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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


It's even more economical if you just put them in daycare. Probably better for their social skills too.

This depends. Sometimes the only options for good daycare are super expensive and need to be pre-enrolled well in advance--sometimes before birth!

Maybe? I don't think we are all on the same page in this discussion. :x

Not even talking about the same thing (the original subject) in some cases.


Not pure anymore!
Is it selfish that I don't want to live JUST to make my guy happy? How can anyone like the idea of it? Don't get me wrong, I love my guy and I love making him happy but I don't want it to be the sole purpose of my life. If you want to do it, go for it but I don't agree with it and might not respect you if that's what you think. Even when I was younger I didn't like the girls who only cared about getting a bf.

For me, working isn't just only about my career or money, its also about being independent. Also, you can't really say money isn't important. I don't want to rely on someone else for my financial needs, I want to spend MY money freely and save up when I need to instead of worrying about my husband's money or how much would I be "allowed" to spend...

I had a working mother and I turned out okay, but then again I think my mum was a super woman or something! She was always so full of energy even after coming home from a long shift. When I was born my mum took a maternity leave, when mum went back to work my father too time off to look after us. I think he was glad that mum was sharing the work load with him so he could relax at home with kids and spend some quality time with us. That's what my guy and I are going to do in the future when we have kids. I love him for that because not many guys would want to stay at home looking after the kids even if its for a few months.

EDIT: PS: I'm 100% okay with wanting to become a stay at home mum, but never for a guy! Thought I'd mention before people twist my words and say I am against women that want to stay at home for the sake of kids.
No, I understand totally Inanna. I feel the same way.

There are no fun threads today, only scary ones, so I am going to hide out here.

To add to the conversation, I am a stay at home mom, but not by choice. I would be working if I could afford daycare.

That's another big problem really. My mum couldn't go back to work for a long time because day care/ preschool costs basically equaled what she would be earning.

I don't think it "should" be evenly split, although that is certainly one way to do things. It doesn't have to be sexist: do you think it's better for one person in the family to handle bills, and the other person to handle taking out the trash, or do you think it's better that each do exactly half of both of those duties?

As an economist, I can tell you that it is typically better to specialize; one person in the unit specializes in doing one set of activities, while the other person specializes in a separate set of activities, and more gets done in total than would get done if you insisted on splitting each activity right down the middle in some messy, complicated way. Having me do the laundry and you do the trash is more efficient than having both of us do half the laundry and half the trash.

However, this does not mean that women should always specialize in activities like dish washing and cooking while men should specialize in finance and professional advancement -- that is most definitely sexist. Telling people precisely what to specialize in because "that's what girls do" or "that's what guys do" is bad, but the concept of specialization within a household is not a bad one inherently.
I see what you mean, and it probably helps to specialise when it comes to things like bills (although if the person in charge isn't good with money the other person probably won't find out until its too late), but its also good to get some variety (eg. i cook, you wash up, then tomorrow we swap). Some chores are really monotonous. I guess though it probably helps to have a set of chores to each do, to avoid arguments and such.
Is it selfish that I don't want to live JUST to make my guy happy? How can anyone like the idea of it? Don't get me wrong, I love my guy and I love making him happy but I don't want it to be the sole purpose of my life. If you want to do it, go for it but I don't agree with it and might not respect you if that's what you think. Even when I was younger I didn't like the girls who only cared about getting a bf.

All my life I was raised to believe that living for someone else's happiness was a fool's errand.

So no, I'm pretty sure it's not selfish, in and of itself, to want to have your own life and stand on your own two feet.
All my life I was raised to believe that living for someone else's happiness was a fool's errand.

So no, I'm pretty sure it's not selfish, in and of itself, to want to have your own life and stand on your own two feet.

I'm sure most men would want their wives to live that way too.


I'm sure most men would want their wives to live that way too.

I sort of would, I admit. This is an impulse I ruthlessly suppress, but I'd also add that I'm not sure it's sexist, at least in my case. I don't think my desire comes from any traditional-marriage based impulse to have a subservient wife -- in fact, I tend to prefer successful, intellectually accomplished women -- but rather, from a general thought about how nice it would be to have someone whose job was basically to boost my ego. Absent any other concerns and from a completely self centered point of view, who wouldn't? I'd also like all goods and services to be given to me for free and everyone to bow when I walked in to the room.

It has an appeal, in very much the same way I can imagine it being appealing to live a life with little stress and responsibility as a "trophy" wife. But the cost of that appeal is far too great, for me. In both cases.


Is it selfish that I don't want to live JUST to make my guy happy? How can anyone like the idea of it?

It's not selfish at all, also what gets me is why anyone would change. If your guy/gal loves and is attracted to you because of who you are now, why change? So you can stop being independent and your new purpose in life is to make sure only he/she is happy and giving them the pressure to support you. You would be a shell of your former self, and I'm sure he/she would feel it to.

do you think it's better for one person in the family to handle bills, and the other person to handle taking out the trash, or do you think it's better that each do exactly half of both of those duties?.......................

I agree with Opiate a lot on this, I think set chores should be given to both and payment of bills, but bills are split according to income. If one partner has a higher yearly wage than another, than that should be taken into account and bills fairly divided. Others might not see it the same but I wouldn't want my guy to be a be broke one week just because I wanted us to have a faster download speed.
It makes me incredibly sad that Disney has decided not to make anymore hand drawn animations :( There's something really nice about the artstyle that 3D models just can't capture.
It makes me incredibly sad that Disney has decided not to make anymore hand drawn animations :( There's something really nice about the artstyle that 3D models just can't capture.
I think Tangled did a good job of transitioning their style of animation to 3D. The Princess and the Frog was kind of lackluster, so I'm okay with them not doing more 2D.
Pinocchio is like my favorite animated movie, and I love Sleeping Beauty. No Disney hate here.

Sleeping Beauty is one of the most beautiful animated movies ever, what with its combination of extreme detail - as befits a film with an eight year production cycle and a single solitary man painting every background - and bright, graphic colouring inspired by the artwork of Mary Blair. Also, the stars of the movie are clearly the fairies and m'fing Maleficent; nobody in their right mind gives a shit about Philip or Aurora.


Must be clicked for full-size and a more impressive experience.
Huh. Sleeping Beauty is on my Netflix queue. I'll probably detest it from a writing standpoint.
Pinocchio is like my favorite animated movie, and I love Sleeping Beauty. No Disney hate here.

Sleeping Beauty is one of the most beautiful animated movies ever, what with its combination of extreme detail - as befits a film with an eight year production cycle and a single solitary man painting every background - and bright, graphic colouring inspired by the artwork of Mary Blair. Also, the stars of the movie are clearly the fairies and m'fing Maleficent; nobody in their right mind gives a shit about Philip or Aurora.


Must be clicked for full-size and a more impressive experience.

Of the "princess" movies this one was probably my favorite.


It makes me incredibly sad that Disney has decided not to make anymore hand drawn animations :( There's something really nice about the artstyle that 3D models just can't capture.
No-one would ever ATTEMPT to create something like Sleeping Beauty from a technical perspective for good reasons though!


300chf ain't shit to me
sleeping beauty is great. as a kid i remember being completely mesmerized by it, especially Maleficent. i was her for halloween once, even :3

i definitely need to re-watch it. i heard they really screwed up the colours on the blu-ray release though, anyone have that version?
sleeping beauty is great. as a kid i remember being completely mesmerized by it, especially Maleficent. i was her for halloween once, even :3

i definitely need to re-watch it. i heard they really screwed up the colours on the blu-ray release though, anyone have that version?

I gave up on anything post DVD of Disney cuz they redubbed the old movies and I can't get used to the new voices.

Am I still allowed in the clubhouse?
This isn't a clubhouse ever since the ban of hot men.


It makes me incredibly sad that Disney has decided not to make anymore hand drawn animations :( There's something really nice about the artstyle that 3D models just can't capture.

I think they have a 2D film down the line! It was originally going to be a 2D animated movie of the book Mort, but I think that was scrapped. But I am pretty sure they're not entirely giving up yet.

Edit: Actually, yep! Still doing something! Musker and Clements were going to do Mort, but it was scrapped (rights were too troublesome) and they've moved onto another hand drawn film.

Disney has also talked about doing a Mickey feature film, and I can't imagine they'll do that in 3D. He may be in CGI on Tv, but just wouldn't be right to do a feature Mickey film in CGI...
Am I still allowed in the clubhouse? Given recent events, I could use a bit of bonding. :)

What happened?

I gave up on anything post DVD of Disney cuz they redubbed the old movies and I can't get used to the new voices.

This isn't a clubhouse ever since the ban of hot men.

I'm sure we could manage a proper discussion of men with accompanying pictures. Why not amazing comics/fan art depictions of guys? I imagine what appeals there is going to be very different from what most guys would pick as great renderings of women in art. Well, some anyway. :)


What happened?

Well, to make a long story short, I came out to my parents, they attempted to force me into surgery, and I managed to get out of it with some help. However, I'm now being turned away from my family's support and care, and it seems I'll be moving out of home for good.
Well, to make a long story short, I came out to my parents, they attempted to force me into surgery, and I managed to get out of it with some help. However, I'm now being turned away from my family's support and care, and it seems I'll be moving out of home for good.

Force you into surgery? I'm confused.

And I'm also sorry.


Not pure anymore!
Well, to make a long story short, I came out to my parents, they attempted to force me into surgery, and I managed to get out of it with some help. However, I'm now being turned away from my family's support and care, and it seems I'll be moving out of home for good.

Surgery? For what? Hope you're okay!
We should always discourage anybody from being a stay at home parent. Sacrificing a decade or more of education/career development isn't fair and will leave that parent in a much worse position if it turns out the marriage doesn't work out.

I can still respect a woman who's only responsibilities are taking care of kids and cooking/cleaning but that type of long term plan has a high failure rate.

If that's what he or she wants to do, who are you to "discourage" their choice? Also most stay at home moms are not "sacrificing" their education - they often graduate before marriage.
If that's what he or she wants to do, who are you to "discourage" their choice? Also most stay at home moms are not "sacrificing" their education - they often graduate before marriage.

I think the whole idea behind discouraging people from conforming to traditional gender roles is that it's a necessary evil for the sake of changing the wider gender stereotypes prevalent in society.

We're nowhere close to gender equality, so I can understand the way some people react when friends or strangers are conforming to roles that went hand-in-hand with gender inequality.
I think the whole idea behind discouraging people from conforming to traditional gender roles is that it's a necessary evil for the sake of changing the wider gender stereotypes prevalent in society.

We're nowhere close to gender equality, so I can understand the way some people react when friends or strangers are conforming to roles that went hand-in-hand with gender inequality.

Regardless judging someone for their choices as if they're perpetuating inequality when they're just making a personal choice for themselves is the kind of shit that puts certain women at odds with the feminist movement. It does not help, it hinders.
I think the whole idea behind discouraging people from conforming to traditional gender roles is that it's a necessary evil for the sake of changing the wider gender stereotypes prevalent in society.

We're nowhere close to gender equality, so I can understand the way some people react when friends or strangers are conforming to roles that went hand-in-hand with gender inequality.

Why are you referring to it as a gender role? There are plenty of stay at home dads who have put their work on hold to take care of the kids, and are married to women who make more money. Just as there is nothing wrong with that scenario, there is nothing wrong with a woman doing the same thing while her husband works.

I was raised by a stay at home mom, who not only did everything that role comes with but also homeschooled us. It would have made sense financially for her to work, considering my dad was in med school/residency/etc for awhile. Once my brothers and I were in highschool she started working at my dad's dental practice.

If someone feels they want to be a stay at home parent during their child's early development stages, there is nothing wrong with that - in fact I salute them. Traditionally the stay at home parent (usually the mother) stayed in that role forever. With the last 15-20 years we've seen more parents play that role until the child reaches middle school or high school, then they re-enter the work force.

If I got married and had a kid, I would let my wife decide what she wanted to do; or perhaps I could wind up in a situation where me staying home to raise our kid was the best decision, and I could work from home. I don't respect or appreciate the mindset of demeaning a woman who makes the decision to be a stay at home mother, or claims that she is somehow violating some bullshit feminist end game to change gender roles. Stop putting women in boxes
The energy spent deriding so called housewives who just made a choice for themselves could be of better use deriding conservatives who actually seek to limit our choices. But no let's shit on the wrong set of people.
Why are you referring to it as a gender role? There are plenty of stay at home dads who have put their work on hold to take care of the kids, and are married to women who make more money. Just as there is nothing wrong with that scenario, there is nothing wrong with a woman doing the same thing while her husband works.

I was raised by a stay at home mom, who not only did everything that role comes with but also homeschooled us. It would have made sense financially for her to work, considering my dad was in med school/residency/etc for awhile. Once my brothers and I were in highschool she started working at my dad's dental practice.

If someone feels they want to be a stay at home parent during their child's early development stages, there is nothing wrong with that - in fact I salute them. Traditionally the stay at home parent (usually the mother) stayed in that role forever. With the last 15-20 years we've seen more parents play that role until the child reaches middle school or high school, then they re-enter the work force.

If I got married and had a kid, I would let my wife decide what she wanted to do; or perhaps I could wind up in a situation where me staying home to raise our kid was the best decision, and I could work from home. I don't respect or appreciate the mindset of demeaning a woman who makes the decision to be a stay at home mother, or claims that she is somehow violating some bullshit feminist end game to change gender roles. Stop putting women in boxes

I'm personally not saying it's a valid argument, I'm more in devolution's and your camp of choice being more important than whether or not your choice conforms with a stereotype.

Seeing as we are still moving towards gender equality, I too doubt that stay at home mothers in any way are hindering the feminist movement.
I'm personally not saying it's a valid argument, I'm more in devolution's and your camp of choice being more important than whether or not your choice conforms with a stereotype.

Seeing as we are still moving towards gender equality, I too doubt that stay at home mothers in any way are hindering the feminist movement.

Agreed. Choice and conversation are essential in most things, especially relationships.
Agreed. Choice and conversation are essential in most things, especially relationships.

And all I know is whatever the fuck some feminists think about staying home, they'll just have to shut the fuck up since taking care of my child is my first priority when I have one. I'm not going to sit around thinking "how can I do this in a proper 'feminist*' fashion", I'm going to make whatever choices benefit my child. If there were more societal improvements like subsidized day care or work schedules built around child rearing, then maybe we'd get somewhere. But people don't push for these things.

*feminism in this case not even holding to my own personal definition

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
If that's what he or she wants to do, who are you to "discourage" their choice? Also most stay at home moms are not "sacrificing" their education - they often graduate before marriage.

My "authority" in discouraging such a choice applies to my personal life and to anybody who asks for my advice. I do believe there are some good reasons to have a parent always there for the first years of a kid's life but it comes with the risk of making their ability to leave the marriage much harder. And that is something you have to consider as a realist. If you are not so reliant on your partner for raising kids/bringing home the paycheck, then you will probably be more likely to focus on any marital problems before they become too big to solve.

It also makes more sense to wait until after the kids are grown up to get your degree. From an employment standpoint. That is what I mean by sacrificing your education, employers don't look at a 22 year old who just got their degree the same as they would a person who got their degree a decade ago. This is especially true for career paths that require post-graduate schooling.


i've never been in this thread that i remember. hi everybody. i think housewives are fine. seriously. i want to be a housewife. i know its a shit ton of work, but still. people who deride housewives are losers.
I'm sure we could manage a proper discussion of men with accompanying pictures. Why not amazing comics/fan art depictions of guys? I imagine what appeals there is going to be very different from what most guys would pick as great renderings of women in art. Well, some anyway. :)
I'm sorry gurl but I don't understand.

You'll have to begin.

So feminism.
Anyone ever been called a feminazi?

I make the most sexist jokes of everyone I know and nobody I talk to is stupid enough for me to start ultrafeminist mode, so they don't know that side of me.


300chf ain't shit to me
jesus... i wanted to try and take a break from the pill for a while (i've been on it for about 8 years). basically, worst decision i ever made. i haven't had this many zits since i was going through puberty! it's like middle school all over again up in my face. i have no idea how to deal with it because i am so used to never getting them :(

i was thinking of getting some pure tea tree oil to dab onto them, anyone have luck with that? or should i just give up and start the pill again? *cry*


I fucking love Hark! A Vagrant. The miniature pony ones are the best to me, lately. They're all so good it's hard to pick a favorite.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
jesus... i wanted to try and take a break from the pill for a while (i've been on it for about 8 years). basically, worst decision i ever made. i haven't had this many zits since i was going through puberty! it's like middle school all over again up in my face. i have no idea how to deal with it because i am so used to never getting them :(

i was thinking of getting some pure tea tree oil to dab onto them, anyone have luck with that? or should i just give up and start the pill again? *cry*
Oh that's horrible. I tend to go off it every 6 months but thankfully never have any issues. My suggestion would be to drink lots of water to flush the skin. Also found pawpaw ointment works pretty well for pimples.

I fucking love Hark! A Vagrant. The miniature pony ones are the best to me, lately. They're all so good it's hard to pick a favorite.
That derp face gets me every time :3
Hi GirlGaf, I so happen to JUST have found this thread. It's really nice to know there is a female community I can actually relate to.

Housewives who have made that decision for themselves deserve mad respect. My mom quit her QA engineer job to raise my brother and it looked gut-wrenchingly hard. I'd personally prefer to work.

Has anyone ever run into people who actively go out of their way to bash your relationship because you so happen to make more money/be the bread winner? It's so fucked up. I don't date for money.
So girlgaf I basically got my fall wardrobe and more for less than 20 bucks yesterday. Timedog's friend Jess took me to a Goodwill Outlet (basically the place where stuff that hasn't been distributed or doesn't sell ends up), it's called "the bins."


A lot of the stuff is unwashed and there are definitely some odors but if you can get past that kind of shit, like I did, you basically can buy clothes by the pound (89 cents if it's over 25 lbs). I got a couple t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, 2 skirts, 2 pairs of lounging around cotton pants and knit sweaters/overcoats. I'd say the value of everything is well over 150 since a lot of the stuff I picked up was barely worn or even new.


jesus... i wanted to try and take a break from the pill for a while (i've been on it for about 8 years). basically, worst decision i ever made. i haven't had this many zits since i was going through puberty! it's like middle school all over again up in my face. i have no idea how to deal with it because i am so used to never getting them :(

i was thinking of getting some pure tea tree oil to dab onto them, anyone have luck with that? or should i just give up and start the pill again? *cry*

I have no experience with birth control, but I tried tea tree oil for the first time about a month ago and that's probably worked better than anything I've tried that was meant to treat breakouts. It either made the zit stop completely and go away, or made it significantly smaller. I was surprised how well it worked, but I'm sure it works different for everyone.

So girlgaf I basically got my fall wardrobe and more for less than 20 bucks yesterday. Timedog's friend Jess took me to a Goodwill Outlet (basically the place where stuff that hasn't been distributed or doesn't sell ends up), it's called "the bins."


A lot of the stuff is unwashed and there are definitely some odors but if you can get past that kind of shit, like I did, you basically can buy clothes by the pound (89 cents if it's over 25 lbs). I got a couple t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, 2 skirts, 2 pairs of lounging around cotton pants and knit sweaters/overcoats. I'd say the value of everything is well over 150 since a lot of the stuff I picked up was barely worn or even new.

Don't think there's anything like that around here, just regular thrift stores, but my mom found a bunch clothes someone threw out from a garage sale on the side of a road. I got a bunch of jeans, shorts and sweatshirts out of that. Some really nice stuff too. I don't know why you would throw all that out.
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