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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


My name is so generically American, which is funny considering how exotic a lot of names from outside of my immediate family are.


Hello lady GAF! I'm thinking of buying my gf some clothes for her birthday, but I'm not sure of the size. It seems like every girl has their own particular shape. Should I just avoid it? I don't want to insult her in any way. >_>

Any who if its too much to answer feel free to tell me so.
Hello lady GAF! I'm thinking of buying my gf some clothes for her birthday, but I'm not sure of the size. It seems like every girl has their own particular shape. Should I just avoid it? I don't want to insult her in any way. >_>

Any who if its too much to answer feel free to tell me so.

Take a peak at her clothes to see what sizes she wears?


In Colombia women don't traditionally take their husbands names. At least none of the women in my family ever did. The kids get two last names. So I wouldn't take my partners name, even though I live in the United States now and everyone mistakes my first last name for my middle name. :p

My first last name is super Spanish. The second one is less common because it's Basque. I think my name also sounds weird with my boyfriend's last name, despite it also being Spanish. D:


my surnames are extremely cool and there is no way I'm giving them up, sorry babe

Have y'all heard about people who combine last names? So if your last name is Patel and his name is Matthews, you can combine it into Mattel or Pathels or something. I think it's cute. I have a gay friend who did that with his husband when they got married and I think it's adorable.

cute af


and wth did i just see mansplainin in our sacred girlgaf grounds. >___>;;;;;;;;

Seriously, the fuck was that.

Anyway, my last name is annoying and never pronounced correctly, but it dies with my sisters and I. Hurrah.

Also, I hate summer weather and clothes. I will wear sweaters, doesn't matter how hot it is. :/
Hello lady GAF! I'm thinking of buying my gf some clothes for her birthday, but I'm not sure of the size. It seems like every girl has their own particular shape. Should I just avoid it? I don't want to insult her in any way. >_>

Any who if its too much to answer feel free to tell me so.

Clothes for a birthday is a little strange. Aim for a giftcard or make a date of it. Tell her to get dressed and take her shopping or something.
Have y'all heard about people who combine last names? So if your last name is Patel and his name is Matthews, you can combine it into Mattel or Pathels or something. I think it's cute. I have a gay friend who did that with his husband when they got married and I think it's adorable.

Before we got married my husband and I came up with new last names that combined ours. I think he was really into it, but felt his family wouldn't understand. Also, one of the combos would have been pronounced "I wacky" lol! I ended up taking his last name, just thought it was easier for us to have the same name. Plus while the new last name looks weird it's waaaay less weird than my maiden name and easier to pronounce.
my baes * _____ *

they never fail me * _____ *

They are the best of friends, they are the worst of friends...

Also, Free Portrait thread. MOAR YesNO arts please.

someone linked me your post about the garbage can date guy. I was a bit relieved even happily married people went through similar crap like I did before they found the one :D but still glad that this kind of shit is over for you now. :3

Ahhh, garbage can date guy. I'll always remember him. But, yeah, had a couple of other awkward but not shit meet-ups, and some that were mismatched but fun anyway (
Holla, Brian Tee!
), but overall I just hated dating. It felt like there were weird expectations and nothing sort of just happened organically. In the end, with my husband (after I ended my previous long term and did the awkward dating dance), I just seized on a drunk FB post of his about kids and initiated some conversations where we both basically laid out what we wanted in life. Since we were both already in our 30s it made it very easy to put it forward that 'this' is what we wanted in our soon-immediate lives and a relationship was the goal. We then set up a meet-up to see if there was any chemistry and...yep, went smashingly and is still going smashingly 3 1/2 years, 2 countries, and 1 baby later.

But...I feel like this is a strategy that might only work if you're older. I felt like I had a time limit on kids and couldn't (and didn't want to) waste time on more garbage can guys, so being as blunt/direct as possible was logical. Not very romantic, huh? :)


How many of y'all took your husband's name when you got married?

Haven't yet and don't think it's necessary or important but will later down the line bc I hate my father's side of the family and it's generic anyway. I say whoever has the coolest last name wins. :D


Clothes for a birthday is a little strange. Aim for a giftcard or make a date of it. Tell her to get dressed and take her shopping or something.

Seriously 9 times out of 10 when someone else buys you clothes it's awful as fuck. Clothes are weird and personal like that. And then having to feign like you like it. And then feeling bad you never wear the thing/s. Also i've never been given clothes by a significant other but my mind is immediately visualizing some creep gifting risque shit. IDK


Seriously 9 times out of 10 when someone else buys you clothes it's awful as fuck. Clothes are weird and personal like that. And then having to feign like you like it. And then feeling bad you never wear the thing/s. Also i've never been given clothes by a significant other but my mind is immediately visualizing some creep gifting risque shit. IDK

Half of my clothes are castoffs from my roommate. The only time I ever get compliments is when I wear stuff he gives me.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Ugh, the thing I miss most about my pre pregnancy body is my bladder.

I had my parasympathetic nerve damaged during my pregnancy and I never quite got back to normal.

Sorry for the over share, but I really need to pee right now but I can't until after this stupid formation.


Is it weird that I don't really know if I want kids? Granted, I'm 21, but...

Not at all. People's views can change over time and happens a lot, plenty of people swear they never want kids in their early 20s have a completely different stance 10-15 years later. And that's ok.

Just live your life and be open to the idea that your view on things can change as you go through new experiences. Life-altering events can happen after all.
They are the best of friends, they are the worst of friends...

Also, Free Portrait thread. MOAR YesNO arts please.

Ahhh, garbage can date guy. I'll always remember him. But, yeah, had a couple of other awkward but not shit meet-ups, and some that were mismatched but fun anyway (
Holla, Brian Tee!
), but overall I just hated dating. It felt like there were weird expectations and nothing sort of just happened organically. In the end, with my husband (after I ended my previous long term and did the awkward dating dance), I just seized on a drunk FB post of his about kids and initiated some conversations where we both basically laid out what we wanted in life. Since we were both already in our 30s it made it very easy to put it forward that 'this' is what we wanted in our soon-immediate lives and a relationship was the goal. We then set up a meet-up to see if there was any chemistry and...yep, went smashingly and is still going smashingly 3 1/2 years, 2 countries, and 1 baby later.

But...I feel like this is a strategy that might only work if you're older. I felt like I had a time limit on kids and couldn't (and didn't want to) waste time on more garbage can guys, so being as blunt/direct as possible was logical. Not very romantic, huh? :)

Haven't yet and don't think it's necessary or important but will later down the line bc I hate my father's side of the family and it's generic anyway. I say whoever has the coolest last name wins. :D

oh so you met on fb first? this gives me hope that finding someone online might still work out at some point. I don't think it's not romantic though. it's actually very romantic to find someone to agree with, no matter where or how.

Is it weird that I don't really know if I want kids? Granted, I'm 21, but...

me neither. I guess I'd just play along with whatever


Is it weird that I don't really know if I want kids? Granted, I'm 21, but...

well personally I really like kids but i just don't know if my situation will line up in a way that I'd be able and willing to dedicate that much of my life to children. I figure maybe instead I can help entertain a friend or family member's kid or volunteer at a library or something. I don't have to make the decision now so I'll just figure it out when I get to it


300chf ain't shit to me

How many of y'all took your husband's name when you got married?

Late to this, but I took my husband's name. I guess I just... wanted to? I wasn't attached at all to my maiden name and his last name is cool, so I went for it. Also, in Switzerland, it's a little more flexible, because you can use a hyphenated version of your name on any official documentation if you so choose. It's called an "alliance name" (German: Allianzname). So while my legal last name is my husband's last name and any kids would inherit only that name, on my tax forms and certain other official documentation my name appears as a hyphenated version with his last name first followed by my maiden name.

One of the many reasons why I don't want kids

Speaking of kids, same. Add me to the club
Speaking of kids, same. Add me to the club

+1 here. This is also thanks in part to my grandma, who for a couple years was pressuring me (and threatening, at times) to find someone, ANYONE, to have a child with so she could be a great-grandmother. My mom knew that ship had sailed a while ago, so she didn't bug me about it thank goodness.


300chf ain't shit to me
Same. And I'm over 30, so don't listen to people telling you "oh your clock will tick!". It might, but it very well might not, and if it doesn't, that doesn't make you bad or abnormal.

Coming up on 30 myself... I've said over and over since I was like 15 that I never want children. And JUST NOW are people finally starting to lay off of the "you'll change your mind" thing. For the most part. When I scheduled my breast reduction I still got the "u cant breastfeed after!! what about breastfeeding!?!? for ur babby?!?!" and I was like really? This again?
Coming up on 30 myself... I've said over and over since I was like 15 that I never want children. And JUST NOW are people finally starting to lay off of the "you'll change your mind" thing. For the most part. When I scheduled my breast reduction I still got the "u cant breastfeed after!! what about breastfeeding!?!? for ur babby?!?!" and I was like really? This again?

Should've gave them some of that cup in your avatar T B H
I'm only 22, turning 23 this summer.

My boyfriend is the first person I've dated where I've even thought about a kid seriously but even so, thats not enough for me to fully be like "yep im gonna have kids". It's still a solid no despite us both being like "our genetics mushed together would make an adorable little ragamuffin"

We'll have 2 shiba inus and a kitten together instead :>


300chf ain't shit to me
Should've gave them some of that cup in your avatar T B H

I wish STFU noodles existed... I would stockpile that shit

Agreed. I was just in an argument here on gaf about how it was well past the time for me to start a family, and I wasn't going to change my mind in the time I had left. And this dude kept telling me I had LOTS OF TIME and would totally change my mind. He...was wrong about everything he said. I really don't know why this point is so difficult to believe for some folks. I mean, I know whatever a person grows up with, and feels themselves, is what's "normal" to them - but you're supposed to develop some empathy at some point. I'm glad I live in a post-birth control world.

It's weird but I've noticed it's usually men who will fight you the hardest on this stuff online, but in real life I get most of the opposition or "you'll change your mind" comments from women... well, moms, to be specific. But not moms who are my age! Older ones, whose kids are grown! It's almost like they just want me to have a baby so they have access to one again... o_O

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Coming up on 30 myself... I've said over and over since I was like 15 that I never want children. And JUST NOW are people finally starting to lay off of the "you'll change your mind" thing. For the most part. When I scheduled my breast reduction I still got the "u cant breastfeed after!! what about breastfeeding!?!? for ur babby?!?!" and I was like really? This again?
That sucks. So glad I didn't have to endure any of this. Mostly just a few "you'll change your mind" comments from randoms (like co-workers) a while ago but even those were rare, luckily.

Glad to live in a post-birth control world indeed.

I already have four kids, technically
Wait what

Babies, especially, are sooooooo cute.
Meh. Baby animals are way cuter. :D


I'm really not looking forward to the inevitable barrage of people pushing me to make babies once I reach my thirties. I get enough of it from my own family. :/


300chf ain't shit to me
I like the idea of donating eggs. Passing on your genetic material without having to raise that material. And the money, of course.

However, for some reason it's illegal here. :(


I'm definitely on Team Kids. Even as a teenager I knew I wanted to have children when the time was right. I just really like the idea of having a cute baby and raising it. I'd rather do it before I turn 30 as the women in my family have had difficulties conceiving after that age. Also, I'm sure this is a very odd thing to say but I'm kind of looking forward to being pregnant lol. I'm in no hurry, I have plenty of time to plan for bringing a new person (or more) into the world.
I'm only 22, turning 23 this summer.

My boyfriend is the first person I've dated where I've even thought about a kid seriously but even so, thats not enough for me to fully be like "yep im gonna have kids". It's still a solid no despite us both being like "our genetics mushed together would make an adorable little ragamuffin"

We'll have 2 shiba inus and a kitten together instead :>


and a kitten!! * ___ *

awwww yeaaaaaaahhhh babbies~

oooh,thank ye hpropro <3 i love your portrait draws also <3 very lovely <3
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