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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Favorite winter dish? A nice thick beef or chicken based curry and tonkatsu or any kind of hearty stew *O* yuuum

Also sadly I am in Chicago so i cannot be the rescuer :<


I love NANA so much! I laughed, I cried...last I heard the author was not feeling well, and this was years ago. Is she still planning on finishing the series?

I do love slice of life. Really enjoyed Barakamon out of recent anime.

I'm still sad about
Ren's death. Him and Nana were perfection. :(

Unfortunately, I don't know if Nana will ever be finished . . . The author, however, worked on a calendar where she drew art of Nana a few months ago. http://chillwithanime.com/ai-yazawa-draws-new-nana-images-2016-calendar/ Let's hope this means something.

it's getting colder and colder in melbourne, i love it *____* whats your favourite winter / summer dish, girlgaf (i imagine the temperature is rising at your side of the world as it drops at this part of the world.... o spherical world u so craycray)

i had pho the other day and it's such an awesome winter favourite *_____* beef brisket pho and pork ramen are the bestest for the colder months. with chilled beer *_____* omnomnomnomnom

Forgive me for asking, but is it winter right now in Melbourne? :O I hope you're able to stay warm there.

Pork ramen sounds delicious. I've only had chicken and beef flavor. My favorite winter food would be Shepherd's Pie. It's perfect for when it's too cold to go outside and when all you wanna do is stay bundled and warm. xD
Forgive me for asking, but is it winter right now in Melbourne? :O I hope you're able to stay warm there.

Pork ramen sounds delicious. I've only had chicken and beef flavor. My favorite winter food would be Shepherd's Pie. It's perfect for when it's too cold to go outside and when all you wanna do is stay bundled and warm. xD

Sure is getting winter here! But it isn't as cold as our usual winter... I think.

Oooh shepherds pie sounds good.

Also tonkatsu yumyum
Nana is the best omg

You girls would totes be my buddies irl

Ummmm, winter dishes I just like hot food in general. I'm partial to soups then. Summer is whatever. I'll eat whatever.


Sure is getting winter here! But it isn't as cold as our usual winter... I think.

Oooh shepherds pie sounds good.

Also tonkatsu yumyum

Ah, I live in Florida so it's summer here. Although, it hasn't been too hot where I'm at, just been raining and thundering a lot. =/

Haha, Shepherd's pie is very delicious. :) It would go great with a cup of apple cider or hot chocolate.

Mmm, now my mouth is getting watery. xD *eats all the food*

Nana is the best omg

You girls would totes be my buddies irl

Ummmm, winter dishes I just like hot food in general. I'm partial to soups then. Summer is whatever. I'll eat whatever.

:) It's nice meeting more Nana fans.

I've been trying to get my best friend (who's a lot like Nana O.) into the series for, like, almost five years, but she's skeptical due to the hiatus. Can't really blame her, but I hope someday we'll get more chapters.

What kind of soups do you like, by the way? :O I've had potato soup which is soooo good.

Since there's Nana fans on here, does anyone read Paradise Kiss? It's a series from the same author.


Since there's Nana fans on here, does anyone read Paradise Kiss? It's a series from the same author.

Omg yes! Well, i watched the anime. I watched it during a time when i was heavily into shounen stuff, and the atmosphere of Paradise Kiss was extremely different to what i was used to watching. Again, fell in love with it lol. After that i started reading more manga by that author. I can't remember what it was called but there was a supernatural one that was pretty good.


I love hot chocolate on a cold winter's day. especially the type where you dip a chocolate lollipop in hot milk :p
Ah, I live in Florida so it's summer here. Although, it hasn't been too hot where I'm at, just been raining and thundering a lot. =/

Haha, Shepherd's pie is very delicious. :) It would go great with a cup of apple cider or hot chocolate.

Mmm, now my mouth is getting watery. xD *eats all the food*

:) It's nice meeting more Nana fans.

I've been trying to get my best friend (who's a lot like Nana O.) into the series for, like, almost five years, but she's skeptical due to the hiatus. Can't really blame her, but I hope someday we'll get more chapters.

What kind of soups do you like, by the way? :O I've had potato soup which is soooo good.

Since there's Nana fans on here, does anyone read Paradise Kiss? It's a series from the same author.

I've heard of Paradise Kiss, never read. I'll read it. Your friend should read it. Sometimes things are so good that they're worth experiencing the pain of waiting for a new entry, whether it be ASOIAF or Nana.

Soups for me include gumbo (though it's a stew), homemade chicken noodle soup, things like pho. Anything that's got lots of liquid and is hot is my go to meal in the winter.

Another winter food tradition for me is crawfish but I'm trying to limit the amount of meat I consume. I'm on the verge of going full vegetarian.

I love hot chocolate too! Like it more than coffee!


I loved dorohedoro :> that guy with the heart mask and hammer was my jam &#65533;&#65533;


... Now I wanna try lamb gyrooooo

Shin~ yup, he's my favorite! I love most of the characters. Story is nice too. Like a slice of life kinda, but in a horror-ish setting. :)


I love getting hotpot in the winter. Hot and soupy is good. As for summer... I can't think of any specific dish in particular. I guess I drink more iced beverages and bubble tea than usual. lol
Winter food:
- Tonkotsu ramen
- Chili, almost any kind. Black bean especially
- Hot/warm pastrami sandwiches
- Spicy thai food

Summer food:
- Tacos
- Burgers
- Sushi
- Shaved ice


Coconut custard pie and ciders have both been a bit of a fall/winter tradition for me. I like to bake up muffins and sweet potatoes (I loooove sweet potatoes), as well. I recently gained a taste for eggnog, but never tried the alcoholic sort. Maybe this year. :)

Summer? Veggie burgers, sushi, chili, burritos and reubens! :3

Ah, I live in Florida so it's summer here. Although, it hasn't been too hot where I'm at, just been raining and thundering a lot. =/

Since there's Nana fans on here, does anyone read Paradise Kiss? It's a series from the same author.

*gasp* A fellow Floridian?! :3

Never read Paradise Kiss, but I've heard of it. I take it's good?

aaaaah he's an... acquired taste :x hahaha~

what horror does nunu read? :>

Oh, I know. I've seen some of his art. XD
I have been meaning to check out Uzumaki first.

I'm big into horror movies and comics, but I'm trying ti get into the manga side more. The last horror-y manga I've read was Death Note, which was really really engaging but also pretty sexist. :p
hahaha looks like a lot of us love the hot noodle soups for winter foods :> i guess the contrast of having something warm in cold weather adds to the appetite omnomnom

i love sushi for summer, mostly. oh and the chinese steamed chicken is nice too. but i actually think my appetite goes down in the summer because im just too busy complaining about the heat :3

hot chocco is the bomb for winter yo~

Shin~ yup, he's my favorite! I love most of the characters. Story is nice too. Like a slice of life kinda, but in a horror-ish setting. :)

yesh, shin <3 he's the best <3 i love him, but i love everyone in there really. they are all very funny and very quirky :>

Coconut custard pie and ciders have both been a bit of a fall/winter tradition for me. I like to bake up muffins and sweet potatoes (I loooove sweet potatoes), as well. I recently gained a taste for eggnog, but never tried the alcoholic sort. Maybe this year. :)

Summer? Veggie burgers, sushi, chili, burritos and reubens! :3

Oh, I know. I've seen some of his art. XD
I have been meaning to check out Uzumaki first.

I'm big into horror movies and comics, but I'm trying ti get into the manga side more. The last horror-y manga I've read was Death Note, which was really really engaging but also pretty sexist. :p

wow i forgot about baked stuff altogether XD yes! muffins and sweet potatoes are really awesome for winter omg~ my dad used to bake me sweet potatoes when i was a child, it was very nom *_____*

hahaha yeah, uzumaki is a good place to start :> it's really weird. but if you're familiar with HP Lovecraft, his stuff is similar in tone and feel.

oooh deathnote. i readed it but i didnt care for it very much. the art is nice but i've always liked obata-sensei since hikago, which i love dearly

aaah nunu came across from horror movies and comics side ! :D i loves them too.... i was reading Crossed and now Walking Dead. I can use some recs if nunu has them :D
as for movies, the last one that i saw was The Canal. It was pretty cute :>


Omg yes! Well, i watched the anime. I watched it during a time when i was heavily into shounen stuff, and the atmosphere of Paradise Kiss was extremely different to what i was used to watching. Again, fell in love with it lol. After that i started reading more manga by that author. I can't remember what it was called but there was a supernatural one that was pretty good.


I love hot chocolate on a cold winter's day. especially the type where you dip a chocolate lollipop in hot milk :p

Haha, Paradise is very different, especially when you're used to shounen. :) I was the same actually when I first got into the slice of life genre. Have not watched the anime, but the manga was great. Has been years since I read it, though.

Ooh, a supernatural one? *searches* Do you think it would be Kagen no Tsuki? :O

Mmm. Hot chocolate. <3 I love letting a minty candy cane melt in it. Adds more flavor. :D

I've heard of Paradise Kiss, never read. I'll read it. Your friend should read it. Sometimes things are so good that they're worth experiencing the pain of waiting for a new entry, whether it be ASOIAF or Nana.

Soups for me include gumbo (though it's a stew), homemade chicken noodle soup, things like pho. Anything that's got lots of liquid and is hot is my go to meal in the winter.

Another winter food tradition for me is crawfish but I'm trying to limit the amount of meat I consume. I'm on the verge of going full vegetarian.

I love hot chocolate too! Like it more than coffee!

Haha, I hope she does read it. It's crazy how much her and I are like Nana and Hachi. xD It's honestly why it's my favorite manga since I always think of my bestie. :)

Ooh, gumbo. :O I've never had it, but it looks sooo good. Especially shrimp gumbo. *mouth gets watery* Unfortunately, my mom's allergic to seafood, so I usually eat it when she's not around. xD

Homemade chicken noodle soup is satisfying. Same with tomato soup. :)

Coconut custard pie and ciders have both been a bit of a fall/winter tradition for me. I like to bake up muffins and sweet potatoes (I loooove sweet potatoes), as well. I recently gained a taste for eggnog, but never tried the alcoholic sort. Maybe this year. :)

Summer? Veggie burgers, sushi, chili, burritos and reubens! :3

*gasp* A fellow Floridian?! :3

Never read Paradise Kiss, but I've heard of it. I take it's good?

Oh, I know. I've seen some of his art. XD
I have been meaning to check out Uzumaki first.

I'm big into horror movies and comics, but I'm trying ti get into the manga side more. The last horror-y manga I've read was Death Note, which was really really engaging but also pretty sexist. :p

Ah, coconut custard pie. :) My mom actually makes it in a blender. It's sooo good, usually gone within a day, haha.

How do you like eggnog? I didn't like it when I was younger, but I like it now. Kinda tastes like bubblegum to me. :O

You're from Florida as well? What area, may I ask?

I live in Brooksville, north from Tampa.

Edit: My apologies; I got so excited about meeting a fellow Floridian that I skipped over your question about Paradise Kiss. xD It's been years since I read it, but I liked how it was about fashion designers and modeling. :) Bit eccentric from what I remember, but I'd check it out if I were you.

I miss shopping. Can't wait to finally get back on the job horse and have income again :<

Haha, shopping does get addicting. xD I do hope you're enjoying yourself in the meantime, though. Have you been up to anything new, Bento?
Haha, shopping does get addicting. xD I do hope you're enjoying yourself in the meantime, though. Have you been up to anything new, Bento?

Internet shopping is addicting because you can find the cutest shit for so cheap. Makes me want to die lmao

Just skipped out on going to a concert I paid for 2 months ago so I can focus on job hunting. Applied to 7 new places including places that are way too damn fancy for me but I'm still going to give it a shot and cross my fingers. Working for restaurants is a damn shot in the dark.

Aside from that, mostly just playing Dark Souls 3 and hanging out HD while spending way too much time on Tumblr hahaha @.@


Guys I'm hungry






Personally, I'm a french onion soup fan. Especially on a bread bowl. :D I never really grew up on noodle soup, but I did eventually try out tomato soup later in life. Loved it immediately, even moreso with cheese.

Mint with chocolate is also the best. Hot coco, ice cream, anything. <3

wow i forgot about baked stuff altogether XD yes! muffins and sweet potatoes are really awesome for winter omg~ my dad used to bake me sweet potatoes when i was a child, it was very nom *_____*

hahaha yeah, uzumaki is a good place to start :> it's really weird. but if you're familiar with HP Lovecraft, his stuff is similar in tone and feel.

oooh deathnote. i readed it but i didnt care for it very much. the art is nice but i've always liked obata-sensei since hikago, which i love dearly

aaah nunu came across from horror movies and comics side ! :D i loves them too.... i was reading Crossed and now Walking Dead. I can use some recs if nunu has them :D
as for movies, the last one that i saw was The Canal. It was pretty cute :>

Sweet potatoes fries are a personal favorite of mine. I've been learning to make them on my own, with marshmallow dip. :) I also really like lemon poppyseed muffins (and most lemon pastries in general, really)!

Oh, comic recs? :D Should've figured it was inevitable, given what I do, haha.

What sort of stories do you usually enjoy reading?

Ah, coconut custard pie. :) My mom actually makes it in a blender. It's sooo good, usually gone within a day, haha.

How do you like eggnog? I didn't like it when I was younger, but I like it now. Kinda tastes like bubblegum to me. :O

You're from Florida as well? What area, may I ask?

I live in Brooksville, north from Tampa.

Edit: My apologies; I got so excited about meeting a fellow Floridian that I skipped over your question about Paradise Kiss. xD It's been years since I read it, but I liked how it was about fashion designers and modeling. :) Bit eccentric from what I remember, but I'd check it out if I were you.

So far, I've just had Publix-brand eggnog. XD No one in my family has ever known how to make it. I was tempted to try it with vodka, but we ran out of the latter before I could. It was my first time trying eggnog last year, and it is way more delicious than it has any right to be. :p

I live further south, around the Ft. Lauderdale area. :)

Thanks for the rec! <3

Aside from that, mostly just playing Dark Souls 3 and hanging out HD while spending way too much time on Tumblr hahaha @.@

How is Dark Souls III? I was thinking about picking it up on PS4 as soon as my income picks up again.


Do you like Souls games? If so you will looooove that one. It's really quite amazing.

I'm new to Souls, like I said earlier. I do have DS2 on Steam (which I need to start playing again, buuuut broken PC ;_;), but outside of that nothing. I was debating between trying DS3 or Bloodborne.


I've been in Georgia for the past two days and have not given a fuck about my strict diet cause I deserve sweet and greasy southern food.

Hush puppies are &#128525;&#128525;&#128525;
infinite steak :O




Personally, I'm a french onion soup fan. Especially on a bread bowl. :D I never really grew up on noodle soup, but I did eventually try out tomato soup later in life. Loved it immediately, even moreso with cheese.

Mint with chocolate is also the best. Hot coco, ice cream, anything. <3

Sweet potatoes fries are a personal favorite of mine. I've been learning to make them on my own, with marshmallow dip. :) I also really like lemon poppyseed muffins (and most lemon pastries in general, really)!

Oh, comic recs? :D Should've figured it was inevitable, given what I do, haha.

What sort of stories do you usually enjoy reading?

oooh i should try french onion soups. sounds so lovely *____*

and yesh i love those soups served in bread bowls too, they are very yummy

oyesyes lemon pastries are too delightful oyesyesyes

oh as for comics, i like things that are sort of have concluded arcs. i used to read Fables and Runaways and Y the Last Man and then i moved on to Walking Dead and Crossed. I liked Fables. It was pretty, too :> oh and arkham assylum was gorgeous too *_____* so anything in that vein...

ps. what does nunu do??? : D sorry im oblivious waaaah


I've been in Georgia for the past two days and have not given a fuck about my strict diet cause I deserve sweet and greasy southern food.

Hush puppies are &#55357;&#56845;&#55357;&#56845;&#55357;&#56845;

I had hush puppies once when I went over to a gaming store to play D&D. Always wanted to try making them, myself. :eek:

oooh i should try french onion soups. sounds so lovely *____*

and yesh i love those soups served in bread bowls too, they are very yummy

oyesyes lemon pastries are too delightful oyesyesyes

oh as for comics, i like things that are sort of have concluded arcs. i used to read Fables and Runaways and Y the Last Man and then i moved on to Walking Dead and Crossed. I liked Fables. It was pretty, too :> oh and arkham assylum was gorgeous too *_____* so anything in that vein...

ps. what does nunu do??? : D sorry im oblivious waaaah

I love lemons so much. And pineapple. And peaches. :3

Oooh, you have no idea how much of a Runaways fan I am. XD I'm sad to say that I've yet to read Y the Last Man or Fables. I wanted to check out the latter since I finished The Wolf Among Us, but I procrastinate. A lot. Were you always a comic fan?

Like I said, I got a job doing retail at a comic book store opening next week. :)


what are hush puppiiieessss

arent they shoes :3

It's a fried cornbread batter :3 I looked it up and it's usually served with seafood, which is what I had for dinner (I got a catfish platter).

It was really sweet and savory! I think they might have either put some onion flavoring in it which ended up being really good :3
Ate the grossest sushi ever tonight and it wasn't even bought from a convenience store but a restaurant where the total bill was over 60 dollars. Jesus Christ. Thankfully we split it.


It's a fried cornbread batter :3 I looked it up and it's usually served with seafood, which is what I had for dinner (I got a catfish platter).

It was really sweet and savory! I think they might have either put some onion flavoring in it which ended up being really good :3

Oooh, nice. :3 Speaking of seafood, who else here likes calamari?

Ate the grossest sushi ever tonight and it wasn't even bought from a convenience store but a restaurant where the total bill was over 60 dollars. Jesus Christ. Thankfully we split it.

Bad sushi is the wooooorst. D:


Ate the grossest sushi ever tonight and it wasn't even bought from a convenience store but a restaurant where the total bill was over 60 dollars. Jesus Christ. Thankfully we split it.

Bad expensive sushi is so depressing. The best I've always had was cheap $2.50 sushi rolls at restaurants in Brooklyn.

A new sushi place opened nearby where I live in Chicago and their opening prices are similar to what I used to pay in NY. So good and not a wallet killer :)

Oooh, nice. :3 Speaking of seafood, who else here likes calamari?

Love calamari! I'm a big seafood fan :) unfortunately I always eat it when I go out because my boyfriend doesn't like most seafood, so we never have any at home to cook :x

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Calamari is great! As is sushi. Which I used to hate because my first experience was bad... so I went years without sushi, but tried it again more or less recently and now I love it! Go figure.
Bad expensive sushi is so depressing. The best I've always had was cheap $2.50 sushi rolls at restaurants in Brooklyn.

A new sushi place opened nearby where I live in Chicago and their opening prices are similar to what I used to pay in NY. So good and not a wallet killer :)

Love calamari! I'm a big seafood fan :) unfortunately I always eat it when I go out because my boyfriend doesn't like most seafood, so we never have any at home to cook :x

My local Kroger makes sushi. They have their own seasoned sushi makers and everything. It's some of the best sushi I've ever had. I can't believe it beats out a lot of restaurant sushi I eat.

I love calamari and seafood but I feel so guilty for contributing to animal extinction and over fishing. And here I am eating sushi I think sucks.

I really need to go vegetarian.


Fried calamari and squid are great, but my favorite are fried baby octopus. So good!

I had spicy baby octopus once. It was pretty nice!

I went to a Kroger for the first time today! Didn't know they had sushi. I'm leaving Georgia before my boyfriend tomorrow, so maybe I'll tell them to try it out &#128539;

This is my first time hearing about Kroger. There is one in my area, but I didn't know it even existed until now. :eek:


My local Kroger makes sushi. They have their own seasoned sushi makers and everything. It's some of the best sushi I've ever had. I can't believe it beats out a lot of restaurant sushi I eat.

I love calamari and seafood but I feel so guilty for contributing to animal extinction and over fishing. And here I am eating sushi I think sucks.

I really need to go vegetarian.

I went to a Kroger for the first time today! Didn't know they had sushi. I'm leaving Georgia before my boyfriend tomorrow, so maybe I'll tell them to try it out &#128539;
I went to a Kroger for the first time today! Didn't know they had sushi. I'm leaving Georgia before my boyfriend tomorrow, so maybe I'll tell them to try it out &#128539;

Not all do. It's a newer store and it's a dedicated section. It's the first Kroger I've seen with sushi in it that doesn't look garbo. They have trained sushi masters making it. I don't think it's an everyday Kroger thing. Could be wrong.
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