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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


I had to give up fighting games. I rarely play now and my stick is taunting me ever since I got my work schedule change.

It's hard for me to hang out with friends because I work weekends and Tuesday and Wednesday are my days off. And we all know weekday nights are a bit slow or busy for most people and they generally don't have time to hang out then. So because of that, I've gotten closer to my boyfriend, co-workers, and my BJJ teammates.

Going to a boardwalk sounds nice! Did you sketch anything while there?

I try to watch tv while doing art but I find it hard to concentrate on doing art and watching tv at the same time. I wish I could do what you do but I don't think I can. Tips? It'd help clear my tv plate so I can spend more time doing other stuff on my "weekends" (Tues and Wed).

Last night my boyfriend and I made homemade sweet potato chips. Then we ate them while we watched Stranger Things and I played Pokemon. Multi tasking! I had forgotten how awesome handheld games are about being able to watch something with your partner while also playing a game.

I have been doing BJJ 7 months-ish. I also lift weights at the gym. Lifting tonight with my bf and spending quality time together. I could do a lot more art but as a former obese girl I feel like if I don't keep it up I'll get fat again. It's not something I'm willing to do because it's a core part of my identity now I guess? When I was sick the other week and had a rash I felt claustrophobic and antsy without doing exercise just like how I feel if I don't get to draw. I'm hoping that when I move to attend Watts things will be easier to manage in terms of time but it probably won't. Hopefully time open up eventually as my art improves.

What is your goal in terms of illustration career? Mine is to be an environmental artist (either pre-production in concept art or production) for animated films.

one thing that's cool about moving to socal is that in addition to cool ateliers and schools there are also a ton of legendary bjj gyms down there too

the boardwalk is really nice. i did sketch. there was a bulldozer on the beach that i drew. sketch turned out no good but it's one for the "visual library". the rest of the time i just did rides, ate fried vegetables and beer.

well, i had to stop watching stranger things because i couldn't pay attention it when i was drawing. usually something really dialogue-heavy works. comedies are good. something you don't have to look up and "watch" every five seconds. something disposable like a sitcom.

i'm envious of your healthy lifestyle. i used to run but then i fainted out of nowhere last summer so i've been laying off the exertion. getting a physical next week, so i'm hoping the doc will give me the go ahead especially since i've quit eating red meat and chicken. i'm not overweight or anything so there hasn't been a ton of urgency there

7 months, wow. what is a normal class like? in class we would just do warmups, learn a technique, practice that and then do passing drills. the last part was my favorite. learn any techniques that you like? i really miss it. right before i had to stop i truly realized how bjj is an art.

my end goal is to just eventually be a concept artist, or have a preproduction job at a studio with cool people. normal visdev stuff. what inspired you to do environments for animation? what kind of stuff inspires you?

I've never tried a martial art, but I would like to learn. I think I'd suck at it though.

sucking is the first step to getting good :)
one thing that's cool about moving to socal is that in addition to cool ateliers and schools there are also a ton of legendary bjj gyms down there too

the boardwalk is really nice. i did sketch. there was a bulldozer on the beach that i drew. sketch turned out no good but it's one for the "visual library". the rest of the time i just did rides, ate fried vegetables and beer.

well, i had to stop watching stranger things because i couldn't pay attention it when i was drawing. usually something really dialogue-heavy works. comedies are good. something you don't have to look up and "watch" every five seconds. something disposable like a sitcom.

i'm envious of your healthy lifestyle. i used to run but then i fainted out of nowhere last summer so i've been laying off the exertion. getting a physical next week, so i'm hoping the doc will give me the go ahead especially since i've quit eating red meat and chicken. i'm not overweight or anything so there hasn't been a ton of urgency there

7 months, wow. what is a normal class like? in class we would just do warmups, learn a technique, practice that and then do passing drills. the last part was my favorite. learn any techniques that you like? i really miss it. right before i had to stop i truly realized how bjj is an art.

my end goal is to just eventually be a concept artist, or have a preproduction job at a studio with cool people. normal visdev stuff. what inspired you to do environments for animation? what kind of stuff inspires you?

I never thought about that benefit moving to SoCal but you're quite right. Even more reason to make the move.

What do you mean visual library? You mean learning how to draw a bulldozer? That's something I've been trying to concentrate on: learning to draw and paint everything. I really enjoy realism for that reason, which is why Watts and other Ateliers appeal to me - their devotion to realist painting.

Comedies, huh? Seems like a good opportunity to go through Bob's Burgers while I do art. Any show suggestions?

Don't be envious. It took me a long time to make these changes. I used to hate exercise because I equated "exercise" with "running on a treadmill". I thought it was all boring and had no idea how people went through it. It wasn't until I decided enough was enough and to search for a martial art that I began to appreciate exercise and fitness. So it's still recent for me (2 and a half years).

Blacking out doesn't sound too good. Did the doctor ever come up with a diagnosis? Have you visited a cardiologist to see if there's a hidden heart problem? Sorry to bring that up and potentially scare you but now I'm worried.

A normal Fundamental BJJ class are warm ups (forward rolls, shrimping, burpees, 25 squats, 25 push ups, 25 jumping jacks). In the advanced class they do crazy shit like pick up a partner and run around the dojo with them on their shoulders. I remember the first time I witnessed it I thought they were all super human. I can't imagine me doing that yet and I can lift some heavy stuff. After warm ups, we drill technique. We learn about 2 or 3 techniques a class. After learning a tech, we then practice it on a partner. Then the coach goes on to the next technique, and then we drill that. At the end of the class, we roll (spar for those who don't know) for 4-5 minutes (last night the timer was broken) and then go on to the next person. We tend to roll with two people a night. At the regular BJJ classes, we'll end up rolling with three people. Then we bow, and pat each other on the back.

Concept art huh? :) Funny how we're going for similar stuff. Well, animation has always been what I wanted to do. But I fucked up when I was young and didn't go to animation school because my parents didn't really allow it and I didn't fight for myself. I ended up giving up, but I decided in the past few years that I'm going to do it and no one can stop me. I'm a bit too old to learn how to animate now, and I prefer painting anyways. I love environments and background art because they tend to be the most high quality thing you see on the screen and are ultimately draws you into the world and makes it believable. My goal is Disney. I'd like to direct and be an art director too but...baby steps. What got you interested in concept art?

I adore backgrounds. Anime backgrounds give me life and I don't even really watch anime anymore.

The subreddit r/Backgroundart is my idea of porn and Ghibli is my God.

















Unfortunately, my interest is in 2d, and that's a dying art. It's partially why I gave up on my dream to begin with. Why bother to do it if it's no longer seen as relevant? It'll die out, and I'll be left with nothing. But I can still do pre-production environmental concept art. The way I think now, I feel like I want to find a way to make 2d animation relevant in America again and I think I know how. I just need to break in. It is after all, an American invention. What I love about backgrounds the most is their sense of "smell". A well done realist background draws you into a world. You can just imagine the sunlight hitting you in those Ghibli shots, or the smell of sewage in the Ghost in the Shell shots.

I like to study a lot of anime film backgrounds. it helps me learn a lot. I'm also a big fan of The Lion King. The Lion King, Princess Mononoke, Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal, Cowboy Bebop, Animaniacs, and The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest are what made me think "maybe I could turn my drawing skills into a career some day." They still inspire me and they're fun to go back to, not only to watch, but to sample their art.

Well, that's enough about me....lol. I want to know about what inspires you.



Color study I did of a famous Totoro background.


Not wiling to share anything else due to google image search and creeps.

Very nice. :3

*hiss of approval*


I've got two little nieces and I've been making sure they are exposed to Ghibli. When they were very small we watched Ponyo, and as they've gotten older we've watched more stuff, including Kiki's and MNT.

They're only 9 and 11, but when we watched Princess Mononoke recently one of them said "This movie had no goodguys or badguys." I swear. I've never been so proud


I never thought about that benefit moving to SoCal but you're quite right. Even more reason to make the move.

What do you mean visual library? You mean learning how to draw a bulldozer? That's something I've been trying to concentrate on: learning to draw and paint everything. I really enjoy realism for that reason, which is why Watts and other Ateliers appeal to me - their devotion to realist painting.

Comedies, huh? Seems like a good opportunity to go through Bob's Burgers while I do art. Any show suggestions?

Don't be envious. It took me a long time to make these changes. I used to hate exercise because I equated "exercise" with "running on a treadmill". I thought it was all boring and had no idea how people went through it. It wasn't until I decided enough was enough and to search for a martial art that I began to appreciate exercise and fitness. So it's still recent for me (2 and a half years).

Blacking out doesn't sound too good. Did the doctor ever come up with a diagnosis? Have you visited a cardiologist to see if there's a hidden heart problem? Sorry to bring that up and potentially scare you but now I'm worried.

A normal Fundamental BJJ class are warm ups (forward rolls, shrimping, burpees, 25 squats, 25 push ups, 25 jumping jacks). In the advanced class they do crazy shit like pick up a partner and run around the dojo with them on their shoulders. I remember the first time I witnessed it I thought they were all super human. I can't imagine me doing that yet and I can lift some heavy stuff. After warm ups, we drill technique. We learn about 2 or 3 techniques a class. After learning a tech, we then practice it on a partner. Then the coach goes on to the next technique, and then we drill that. At the end of the class, we roll (spar for those who don't know) for 4-5 minutes (last night the timer was broken) and then go on to the next person. We tend to roll with two people a night. At the regular BJJ classes, we'll end up rolling with three people. Then we bow, and pat each other on the back.

Concept art huh? :) Funny how we're going for similar stuff. Well, animation has always been what I wanted to do. But I fucked up when I was young and didn't go to animation school because my parents didn't really allow it and I didn't fight for myself. I ended up giving up, but I decided in the past few years that I'm going to do it and no one can stop me. I'm a bit too old to learn how to animate now, and I prefer painting anyways. I love environments and background art because they tend to be the most high quality thing you see on the screen and are ultimately draws you into the world and makes it believable. My goal is Disney. I'd like to direct and be an art director too but...baby steps. What got you interested in concept art?

I adore backgrounds. Anime backgrounds give me life and I don't even really watch anime anymore.

Unfortunately, my interest is in 2d, and that's a dying art. It's partially why I gave up on my dream to begin with. Why bother to do it if it's no longer seen as relevant? It'll die out, and I'll be left with nothing. But I can still do pre-production environmental concept art. The way I think now, I feel like I want to find a way to make 2d animation relevant in America again and I think I know how. I just need to break in. It is after all, an American invention. What I love about backgrounds the most is their sense of "smell". A well done realist background draws you into a world. You can just imagine the sunlight hitting you in those Ghibli shots, or the smell of sewage in the Ghost in the Shell shots.

I like to study a lot of anime film backgrounds. it helps me learn a lot. I'm also a big fan of The Lion King. The Lion King, Princess Mononoke, Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal, Cowboy Bebop, Animaniacs, and The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest are what made me think "maybe I could turn my drawing skills into a career some day." They still inspire me and they're fun to go back to, not only to watch, but to sample their art.

Well, that's enough about me....lol. I want to know about what inspires you.

i saw a doctor and they said my vitals were normal. blood test and ct scans were done to rule out stuff like seizure. they concluded that it was syncope induced from exhaustion and dehydration. you're right though, i do need to see a cardiologist.

visual library: coming up with original ideas and concepts is what has become the most alluring to me, and being both creative and skilled is a process unto itself. this is why concept art appeals to me. it's the combination of distilled creativity and refined skill. (you're right, its one of the few places where 2d continues to thrive. that and comics. i've learned that being a comic artist is extremely painful.)

when i come up with something from my imagination, i am referencing an internalized understanding of what i have experienced, read, seen or drawn. that is a visual library.

when i draw a bulldozer, i now not only know what the bulldozer looks like, i know what type of shapes, geometry, patterns, colors and textures evoke a bulldozer and i can pull that apart and combine it with other things i've experienced and drawn from real life. the sum of the bulldozer is now in my "visual library" as are it's parts. i think this process is vital to coming up with interesting and unique ideas.

a practical and recent example that i can provide are these arm sketches i did to solve a problem. i am referencing my internal knowledge on anatomy and i distilled that on a geometric and basic level, and elaborated from there, adding to the complexity of the arm. i took the basic skeletal structure that includes the humerus, radius and ulna, and upper arm muscle groups and combined that with what i have learned from studying mechanical joints and servos.

and yeah....all this stuff might sound REALLY obvious, but i find that when i pick apart my process and try to get to the core of what exactly it is i am doing i get the best results. i'm a process junkie and i love to dissect how artists arrive at certain decisions.

those are great inspirations. i just can't believe the type of work that these artists were able to do with traditional media. it really blows my mind.

i also don't really watch anime either. i'll watch the gundam ovas and skip to the parts with the action. and then i watch dragonball super. i don't know why. there's something about it, i just love it. it has it's hooks in me. drawing dbz characters is what set me off on my path though.

i get inspired by a lot of different artists. too many to count! a lot of comic artists. my motivation is making people feel things they forgot they could feel.

one of my favorite comedies to not watch is curb your enthusiasm. it's so good. bobs burgers is also great! if you like animated comedies i recommend bojack horseman for sure. it sounds silly, but it's got some great characters and gags, and gets existentially real out of nowhere. plus lisa hannawalt does the character designs and she's rad. 30 rock and unbreakable kimmy schmidt are also super dialogue-heavy comedies. they're not everyone's cup of tea though so i get that.


Color study I did of a famous Totoro background.


Not wiling to share anything else due to google image search and creeps.

this is great!! i recognized it immediately


I dunno what it is about my size (38D) that seems to be *just outside* the realm of department store bra buying, but it is lol. I used to be a C but then I got fatter and just used the C bras until they started falling apart :p I find most of my wired bras just don't last past a year, and since I shell out 10-15 a pop, it can be annoying.

Thanks yall for the suggestions! I have a lot to look at now :3

Make sure you properly measure yourself!


Uhh...the breast where I had my rash. The aerola skin is shedding? This is...new.

I hope everything is okay. :( Moisturizer!

I'm always concerned about boobs lol


Happy birthday Morrigan! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Thanks everyone! <3

Happy Morrigan Day o/
Happy Morrigan Day! :D
This made me laugh more than I thought it would. xD Cheers guys

Martial arts are like any other skill. Practice and time will make you good.
This is true. Don't be afraid of starting something 'cause "you think you will suck". Everyone sucks at everything, at first. It's normal. Just keep practicing and you'll become pretty good in no time.


*debating between checking out Until Dawn and resubbing to Netflix for Stranger Things, Voltron and Luke Cage* >.<

Pizza can be expensive! :p What martial art?

Eh, depends on the place. :p

I did karate, mainly. My parents insisted on it and all. I still remember going into the dojo and being mesmerized by all the weapons and stuff they had on display. Would explain my love of swords and polearms. lol

I also recall wearing awkward mouthguards, like a boxer. :p



Wow, fantastic art! Really enjoyed reading about your process. Definitely gave me a new perspective. I am also a fan of breaking things down and learning/acknowledging the processes behind them (probably why I wanna be an engineer lol). It gives you a better understanding of why you do things, and you can branch off from earlier/simpler concepts. Basically what you said haha.

Do you read Gunnerkrigg Court? Your arms kinda make me think of that comic (it's an online comic). The art in it is absolutely fantastic, and there's a lot of robots, industrial background etc. There's also magic and a forest.



Stranger Things is amazing

Olympia is amazing

*debating between checking out Until Dawn and resubbing to Netflix for Stranger Things, Voltron and Luke Cage* >.<

I would recommend Until Dawn only if this is strongly in your wheelhouse or if you have people to play it with and a fun party atmosphere. Just playing it alone and as someone who is kinda "whatever" on QTE story games, I was left feeling sort of unsatisfied after finishing it.


Thanks for the resource Leeness! It'll be very useful.

Of course! It's the one fashion-related thing I care about lol.

If I measured right, it seems I've fallen into the land of "wont find what I'm looking for in the average store"
I'm already used to it with pants so why not

That's where a lot of people fall, I think, once properly measured, because Victoria Secret/La Senza/etc. all the American retailers have skewed the sizes for so long. I can't buy at any of those ones either because apparently people with a 30 in band size only have boobs up to D at the most hahaha.

Whaaaaat I'm reading this and it's blowing my mind. Crazy! I'll have to measure myself after work today :eek: thanks!

Do it do it, and become boob-aware! :D


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Oh god, apparently I have been buying bras too small. I mean, I'm not Dragonz status but I'm horrified ;.;


That's where a lot of people fall, I think, once properly measured, because Victoria Secret/La Senza/etc. all the American retailers have skewed the sizes for so long. I can't buy at any of those ones either because apparently people with a 30 in band size only have boobs up to D at the most hahaha.
Id imagine most people underestimate a ton. I thought I didn't have much going on and "fit" in a 38B. Turns out I measured at 42D which is uhhh a bit different. I just assumed any discomfort was due to the shape of my boobs rather than size
I figure a decent bit comes from gaining weight and I'll be proportionally smaller if I keep up my weight loss but then again I'm finally taking hormones (as of last Thursday) so who knows how that goes. But I'd assume the band size should get smaller either way which is nice since that seems to be the bigger problem


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Id imagine most people underestimate a ton. I thought I didn't have much going on and "fit" in a 38B. Turns out I measured at 42D which is uhhh a bit different. I just assumed any discomfort was due to the shape of my boobs rather than size
I figure a decent bit comes from gaining weight and I'll be proportionally smaller if I keep up my weight loss but then again I'm finally taking hormones (as of last Thursday) so who knows how that goes. But I'd assume the band size should get smaller either way which is nice since that seems to be the bigger problem
You probably have a larger torso, so you are definitely gonna need a big band, and bigger band means bigger cup usually.


You probably have a larger torso, so you are definitely gonna need a big band, and bigger band means bigger cup usually.
Definitely. I don't expect to ever be a 30 :p maybe like 36 or 38 if I was a normal weight since that's what my moms at and I have really similar proportions to her


Oh god, apparently I have been buying bras too small. I mean, I'm not Dragonz status but I'm horrified ;.;

Boob-aware! :D

Id imagine most people underestimate a ton. I thought I didn't have much going on and "fit" in a 38B. Turns out I measured at 42D which is uhhh a bit different. I just assumed any discomfort was due to the shape of my boobs rather than size
I figure a decent bit comes from gaining weight and I'll be proportionally smaller if I keep up my weight loss but then again I'm finally taking hormones (as of last Thursday) so who knows how that goes. But I'd assume the band size should get smaller either way which is nice since that seems to be the bigger problem

Most people underestimate because American stores tell them that if you're more than a D, you're probably into porn star status, which isn't the case at all. So people just up their band size, up their band size, up their band size, until they can fit a "normal" C/D. It's dumb.

Try some 42Ds and see if they suit you :)


Wow, fantastic art! Really enjoyed reading about your process. Definitely gave me a new perspective. I am also a fan of breaking things down and learning/acknowledging the processes behind them (probably why I wanna be an engineer lol). It gives you a better understanding of why you do things, and you can branch off from earlier/simpler concepts. Basically what you said haha.

Do you read Gunnerkrigg Court? Your arms kinda make me think of that comic (it's an online comic). The art in it is absolutely fantastic, and there's a lot of robots, industrial background etc. There's also magic and a forest.


thanks! i read GK in high school but then i kinda fell off. i heard it's gotten pretty good though. i pretty much read only one webcomic now

Stranger Things is amazing

Olympia is amazing

I would recommend Until Dawn only if this is strongly in your wheelhouse or if you have people to play it with and a fun party atmosphere. Just playing it alone and as someone who is kinda "whatever" on QTE story games, I was left feeling sort of unsatisfied after finishing it.

thanks again jobbs

yeah it's really like playing an interactive movie. its definitely fun to play with a friend or stream

kona is in a donut now because he has a rash on his leg. it's healing after a vet visit. he's here to wish you guys a happy almost-friday.


anybody got plans for the weekend?


kona is in a donut now because he has a rash on his leg. it's hearing after a vet visit. he's here to wish you guys a happy almost-friday.


anybody got plans for the weekend?

Aw, hope Kona will be alright.

Plans? About to get Netflix again, and I bought episode one of Telltale's Batman for tonight. Other than that, more Overwatch! And Bloodborne, hopefully. lol


Weekend plans = same as always: visit my parents at some point, otherwise hang out on my own and watch TV shows or movies or play games.
Weekend plans = same as always: visit my parents at some point, otherwise hang out on my own and watch TV shows or movies or play games.

since this guy I was supposed to have a date with stopped responding I'm probably doing kind of the same. add food and Gossip Girl to the list
i saw a doctor and they said my vitals were normal. blood test and ct scans were done to rule out stuff like seizure. they concluded that it was syncope induced from exhaustion and dehydration. you're right though, i do need to see a cardiologist.

visual library: coming up with original ideas and concepts is what has become the most alluring to me, and being both creative and skilled is a process unto itself. this is why concept art appeals to me. it's the combination of distilled creativity and refined skill. (you're right, its one of the few places where 2d continues to thrive. that and comics. i've learned that being a comic artist is extremely painful.)

when i come up with something from my imagination, i am referencing an internalized understanding of what i have experienced, read, seen or drawn. that is a visual library.

when i draw a bulldozer, i now not only know what the bulldozer looks like, i know what type of shapes, geometry, patterns, colors and textures evoke a bulldozer and i can pull that apart and combine it with other things i've experienced and drawn from real life. the sum of the bulldozer is now in my "visual library" as are it's parts. i think this process is vital to coming up with interesting and unique ideas.

a practical and recent example that i can provide are these arm sketches i did to solve a problem. i am referencing my internal knowledge on anatomy and i distilled that on a geometric and basic level, and elaborated from there, adding to the complexity of the arm. i took the basic skeletal structure that includes the humerus, radius and ulna, and upper arm muscle groups and combined that with what i have learned from studying mechanical joints and servos.

and yeah....all this stuff might sound REALLY obvious, but i find that when i pick apart my process and try to get to the core of what exactly it is i am doing i get the best results. i'm a process junkie and i love to dissect how artists arrive at certain decisions.

those are great inspirations. i just can't believe the type of work that these artists were able to do with traditional media. it really blows my mind.

i also don't really watch anime either. i'll watch the gundam ovas and skip to the parts with the action. and then i watch dragonball super. i don't know why. there's something about it, i just love it. it has it's hooks in me. drawing dbz characters is what set me off on my path though.

i get inspired by a lot of different artists. too many to count! a lot of comic artists. my motivation is making people feel things they forgot they could feel.

one of my favorite comedies to not watch is curb your enthusiasm. it's so good. bobs burgers is also great! if you like animated comedies i recommend bojack horseman for sure. it sounds silly, but it's got some great characters and gags, and gets existentially real out of nowhere. plus lisa hannawalt does the character designs and she's rad. 30 rock and unbreakable kimmy schmidt are also super dialogue-heavy comedies. they're not everyone's cup of tea though so i get that.

this is great!! i recognized it immediately

I'm glad your vitals and everything were okay. Maybe it was dehydration and exhaustion.

I figured that's what you meant by visual library. I'm very similar. I've heard a term that in order to understand something, you need to draw it. It's "obvious" only in a manner that any good art teacher teaches these thinking processes. In anatomy classes we are taught to think of different body parts as basic shapes and deconstruct it to its most basic figure. I'm sure you've already been taught and apply this. So for example if I need to know exactly how eyes work, I'll have to look up the subject of eyes and study their anatomy. In order to make good work, you have to understand how things operate, which is what I find the most important skill in animation. I have no idea if I'm going to have to draw a mech or a spaceship, so I have to draw as many things as possible and understand as manny things as possible. I don't tend to focus on mechanical parts though even though I should sometimes. I focus mostly on anatomy. So like, I used to struggle on doing hands. Hands have so many subtleties and I was drawing them all the same way. So I spent two weeks drawing nothing but hands. I had bought an anatomy book and read all of it had to say about hands. Hands, hands, hands. So I not only drew hands, I would draw the muscle under neath the hand. And then later, the bone. How do fingers open and close? Draw it from the bone. What do various hand diseases like osteoarthritis look like and how does it affect the hand? Draw it. In order to understand the hand, I had deconstruct every piece of bone and muscle and fat and skin that make it up. Even the bones we barely see. After that, I can now say I can draw hands very well. I try to be well versed but sometimes I just let the passion fly and I have no interest in drawing a dragon or mech. Life (anatomy, buildings, the Earth) are my main inspirations so I like to concentrate on that.

I'm willing to show some of my sketch book but it can be grisly. I was told by a famous animator that if I really want to get good I need to draw death and violence and sex. So I do that. It's a very personal sketch book. I have one with a man dying with his intestines falling out of his stomach so I can know just how intestines are drawn. I have drawn erotica in my sketchbook to put my human anatomy knowledge to the ultimate test. I have never shown it with anyone. Not even my man. Your arm sketches are awesome!

So we have seem to have a similar process. Then again, I think we have used some of the same sources for education so it's not surprising. :)

I don't watch anime much anymore but I also love DBS. Can't put my finger on it is exactly right. Even though I don't watch I love the detail applied to older anime backgrounds.

A lot of art inspires me but realism inspires me the most. Drawing and painting something stylized is neat but showing the world as it is, that's my true interest. To pinpoint this era as if a time capsule in my art. Impressionism also inspires the fuck out of me.

Thanks for the compliment. I HOPE it was instantly recognizable - it was a master study, so that was the goal. I. Adore. Master studies. Trying to get into the head of the artist who did it, learning their language of perspective, how they use color, how they see the world. Even though I copied that background from Totoro it still has my own unique flair. I'm achieving similar results by solving the puzzle in a different way and it's not a 1:1 transfer.This is when my art really started to take off. I'm not sure how many master studies you do but I find them invaluable for learning composition, color, and perspective. It really helps getting into the brain of who created it and questioning why they did x to achieve y. In my studies though, as a black woman, I've found that artists in the west generally apply a Eurocentric view through Master studies. So they'll only study Renaissance paintings or something. I like to do Akira Kurosawa and Telenovela master studies to understand their composition and well made shots. Or old Indian Buddhist paintings or something, or ace century old black American art. Ghibli and high quality anime film is invaluable for this too. How Kurosawa framed shots, despite being film, apply to painting as well. It's just amazing composition.

Noah Bradley of Art Camp made this on master studies and it's so good. Really helpful if you aren't familiar with the process.


I have seen Bojack but not s3. Love it. Seen Kimmy Smith, Curb, and 30 Rock. Honestly, I'm up for a 30 Rock rewatch. I misses it! :(


since this guy I was supposed to have a date with stopped responding I'm probably doing kind of the same. add food and Gossip Girl to the list

Lmao, I know the feels. All men stop talking to me pretty quickly (when I try to talk to any). Or I stop talking to them because they offend me.

Olympia, glad your vitals were normal. Be careful with your health though!
Hope Kona gets better soon! Poor lil guy~

Weekend plan is to bring Bailey to her first training class. Other than that, probably will spend it doing stuff with the SO :> What stuff, donno yet, but we usually just play it by ear ^____^

Cindi, i draw violent stuff too sometimes :> they can be really fun \o/


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
This weekend I am going on a hike with some friends and their dog. One of the guy coming I guess I have some feeling for. We've been hanging every weekend for like a month now. Hopefully it all goes well :)


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
You're breaking my heart Mapel </3

(Have fun, good luck!)
Haha thanks. I mean, most of the time I have been the one inviting him out but he is always enthusiastic about it and have invited me out too for fireworks. I think it is going places but I like the idea of building some semblance of friendship first before moving it further. I feel that's how he thinks as well so nothing crazy so far. We just end up hanging out during the weekend like food, movie, hike, boardgame and so on :)

You need to come hiking in Vancouver!


kona is in a donut now because he has a rash on his leg. it's healing after a vet visit. he's here to wish you guys a happy almost-friday.


anybody got plans for the weekend?
Feel better donut puppy ;-;

My dog is at the vet. It's his 15th birthday but he's having issues.

How snug is snug supposed to be? In any case I seem to need to go bra shopping. Maybe I'll get measured at a legit place that carries a good selection of sizes. Out of my comfort zone though. I've only ever bought from Victoria Secret.


Batman: The Telltale Series is pretty damn good, so far. Knew the Borderlands team would pull through. :)

Haha thanks. I mean, most of the time I have been the one inviting him out but he is always enthusiastic about it and have invited me out too for fireworks. I think it is going places but I like the idea of building some semblance of friendship first before moving it further. I feel that's how he thinks as well so nothing crazy so far. We just end up hanging out during the weekend like food, movie, hike, boardgame and so on :)

You need to come hiking in Vancouver!

I want to go to Vancouver too. ;n;

Never hiked before, though. o.o


This weekend I am going on a hike with some friends and their dog. One of the guy coming I guess I have some feeling for. We've been hanging every weekend for like a month now. Hopefully it all goes well :)

Go go go! :)

I will go hiking with you one day :p

Feel better donut puppy ;-;

My dog is at the vet. It's his 15th birthday but he's having issues.

Old puppies at vets is hard. It's always a little scary. Let us know how it goes <3

How snug is snug supposed to be? In any case I seem to need to go bra shopping. Maybe I'll get measured at a legit place that carries a good selection of sizes. Out of my comfort zone though. I've only ever bought from Victoria Secret.

It should be snug as in your band should be supporting you, not the straps. So...it should lay flat and horizontally, shouldn't slide, shouldn't ride up or down, it should stay put. It also shouldn't dig in, though :D Pull it tight when measuring, because you want to buy a bra that is snug on the first hook, because it will loosen over time anyway.


Haha thanks. I mean, most of the time I have been the one inviting him out but he is always enthusiastic about it and have invited me out too for fireworks. I think it is going places but I like the idea of building some semblance of friendship first before moving it further. I feel that's how he thinks as well so nothing crazy so far. We just end up hanging out during the weekend like food, movie, hike, boardgame and so on :)

You need to come hiking in Vancouver!

Sounds like so much fun!
I'll drive up there someday :D
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