriate memories, but aside from that, hopefully every single one that I can remember will be part of the work. I'll also include daily pics on this thread, so if anyone is interested, they can see the work grow!

I've been a member of gaf for a few years now, two of my exes were gaffers and have met quite a few wonderful friends from the site. I would absolutely love for gaf to be a part of this project!

It can be any sort of memory, as little as what you ate yesterday, to a trauma you experienced as a child. Anything and everything is appreciated!! You can also submit multiple memories. It's absolutely completely anonymous, no email needed, just a quick submission button. Thanks for any submissions I can get from this!!! The last two years have been super rough, all culminating towards this project and my degree (i've worked on other pieces these two years, but this one has taken 2 years to complete).

sassy robot

Neo Member
Hi, GirlGAF! Long time lurker but first time poster in this thread.

I was wondering if any of you are more knowledgeable about the world of shoes. I live in soft cloth flats with no support, and the closest thing I've been able to wear to a heel is a kitten wedge. I have a formal event coming up and my dress pretty much needs heels (it's a tea length Pinup Girl Clothing dress with lots of tulle), but I'm too old to do the "wear heels and take them off halfway through the night" thing I did back at school dances.

Do any of you have any heel types or brands you swear by for comfort? It could be that my pain with heels comes more from me being cheap rather than a lack of ability to pull them off.


Hi, GirlGAF! Long time lurker but first time poster in this thread.

I was wondering if any of you are more knowledgeable about the world of shoes. I live in soft cloth flats with no support, and the closest thing I've been able to wear to a heel is a kitten wedge. I have a formal event coming up and my dress pretty much needs heels (it's a tea length Pinup Girl Clothing dress with lots of tulle), but I'm too old to do the "wear heels and take them off halfway through the night" thing I did back at school dances.

Do any of you have any heel types or brands you swear by for comfort? It could be that my pain with heels comes more from me being cheap rather than a lack of ability to pull them off.
Welcome to GirlGAF, sassy robot!! :)

I had to wear heels for the first time not long ago and I went with Style&co wedges. They're pretty darn comfortable for the heel height, so maybe you could look at one of their heels?

Another brand that I really like (but don't own any of, lol) is Italian Shoemakers. This might be a compromise?: http://www.dsw.com/shoe/italian+shoemakers+kristen+wedge+sandal?prodId=328360&productRef=SEARCH

sassy robot

Neo Member
Thanks, guys! With your help and the help of another girl-thread, I ended up getting some soft black wedges with maryjane straps.
That purse thread is killing me LOL
Haha, I know! People are getting worked up over something that is such a non-issue. I don't really ask my dude to carry my shit, but if I did and he balked, I'd definitely doubt his maturity level.


Thanks, guys! With your help and the help of another girl-thread, I ended up getting some soft black wedges with maryjane straps.

Yay, I'm glad to hear!

Just looked the purse thread up and lmao, it's so dramatic. I don't usually have a purse since I just attach a wristlet to my cane, but I KNOW from past experience that dudes are always like "hey can I put this in your purse??" I see how it is. 😂


So what did ya'll think of the Supergirl trailer? I thought it had a disturbing resemblance, in the first couple of minutes, to that Black Window parody SNL did recently. It was overall too long, but it did eventually get to the fact that there will be action. My husband says he might watch it so if it looks good, I might check it out.

And that Jem trailer...no Synergy, no Jem! Among other things I'm sure, but that's the main thing I remembered and considered important enough that it shouldn't have been ignored.

In other news, I finished reading The New Jim Crow and am now reading Lies My Teacher Told Me. They are both really good. I recommend them.
So what did ya'll think of the Supergirl trailer? I thought it had a disturbing resemblance, in the first couple of minutes, to that Black Window parody SNL did recently. It was overall too long, but it did eventually get to the fact that there will be action. My husband says he might watch it so if it looks good, I might check it out.

And that Jem trailer...no Synergy, no Jem! Among other things I'm sure, but that's the main thing I remembered and considered important enough that it shouldn't have been ignored.

In other news, I finished reading The New Jim Crow and am now reading Lies My Teacher Told Me. They are both really good. I recommend them.

I don't know what I was expecting from the Jem trailer, but I was still disappointed.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I wasn't remotely interested in the new Mad Max movie (since I thought for sure it'd be a typical mediocre remake/reboot/sequel Hollywood crap) until I heard it pissed off MRAs xD and I've also heard from fairly reliable sources that it's very good and surprisingly un-Hollywood-esque.

On May 30th it will be my boyfriend and I's 15th anniversary -- our first date was in on that date in 2000! We went to see Gladiator. I think to celebrate I'll go with the standard dinner-and-movie, as boring as it is, just because it fits. ^^ Might go see Mad Max, since I can't think of anything else.
I wasn't remotely interested in the new Mad Max movie (since I thought for sure it'd be a typical mediocre remake/reboot/sequel Hollywood crap) until I heard it pissed off MRAs xD and I've also heard from fairly reliable sources that it's very good and surprisingly un-Hollywood-esque.

On May 30th it will be my boyfriend and I's 15th anniversary -- our first date was in on that date in 2000! We went to see Gladiator. I think to celebrate I'll go with the standard dinner-and-movie, as boring as it is, just because it fits. ^^ Might go see Mad Max, since I can't think of anything else.

I am thinking Ex Machina this weekend. I may also see Avengers since we just can't seem to find things that we want to do lately.

Still fairly new to Oregon.
I wish glass and nails weren't around to fuck up my day. I'd go barefoot everywhere.

I love shoes but I hate shoes.

I wish everywhere was just grass and sand.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
My cat has been missing for 24 hours. She goes outdoors but has never been gone for that long.

I feel like complete shit. I should go to sleep (it's 4 AM) but I'm stressing out too much and I'm just trying to not cry and panic right now.



Rolling Girl
I'm sorry Morrigan I hope you're kitty is alright. ): Since you can't sleep maybe checking outside periodically would be good just in case she pops up.
My cat has been missing for 24 hours. She goes outdoors but has never been gone for that long.

I feel like complete shit. I should go to sleep (it's 4 AM) but I'm stressing out too much and I'm just trying to not cry and panic right now.



I'm so sorry, Morrigan. She'll turn up. I had a kitty who was like that then bopped off for a few days and returned. Sometimes cats have mysterious meetings with other cats that delay them. At any rate, get some sleep so you have a clear head in case you do need to do a walk around tomorrow.


I've been doing that all night but no luck. :(

Good luck with the search - 24 hours is thankfully not too bad. We once had a cat get out that had never been outside on his own before, and he found his way back to us a full week later. She might be at a neighbor's house as well, depending on how sociable she is.


In Canada.

The federal government plans to remove the tax on tampons and other feminine hygiene products, effective July 1.

A notice of a motion to amend the Excise Tax Act says the move will apply to sanitary napkins, tampons, menstrual cups and other similar products.

The NDP and others have been calling on the government to get rid of the so-called “tampon tax,” saying it unfairly targeted women.

Dress season, you guys!

Too many f'n creeper mcgoos on this shiiaat but I want to post so bad. I hit the outlet mall halfway across the state with my new car and purse full o'cash.

Edit: Sales tax on feminine hygiene products is utter bullshit. gg Canada. I was buying mine off Amazon to avoid the sales tax but now my state is forcing amazon to start charging sales tax. Semi-related note, reason #341 why Ikea is awesome, I just noticed the other day that there are free tampons and baby diapers in the ladies room. I think this should be a standard thing for ladies rooms across America. If they're going to let you have free access to toilet paper, seat covers, soap etc. I think tampons/pads should be distributed at least as liberally.
Fuck winter. I want to curl up in bed and not wake up until halfway through spring.

I miss winter now that I am in Oregon. Winter here apparently means 50 degree temperatures, and short, rainy days. Sucks, because I hate summer and spring.

At least the autumn here is amazing.
Oi. I totally forgot that I subscribed to this thread... I mean, I had a specific reason for it, but I don't feel I should do that anymore.

Anyway, just poppin' in to say hi. I hope that all of you are doing pretty wonderfully! Stay awesome, GirlGAF.


Is it super bad to wear black to a wedding? I have a wedding to go to this weekend and the only semi formal dress I have is long and black.

I've worn black and other dark colors to weddings (as did other guests). I guess it depends on the type of dress and wedding.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Jon Stewart is probably my favourite TV personality. Dude is spot on almost all of the time, and is just generally hilarious. I'll greatly miss him.
The vacuum that's left from Stewart and Colbert leaving will be impossible to fill. They've been such a huge part of my TV watching life for the entirety of my adulthood. Colbert might be my favorite living entertainer.


I feel like putting A/C in my car. Creeps asking so and so then telling me they'll follow me to where I'm going.

Have a care, asshole.
You what I've noticed on here lately that really been getting my goat? The bullshit that gets leveled at young girls for having "shit taste" w/ regard to music, books, TV, and pop culture in general.

Some thread gets made about some popular person this or that, breaking sales records or what have you. Follow up dozens of replies talking about how there's no culture left in the world, and that the young girls who consume this material are somehow contributing the the downfall of civilization. I'm looking at these loli animu avatar having mother fuckers cast judgement on little girls as if they themselves aren't at the center of some sort of depraved social black-hole. It makes me want to punch them through my computer screen.

You know, you;d think these people never liked something shitty that was marketed effectively towards their demographic. *leers at Transformers* The fact of the matter is that we all like shitty things when we're kids and a great many people like shitty things well into adulthood. Including the shitty things they liked as a kid. I feel like consumers of twee-ish pop and other such fare, primarily young girls, are singled out more than they ought to be. Look at the 50 shades of nayyyy thread.. Yeah, does it sound ridiculous and stupid? Sure. But does it foreshadow the oncoming extinction of our species? Not any more than the loli hentai tentacle porn I'm sure a lot of these people have likely jacked off to in their lifetime.

I guess what I'm saying is that "let he or she who has never jacked off to some shit they'd rather the world not know about cast the first stone."
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