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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


300chf ain't shit to me
I like the third one best because you have a great smile! The angle does make your head appear a little smaller, but personally I think that draws attention to what seems like a broader chest and shoulders. Which IMO is good, cause I'd probably assume from that pic that you work out.
I haven't drank soda in years and I never drink milk :/ for juice I've starting making my own smoothies, but otherwise I haven't been drinking that either. My only downfall in terms of liquids is alcohol, and it's either wine or gin tonics. I'm wondering if I should cut down my intake for that >_<

I'm kinda okay with my thighs thankfully &#127770; But I'll still try doing that!! It's definitely part of my routine when I go to the gym.

Well I'm sure as hell not going to advocate less booze! More booze can only lead to great things! :D

This is a pretty good idea, and might actually be something I have the willpower to do. I have a reeeeeally hard time controlling what I eat, to the point that I will wake up at 5am and eat cookies in a stupor and fall back asleep. My asleep brain wants me to be hefty :|

That's exactly who it's for! I'm pretty blase with workouts too, so I have to trick myself. It's fun and gets you into it enough that once you start seeing results you actually go out of your way to do more. I had great buns and thighs for E3, at least!

i hope it's cool if i ask this here. based on the OP, i think it is? if not i will delete this post and pack up immediately. so uhhh, yeah, i'm trying to figure out which of these 3 pictures would be the best to use for my main tinder pic and i was hoping to get a female opinion. please and thanks!

IRL reviews have been pretty evenly split.

Pic #3, but cropped to solve the small head concern. BOOM.



i hope it's cool if i ask this here. based on the OP, i think it is? if not i will delete this post and pack up immediately. so uhhh, yeah, i'm trying to figure out which of these 3 pictures would be the best to use for my main tinder pic and i was hoping to get a female opinion. please and thanks!

IRL reviews have been pretty evenly split.

Pic 3. The smile mainly. You have a very nice one.
Also, I really love InfiniteNine's answer about Rez, just saying. : p


The Everyman
Well I'm sure as hell not going to advocate less booze! More booze can only lead to great things! :D

That's exactly who it's for! I'm pretty blase with workouts too, so I have to trick myself. It's fun and gets you into it enough that once you start seeing results you actually go out of your way to do more. I had great buns and thighs for E3, at least!

Pic #3, but cropped to solve the small head concern. BOOM.


Pic 3. The smile mainly. You have a very nice one.
Also, I really love InfiniteNine's answer about Rez, just saying. : p

Cropped pic 3 it is! Thanks Yall!


Would you respond best to information that is written, or video, or personal anecdotes?

Probs written information or anecdotes. I need to figure out if what's going on is my normal level of weird or if it's a bigger problem. So I need some other thoughts of people that have had the experience.
On the way to work yesterday I came across something that caused my heart to sink...


Simon was a young homeless man that I used to interact with on a weekly basis. I used to buy him fresh sausage rolls and some sandwiches from the local bakery during my lunch breaks and we used to chat quite a lot. I'd often spend my entire break just talking to him about anything and everything. He was always in this little alcove hunched up in his sleeping bag in the morning and he was usually up and about by late morning. The time I spent with him was memorable and I'm glad I met him, he really did deserve better.

He died in hospital after falling ill, so I'm glad that he didn't pass away cold and lonely in the streets at least. It's a relief to know he was at least being looked after in his final moments.


On the way to work yesterday I came across something that caused my heart to sink...


Simon was a young homeless man that I used to interact with on a weekly basis. I used to buy him fresh sausage rolls and some sandwiches from the local bakery during my lunch breaks and we used to chat quite a lot. I'd often spend my entire break just talking to him about anything and everything. He was always in this little alcove hunched up in his sleeping bag in the morning and he was usually up and about by late morning. The time I spent with him was memorable and I'm glad I met him, he really did deserve better.

He died in hospital after falling ill, so I'm glad that he didn't pass away cold and lonely in the streets at least. It's a relief to know he was at least being looked after in his final moments.

Sorry that this happened to your friend. : (
Beautiful what people left in memorium of him....but seeing something like this makes me also think maybe something more could have been done to help him? Not saying you should have just, it depresses me that people can end up in these situations in the first place.
Sorry that this happened to your friend. : (
Beautiful what people left in memorium of him....but seeing something like this makes me also think maybe something more could have been done to help him? Not saying you should have just, it depresses me that people can end up in these situations in the first place.

Wish I could've helped him more to be honest, best I could do was feed him during my lunch breaks, and buy him some new clothing and stuff every now and then. A huge problem is our social housing system which is fucking abysmal sadly, and in Liverpool it's no different. Our own UK residents and homeless keep getting the short end of the stick when it comes to getting help and accomodation these days which is pathetic.


New Wolfmother album came today, got my vinyl! Shame I couldn't get the Lenticular cover version.


Awesome, I'll have to check that album out. I've liked past Wolfmother albums.

I'm trapped in the house recovering, feeding the mini-me, and my computer is still at the hospital (oops), so thought I'd abuse the thread, my iphone wi-fi, and pop into say that the baby happened.

Meet Mia, the one who gave me cupcake rage all the way back when in this thread. \[-_-]/

Congrats! She's cute.

: ( Geez. I mean, I already know a lot about this but geez.
I'm trapped in the house recovering, feeding the mini-me, and my computer is still at the hospital (oops), so thought I'd abuse the thread, my iphone wi-fi, and pop into say that the baby happened.

Meet Mia, the one who gave me cupcake rage all the way back when in this thread. \[-_-]/

So does this mean no more cupcakes? :(

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I never experience the kind of thing described in this article. I'm not sure why that is (maybe it's about where I live, or I'm just not attractive enough?). Makes me feel ridiculously lucky.

Fuck people who dismiss these or try to mansplain them though. >_<
On the way to work yesterday I came across something that caused my heart to sink...

Simon was a young homeless man that I used to interact with on a weekly basis. I used to buy him fresh sausage rolls and some sandwiches from the local bakery during my lunch breaks and we used to chat quite a lot. I'd often spend my entire break just talking to him about anything and everything. He was always in this little alcove hunched up in his sleeping bag in the morning and he was usually up and about by late morning. The time I spent with him was memorable and I'm glad I met him, he really did deserve better.

He died in hospital after falling ill, so I'm glad that he didn't pass away cold and lonely in the streets at least. It's a relief to know he was at least being looked after in his final moments.

condolences .___.

that's quite a beautiful tribute <3

I'm trapped in the house recovering, feeding the mini-me, and my computer is still at the hospital (oops), so thought I'd abuse the thread, my iphone wi-fi, and pop into say that the baby happened.

Meet Mia, the one who gave me cupcake rage all the way back when in this thread. \[-_-]/

wow what an angel <3 mia-chan <3 she's gorgeous, h pro <3 <3 <3 just perfect and beautiful and lovely <33333333


I'm trapped in the house recovering, feeding the mini-me, and my computer is still at the hospital (oops), so thought I'd abuse the thread, my iphone wi-fi, and pop into say that the baby happened.

Meet Mia, the one who gave me cupcake rage all the way back when in this thread. [-_-]/


She's so cute!! With a full head of hair too! &#128525;&#128525;&#128525;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;


I'm trapped in the house recovering, feeding the mini-me, and my computer is still at the hospital (oops), so thought I'd abuse the thread, my iphone wi-fi, and pop into say that the baby happened.

Meet Mia, the one who gave me cupcake rage all the way back when in this thread. \[-_-]/

That is one adorably cute baby!!! Cannot wait to have one of my own...

She's adorable :).

^_^ Thank ya. Don't know how she'll look when she fills out properly, but she has all the right number of pieces, so we'll see.

Awesome, I'll have to check that album out. I've liked past Wolfmother albums.

Congrats! She's cute.

Thank you, Ekai~!

So does this mean no more cupcakes? :(

I think this means more cupcakes, tbh. Giving birth coupled with breastfeeding is the ultimate diet. I'm down 15lbs already and ravenous half the time. :D

If so please redirect any to be discarded cupcakes in my direction.

Congrats on the beautiful baby H.Pro. :)

Cheers, Infinite~ And I'll try hard to share the cupcakes, but no promises. :)

condolences .___.

that's quite a beautiful tribute <3

wow what an angel <3 mia-chan <3 she's gorgeous, h pro <3 <3 <3 just perfect and beautiful and lovely <33333333

Not sure about beautiful or lovely yet, but she has some serious power, so my sports hopes are high. :D


She's so cute!! With a full head of hair too! &#55357;&#56845;&#55357;&#56845;&#55357;&#56845;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;

Aww, thank ya. :D I do love the hair. And her eyes. They're steely blue right now, and I hope they stay that way, but chances are they'll take my brown over her dad's cool heterochromatic ones. We'll see how she shapes up in the next few months, though. All I know for sure is that she has my long monkey arms and her dad's powerful legs, so we might have a rugby player on our hands!

Congrats hpro! Waah cutie has so much hair already. :D

Thank you, suzu~ Her hair is totally wild and quite hard to tame!

Sweet baby pictures.

A baby who cooperates with diaper changes? Next you'll be telling people she sleeps through the night.

Danke danke. And I got 2 hours of sleep yesterday night, but over 5 last night, so jury's still out on the sleep front. ;)

Most infants are fine with diaper changes actually. All bets are off when they hit toddler stage.

Noooo... ;_;

That is one adorably cute baby!!! Cannot wait to have one of my own...

Cheers, Swamped! So far so good, so I guess I recommend it? ;) Hope to see you post in the future about your own.


Just wanted to say again, congrats on motherhood H. Pro! ^.^ Wish to be one myself, someday, heh.
If I may ask, how did you decide on the name Mia?

And I don't mean to change the subject but I saw this topic and I get the feeling we got another Tax Female Hygiene topic on our hands. "Sort out your bodily functions". Though it's not blowing up as much so maybe it'll go largely ignored.


H.Pro!!! You have a babby.

I am horrible when it comes to babies, but yours is pretty darn cute, so congrats to you and your hubby! :) GAFbaby.
My 6 year anniversary is coming up, and I was thinking about trying some new sexual things out on my husband as a surprise. We have a pretty active sex life already, especially considering we have two children (4 year old and 9 week old).

So this leads me to my question. Does anyone have any experience with Sean Jameson's Blowjob Bible? I tried looking up reviews and I keep finding reviews that include links to buy it, so I'm not sure how much I trust those types of reviews. They do offer a 60 day money back guarantee. I was hoping someone here might have tried it or know someone who has.

I wonder if some people realize that there exists a significant number of women that sincerely wish periods were optional.

No kidding. One of the reasons I loved using the Nuvaring birth control is I could keep the ring in a little longer to make sure I didn't have my period during an inconvenient time (like vacation or another special event).


Cheers, Swamped! So far so good, so I guess I recommend it? ;) Hope to see you post in the future about your own.

I would love to! But if I stick to my "Life Plan" it will probably be at least a year until we decide to have a baby. I kind of just want one NOW but it's probably better overall if we wait a little bit lol.

Speaking of which, does anyone here have experience with the birth control implant? I've used the mini pill before (which has the same chemical) and it's been fine for me. From friends I've heard good things about the implant, but apparently one of the side effects is weight gain...and it's taken me so long to get to where I am, don't want to ruin it!
So, got my dad addicted to Breaking Bad. He just binge watched 2 entire seasons of it, just lounging on his lazy boy! Think I'm going to have to upgrade my subscription and give him his own seperate Netflix account at this rate!

Was talking to him about ABBA as well and he slapped on some fantastic covers from a metal band called "At Vance". Well worth a listen, pretty faithful to the source material:

"The Winner Takes It All"
"Money, Money"

Shit, now I got to give these fellas a listen!

Oh, and this fantastic cover of "Lay All Your Love On Me" by Avantasia!

I would love to! But if I stick to my "Life Plan" it will probably be at least a year until we decide to have a baby. I kind of just want one NOW but it's probably better overall if we wait a little bit lol.

Speaking of which, does anyone here have experience with the birth control implant? I've used the mini pill before (which has the same chemical) and it's been fine for me. From friends I've heard good things about the implant, but apparently one of the side effects is weight gain...and it's taken me so long to get to where I am, don't want to ruin it!

birth control? play mafia 24/7 no time for births

also, great for figure

srry, i have no ideas, swampie :D
H. Protagonist had a girl baby, see above pics.
Fiction quit neogaf entirely.
Backslashbunny is trying not to get perma banned but the OT is Constantly full of threads about politics and racism, so....
And the neogaf boys have no idea that periods last more than a day, and think a single tampon can be worn for the whole time.

So, kinda the same.

best summary <3

and weemad is my favourite princess <3
H. Protagonist had a girl baby, see above pics.
Fiction quit neogaf entirely.
Backslashbunny is trying not to get perma banned but the OT is Constantly full of threads about politics and racism, so....
And the neogaf boys have no idea that periods last more than a day, and think a single tampon can be worn for the whole time.

So, kinda the same.

Yeah I heard about Fiction. I wasn't gonna come back but I started to miss this place.
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