You can have mine kamikaze i don't have the game, ill pm you.
Wow, thanks man!
You can have mine kamikaze i don't have the game, ill pm you.
I think people were complaining that it doesn't reflect ranged attacks.
Reassuring to hear. What did you think about the cerberus + satyr fight in GoW3 for comparison?
What difficulty?
So what is general consensus about this game
Can tfind it any where in Saudi Arabia
may have to smuggle it from some place else
I seriously dont understand some people saying the combat in Ascension is better than 3. I really dont. In Ascension, you have a bad parry system, less combos, and a under realized elemental system. The only cool thing about the combat is when you get two specific items later in the game, other than that I cant see how its better than 3 combat wise. In 3 you had more combination options coupled with the ability to switch weapons on the fly that worked dramatically different and gave you different evasive options. You had the bow which could help you juggle enemies, you had the hermes boots which you could incorporate into your offensive moves, the cestus had bounce back properties, the whip stunned enemies... i could go on. This game is a big step back combat wise. oh and I forgot, you could drag you self towards enemies and pull them towards you in 3 as well. SMH
So what is general consensus about this game
Can tfind it any where in Saudi Arabia
may have to smuggle it from some place else
its a good game, but in my opinion, the weakest GOW yet. If you like GOW you most likely will find it entertaining.
Anyone else not going to use their Allstars code?
Nope this is the best combat in the series
No way in hell GOW3 is better in that area.
Yes pleaseDo you still need one? I'll send you mine. I can finally give something to the neogaf community!
Nope this is the best combat in the series
No way in hell GOW3 is better in that area.
I think my game is too quiet...what is wrong with the sound?
first one to reply gets my PSABR code
Need a good co-op partner for Trials of the Gods. Add me: A_MagicToaster
It's completely fucked. Switching to stereo raises the volume of the overall sound but it still has too many missing or strangely quiet sounds. It's completely awful sound work and I don't know how no one picked up on it before the game shipped.
Wow, the art direction in this game is beatiful. I'm in Kirra's Harbor right now and it looks gorgeous. I'm enjoying the game a lot more than GOW3, too. Ascension is to GOW3 as the second game was to the first. In other words, superior in every way.
I'm really liking the different elemental powers you can choose between. Zeus' is my favorite so far. It feels great when a giant thunderbolt slams into the ground.
I figured. I've been playing beat'em ups/brawlers/action games my whole life, maybe my favorite genre. So i'm not worried about anything a God of War will throw at me....That was it? THAT was the Trial of Archimedes every review has been bitching about? The one the IGN guy took SIX HOURS ON? And I beat it on my second try?
C'mon now, ya'll. Just apply a LITTLE action game knowledge here.
The lack of feedback from SMM about the sound issues is worrisome. I want to know if they will fix it so I can wait for the patch before buying.
That's what I like to hear.Game gets a lot better after the first hour and a half or so. It feels like a proper GoW now. Exploration, puzzles, and environments are way better than 3. Still trying to get a hold of the different elements and the world weapons but combat is starting to click now. The combat feels quite a bit different from the previous ones. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing yet.
Are the sound issues worth holding off on playing the game? Or are they a relatively minor nuisance
That's what I like to hear.
They've got a couple of guys that post here, including the director. I'm sure they'll report back when they get a handle on the issue. They probably just don't want to make any early promises.