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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Still listening to metal :p and game music lately, what with all these OST voting threads (still salty Chrono Trigger beat the superior FFVI, ah well).

During my Seattle trip I visited a cool metal record store called Zion's Gate Records. It was mostly vinyl-oriented, but they did have a good selection of CDs and t-shirts too. And man, just as I enter, I hear the intro of Deströyer 666's Unchain the Wolves, couldn't be more inviting. <3 I picked up Unleashed's Shadows in the Deep there, it was cheap and on my wishlist for a while. Plus a Bolt Thrower t-shirt
(and a birthday present shirt for my bf, hope he's not reading this xD)
because hey, I have two already, but you can never have too many Bolt Thrower shirts...


Gotta love the masses who still feel that not wanting sex is some strange new phenomenon. Remember folks, virginity makes you a loser. :/


is a goddamn bear
Gotta love the masses who still feel that not wanting sex is some strange new phenomenon. Remember folks, virginity makes you a loser. :/

LOL its hilarious isn't it? I'm not a virgin (I've had one partner) but I see nothing wrong with people choosing to avoid sex. It's your body and if you want to wait, that's your right. Why people trying to police what other people do with their sex life or lack thereof is pretty creepy.


Gotta love the masses who still feel that not wanting sex is some strange new phenomenon. Remember folks, virginity makes you a loser. :/

Hahaha yep. Reading that thread now. Why do I do this to myself when most of GAF apparently thinks I'm a huge loser and being asexual isn't real? I don't know. I do think I am a (non-sexual) masochist haha.
i haven't listened to oh inverted world by the shins in a long ass time and i spun it today while working. i almost forgot how it's just such a great album and probably one of the greatest (and most influential) debut albums ever. everyone knows new slang, but the album has truly great songs front to back and the imagery in the lyrics is really awesome. i can't believe that album turned 15 this summer

I only know their "big" songs. Recommend me 5 of your favorites and I'll listen to them on my way home (assuming the songs are on Spotify)


LOL its hilarious isn't it? I'm not a virgin (I've had one partner) but I see nothing wrong with people choosing to avoid sex. It's your body and if you want to wait, that's your right. Why people trying to police what other people do with their sex life or lack thereof is pretty creepy.

Don't forget the even creepier messaging about our apparent responsibility to "continue the species".
There's a special sort of hell in store for those of us whom, from a young age of course, are informed that we are actually the straight up last of the family line so you'd best perform up to Sword of Damocles-like expectations or else.
I totally get and understand being asexual, even if I can't relate to it. With that in mind, it's good to know something like that before getting deep into a relationship.

There's a special sort of hell in store for those of us whom, from a young age of course, are informed that we are actually the straight up last of the family line so you'd best perform up to Sword of Damocles-like expectations or else.

I'm sort of surprised at that, considering if that's a concern you're probably somewhat traditional, and the more traditional the more likely you are to subscribe to men continuing lines as opposed to women.

That said, I do feel bad for my mom, as she wants grandchildren and considering I'm divorced and my sister has awful taste in men, seems unlikely anytime soon.


I only know their "big" songs. Recommend me 5 of your favorites and I'll listen to them on my way home (assuming the songs are on Spotify)

sweet. try out:

gone for good
know your onion
girl on the wing
sea legs
fighting in a sack

those songs are pretty different from each other

oh, inverted world isn't that long of a album either if you wanna try that out

are you listening to anything cool? i think you mentioned you like brand new, they've been dropping some new stuff lately, have ya checked that out?

Don't forget the even creepier messaging about our apparent responsibility to "continue the species".

yeah man, that shit is really wack.
I recently came out to my parents as bisexual and they're already concerned for my progeny. Fortunately my brother just got married and they really want kids so continuation of the family line is almost guaranteed.


There's a special sort of hell in store for those of us whom, from a young age of course, are informed that we are actually the straight up last of the family line so you'd best perform up to Sword of Damocles-like expectations or else.

I recently came out to my parents as bisexual and they're already concerned for my progeny. Fortunately my brother just got married and they really want kids so continuation of the family line is almost guaranteed.

I'm really fortunate as the second youngest of eight(nearly everyone else is paired off and/or has kids). I'm openly bi, chemically castrated myself(HRT), and can have sex as much or as little as I want. My mom doesn't care, as long as I stay healthy and happy.


Wow, and I thought being one of four siblings was a lot!

Six of them are half-siblings(two from my mom's prior relationships, four from my dad's). Only my little sister and I share the same parents, but yeah, there's a ton of us. I have nieces that are around my age, and have four great-nieces and nephews. I'm only 30.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I'm sort of surprised at that, considering if that's a concern you're probably somewhat traditional, and the more traditional the more likely you are to subscribe to men continuing lines as opposed to women.

That said, I do feel bad for my mom, as she wants grandchildren and considering I'm divorced and my sister has awful taste in men, seems unlikely anytime soon.

Thank goodness my older brother took care of the grandchildren business. I'm free to do as I please lol
I recently came out to my parents as bisexual and they're already concerned for my progeny. Fortunately my brother just got married and they really want kids so continuation of the family line is almost guaranteed.

I'm really fortunate as the second youngest of eight(nearly everyone else is paired off and/or has kids). I'm openly bi, chemically castrated myself(HRT), and can have sex as much or as little as I want. My mom doesn't care, as long as I stay healthy and happy.

I can only imagine. I didn't know there were many other LGTBQ women on here. I had posted a little bit in the LGBTQ thread, but I still felt a little out of place there. I think the vast majority in there are gay men and I'm a lesbian so there are some cultural and social differences.


I can only imagine. I didn't know there were many other LGTBQ women on here. I had posted a little bit in the LGBTQ thread, but I still felt a little out of place there. I think the vast majority in there are gay men and I'm a lesbian so there are some cultural and social differences.

I'm bi and trans, and when I visited the LGTBQ thread a couple of years ago, I felt the same way you do. I don't post much in the communities I do follow(like this one), but I feel some connection to the posters and the discourse in those threads, and I just didn't there.


is a goddamn bear
Don't forget the even creepier messaging about our apparent responsibility to "continue the species".

YES because we're totes going extinct.

I swear some people give the wackiest reasons why other people should listen to them over their own convictions. When it comes to things like sex, drugs, careers, and religion, to each their own - my stance ofc. If you ain't hurting no one, it's nobody else business lol
high fucking five dude. that does indeed sound awesome.

i got a question for girl gaf: what are you guys listening to lately? i know we've had music chat in here before, but i know people get into certain moods or certain music for certain reasons. or a podcast. i'm cool with discussing that too. i'd love to hear recommendations.

i haven't listened to oh inverted world by the shins in a long ass time and i spun it today while working. i almost forgot how it's just such a great album and probably one of the greatest (and most influential) debut albums ever. everyone knows new slang, but the album has truly great songs front to back and the imagery in the lyrics is really awesome. i can't believe that album turned 15 this summer

I haven't been listening to new music that much at all this year compared to the past two years. I probably won't be making another best in underground hip-hop thread this year.

What I have listened to new or new for me are Oddisee's The Odd Tape, Crush by Yuna and Usher, Nehzuil, Sammus's 1080p, and some Rihanna remixes. Still bumpin my 90s r&b and hip-hop too.
Saw this article pop up on my tumblr feed about stigmas of black fashion and also about the empowerment involved.

following patrons around as if they are going to steal something,
This in particular happened to me the last time I went to the one in my old neighborhood.

Shout out to my sistas who used to wear the bamboo earrings with your name on it. When it mentioned the light up belts, that took me back. I never did some of those "ghetto" braids and other styles. I thought they looked tacky.
sweet. try out:

gone for good
know your onion
girl on the wing
sea legs
fighting in a sack

those songs are pretty different from each other

oh, inverted world isn't that long of a album either if you wanna try that out

are you listening to anything cool? i think you mentioned you like brand new, they've been dropping some new stuff lately, have ya checked that out?

Thanks! I liked Gone for Good and I loved Sea Legs. Haven't gotten to the last one yet. The other two didn't grab me.

Yeah, I've been listening to their releases! The last three actually have been polished up versions of demos from the Devil and God days so I'm pretty happy with them!

I wish they'd stop teasing and just release an album already though.


There's a special sort of hell in store for those of us whom, from a young age of course, are informed that we are actually the straight up last of the family line so you'd best perform up to Sword of Damocles-like expectations or else.
Yeah I got that. Its highly unlikely that ill have a genetic kid ever. Adopted kid would disappoint my family I think but its not a huge difference to me
I can only imagine. I didn't know there were many other LGTBQ women on here. I had posted a little bit in the LGBTQ thread, but I still felt a little out of place there. I think the vast majority in there are gay men and I'm a lesbian so there are some cultural and social differences.
I think we all independently felt the same way about that thread haha


I can only imagine. I didn't know there were many other LGTBQ women on here. I had posted a little bit in the LGBTQ thread, but I still felt a little out of place there. I think the vast majority in there are gay men and I'm a lesbian so there are some cultural and social differences.

I want to live in there but I think asexuals don't really fit in there. I will try to post sometimes though :'(


I want to live in there but I think asexuals don't really fit in there. I will try to post sometimes though :'(

I'm ace/biromantic. To say I can't relate to 90% of the stuff going on in there is an understatement haha.
But I can't really blame them when the thing they pretty much all have in common is their sexuality :p


I'm ace/biromantic. To say I can't relate to 90% of the stuff going on in there is an understatement haha.
But I can't really blame them when the thing they pretty much all have in common is their sexuality :p



I'm asexual, demisexual at most. It's hard when a lot of people don't really get it, so it's always nice to know there are more of us out there.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I'm bi and mostly avoid the LGBTQ thread. For it being named that it might as well be called the G thread.
Yeah, same pretty much. Im more pan than bi. Misha has my exact number, lol. She pegged me in Fake GAF from my love of sex with anyone/annoyance with anything close to a relationship.

Pegging may be a bad choice of words given the context, lol...


I can only imagine. I didn't know there were many other LGTBQ women on here. I had posted a little bit in the LGBTQ thread, but I still felt a little out of place there. I think the vast majority in there are gay men and I'm a lesbian so there are some cultural and social differences.

I think that's the general feeling GAF has as a whole in regards to that topic.

And yes, I don't hide my LGBTQ-ness. :p

Bi/Pan/Demi, etc.

high fucking five dude. that does indeed sound awesome.

i got a question for girl gaf: what are you guys listening to lately? i know we've had music chat in here before, but i know people get into certain moods or certain music for certain reasons. or a podcast. i'm cool with discussing that too. i'd love to hear recommendations.

i haven't listened to oh inverted world by the shins in a long ass time and i spun it today while working. i almost forgot how it's just such a great album and probably one of the greatest (and most influential) debut albums ever. everyone knows new slang, but the album has truly great songs front to back and the imagery in the lyrics is really awesome. i can't believe that album turned 15 this summer

I love The Shins! They were so relaxing and infectious. Really great word-play too. I need to listen to Oh Inverted World more often, I liked it but it's been a while.

As far as music I've listened to lately?
Well, I'm usually up for most any music. That said lately I've been listening to a lot of folk, random music samplers, and Life Is Strange's OST and Oxenfree's OST.

From music samplers:
Weight by Mikal Cronin
Not sure why it works for me but it does.

The Very Modern Dance by Destroyer
It has a sorta classic sound to it. Especially with the vocals and piano. I'd say David Bowie-esque but I don't like him as much as I used to after learning more about the man.

Front of the House by Superchunk. I like indie rock/punkish songs. It's pretty tame as a song but I enjoy it.

Samplers have made me check out more of those artists at least. Others I could list but I don't want to be listing too much. I actually started looking at samplers because I love The Mountain Goats and saw I could get "The Best Ever Death Meal Band Out of Denton" for free from a sampler so I just dl'd the whole album cause why not. I love discovering new bands! ^.^

As far as folk goes it's mostly been AJJ, The Mountain Goats, The Wild and some other stuff.
Standouts from AJJ recent album for me:
Temple Grandin Too
Linda Ronstadt

TMG recent album:
Hair Match

TMG in particular stand out for me because Darnielle is one of the greatest lyricists out there. Least I think so. His songs feel very personal to me and really hit me hard at times.

The Wild:
Burn Up In The Setting Sun.
New Bedford (A Better Life)
This is a pretty far comparison but I feel the way this band tells stories it just reminds me of Dylan in a way. Idk why tbh.

For the next few video game ones, obvi don't read the comments or look at related videos :p

And from LiS the standouts have been:
Santa Monica Dream by Angus & Julia Stone. It's just a very laidback song. It's so warm and peaceful.

Mt. Washington by Local Natives
Probably the best ending song for an episode. IMO anyway. It just really hit hard for me with what happened in the game. And I really dig the music a lot so *shrugs*.

From Oxenfree:
Ephihany Fields. The build-up of the chaotic cacophony in this song is so delightful.

Beacon Beach It feels very down-tempo and I dig it for mostly that reason to be honest. It's just....something about the way it feels just clicks for me.

Cold Comfort
It's got this certain sense of wonder to it but there's also this dark undertone. I feel it anyway and that juxtaposition works so well for me.

These songs from the Insider's EP/Side Stories EP of Oxenfree have really grasped my attention in particular too:
Better Not Go Alone.

Operation Olympic
I just think those are fun songs. Especially Operation Olympic.

If you can't tell Oxenfree is basically my GOTY. :p I've played it like 5 times now. The new game + one of those times since it's newer.

Oh and I've been listening to Mystery Skulls which is more upbeat and dance-like.

My post is a link-storm.
Yeah, same pretty much. Im more pan than bi. Misha has my exact number, lol. She pegged me in Fake GAF from my love of sex with anyone/annoyance with anything close to a relationship.

Pegging may be a bad choice of words given the context, lol...

You beat me to it, but yeah, I was thinking of something more explicit?

I'm bi but I prefer men more strongly. Pussy and boobs are great, but I prefer dick, manly chests, and big muscles. Also, I can't imagine being with a woman in a relationship for some reason? I usually just say I'm straight because my sexual preference is that strong, but recently my bi leanings have definitely been more...pronounced. Like, I'll be walking around work and see an attractive woman, check her out, and think "I'd eat her puss out." But I like dick, balls, and man sweat too much. Thank goodness I'm taken. <3

At the very least I can say I have experienced both fruits! The pleasures of being bi.


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Wow, now I feel alone being a cis straight girl in this thread!

(I'm not even remotely serious, of course xD)

Don't forget the even creepier messaging about our apparent responsibility to "continue the species".
What the... what?

Dare I ask what thread this is....


I'm trans and pan. I usually just say I'm bi since it seems like most people don;t know what pan means.

Yeah, I'm likely pan as well, but I always say I'm bi because it seems to fit better. I've only fallen for people that identify within the binary, but that's also the vast majority of people in general.




I'm asexual, demisexual at most. It's hard when a lot of people don't really get it, so it's always nice to know there are more of us out there.
It's kinda weird to think of a lack of something being something that you can relate to but it's definitely comforting to hear you're not alone. It's just nice to know that you're not defective :/
Wow, now I feel alone being a cis straight girl in this thread!

(I'm not even remotely serious, of course xD)
That's an increasingly common sentiment in FakeGAF too :p (well minus the girl part)


gonna check these tracks out and post before I have to get back to work today

Still listening to metal :p and game music lately, what with all these OST voting threads (still salty Chrono Trigger beat the superior FFVI, ah well).

During my Seattle trip I visited a cool metal record store called Zion's Gate Records. It was mostly vinyl-oriented, but they did have a good selection of CDs and t-shirts too. And man, just as I enter, I hear the intro of Deströyer 666's Unchain the Wolves, couldn't be more inviting. <3 I picked up Unleashed's Shadows in the Deep there, it was cheap and on my wishlist for a while. Plus a Bolt Thrower t-shirt
(and a birthday present shirt for my bf, hope he's not reading this xD)
because hey, I have two already, but you can never have too many Bolt Thrower shirts...

i'm gonna have to check out that record store next time i go north. i collect records, but it's been a while since i've been into metal. i like 80's slash and some classic metal, but i haven't been into anything more contemporary. which OSTs have you been listening to?

Thanks! I liked Gone for Good and I loved Sea Legs. Haven't gotten to the last one yet. The other two didn't grab me.

Yeah, I've been listening to their releases! The last three actually have been polished up versions of demos from the Devil and God days so I'm pretty happy with them!

I wish they'd stop teasing and just release an album already though.

for real.

i really like mene, sealed to me, and i am a nightmare, which are songs that i suspect will be on LP5 if they ever decide to release it. and the demos are cool, although one of my favorite songs from that tape is fork an knife, i wish they put it on wax with the other demos since there's both a demo and a cleaned up version. whats your favorite song from the demos? a lot of people like 1996, that's an excellent song. i also like the dark downtuned guitars in nobody moves

they're coming to san jose in october with the front bottoms and modern baseball(!) so it looks like i'm gonna go see them again lol. i have a problem

I haven't been listening to new music that much at all this year compared to the past two years. I probably won't be making another best in underground hip-hop thread this year.

What I have listened to new or new for me are Oddisee's The Odd Tape, Crush by Yuna and Usher, Nehzuil, Sammus's 1080p, and some Rihanna remixes. Still bumpin my 90s r&b and hip-hop too.

wow, i am REALLY digging the odd tape. love instrumental hip-hop for sure. I sent it to my friend who i think would for sure enjoy it (he likes badbadnotgood and such). also that sammus song is fucking incredible. i really dig the authenticity and honesty of it. her flow is hella good. I've heard nehzuil and she's also amazing. you have excellent taste

My post is a link-storm.

lol no worries

i get why that mikal cronin song works. when the drums and the tamborine kick in the song just has this really awesome momentum that it builds into the choruses really well. the super fuzzy rocky guitar is really sick.

i love superchunk. they are very much in my wheelhouse.

AJJ, TMG and the Wild are awesome. do you like kevin devine?

the destroyer song is cool, and it certainly wears it's 70's bowie influences on it's sleeve.

oxenfree is cool. i'm only like a few chillwave artists or whatever the kids are calling it these days but i'm still digging those tracks. i like the mood that they're angling for, obvious game influences too are always a plus. out of all those tracks I think i like beacon beach the most. i'm not sure if you like other chillwave but do you like slow magic? here's a good track of theirs https://slowmagic.bandcamp.com/track/girls

your picks are really good, thanks for sharing.


is a goddamn bear
I'm demisexual and pansexual. I get attracted to people regardless of their gender/sex, all I need is feel an emotional connection.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
i'm gonna have to check out that record store next time i go north. i collect records, but it's been a while since i've been into metal. i like 80's slash and some classic metal, but i haven't been into anything more contemporary. which OSTs have you been listening to?
Mostly 16-bit ones since there was a voting thread about the best Gen 4 OSTs.

Here is my ballot in that thread, with a bunch of youtube links (few of my votes made the top results, lol... poor Sega Genesis being ignored as always):
for real.

i really like mene, sealed to me, and i am a nightmare, which are songs that i suspect will be on LP5 if they ever decide to release it. and the demos are cool, although one of my favorite songs from that tape is fork an knife, i wish they put it on wax with the other demos since there's both a demo and a cleaned up version. whats your favorite song from the demos? a lot of people like 1996, that's an excellent song. i also like the dark downtuned guitars in nobody moves

they're coming to san jose in october with the front bottoms and modern baseball(!) so it looks like i'm gonna go see them again lol. i have a problem

I love Missing You and 1996 the best... Missing You's chorus gets stuck in my head. Brother's Song sounds like a weird mix of old and new that doesn't quite work for me. Kind of reminds me of an immature Degausser (a song I love) for some reason.

You're right, (Fork and Knife) is excellent, been one of my favorites since the album came out and the polished version was released.

I just missed seeing them in Portland because I couldn't find anybody who wanted to go with me :(


...did someone clone me? :eek:

I'm pansexual, demisexual and trans so *shrugs*

There's a million clones of you, everywhere, hehe.

I'm demisexual with a high sexdrive. the real curse.

I feel that.

lol no worries

i get why that mikal cronin song works. when the drums and the tamborine kick in the song just has this really awesome momentum that it builds into the choruses really well. the super fuzzy rocky guitar is really sick.

i love superchunk. they are very much in my wheelhouse.

AJJ, TMG and the Wild are awesome. do you like kevin devine?

the destroyer song is cool, and it certainly wears it's 70's bowie influences on it's sleeve.

oxenfree is cool. i'm only like a few chillwave artists or whatever the kids are calling it these days but i'm still digging those tracks. i like the mood that they're angling for, obvious game influences too are always a plus. out of all those tracks I think i like beacon beach the most. i'm not sure if you like other chillwave but do you like slow magic? here's a good track of theirs https://slowmagic.bandcamp.com/track/girls

your picks are really good, thanks for sharing.

I'd say that's it, hehe. I love a good multi-instrument mix. Especially incorporation of brass. It's got some great power behind it.

I don't know much of Superchunk, what would you suggest of theirs? I get a sorta Bomb the Music Industry! vibe from them and I loved BtMI!. In terms of attitude not necessarily in terms of instrumentation all the time.

I don't know Kevin Devine. What songs would you suggest of his? Who is he similar to?

Incoming mini-link storm. :p

Oh also, speaking of folk, forgot to list two others I've been listening to a lot lately.
David Dondero: Rothko Chapel
It's Peaceful Here
The Stars Are My Chandelier
I could go on with songs from him too. I love his lyricism. He's up there with Darnielle for one of my favorite lyricists.

Nana Grizol: Tambourine N Thyme

They seem to have been partially inspired by Dondero since they have a cover of one of his songs in their album Love It Love It. I also really love their use of brass and how they incorporate into their folk music. It just has a dreamlike quality to it at times. Apparently they also have ex-band members from Neutral Milk Hotel which is kinda neat.

Also Tambourine N Thyme is like one of the cutest songs ever, I swear.

Also been listening to a lot of Miracles of Modern Science. I love their "orchestral rock". It's very infectious.
Phsyics Is Our Business
Eating Me Alive
Dear Pressure

Hehe, the only genre classifications I know for electronica are: IDM (OMG, Plaid is so good), vaporwave (obvi this isn't vaporwave) and I guess chillwave??? I love the stuff but don't pay too much attention to genre specifications.

I don't know Slow Magic but wow that's really great! I dig it a lot. ^.^ I'll have to look into Slow Magic more.
Thank you for sharing!

And of course! Happy to share! :)


TBH fuck the family line. I'm changing my last name and I won't (can't) bear on my own. My family is found.

I can only imagine. I didn't know there were many other LGTBQ women on here. I had posted a little bit in the LGBTQ thread, but I still felt a little out of place there. I think the vast majority in there are gay men and I'm a lesbian so there are some cultural and social differences.

I feel like I'm the only lesbian in that thread sometimes, though even then most of what I do is lurk.


I'm glad you feel the freedom to detach yourself like that.

I actually really like my family though, which feels like a weird thing to confess online.

My dad and uncle both passed away last month, just a little over a week apart, so I've been around family recently more than at any other point in my life(I didn't see my dad's side much growing up, then I sort of stopped seeing everyone since college). I like my family, and this last month has reinforced that, but some of them are such assholes that it can be a struggle.

OTOH, I've reconnected with my cousins and their families, and I'm really glad, because they're all pretty dope in their own ways, and we all plan on keeping in touch moving forward.
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