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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

I've watched a few episodes of Downton Abbey a couple of weeks ago, but need to wrap up the last season of Farscape before I can get into another show. I'm reading....a crappy Star Wars book that I can't even remember the name of off the top of my head because they all start to blur together but I read em anyway because they're like my trashy romance novels.

I think this might be a real trend. I've definitely played handhelds (DS/PSP/3DS/Vita) far more than home consoles this past gen.
Same here. Console gaming requires a certain commitment that I find difficult to make time for these days. I play handhelds at least twice as much as PS3/Wii. Wait, who am I kidding, I never play the Wii. I play handhelds at least twice as much as the PS3.

Haha at Olivia's (Idle threat) mii! She looks so mad!

more like determined!

My friends say it really looks like me.


3DS: 0473-8649-9902
PSN/XBL*/Steam: pikoeri

* Adding me on Xbox Live is pointless, as my friends list is full. If I don't already have you and you want to be friends, it'd be easier for me to try to clear some room and add you.

I can't tell you what it is really, but portable gaming has had my heart since my first Game Boy(alongside a Game Boy camera and then later Pokemon), even if my tastes in types of games has evolved.

I'm kind of the same way. I much prefer playing games on portables, but I'm not totally sure I can say why. It isn't that I hate consoles, and I like my beautiful TV, but... I like being able to play games while getting comfy anywhere, and I like that portables can be tucked away in a bag or a drawer and not help clutter the house with gaming stuff.


3DS: 0473-8649-9902
PSN/XBL*/Steam: pikoeri

* Adding me on Xbox Live is pointless, as my friends list is full. If I don't already have you and you want to be friends, it'd be easier for me to try to clear some room and add you.

*is friends with shidoshi on XBL*

*never uses 360 besides random Bayonetta urges*



*is friends with shidoshi on XBL*

*never uses 360 besides random Bayonetta urges*


Hey, it took me a week to realize that I hadn't plugged my Xbox 360 back in after bringing it home from the office. *laughs* I don't know why I'm so anti-Xbox—especially since I love its avatars—but I just am.
We were talking about makeup the other day, and this shows up on my skepchick feed.


It questions the on going debate of anti-makeup feminist movements on top of the value makeup holds for some ladies.
Hmm, not that in-depth but a nice read. (Though I didn't check all of the links.) Haven't been to that site before. *bookmarks* Between this and your obvious distaste for otaku pandering, you are making an excellent first impression in my eyes.
Did another round of 3DS/PSN adding, think I've got everyone who's posted so far.

Hmm, not that in-depth but a nice read. (Though I didn't check all of the links.) Haven't been to that site before. *bookmarks* Between this and your obvious distaste for otaku pandering, you are making an excellent first impression in my eyes.
I fear I may have forever tarnished myself in your eyes by admitting to a fondness for Aya Brea's 3rd Birthday design.


First post in GirlGAF! Woo! Thanks Lin.

Continuing with the whole Fire Emblem thing.. me and my sisters were so pressed about the whole marriage thing, hehe. Turned out it wasn't bad at all. Also haven't used my 3DS in a looong time. I'm gonna try to add some of you when I get home. I don't know my friend code right now.

As far as I know friend codes are not region locked, right?
how pressed?

panini pressed? steam pressed?


Reluctant Member
I fear I may have forever tarnished myself in your eyes by admitting to a fondness for Aya Brea's 3rd Birthday design.

Design is fine.

Rest of the game? Not so much. Well, admittedly I only finished the first chapter. By the time it was nearly out I had decided I didn't even want the game, but my boyfriend at the time decided to buy it for me anyway. It was as horrible as I'd expected.


My mom and sister watch it.

Same here. I've heard it in the background a few times. I think she's just finished season one.

I'm reading Shades of Earth by Beth Revis.
Teeeeen fiction I don't even care :D

Fist-bump! Cinder by Marissa Meyer was my favorite YA book, with Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor a close second. Gotta make time to read the sequels this year. Right now I'm reading When Beauty Tamed the Beast by Eloisa James. (<= someone really likes Dr. House.)

I can't tell you what it is really, but portable gaming has had my heart since my first Game Boy(alongside a Game Boy camera and then later Pokemon), even if my tastes in types of games has evolved. If I had to guess, I'd say the DS has been the biggest factor in keeping this alive - there are simply too many beloved games on that system that couldn't be pulled off as well anywhere else, from Kirby: Canvas Curse, the systems original killer app, to Meteos and Ouendan, which dominated my time at bus stops and in-between classes throughout college. I'm currently playing a bunch of Picross 3D - these all represent some of my favorite games on the system(and of all time) and are experiences I couldn't find elsewhere.

Ouendan 1+2 were one of my favorites for the NDS as well!

This thread made me realize I've never owned a portable console. The most I do is play tetris on my phone.

In 2010/2011 everyone was talking about how phones were going to replace handhelds as the dominant portable gaming device. App markets are growing in revenue year over year. Check out some of the console quality games now being released. It's not all shovel-ware anymore.
I'm kind of the same way. I much prefer playing games on portables, but I'm not totally sure I can say why. It isn't that I hate consoles, and I like my beautiful TV, but... I like being able to play games while getting comfy anywhere, and I like that portables can be tucked away in a bag or a drawer and not help clutter the house with gaming stuff.
Same here. Now that I think about it, Nintendo handhelds have been the only 'console' that I have consistently bought - All the way back to when I got a game boy pocket.

I did say I just wanted to see how it was... I didn't plan to keep it.

You break my heart Anti ;.;


I'm not that into portable gaming like I used to be and even then it was just Pokemon. I would much rather browse the internet on my phone than take out my handheld now. When I'm at home and feel like playing games, I do it on a console or PC. Portable gaming does not seem right at home.

Since Lafiel brought it up, let's talk about books! What have you girls been reading lately?

I've had my nose in Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter.

I'm trying to read the Hobbit. Again. I might be able to finish it this time since I have a reference for the characters from watching the movies. I could get through LOTR but there is something about the Hobbit book that is so boring.

I hope I'm not the only girl obsessed with Downton Abbey!

I've been thinking about watching it. It sounds similar to those Jane Austen BBC miniseries so its right up my alley.
3DS: 0473-8649-9902
PSN/XBL*/Steam: pikoeri

* Adding me on Xbox Live is pointless, as my friends list is full. If I don't already have you and you want to be friends, it'd be easier for me to try to clear some room and add you.

I'm kind of the same way. I much prefer playing games on portables, but I'm not totally sure I can say why. It isn't that I hate consoles, and I like my beautiful TV, but... I like being able to play games while getting comfy anywhere, and I like that portables can be tucked away in a bag or a drawer and not help clutter the house with gaming stuff.

Added you on 3ds, my friend code is below. Also I wouldn't mind being your friend on xbl . I think I mostly like handhelds more because it tends to have more of the genres I love playing on it , puzzle games, platformers, rpgs, quirky stuff than their console counterparts these days. I also just like playing a game anywhere without relying on a tv.

Sure why not


Also added you femmeworth.


Any girlgaffers read this?


Read up to part B so far. It's pretty damn good so far; definitely like the way it's presented, has a strong evidence-based approach eg rather than focusing on anecdotes or the authors own personal bias, it basically presents a lot of research in that particular area and allows it to speak for itself, while debunking a lot of clearly pseduo-scientific or poorly controlled scientific studies on gender differences, I'm slightly skeptical the book might have a anti-biological bent like a lot of work in the field, but the author makes a strong case for how external influences can affect us on a subconscious level and it's role in reinforcing stereotypes about gender!

Edit. Oops, I just realized the book is already in the OP! oh well.:p probably didn't notice because it has a slightly different title in australia.:)

I THINK I read the book ... but like you, the translation/localization problems makes me not sure about it xD
But then again, been a while that I read ... so ...

Long story short :
This book goes against everything I have learned my entire life as a transgender person.
Each chapter they go against each of the ways to show how gender is something shoved into your throat by society and not something that you ARE.
There are even a chapter telling that gender diferences in brain are NOTHING.

If that book made half sense there would be no reason for gender deviant people to ever exist.

I really wanted to like the book since it is goodly written (or with a REALLY good translation xD) ... but what can I do if each page is a big "Fuck You" to me ? =P


I'm kind of the same way. I much prefer playing games on portables, but I'm not totally sure I can say why. It isn't that I hate consoles, and I like my beautiful TV, but... I like being able to play games while getting comfy anywhere, and I like that portables can be tucked away in a bag or a drawer and not help clutter the house with gaming stuff.

The whole self-contained system thing IS a big deal for me too - I eventually gave away my Wii not because of a particular distaste for it or anything, but simply because I hated the clutter of having a home console(missing it right now as I want to play Prime Trilogy again!). I don't even normally have a TV set up anywhere in my house(aside from my hybrid computer monitor), so home consoles are a bit of a pain for me.

We were talking about makeup the other day, and this shows up on my skepchick feed.


It questions the on going debate of anti-makeup feminist movements on top of the value makeup holds for some ladies.

Good article! <3 Skepchick

Beards are gross.



Not pure anymore!
I was a huge fan of psp back when I was in college and uni but now as I've grown older, I think I much prefer to make some time just for gaming, sit in front of the tv for an hour or two to unwind after coming home after a long day. Instead of playing in short bursts on my break between classes/work, on the bus/train or before falling asleep like I used to. I dunno, portable games don't feel as substantial to me as console games.


I want to get a pedicure so bad. My feet are looking (and feeling!) gangly lately. Like I have slime growing on them (they don't really).

But I could really use a pedicure.

The thing is, the place I go to get mine is all the way downtown. 30 minute trip for a pedicure? More likely than you think!

I've been ordered to get a manicure. Haha. Maybe...


My very plain nails... I can't get them very long; index nail is kinda thin and tends to get bent upwards.

Been thinking about importing some nail stamping plates from born pretty tho.


Need hair care advice:

My hair is really thin and dry, doesn't look healthy at all. I know I'm gonna get a trim soon but ideally I'm aiming for that long and full look, and right now I feel like I'm loosing hair. I've also heard wearing a scarf for long hours isn't the best but that's not something I can change atm.

What do I do :(

A.E Suggs

How much ?
Expensive enogh to deserve it's own thread

Nothing to play ???
Miiverse drawings, Nintendo land, Miiverse drawings, Super Mario Bros Wii U, Miiverse drawings, Darksiders 2, Miiverse drawings, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Miiverse drawings, Rayman Legends demo xD

WOAH! That's one expensive brick LOL, I know that shouldn't be funny but its funny sorry :(. About those games most of that is connected to Mii things which I'm not the biggest fan of, that said I would love me drawing if I had any talent at drawing. If I remember correctly you are an artist so of course you would list it like that XD.

It won no points with can't-grow-a-beardGAF.

I can't grow a beard at all either, I'm gonna have a babyface until my 30's it seems :(.


Need hair care advice:

My hair is really thin and dry, doesn't look healthy at all. I know I'm gonna get a trim soon but ideally I'm aiming for that long and full look, and right now I feel like I'm loosing hair. I've also heard wearing a scarf for long hours isn't the best but that's not something I can change atm.

What do I do :(

Hair falling out regularly can be a sign of poor nutrition. You might want to try taking a multi-vitamin. If you really want it to start growing crazy, take pre-natal vitamins.


Hair falling out regularly can be a sign of poor nutrition. You might want to try taking a multi-vitamin. If you really want it to start growing crazy, take pre-natal vitamins.

Speaking of hair, I got a bunch of Biotin (1000mg IIRC) from my coworker. Supposed to be good for hair along with the other B-vitamins.

Edit: Any Sex in the City fans catch S01E01 of The Carrie Diaries?


Hair falling out regularly can be a sign of poor nutrition. You might want to try taking a multi-vitamin. If you really want it to start growing crazy, take pre-natal vitamins.

I have multi vitamins but most days I don't really get full meals, just snacking. So whenever I'd take a vitamin with a half full stomach I would always either feel nauseous or puke it back out :''''( So I just decided to stop taking them for now until I get myself on a consistent eating schedule.


I have multi vitamins but most days I don't really get full meals, just snacking. So whenever I'd take a vitamin with a half full stomach I would always either feel nauseous or puke it back out :''''( So I just decided to stop taking them for now until I get myself on a consistent eating schedule.

Well... not eating enough will definitely do it too. You can think of your hair as a reflection of your health.
Speaking of hair, I really need to see a dermatologist. Been dealing with dandruff for months now and self-treating with little success. :\


I really wanted to like the book since it is goodly written (or with a REALLY good translation xD) ... but what can I do if each page is a big "Fuck You" to me ? =P
To be fair, I don't necessary want to offend you here, but that's a poor reason to disagree with something. Genuinely even if an idea goes against our own personal assumptions or makes us feel uncomfortable on a personal level, that's not a good reason to disagree with the "idea' especially if there is strong evidence backing the idea in theory. (I'm talking in a general sense, not applied to the book in particular as I haven't finished reading it yet, so I don't know either way!)

However at the same time 1. The book in question, is still a science book at it's core, and due to the nature of science not everything in it is going be absolute truth, plus it could all be bunk for all I know! but at the same time it pays to keep a open-mind to whatever the evidence leads us to. 2. I'm pretty sure a hypothesis of gender being a cultural construct doesn't strongly go against the existence of people like you, as the concept of biological sex still exists. 3. I hope I'm not misunderstanding what you are trying to say here.:p (as it appears english isn't your first language!)
Speaking of hair, I got a bunch of Biotin (1000mg IIRC) from my coworker. Supposed to be good for hair along with the other B-vitamins.

Oh! I've been taking Biotin for a month & a half. My hair grows extremely slow these days... I haven't noticed a change really.. but I'll still keep at it.

Around March of last year I dyed my hair (like an idiot).. hoping it wouldn't be terribly damaged.
I dyed it before in my college years and it always got kind of straw like. Now a lot of my hair has broken off. I also have to perm my hair, so that means double the chemicals! It's pretty short and really thin =( come ooon biotin!


WOAH! That's one expensive brick LOL, I know that shouldn't be funny but its funny sorry :(. About those games most of that is connected to Mii things which I'm not the biggest fan of, that said I would love me drawing if I had any talent at drawing. If I remember correctly you are an artist so of course you would list it like that XD.

yes !
It is also one of the main reasons I want a 3DS ... I want to try Colors!3D =D

It is ok to laugh ... I laugh too =P
...while I wait for a friend to travel abroad xD

To be fair, I don't necessary want to offend you here, but that's a poor reason to disagree with something. Genuinely even if an idea goes against our own personal assumptions or makes us feel uncomfortable on a personal level, that's not a good reason to disagree with the "idea' especially if there is strong evidence backing the idea in theory. (I'm talking in a general sense, not applied to the book in particular as I haven't finished reading it yet, so I don't know either way!)

However at the same time 1. The book in question, is still a science book at it's core, and due to the nature of science not everything in it is going be absolute truth, plus it could all be bunk for all I know! but at the same time it pays to keep a open-mind to whatever the evidence leads us to. 2. I'm pretty sure a hypothesis of gender being a cultural construct doesn't strongly go against the existence of people like you, as the concept of biological sex still exists. 3. I hope I'm not misunderstanding what you are trying to say here.:p (as it appears english isn't your first language!)

It is not against personal assumption, it is against my persona. Against ME !
(you know .. like the punk rock band with a trans singer)

She took all the data that she wanted and IGNORED the rest.

There is strong evidence that gender is MOSTLY a social construct. Like .. 60%

There are HUGE evidences in brain diferentiation between males and females.
Scientificaly, physicaly and studied diferences.
Not only in humans, in basicaly EVERY SPECIEIS with a male and female gender

The (if I remember right) second part of this book goes against YEARS of neurological discoveries, a good portion because science discovered that studying the brains of transgender people is an interesting stuff to do, since you can find a female brain under influence of testosterone and a male brain under influence of estrogen in their pre-transition states.
This is a lecture done less than 6 months before the publication of this book according to wikipedia
Feel free to enter with a legal action against this teacher for him to teach bullshits to his students, but I will side with him, since he shows to know more about neuroscience than a person with a PhD in Psychology
Feel free to edit wikipedia too and delete the Brain part of sexual diferentiation

What they call gender performing is a construct, the fact that you are a female is NOT a social construct.

Biological sex is extremaly importante in the "gender is 100% construct" because it is show how society interacts and raises the person based on their GENITALS, since this is the only thing that society has to know if you are a "baby girl" or a "baby boy"

How does society will influence you if society don't have such a base to WHAT influence you?
How you will choose to look at what will influence you if there isn't a small base of gender diferention on you since day 0 ?

I had the most cliche male rising, played happly with extremaly male toys and did extremaly male things. Society expected and raised me to be the mainliest of mens (my father gave me playboy magazines and other awkward things) .... and I ended up a slightly tomboish transgender women.

How does it explains why I have the female gender ?

What we call "cliche male toys", "tomboy" and other stuffs that ARE the social constructs.
One could say that the Gender of "Gender Expression" is a construct while the real gender is not.

Male and Female and everything in between are NOT constructs.


Speaking of hair, I really need to see a dermatologist. Been dealing with dandruff for months now and self-treating with little success. :\

Just remember, dandruff isn't necessarily coming from dry skin. It can be a fungus infection.

Around March of last year I dyed my hair (like an idiot).. hoping it wouldn't be terribly damaged.
I dyed it before in my college years and it always got kind of straw like. Now a lot of my hair has broken off. I also have to perm my hair, so that means double the chemicals! It's pretty short and really thin =( come ooon biotin!

Have you tried demi-permanent color?
Design is fine.

Rest of the game? Not so much. Well, admittedly I only finished the first chapter. By the time it was nearly out I had decided I didn't even want the game, but my boyfriend at the time decided to buy it for me anyway. It was as horrible as I'd expected.
Was gonna respond in depth to this, but I just finished a playthrough of the whole Parasite Eve series, so I figured I'd throw up a LTTP PE thread instead.

Suddenly shan is a lumberjack
Lovin' that beard.

I can't grow a beard at all either, I'm gonna have a babyface until my 30's it seems :(.
I'm so confused. I could swear that you've mentioned being married and having kids around the boards before, but you look so young!


What is your hair type and what shampoo and conditioner do you use? Do you use anything after your shower? Hair depends on several factors. Tell us what you use, how often, and what you do to maintain moisture afterward.

I have wavy curly hair, and use Nexxus shampoo and conditioner. I also use the leave-in spray from Nexxus too :B That's it really.


I have wavy curly hair, and use Nexxus shampoo and conditioner. I also use the leave-in spray from Nexxus too :B That's it really.

Have you ever talked to a stylist or otherwise who specializes in curly hair? I did that, and the difference between what I was using (store-bought stuff) and the curly hair-specific product I use now is pretty big. My hair still drives me crazy, but I've got it under more control than I did.

If you haven't, I can't recommend enough that you talk to somebody—just make sure they've actually been trained in curly hair.

(I'm not too familiar with Nexxus, so I don't know if they're a good match for curly hair.)
Nexxus is a decent brand, going by MakeupAlley reviews.

kisaya, when you say your hair is thin do you mean the thickness of each strand, the amount of hairs on your head, or both? Is your scalp dry too?


I really like Nexxus, especially their pro-mend line. Makes my hair feel really soft :(

I wash my hair either every other day or two. My scalp isn't dry nor is my hair thick. Just really thin strands of dry hair :(

That olive oil treatment sounds pretty promising so I'm going to most likely buy that or something similar. Thanks you guys >.<


Hmmm. I hear Nexxus is a good brand so I'm not sure if it is the shampoo. However often do you use? Shampoo strips the hair of oils and moisture, so if you're doing it everyday that is probably a bad thing. But that's what the conditioner is for. :p

Yup. One of the first things I learned when I started trying to figure out my curly hair was to be careful about shampooing. I only do it one a week, and with a shampoo specifically for curly hair. Scalp only when applying, and then work it a bit into my hair when rinsing. Otherwise, using conditioner in the way I'd normally use shampoo.

I should also look into that olive oil treatment, and see if it'd help me.

A.E Suggs

Was gonna respond in depth to this, but I just finished a playthrough of the whole Parasite Eve series, so I figured I'd throw up a LTTP PE thread instead.

Lovin' that beard.

I'm so confused. I could swear that you've mentioned being married and having kids around the boards before, but you look so young!
Let me help you out a little bit I don't wanna give you to much info though.

I have kids(twin girls), My kids were born while I was in highschool(I was 16,she was 15). I never planned on having any at all and pushed my EX for birth control, which she was supposed to had been using but lied about >-(.

Long story short,i'm not married she didn't really love me, I didn't really love her, she just loved getting in my pants and I guess the same was true for me. I'm probably not ever gonna get married after that or have more kids. Probably'll never grow a real beard either :'(.

Edit: I don't mind looking young, I mind having a babyface at the age of 25.
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