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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Use a donut hair bun (costs like a dollar) and bobby pins.

Thirding this. Before I cut my hair short, I used a donut all the time. It made my very very fine hair look nice and plump. Find one closest to your hair colour, and you're good to go. Easiest bun ever.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Whaaaat. She was posting recently in the Sherlock Holmes special OT, I thought she was still around.

Gutted. :( At least a later post mentioned she's OK IRL, so that's all that really matters, but I'll miss her nonetheless.

Edit: so I kept reading on that RealPic thread and saw people talk about Dragon's Dogma. Pau, you mentioned the PS3 version? Feel free (and anyone else) to add me: MorriganStark, same PSN and Steam ID, if you want to hire my pawn. You can also add the ArrogantSmirk PSN (yup lol, that's also my tag) for yet another pawn. They'll probably be OP though...

I already have over 100 hours in Dragon's Dogma on PC and the game has only been out two weeks. I have no life XD
Hey so I never got back to my make up question...sorry.

How do you pick lip color and eye color?

Eye color is usually about making your eyes appear bigger/brighter or increasing the contrast in your face. For the former, that'd be picking shades that resemble and enhance your iris color. For the latter, something that matches your skin's hue but darker, or matches your iris hue but darker.

Like gold, orange and green terrible on my pale skin and dark blue eyes, but blacks or dark browns work well, and different shades of blue do too.

Lip color varies depending on purpose. The main purpose of lipstick is to make your lips look fuller and like there's more blood in them (which is one of the things that happen when we ovulate), so try to imagine base skin color + a little bit of red pigment + further redness from extra blood. Of course there are other reasons to wear lipstick, like painting it black or blue or whatever to match your hair or eyes or outfit.

edit: I should note that I usually just pencil my eyebrows, put on eyeliner and mascara and call it a day. Makeup is too much work! lol


Eye color is usually about making your eyes appear bigger/brighter or increasing the contrast in your face. For the former, that'd be picking shades that resemble and enhance your iris color. For the latter, something that matches your skin's hue but darker, or matches your iris hue but darker.

Like gold, orange and green terrible on my pale skin and dark blue eyes, but blacks or dark browns work well, and different shades of blue do too.

Lip color varies depending on purpose. The main purpose of lipstick is to make your lips look fuller and like there's more blood in them (which is one of the things that happen when we ovulate), so try to imagine base skin color + a little bit of red pigment + further redness from extra blood. Of course there are other reasons to wear lipstick, like painting it black or blue or whatever to match your hair or eyes or outfit.

I have a lot of lips anyway.


Fiction GAF-RIP ;_;7

ilu gurl, hope everything is well and will continue to be well for you.


And not to take away from the fact that I will miss Fiction... :(


If anyone wants to make a thread about it, or warn people in the areas affected by this plague-of-a-human-being and all who follow him, please do. :/


Quick question for you gals that exercise daily or almost daily: Do you wash your hair after every time? I feel like I shouldn't be washing my hair so often but it feels so gross after exercising. :(

Edit: so I kept reading on that RealPic thread and saw people talk about Dragon's Dogma. Pau, you mentioned the PS3 version? Feel free (and anyone else) to add me: MorriganStark, same PSN and Steam ID, if you want to hire my pawn. You can also add the ArrogantSmirk PSN (yup lol, that's also my tag) for yet another pawn. They'll probably be OP though...

I already have over 100 hours in Dragon's Dogma on PC and the game has only been out two weeks. I have no life XD
I added you! Well, the MorriganStark for now! And no worries, it's a very addicting game. I've played quite a lot and I just finished the quests before "Going to Court" or whatever. I'm so slow. ;-;

fiction is and will always be one of my favourite gaffers

her posts are always kind and I respect her muchly

<3 fiction
I don't know if I know anyone who is as kind as she is. Something sorely needed online. :(


Quick question for you gals that exercise daily or almost daily: Do you wash your hair after every time? I feel like I shouldn't be washing my hair so often but it feels so gross after exercising. :(

Outdoors, yes. Indoors, depends on intensity.


Quick question for you gals that exercise daily or almost daily: Do you wash your hair after every time? I feel like I shouldn't be washing my hair so often but it feels so gross after exercising. :(

Unless it's been a while since I washed my hair, I just rinse it with water.


Rolling Girl
Unless it's been a while since I washed my hair, I just rinse it with water.

Yeah I do this too and it works out fine.

Also sad to see Fiction go I hope things go well for you outside of GAF. o/
Also let me know if you ever do start that horror LP channel I'm still interested in watching that. :)


fellow persons of excellence

would i be able to interest you to murder your fellow gaffers?

we need a few players at the moment for our fifth season in GAF Mafia games

if you have time, please check it out !

i'm trying to run a Disney Princess murder game :>

thanksness <3

Yes! It's so much fun. Can't wait to spectate all the betrayals and paranoia between Disney Princesses and Lovers. If you like the zero escape games, you'll find something to enjoy here too.
So, has anyone in here had any problems or found it took a while to get pregnant?

(Please don't respond with "oh no I fell pregnant straight away" as I have enough of this from my friends and it's hugely deflating)


Hahaha just went to see a dermatologist about my hair again because the actual specialist appointment is still years away.

"Transplant wouldn't work"
"Rogaine won't work"
"I mean, you could talk to the cancer society about wigs, but I don't think you need one yet"

So...basically I'm just waiting until I'm bald. I already look like tales from the crypt keeper but that's great.

Just gonna go sob in the corner of a Starbucks for the next couple hours. This is really stressing me out/scaring me. I don't want to go bald.


So, has anyone in here had any problems or found it took a while to get pregnant?

(Please don't respond with "oh no I fell pregnant straight away" as I have enough of this from my friends and it's hugely deflating)

My mother always told me it took her a while to get pregnant with me (4 years apparently) and reason had to do with her cervix being too small or narrow. She had to get a surgery and then got pregnant pretty quick after that. Unfortunately all her pregnancies were high risk and always needed a c-section because she was unable to push any babies out.
Hahaha just went to see a dermatologist about my hair again because the actual specialist appointment is still years away.

"Transplant wouldn't work"
"Rogaine won't work"
"I mean, you could talk to the cancer society about wigs, but I don't think you need one yet"

So...basically I'm just waiting until I'm bald. I already look like tales from the crypt keeper but that's great.

Just gonna go sob in the corner of a Starbucks for the next couple hours. This is really stressing me out/scaring me. I don't want to go bald.

don't stress yourself out, calm down and then go get a second opinion or even a third. not all doctors know all the options or sometimes just don't provide them for different reasons.
I see how this must be very scary to you though, but hang in there the best you can! we're here for you <333


Hahaha just went to see a dermatologist about my hair again because the actual specialist appointment is still years away.

"Transplant wouldn't work"
"Rogaine won't work"
"I mean, you could talk to the cancer society about wigs, but I don't think you need one yet"

So...basically I'm just waiting until I'm bald. I already look like tales from the crypt keeper but that's great.

Just gonna go sob in the corner of a Starbucks for the next couple hours. This is really stressing me out/scaring me. I don't want to go bald.
Sorry, what's happening with your hair - alopecia? Not intruding, my girlfriend has had alopecia for years and may be able to offer some advice.


don't stress yourself out, calm down and then go get a second opinion or even a third. not all doctors know all the options or sometimes just don't provide them for different reasons.
I see how this must be very scary to you though, but hang in there the best you can! we're here for you <333

I'm waiting on a second but it's going to be years before I can get an appointment. :( The guy I saw today thinks there isn't anything to be done though.

Sorry, what's happening with your hair - alopecia? Not intruding, my girlfriend has had alopecia for years and may be able to offer some advice.

They don't think so... I think it's getting thinner but the doctor today didn't think so from the last time he saw me.

He thinks I have "loose anagen syndrome", which boils down to my hair is thin and shitty and will never be anything else.
So, has anyone in here had any problems or found it took a while to get pregnant?

(Please don't respond with "oh no I fell pregnant straight away" as I have enough of this from my friends and it's hugely deflating)

It took my sister a good two years to have any sort of success and she was near to giving up (and was scheduled to have to give up the next month because of her health issues). In her case it was a combo of her and her husband's lifestyle and tweaking her meds a bit. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what worked in the end, but I think some lifestyle changes could up your chances, at least. Other than those, having a doc take a look at your and your partner's plumbing might clear things up real quickly. Friends of ours had a doc check them out because they'd been trying for years and it turned out that while his sperm was viable, they were 'slow swimmers' or something and a few small tweaks on his part did the trick (he was underweight, stressed to hell, wore the tighty-whiteys, and had some slight drinking issues apparently). So, perhaps a few minor changes would work for you guys? Or getting checked might reveal you have some genetic hurdles to overcome like with Kisya's mom. Have you guys thought about seeing anyone yet?
It took my sister a good two years to have any sort of success and she was near to giving up (and was scheduled to have to give up the next month because of her health issues). In her case it was a combo of her and her husband's lifestyle and tweaking her meds a bit. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what worked in the end, but I think some lifestyle changes could up your chances, at least. Other than those, having a doc take a look at your and your partner's plumbing might clear things up real quickly. Friends of ours had a doc check them out because they'd been trying for years and it turned out that while his sperm was viable, they were 'slow swimmers' or something and a few small tweaks on his part did the trick (he was underweight, stressed to hell, wore the tighty-whiteys, and had some slight drinking issues apparently). So, perhaps a few minor changes would work for you guys? Or getting checked might reveal you have some genetic hurdles to overcome like with Kisya's mom. Have you guys thought about seeing anyone yet?

Yeah I've literally just got a referral from my doctor to a fertility clinic. But I know appts can take a while so I wondered if anyone had any suggestions in the meantime. I've gone through the usual stuff, given up smoking and drinking eating healthier and taking pills to aid conception. My bf has stopped drinking mon-thu but still drinks a lot on weekends. I've tried getting him to stop but his argument is plenty of heavy drinkers manage to get pregnant (sigh - he doesn't listen to reason!)

It seems that all my friends are falling pregnant now and I'm getting pretty upset that I'm not, but I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about it because I don't want to come across as seeming bitter. I'm finding it all really hard.
I'm waiting on a second but it's going to be years before I can get an appointment. :( The guy I saw today thinks there isn't anything to be done though.

They don't think so... I think it's getting thinner but the doctor today didn't think so from the last time he saw me.

He thinks I have "loose anagen syndrome", which boils down to my hair is thin and shitty and will never be anything else.

what? why is it taking so long? :eek: is it a special dermatologist?


For any of you in the SF area, there's a Puppy Bowl setup at the SF Ferry Building, took these on on the way to work:


Yeah I've literally just got a referral from my doctor to a fertility clinic. But I know appts can take a while so I wondered if anyone had any suggestions in the meantime. I've gone through the usual stuff, given up smoking and drinking eating healthier and taking pills to aid conception. My bf has stopped drinking mon-thu but still drinks a lot on weekends. I've tried getting him to stop but his argument is plenty of heavy drinkers manage to get pregnant (sigh - he doesn't listen to reason!)

It seems that all my friends are falling pregnant now and I'm getting pretty upset that I'm not, but I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about it because I don't want to come across as seeming bitter. I'm finding it all really hard.

I can give you some of the random ones I got when we started trying again and it started dragging on. No idea if any of them actually helped, but might keep you amused until the actual appointment. :D

1) Peaches. Yep. Was told peaches don't just make your hair and nails grow fast but also contribute to baby making.

2) Yams/sweet potatoes. Similar to peaches, this was claimed to rev fertility. I sort of lazily tried this one out by just opting for sweet potato fries and sweet potato chips. Delicious.

3) Not sure what pills you're taking, but I was steered toward Elevit. At the least it made my hair look pretty great.

4) Raised legs after sexy time. Friend of husband felt veeeery confident about this one because, hey, it worked in the Big Lebowski. :p

5) No hot baths or smoking hot showers for the guy. Apparently, in the early days, heat regulation was used as a means of contraception for guys. Seems somewhat plausible?

6) Switch your lad to boxers if he's not already wearing them. Constriction = potential sperm problems.

Anyway, just a few random things to try out. Might help with the frustration to at least feel like you're doing something instead of just spinning your wheels waiting every month to see what the stick says (I know this feel) or at least distract you while you wait for the doc. And feel free to vent. Being stressed and sad and bottled up is another potential barrier to regular schedule, so let it out~


and maybe in another town nearby? :/ that really sucks though, stay strong! try to focus on other stuff in the meantime, even if it's hard

Only one in the entire province, apparently lol.

The doctor called me again and said he spoke with this hair specialist briefly and says she suggested I could try rogaine... But that it would make my hair fall out for three months before "probably" coming back.

I don't think I'm going to do it :/
I can give you some of the random ones I got when we started trying again and it started dragging on. No idea if any of them actually helped, but might keep you amused until the actual appointment. :D

1) Peaches. Yep. Was told peaches don't just make your hair and nails grow fast but also contribute to baby making.

2) Yams/sweet potatoes. Similar to peaches, this was claimed to rev fertility. I sort of lazily tried this one out by just opting for sweet potato fries and sweet potato chips. Delicious.

3) Not sure what pills you're taking, but I was steered toward Elevit. At the least it made my hair look pretty great.

4) Raised legs after sexy time. Friend of husband felt veeeery confident about this one because, hey, it worked in the Big Lebowski. :p

5) No hot baths or smoking hot showers for the guy. Apparently, in the early days, heat regulation was used as a means of contraception for guys. Seems somewhat plausible?

6) Switch your lad to boxers if he's not already wearing them. Constriction = potential sperm problems.

Anyway, just a few random things to try out. Might help with the frustration to at least feel like you're doing something instead of just spinning your wheels waiting every month to see what the stick says (I know this feel) or at least distract you while you wait for the doc. And feel free to vent. Being stressed and sad and bottled up is another potential barrier to regular schedule, so let it out~

Thanks H, this is all good advice :) will definitely try some of those out
I gots the game collectin' shakes again! Found a UK eBay seller who sells boxed second hand games dirt cheap, thought I'd build up my handheld game collection! Got all this shit for just over £30!


Oh! And I just ordered this oddity on the DS that often seems to get overlooked!

Only one in the entire province, apparently lol.

The doctor called me again and said he spoke with this hair specialist briefly and says she suggested I could try rogaine... But that it would make my hair fall out for three months before "probably" coming back.

I don't think I'm going to do it :/

I don't think I'd be able to do that either. but you can still keep it in mind as a last resort! I mean it could work after all :> but maybe you won't even need it. this only shows that also doctors can't be too sure about stuff...first said it wouldn't help now changing his mind etc.
so there still is hope.


I gots the game collectin' shakes again! Found a UK eBay seller who sells boxed second hand games dirt cheap, thought I'd build up my handheld game collection! Got all this shit for just over £30!


Oh! And I just ordered this oddity on the DS that often seems to get overlooked!


Contact seems so expensive, every time I try to find it. :(


Rolling Girl
I gots the game collectin' shakes again! Found a UK eBay seller who sells boxed second hand games dirt cheap, thought I'd build up my handheld game collection! Got all this shit for just over £30!

Oh! And I just ordered this oddity on the DS that often seems to get overlooked!

Me too but I went older and a bit more foreign.


The dirtier carts before cleaning came up with some interesting results.


I don't think I'd be able to do that either. but you can still keep it in mind as a last resort! I mean it could work after all :> but maybe you won't even need it. this only shows that also doctors can't be too sure about stuff...first said it wouldn't help now changing his mind etc.
so there still is hope.

Well, that was his opinion (that it wouldn't work) and then he spoke to the specialist who basically said "sure why not", so...eh. :(

But yeah...I don't think I want to chance it making my hair fall out and then not come back :(
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