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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


I thought the arts thread also had crafts but nope turns out it's just arts and farts. Darn farts get a thread before crafts do

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I've been lucky in that I really haven't had to deal with any online harrassment due to gender, but at the same time I'm not overtly sharing said gender, though I'm sure it's fairly obvious to any of my post histories.

But I have gotten weirdos from time to time. Internet "friends" that would IM me or whatever asking weird shit. Not asking me out, but stuff about fetishes or sexual experiences or just weird shit. Like I acted "boyish" enough on the Internet so they think I'd wanna talk about that stuff like "one of the guys". Or a rare specimen.
This has been my experience too. IRL as well, since I tend to be within male-dominated fields.


I've never been harassed online (the reason I don't do Twitter), but have gotten my share of it in real life due to working in a male dominated field. Most people are cool, but there are always a few that are just... ugh. Unfortunately for them I fight back.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I've never been harassed online (the reason I don't do Twitter), but have gotten my share of it in real life due to working in a male dominated field. Most people are cool, but there are always a few that are just... ugh. Unfortunately for them I fight back.

Yeah, my job has a lot of alphas for obv. reasons and there a lot of dudes who dont take kindly to taking orders from a women.


I wore make up to my job today for the first time and my male coworker saw it as a sign to tell me about how he talks to cam models and that a lot of them must be of my nationality because they look like me.
I wore make up to my job today for the first time and my male coworker saw it as a sign to tell me about how he talks to cam models and that a lot of them must be of my nationality because they look like me.


he sounds like a gem

i ugh at him for you, pau. UGH. hope your rest of the day was/is/will be fab



he sounds like a gem

i ugh at him for you, pau. UGH. hope your rest of the day was/is/will be fab
It's been good otherwise! I just never know how to react in those situations. I don't want to be a prude and I'm not judging but so I really have to know about it? I don't know what he expects me to say.
It's been good otherwise! I just never know how to react in those situations. I don't want to be a prude and I'm not judging but so I really have to know about it? I don't know what he expects me to say.

yeah i know what you mean, sometimes i wish there is a saitama OK.jpg in real life situations

like a duder came up to me and praised me for my skin because other women from my ethnicity are obsessed about getting 'whiter'

and im like





It's been good otherwise! I just never know how to react in those situations. I don't want to be a prude and I'm not judging but so I really have to know about it? I don't know what he expects me to say.

"Wow dude, I can't believe you just said that."

Is how I pretty much respond to some ppl's verbal diarrhea.


So I just got an ad for Elvenar: The Game That Has Been Designed Especially For Women.



You made me click the clink boo

Is this like, those 'no women allowed!' Ads from a few years ago?

I honestly have no idea what's happening with this. I thought mayhaps the wonderful minds of GirlGaf could explain what I was missing.
I swear I get the weirdest targeted ads.


It's been good otherwise! I just never know how to react in those situations. I don't want to be a prude and I'm not judging but so I really have to know about it? I don't know what he expects me to say.
The idea of prudishness is the same as the idea of sluttiness IMO. They're just used to shame women into acting a certain way and into accepting certain sets of behavior.

If it makes you uncomfortable it makes you uncomfortable. Doesn't matter if it's meant as a compliment or small talk.

That said I usually just try to break conversation and hide out with someone else instead of saying something in situations kinda like that... either way my point is you shouldn't dismiss your discomfort just cause it might upset him a bit

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I wore make up to my job today for the first time and my male coworker saw it as a sign to tell me about how he talks to cam models and that a lot of them must be of my nationality because they look like me.

Ugh, for fuck's sake. I swear you get all the creeps. :/


Got me a husband and a house real quick. I love the music .

Buzzfeed does free bleeding....


I already free flow with pads lmao.

Great gesture for awareness and all but damn, I would have fucking soaked that puppy pad in an hour. Lucky ass light bleeders. I had endo, so yeah. Also double output. And the chunks. It would have been awful.

Now I'm glad once again I had a hysterectomy and don't have to deal with that shit snymore. Whew


I'm dressing up tomorrow for my firm Christmas party and I want to throw up. 😰
And here I'd think that the dressing up would be the good part :p
The idea of it being useful to socialize with coworkers is lost on me. Just can't relate to any of them


I wore make up to my job today for the first time and my male coworker saw it as a sign to tell me about how he talks to cam models and that a lot of them must be of my nationality because they look like me.

this is not only creepy but also highly bizarre. Like why

And here I'd think that the dressing up would be the good part :p
The idea of it being useful to socialize with coworkers is lost on me. Just can't relate to any of them

That's why I booze up

ask me about my substance abuse

although if I had pau's coworkers I wouldn't want to talk to any of them

Got me a husband and a house real quick. I love the music .

Buzzfeed does free bleeding....


I already free flow with pads lmao.

No Thank You


On other topics, anyone getting into DIY for Christmas? I'm really annoyed at the prices here, so I've been looting people's hedge trimmings to make stuff this year.

My boyfriend's brother owns part of a tree farm, so we luckily get a wreath and tree for free =)

But I've handmade most of my ornaments, cuz I'm broke heh. One thing I like to do is pick up magazines and use cups of different sizes to trace an outline, then I glue a picture on cut-out cardboard and voilà! Cheap ornaments. I'm on my phone, but I'll get on my computer and edit in some pictures I took of them.

Edit: Ok here's a few. These are from two years ago:

Made the cupcake, the bottle, the bat was from Halloween haha

I put together the vase

Basically everything I did that year was DIY. My phone camera used to suck!

I made a bunch of ornaments out of Walnut, Ash, and Maple, but they are for sale rather than my own use.

Oh, now that I think of it, I am making some wall-hangings, and a couple of necklaces for my wife and spoons for my mom and mother in law. Why don't we have a crafts thread?

Do you do woodwork?

I wore make up to my job today for the first time and my male coworker saw it as a sign to tell me about how he talks to cam models and that a lot of them must be of my nationality because they look like me.

Wtffffffff. I've luckily never got any extreme creepiness from coworkers. I've gotten extreme creepiness from customers and friends though.

Since GAF is so big, I avoid using my common online name and I don't post pictures. Maybe pre-gamergate I would have, but not now. Through the giant Gamergate thread, I read about how there were Reddit communities and shit that would post Gaffer pics. Nope nope nope.
I wore make up to my job today for the first time and my male coworker saw it as a sign to tell me about how he talks to cam models and that a lot of them must be of my nationality because they look like me.

You ain't brash like me. I would've straight said "Why the fuck are you telling me this?"


And here I'd think that the dressing up would be the good part :p
The idea of it being useful to socialize with coworkers is lost on me. Just can't relate to any of them

I actually like pretty much all of my office of 120 people. So I do like to go even though I basically sit in a corner, have dinner and then go home.

But I am a 10/10 social introvert wallflower who pretty much needs to vomit in anxiety when I try to dress up. Dressing up for me is like this traumatic experience.


I actually like pretty much all of my office of 120 people. So I do like to go even though I basically sit in a corner, have dinner and then go home.

But I am a 10/10 social introvert wallflower who pretty much needs to vomit in anxiety when I try to dress up. Dressing up for me is like this traumatic experience.

Oh man I'm the same way. I dressed up for a friend's wedding two months ago and had a damn near breakdown, stupid thing was just not fitting right (in my eyes, likelihood it looked fine). Then I tried to do something (anything) with my hair and... yeah. It wasn't my best day :p


And here I'd think that the dressing up would be the good part :p
The idea of it being useful to socialize with coworkers is lost on me. Just can't relate to any of them

Ugh this is me!! I work with 4 guys - 2 in their 60s and 2 in their 30s. I'm in my early 20s. They're all married with kids and it's just like I have nothing to talk to them about. They always ask me to go to lunch and stuff with them, and I do for the free food and drinks, but I just sit there and listen to them and give nothing to the conversations. It's awkward.

Also, I am new, hello :)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Hi Sorithin and welcome!

Just so you know, it is customary for newbies to provide more senior members of the community with free cookies and milk. No raisins allowed.

So... get on it!


Oh man I'm the same way. I dressed up for a friend's wedding two months ago and had a damn near breakdown, stupid thing was just not fitting right (in my eyes, likelihood it looked fine). Then I tried to do something (anything) with my hair and... yeah. It wasn't my best day :p

Yep, basically this. I try to dress up and it's like, this is awful, it doesn't look right, I look so stupid, etc. More than usual haha. 😭


I'm vanilla as all hell so sugar cookies are #1 for me.

The idea of prudishness is the same as the idea of sluttiness IMO. They're just used to shame women into acting a certain way and into accepting certain sets of behavior.

If it makes you uncomfortable it makes you uncomfortable. Doesn't matter if it's meant as a compliment or small talk.

That said I usually just try to break conversation and hide out with someone else instead of saying something in situations kinda like that... either way my point is you shouldn't dismiss your discomfort just cause it might upset him a bit
This is a really good way of looking at it that I never considered. Thank you Misha. <3 And I'm a bit wary of upsetting him because he partly determines my grade for a class.

Ugh, for fuck's sake. I swear you get all the creeps. :/
I keep asking myself if there's like something I say or a way I act that made him think I wanted to hear that? I dunno girl I just don't want to interact with fuckboys anymore ever.

You ain't brash like me. I would've straight said "Why the fuck are you telling me this?"
I gotta learn. I hate that I just freeze up and try to take the path of least resistance with these things. :/

I told my sister and boyfriend about it and they were really upset about it. I think I'll talk to the guy and be like "Hey, that wasn't appropriate and made me feel uncomfortable, let's not have those kinds of conversations anymore." But I don't feel like telling the supervisor or going to HR because I don't want to really deal with it. :c

PInk Tape

Raisins are ok. I don't actively seek them out but I'll eat them occasionally *shrug*

I wore make up to my job today for the first time and my male coworker saw it as a sign to tell me about how he talks to cam models and that a lot of them must be of my nationality because they look like me.

Ugh so creepy. I'm sorry you had to go through that :(

Edit: Ok here's a few. These are from two years ago:

Made the cupcake, the bottle, the bat was from Halloween haha

I put together the vase

Basically everything I did that year was DIY. My phone camera used to suck

These look amazing :eek: I wish I was better at crafts T.T

Hi Sorithin and welcome!

Just so you know, it is customary for newbies to provide more senior members of the community with free cookies and milk. No raisins allowed.

So... get on it!

Ah so that's what I have to do for the introduction

-sends cookies and milk through gaf mail :p-
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