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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

tfw u remember girl gaf actually EXISTS wow

I introduced myself in here aaaaages ago but then stopped posting as often as I used to. I'm back to posting semi-regularly though so I thought I might say hello! You all seem so nice to chat with!

I dunno if I'm in the minority here but I don't really wear a bra as much nowadays! I kinda like feelin' free and jiggly 😎 it's summer here too and a lot of the tops I wear would look sorta silly with a bra anyway, so there's also that

I always need one at work though because it's waitressing and gets SO HOT and gross so I totally get that sentiment for sure

How do you deal with the boob sweat without a bra? Just embrace it?
Hi GirlGAF,

I'm a dude but I am hoping to get advice on how to reduce the bags under my eyes. I don't want to cover them up with makeup, just want to reduce them. Any advice?

edit: asking here because it's the closest thing to "MakeupGAF |OT|" which sadly does not exist.


If you have bad genes like I do be prepared to always look like a zombie no matter what you do.

What works best for me. Not perfect, is lining the bag with a highlighter. You know just where the crease is. Filling it in doesn't work, just try to get rid of the shadow.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
That said... I can still post some of my favourite signs I've seen!

My #1:

Close runner-up:

Other good ones:





(Yes that is Sir Ian McKellen on the last one <3)

From my hometown:



Even in Antarctica!


I've been mass retweeting Women's March stuff all day, and this one dude asked me why anyone's even marching in the first place =_=

I explained it to him (because sure, why not), and he goes "yeah but I saw this sign that said "fuck trump" and I dunno that seems disingenious and why would you want to be fucked by Trump? I just wish I see all the good on my Twitter feed instead of this"

And I'm just like 'I've literally retweeted dozens of positive tweets about this'

It's just, ugh. UGH!


I really needed a place to vent
Amazing photos and signs !!!

love you all women of the world... and so much respects for all who marches and shows our sisterhood bond is stronger than ever <3
Wish I could've gone to the Portland one, but huge crowds give me pretty bad anxiety :\

I donated to Planned Parenthood instead and was inspired as fuck from home :O


I hope this is a sign of things to come. If there was just one massive group of protests following the inauguration -- That's great, but it'll just be a thing that happened. It needs to manifest in something beyond a protest that was, among many other things, an exciting and appealing event (and a convenient one since it took place on a weekend).

As a somewhat related aside, people need to be talking about pussies and russians and tax returns and little else for 4 years. It should be the response to everything. You don't win these wars through subtlety.


I hope this is a sign of things to come. If there was just one massive protest following the inauguration -- That's great, but it'll just be a thing that happened. It needs to manifest in something beyond a protest that was, among many other things, an exciting and appealing event (and a convenient one since it took place on a weekend).

As a somewhat related aside, people need to be talking about pussies and russians and tax returns and little else for 4 years. It should be the response to everything. You don't win these wars through subtlety.

That's how I sorta felt with this protest. I couldn't go out because I had a friend in town and also had an event to work at that morning. I kinda sensed that some of my peers (specifically this one white girl that I work with) were displeased that I wasn't participating, and that I wasn't at least being vocal about it at all. But honestly, I've been vocal since before the election, and as a WOC I feel so tired and defeated now. I rather put in my energy when local elections come up to ensure that no one has to protest again.

To everyone that protested. Thank you, thank you, thank you for fighting for all of us. But please encourage to make this movement evolve into actual change.


If your company has a problem with hiring pregnant women, then they should have set up their benefits such that it takes a probationary period to receive them.

It's not like she'll be eligible for FMLA.
I don't think anyone expected this would happen. We're in public accounting, and tax season especially is tough. We're in the office 80hrs+ a week, high stress, etc.

People generally know better than to come in while pregnant. It's not a good idea, at all. It would have been better fit everyone involved if she started next busy season (our work is cyclical).

Oh well. Honestly, selfishly, I'm more worried about how it'll reflect on me, even though I think I did the right thing (legally and morally) by not telling others she was pregnant.

It's not your place to tell them, and you can't because that's medical privacy stuff. Who cares if she's pregnant? Stress is part of life, pregnant or not. There's plenty of women that can handle it all. If she's just now showing, she's probably 5ish months pregnant. She's probably not due until may/june and that's beyond tax season. Sounds more like perfect timing to earn that last bit of money before the baby is due.
Hey Girl-GAF, can you help me with something?

I'd normally ask in Dating-GAF, but that's mostly guys, and I want a woman's opinion on this one.

So I'm seeing a new girl, and I'm crazy about her, she really digs me, and I see serious long-term potential here.

She's normally really peppy and fun, but she does have some self-esteem issues and emotional overeating issues, and they really nag at her (she was bullied a lot as a kid).

I mean, this girl is absolutely gorgeous, and funny and she totally gets me and we have great chemistry and we love spending time together, how best can I help her feel better about herself? It kills me when she starts feeling so bad about herself, even though she's in great health and looks so good and has so many amazing qualities. She's internalized a lot of the stuff as she was bullied quite a bit when she was younger

Any suggestions how I can make her feel better? She's very specific on the overeating and her looks issue
tell her to sign up to GAF and to post in this thread so we have more GirlGAFfers

as a serious answer, just be there for her, dont try to push her to suddenly feel better or to expect that she'll be able to magically NOT feel any of her self-esteem issues. when she's struggling with those insecurities, dont handwave them and try not to force-cheerup her. sometimes people just feels bad about themselves (men and women). it happens. be there, be patient, be empathic.

grats on finding someone so fabbu~


Hey Girl-GAF, can you help me with something?

I'd normally ask in Dating-GAF, but that's mostly guys, and I want a woman's opinion on this one.

So I'm seeing a new girl, and I'm crazy about her, she really digs me, and I see serious long-term potential here.

She's normally really peppy and fun, but she does have some self-esteem issues and emotional overeating issues, and they really nag at her (she was bullied a lot as a kid).

I mean, this girl is absolutely gorgeous, and funny and she totally gets me and we have great chemistry and we love spending time together, how best can I help her feel better about herself? It kills me when she starts feeling so bad about herself, even though she's in great health and looks so good and has so many amazing qualities. She's internalized a lot of the stuff as she was bullied quite a bit when she was younger

Any suggestions how I can make her feel better? She's very specific on the overeating and her looks issue

You can't fix her issues.

Your girlfriend needs to go to therapy. CBT therapy will help her subvert the impulse to eat when stressed/upset/sad. It's not your problem to fix, she's an adult and needs to learn how to deal with it herself. Don't devolve into codependency where she needs your affirmation to make herself feel better. I don't know if she's moping around the house looking for sympathy or what her behavior is where she "feels bad" but it comes off like she's looking for you to say nice things about her to make herself feel better. Any time she's doing that is not the time to compliment. Compliments should be spontaneous from you, not a reward for her "bad" behavior.

I already know what you are going to say, "oh she doesnt do it intentionally, she just feels bad/makes offhand comments without realizing it." Bullshit.

Don't police her eating. She knows what she's doing and obviously can't control it herself, but is also refusing to take any steps to fix the problem so underneath it all she doesnt want or isn't ready to change.

I sound harsh but nothing is going to change until she wants to stop. You trying to "help her feel better" - you can't. You are just settling into codependency and enjoy that long, miserable downward spiral.

It's not about you.

An Emotional Overeater


I wanted to complain somewhere.
I caught the flu.
I suppress my immune system because of an autoimmune disease.
I honestly feel like I'm going to die lol.

Pray for me girlgaf
I wanted to complain somewhere.
I caught the flu.
I suppress my immune system because of an autoimmune disease.
I honestly feel like I'm going to die lol.

Pray for me girlgaf

Hope you kick flu's butts soon, Media <3 Will send you bestest and strongest positivest vibes o7 (dont die ; __ ;)


I wanted to complain somewhere.
I caught the flu.
I suppress my immune system because of an autoimmune disease.
I honestly feel like I'm going to die lol.

Pray for me girlgaf

Sending all thoughts and prayers your way.

Meanwhile, my menstrual cycle finally decided to say "fuck you" and now I'm dealing with bloat and diarrhea. This wouldn't be so worrisome if my menopausal mom wasn't walk around with similar symptoms, so I don't know if it's my cycle being a dick or if I got a viral infection from her. Fuuuuck.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I wanted to complain somewhere.
I caught the flu.
I suppress my immune system because of an autoimmune disease.
I honestly feel like I'm going to die lol.

Pray for me girlgaf
Aw I'm sorry you are feeling so awful =( hope you get better soon!
Sending all thoughts and prayers your way.

Meanwhile, my menstrual cycle finally decided to say "fuck you" and now I'm dealing with bloat and diarrhea. This wouldn't be so worrisome if my menopausal mom wasn't walk around with similar symptoms, so I don't know if it's my cycle being a dick or if I got a viral infection from her. Fuuuuck.
That sounds terrible. Let's hope it's not the viral infection.


How's February treating everyone?

I just started my first full time job and looking to move in April. Feeling like a real adult. :eek:
hi pau!

congrats on FULL TIME job !!! hope it's a great job with great people and that you'll enjoy it :D

(is it a researcher job?)

february has been fab for me :> really setlling in my job (i changed in ... october last year) and it's summer here and the days are long and pretty :>


Grats Pau !

I got a shitty freelance that has a good total pay ...

And got an email from a dreamy normal job asking for a skype interview talk before setting an actual presencial job interview.

So dreamy that I will probably be able to get the Switch as soon as the first payment comes. In brazil.

On a related note, the latest non political news here in brazil is that some dude used the company's facebook account to post sexist shit and he was OWNED by the company's owner on facebook after 3 posts. Like terminated with a post saying sexist stuff will not be tolerated, asking sorry for taking so long to take action and whatever.


hi pau!

congrats on FULL TIME job !!! hope it's a great job with great people and that you'll enjoy it :D

(is it a researcher job?)

february has been fab for me :> really setlling in my job (i changed in ... october last year) and it's summer here and the days are long and pretty :>
Thank you! I'm still settling in and just getting real assignments but I've enjoyed it so far. It's a research analyst job, yeah. I'm mostly programming in SAS.

Glad to hear you're doing fine too. :3

Grats Pau !

I got a shitty freelance that has a good total pay ...

And got an email from a dreamy normal job asking for a skype interview talk before setting an actual presencial job interview.

So dreamy that I will probably be able to get the Switch as soon as the first payment comes. In brazil.

On a related note, the latest non political news here in brazil is that some dude used the company's facebook account to post sexist shit and he was OWNED by the company's owner on facebook after 3 posts. Like terminated with a post saying sexist stuff will not be tolerated, asking sorry for taking so long to take action and whatever.
Thank you Platy! :3 Good luck in your interview. <3 Keep us posted!

And holy fuck at the Switch cost.
How's February treating everyone?

I just started my first full time job and looking to move in April. Feeling like a real adult. :eek:


I got laid off at Nintendo, but I got a new job. Unfortunately it's an on-call position, but it's SOMETHING until I get a steadier job.
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