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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

This one just makes me kind of depressed =/


I think I'm the only person who hates the title gamer girl. To me, it's just putting women into a subgroup to make them seem "special" or a "rare gem". I just want to play video games, why do I need a title? To be fair, I also hate terms like nerd or geek culture. One girl stopped me in a comic book shop and asked if I was into nerd culture and I told her I honestly didn't know how to answer that. She was asking to recommend her a comic book. I recommended her fables and batwoman. If she has any taste, she'll enjoy it.

I think I'm the only person who hates the title gamer girl. To me, it's just putting women into a subgroup to make them seem "special" or a "rare gem". I just want to play video games, why do I need a title? To be fair, I also hate terms like nerd or geek culture. One girl stopped me in a comic book shop and asked if I was into nerd culture and I told her I honestly didn't know how to answer that. She was asking to recommend her a comic book. I recommended her fables and batwoman. If she has any taste, she'll enjoy it.

Somebody asked you that irl? Um..
Somebody asked you that irl? Um..

Yeah she wanted to get into comics. I really don't get the whole "nerd" "geek" label. I guess it takes something negative (a teasing name as a child) and remade it into something "cool", but I'm just a Debbie downer who hates titles in general.

She seemed nice overall. Introduced herself and was extremely polite. I genuinely hope she enjoyed the books.


Reluctant Member
Odd that someone would ask it in that way. I'd think maybe, "Do you know a lot about comics?" or something of that nature would be more appropriate.

Back when I was 12 and inhaling every fantasy novel I could find, I was at the book store dumping every book that had a decent cover and description into my cart when a woman who was in her 30s came and asked for recommendations. It was odd because I was 12. I couldn't give her any because I was still experimenting.


Not pure anymore!

I think I'm the only person who hates the title gamer girl. To me, it's just putting women into a subgroup to make them seem "special" or a "rare gem". I just want to play video games, why do I need a title? To be fair, I also hate terms like nerd or geek culture. One girl stopped me in a comic book shop and asked if I was into nerd culture and I told her I honestly didn't know how to answer that. She was asking to recommend her a comic book. I recommended her fables and batwoman. If she has any taste, she'll enjoy it.

Yeah, and when girls think calling themselves nerds is something to be proud of or when they do things just to seem nerdy. I mean do things you enjoy, why worry about labels?

I don't even call myself a gamer let alone a gamer girl! What does me being a girl have anything to do with me liking games anyway? But to be honest I don't even want to associate myself with the "gamergurl" crowd, usually they only play CoD and think that's all there is to it.


Welcome! I was gonna say that I was surprised that "Cat" was still an available handle, but then I saw that you registered in 2008. Wtf. I knew account approval sometimes took a while here but that's a crazy long wait! Dang.

Well, apparently I never got the activation e-mail. I did try e-mailing NeoGAF support ages ago (couple years?) to see if something happened and never got a response. Maybe SBC blocked the e-mail in question; sometimes it had issues.

Regarding labels, they mildly annoy me too but if others want to use them on themselves, so be it. I know what they mean to a degree even if it's not necessarily a label I give myself now. I remember way back when I was first into DBZ and ran a website, I joined the GirlZ group. It really did feel like something special then or at the very least something worth making known and joining together. It hasn't happened in several months but I used to get the occasional comment through my YouTube channel, which hosts numerous Tekken videos, expressing shock that I'm a GIRL that likes Tekken.

It's cute at first but not so much the more it happens since it's not at all shocking.


I like labels, because I have no ability to endear myself enough to people to become a part of a group, so if I have a label then at least I can pretend like I belong to something. *laughs*


The only time someone asked about my "nerd cred" was when I was wearing a Zeda shirt with Link on it.

I said to him that I "loved to play Zelda because he is such a handsome elf when he uses his sword, but that firefly was so annoying !" he made a SO HILARIOUS "I KNEW IT !!!" face and went away.

A friend almost pissed herself laughing =P
I'm glad to see others here feel the same way. In embarrassed over the fact that I went to high school with L33t Laura. She is the epitome of "gamer gurl" to me. Disliked her a lot then, now to find out she's semi famous, if you want to call her that...

this one?

Isn't she with cliffy b or something?

Yes and yes. They are both insufferable.

Looking at the new website, she must've gotten a ton of facial work done, damn. Shes seriously unrecognizable since the last i saw that site. I was a couple of years ahead of here, she was bi into the Averie Lavene look. We were also both in Jrotc (parents made me because of my obvious attitude problem) and she was just so...ugh. She ended up working at the GameStop in my home town, while I worked at one near my college.


I usually never talk about my "gaming hobby" because I don't have nerd cred at all, haha. Labeling myself would just be inaccurate :(
I usually never talk about my "gaming hobby" because I don't have nerd cred at all, haha. Labeling myself would just be inaccurate :(

Aww... You should at least mention to people that you do. Too many seem to think that gaming is a guys' hobby, so we don't do any favors by staying quiet about it. That said, I don't get this gamergurl thing either. I guess some are hardcore into it, but I don't feel like it's something that needs to be emphasized so much. It just kind of defeats the purpose because it acts like gaming girls are rare when we're not.


Aww... You should at least mention to people that you do. Too many seem to think that gaming is a guys' hobby, so we don't do any favors by staying quiet about it. That said, I don't get this gamergurl thing either. I guess some are hardcore into it, but I don't feel like it's something that needs to be emphasized so much. It just kind of defeats the purpose because it acts like gaming girls are rare when we're not.

I bring it up if its relevant or a series that I've played/am familiar with is mentioned. I don't like to upfront say "I play video games" when I haven't really played a proper game for a while...

... until Okami HD. Man that game is gud ;3
I bring it up if its relevant or a series that I've played/am familiar with is mentioned. I don't like to upfront say "I play video games" when I haven't really played a proper game for a while...

... until Okami HD. Man that game is gud ;3


Kisaya: Hi.

Stranger: Hi.

Kisaya: My name is Kisaya.

Stranger: Nice to meet you.


Kisaya: Hi.

Stranger: ...Hi.


Stranger: ...

Kisaya: Okami HD. Man that game is gud.
Aww... You should at least mention to people that you do. Too many seem to think that gaming is a guys' hobby, so we don't do any favors by staying quiet about it. That said, I don't get this gamergurl thing either. I guess some are hardcore into it, but I don't feel like it's something that needs to be emphasized so much. It just kind of defeats the purpose because it acts like gaming girls are rare when we're not.

I don't really draw attention to it unless its relevant to the conversation at hand, and I know I won't be judged poorly for it :p Weirdly I feel more comfortable bringing it up around guys than my female friends.. I guess I too adhere to the stereotype that guys are more likely to play games and not think I'm weird for also doing so :(

That said, this semester was hectic. I have a bunch of games just sitting there because I bought them during exams and didn't have time to touch them. Hardly played at all this semester

Kisaya: Hi.

Stranger: Hi.

Kisaya: My name is Kisaya.

Stranger: Nice to meet you.


Kisaya: Hi.

Stranger: ...Hi.


Stranger: ...

Kisaya: Okami HD. Man that game is gud.

You using your box pic makes this post seem funnier since it's like a robot is learning how to be human.
Robertm and I have been playing borderlands 2n1-2 hours a night when he gets home from work. im really, really loving it. I want to replay okami hd, but not until February when my grad applications are all done. :(


That said, this semester was hectic. I have a bunch of games just sitting there because I bought them during exams and didn't have time to touch them. Hardly played at all this semester

Ugh I have two more weeks left. Cannot wait to be done with this semester.


That said, this semester was hectic. I have a bunch of games just sitting there because I bought them during exams and didn't have time to touch them. Hardly played at all this semester

Same, unless it was stuff that I gave up an evening for (Walking Dead) or 3DS games that I play before bed.

That said, I will never give up gaming because gaming and movies are the only things that make me happy when I'm alone, which is a lot lol. All of my monies to my happiness.
I don't really draw attention to it unless its relevant to the conversation at hand, and I know I won't be judged poorly for it :p Weirdly I feel more comfortable bringing it up around guys than my female friends.. I guess I too adhere to the stereotype that guys are more likely to play games and not think I'm weird for also doing so :(

That said, this semester was hectic. I have a bunch of games just sitting there because I bought them during exams and didn't have time to touch them. Hardly played at all this semester

I always felt it more daunting to mention it to the older generation rather than boys versus girls. Well, at least both those attitudes are changing a bit. Hopefully you'll feel more comfortable enough talking about your gaming/other awesome nerd hobbies soon.

But, I also feel you guys on the time crunch. I think the last time I got to play a full game was... 2 years ago? I STILL haven't finished FFXII. Or Dragon Age. :/

You using your box pic makes this post seem funnier since it's like a robot is learning how to be human.

That's me, every morning until 11am.

Same, unless it was stuff that I gave up an evening for (Walking Dead) or 3DS games that I play before bed.

That said, I will never give up gaming because gaming and movies are the only things that make me happy when I'm alone, which is a lot lol. All of my monies to my happiness.

Gaming is like an amazing interactive book. No need to give it up even when you're 102. Maybe at 107, though. That's getting on a bit.
I've never been asked about my nerd cred, but them again I don't shut up so I prove it pretty quickly.

I don't think I look old enough to have any kind of cred :p Plus I always look so dazed. If I walk into a comic/ game store it probably looks like I've stumbled in there by mistake. lol.

I always felt it more daunting to mention it to the older generation rather than boys versus girls. Well, at least both those attitudes are changing a bit. Hopefully you'll feel more comfortable enough talking about your gaming/other awesome nerd hobbies soon.

But, I also feel you guys on the time crunch. I think the last time I got to play a full game was... 2 years ago? I STILL haven't finished FFXII. Or Dragon Age. :/

Haha, you should have seen the look on my dad's face when I told him I'd started playing DnD.

I don't blame you. I loved dragon age, but MAN there were some bits you had to slug through. The story (and Alistair) kept me going though!


I don't mind labels like nerd or gamer.

I don't dig the ones that are really flaunting it (you know). Well, I guess even then I don't really care that much. haha.
I don't think I look old enough to have any kind of cred :p Plus I always look so dazed. If I walk into a comic/ game store it probably looks like I've stumbled in there by mistake. lol.

Haha, you should have seen the look on my dad's face when I told him I'd started playing DnD.

I don't blame you. I loved dragon age, but MAN there were some bits you had to slug through. The story (and Alistair) kept me going though!
...Did you just call me old?

And DnD? Awesum
RE: labels. I don't really care much either way, but I hate the girl part of "girl gamer" because I'm not a girl damnit, I'm 27 years old. I'm an adult.

*posts in GirlGAF*


*looks the other way*

AM gets it. I remember liking Ashe in XII as well (but I really don't remember any of the story or characterization in this game anymore, so that may have changed), and Celes is my favorite character in VI, but Rydia is tops.
Fang's my favorite. Final Fantasy's fiercest lesbian
with the worst taste in women

I've never been asked about my nerd cred, but them again I don't shut up so I prove it pretty quickly.
This is me. That is, I don't talk a lot but if you give me the opportunity, geeky shit is all I'm gonna wanna discuss anyway.

and should i buy Persona 3
No. You should buy Persona 3 Portable. FeMCCCCCCC!


You using your box pic makes this post seem funnier since it's like a robot is learning how to be human.

No, she's learning how to be a robot.

That's me, every morning until 11am.

You only work until 11 am?!

Extra age gives you +1 to Charisma and Wisdom so it's natural you'd see me as old.

Extra age hasn't given me shit. No wait, it's given me +5 sadness and bitterness. Rumor has it I get wizard powers when I turn 30 though.

RE: labels. I don't really care much either way, but I hate the girl part of "girl gamer" because I'm not a girl damnit, I'm 27 years old. I'm an adult.
Woman gamer, wimmingamer, w0m4ngmr, wmngmr.


Rolling Girl
I game quite a bit still but not much for me to look forward to the rest of the year that I can remember. I'm just waiting on getting s.orpse Party: Book of Shadows, DJ Max Technika Tune, and maybe importing EX Troopers. The beginning of the New Year has plenty I want in the first few months though!


FF9 is best FF.

FFVII is my favourite Final Fantasy. FFIX was a good game though, and a huge improvement over VIII. VIII being one of my least favourite FF games.

Its not the turned based system that annoys me per se, but the grinding that generally accompanies it. I've only played FFXIII, and while I enjoyed the story and the characters and the pretty animation, that grinding really brought the game down for me. That was not a short game either. I feel it would have been a lot better if the enemies were cut down. But then maybe I just don't "get" Final Fantasy :p

I will just mention that XIII is probably the worst Final Fantasy in the series. However, it probably doesn't make much of a difference to you as the things you found bad about the game, the grinding, amount of battles, etc, are probably much worse in other FF games. I have to say though, XIII is probably the most painfully linear experience I have ever had in a video game. I suppose that in itself makes the grinding and constant battles even more of a chore, as there is literally nothing else to the game. You say you like the story and characters, but I thought they were both awful. It has probably some of the most corniest dialogue I have ever heard. And that one strand of hair in the middle of Snow's forehead made me want to punch him repeatedly. He just gave me the impression he spent more time in front of the mirror than anything else. lol

I agree that grinding as a gameplay mechanic is pretty archaic now and in desperate need of a rethink. However, if you are able get over that, I would suggest trying something like FFVII instead. You say you don't get Final Fantasy, but XIII is really not indicative of what people like about the Final Fantasy series.

I own 3 copies of it. It's good!

I haven't played any of the Persona games. For some reason it has never interested me despite how much praise people have given it. I think I should really give it a go at some point just to see what the fuss is about. :p


I game quite a bit still but not much for me to look forward to the rest of the year that I can remember. I'm just waiting on getting s.orpse Party: Book of Shadows, DJ Max Technika Tune, and maybe importing EX Troopers. The beginning of the New Year has plenty I want in the first few months though!

How's EX Troopers? I played the demo and it thought it was kind of fun, though it seems like it's repetitive.

Well we know now who is Lawful Whiner.

I am Chaotic Awesome.

I lean more towards Neutral Cynical Asshole thank you.


I might buy E.X. Troopers sometime next year. I didn't know that the PS3 version had online until I played the demo.


I really enjoyed the demo, but the trailers make it seem like it gets repetitive after a short while. I want to wait a little and see if there's any possibility of a localization, if not then I'll import it for the PS3 later.
RE: labels. I don't really care much either way, but I hate the girl part of "girl gamer" because I'm not a girl damnit, I'm 27 years old. I'm an adult.

*posts in GirlGAF*


*looks the other way*

Fang's my favorite. Final Fantasy's fiercest lesbian
with the worst taste in women

This is me. That is, I don't talk a lot but if you give me the opportunity, geeky shit is all I'm gonna wanna discuss anyway.

No. You should buy Persona 3 Portable. FeMCCCCCCC!
Marry me.
I might buy E.X. Troopers sometime next year.

A.E Suggs

Aww... You should at least mention to people that you do. Too many seem to think that gaming is a guys' hobby, so we don't do any favors by staying quiet about it. That said, I don't get this gamergurl thing either. I guess some are hardcore into it, but I don't feel like it's something that needs to be emphasized so much. It just kind of defeats the purpose because it acts like gaming girls are rare when we're not.

I don't even do that and when it is its usually the other person that does it. I guess because most of the time even when it does get brought up its just about mainstream gaming, well actually its usually about COD or madden :/.


and should i buy Persona 3

Uh, yes. Man P3P is still on my backlog and I'm wondering if I should just restart it at this point >.<

Also I need to get Persona 4 Golden now that I got a Vita, aaahhhh >3<

I still play WoW a couple of nights a week, but it's mostly to keep up with some friends I don't see much anymore.

Other than that, no gaming here =/

I still haven't played MoP :/ But hopefully I'll have the time to right after my semester is over ;3
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