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God of War Ascension |OT| Gods up, Foes down


I'd be in the dick
Finally got Round 1 of the trial down but now I'm getting stomped on 2 despite note having a problem with it before. I think not having the blades at max is killing me since I don't have the enhanced Rage meter. I think it's more frustrating because if there was just a health chest or a checkpoint at some point during it, it wouldn't be a problem.


This might just be my favorite multiplayer game behind Uncharted. The combat's really fun and has depth to it, and the maps are all well designed too.


Just attempted the Trial for the first time and got destroyed. Made it to the 2nd round with about 1/4 of health and that was all she wrote. I'm not attempting it again tonight as I'm already pissed.


So can someone who beat the game explain how new game plus works? Do you keep all your upgrades and stuff? Can you move on to higher difficulties with it?

What's the deal?


I had no problems there. What was giving you trouble ?

The 2nd grapple, when you're circling around. In the video he jumps on the 2nd round, when I try to do that, I lose all the momentum and just hang in there. And jumping on the 1st round fails every time. I just hate these sections, as there's no room for error, and I seem to really suck at them.
This might just be my favorite multiplayer game behind Uncharted. The combat's really fun and has depth to it, and the maps are all well designed too.

Ive only played a couple matches before I had to run somewhere but I loved that labyrinth level when I got to spin half the map! Got three easy kills ;)


Finally got Round 1 of the trial down but now I'm getting stomped on 2 despite note having a problem with it before. I think not having the blades at max is killing me since I don't have the enhanced Rage meter. I think it's more frustrating because if there was just a health chest or a checkpoint at some point during it, it wouldn't be a problem.
The 'enhanced' rage meter only makes it twice as long, you should upgrade it for the extra damage not the meter.
So can someone who beat the game explain how new game plus works? Do you keep all your upgrades and stuff? Can you move on to higher difficulties with it?

What's the deal?
You only carry your stuff over if you choose the new game+ option, and you can only play on Titan on whatever 'New game' setting you beat the game on. If you haven't beaten the game yet on New game+, then you can't play Titan on New game+. Hope you understood.

The r1 button to pick them up

The circle button to use them.

Not much point to the world weapons, aside from the sling they are weak as shit.


You only carry your stuff over if you choose the new game+ option, and you can only play on Titan on whatever 'New game' setting you beat the game on. If you haven't beaten the game yet on New game+, then you can't play Titan on New game+. Hope you understood.
Understood, thanks.

I read somewhere that trophies can't be unlocked in NG+ mode. Is that true?


Finally got Round 1 of the trial down but now I'm getting stomped on 2 despite note having a problem with it before. I think not having the blades at max is killing me since I don't have the enhanced Rage meter. I think it's more frustrating because if there was just a health chest or a checkpoint at some point during it, it wouldn't be a problem.

Shamelessly stolen from ps3trophies.org. Credit goes to "poignancy" over there. Spoilered just in case:

Originally Posted by poignancy View Post
... I have maxed out magic bar and Zeus lightning. I also happened to be carrying a shield into this battle, if you arn't no big deal it didn't help much..

Wave 1: Start off by rolling to the right hand side so one gorgon spawns in the fire. freeze (L2+Square) the other one and start your favorite combo. try to stay in this corner to fight only the one at a time. this GREATLY helps and makes these guys complete pussies. Once you finish that first one off another will spawn and most likely by now the 2nd on found its way to you.

Keep your distance and use the L2+Square AND L2+Triangle whenever you can. You can block all the attacks except you need to roll dodge the gorgon freezebeams and roll away when they sliver up to grab you. At this point you can use magic twice. This should stun one if not both. If not hit them a couple times and one of them SHOULD go red. Complete the mini-game to regain magic. When the lighting bitches spawn use all 4 magic and eliminate them as they turn red because they also grant you more magic orbs which is all the more helpful.

Bear in mind you WILL NOT need ANY magic or hardly any health for the last 2 waves i PROMISE you that. Go balls to the walls use all your magic up at this point. Do not forget to use the orkos stone to freeze someone after each time you use magic. get in a quick combo and use another magic. This routine keeps u safe from damage.

Wave 2: Play it SAFE. HOLD BLOCK THE ENTIRE TIME!!! They can not and WILL NOT damage you. Get in cheap shots quick attacks when you have time, but TAKE YOUR TIME and BE A CHEAP PLAYER. You CAN NOT die here so long as you play it safe. Keep in mind if you are low on health the blue bitches grant you some when you grapple them once they are red.

Wave 3: Hold block and wait for him to charge. Win the QTE and engage your favorite combo. Unleash any magic you may have left at this point, but its entirely not needed. (I have enough for once usage).

Wave 4: Once he is done emply the same strategy as part 2. HOLD BLOCK and they CAN NOT KILL YOU! EVER. Only when you try to attack so PLAY IT SAFE you are almost done this is NOT that hard.


Finished this about an hour ago.

Overall, it's a great game. It's bigger, bloodier and smarter than previous entries; unfortunately, it's not really better than God of War 3 thanks to some technical problems. Horrible sound mixing really breaks the illusion when what you're seeing and what your hearing are at such extreme ends of the quality spectrum. Also, this is the first GoW game where the fixed camera system fails me; epic battles are made significantly less epic when the camera zooms out so far you can't competently fight anymore.

The Trials section that people are complaining about took me about 4 tries. It's hard, but it's not nearly as difficult I think as some folks are making it out to be. That said, I explored every inch I could, so at that point I had unlocked basically everything.

Sony Santa Monica continues to impress me every time one of these games comes out, because I think "They can't possibly top [insert last game]." And yet, looking at it chapter by chapter, there are really high highs here. And some really low lows -- lower than that of GoW3, certainly.

I really hope that the next game Santa Monica does is not a God of War game. Not because I'm bored of this series, but it's in a phase right now where Uncharted is; always good, but I'm ready for something new. This isn't a perfect game, but it's such a good one that they can close this book for a while, and end on a relatively high note.


benevolent sexism
Currently failing the trial. Here are my problems with it.

1) They didn't earn this.

They had ample time to gradually ramp up to a combat scenario this difficult. They didn't take advantage of that. There's no reason there should be something this hard on normal difficulty while the rest of the game is a breeze. There must be some key tactical information I'm not stumbling upon on my own. I get that parrying the snakes means a chance to shatter a stoned enemy. Once the lightning sirens show up, it becomes harder to parry anything deliberately and I haven't figured out the optimal strategy. Magic attacks seem weak as fuck.

2) I can't see shit.

There is too much happening and the framerate is not high enough. I want to use my
clone helper
but that makes it even harder to parse the action. It's hard enough to read the enemy tells with all the blur and shit going on, now add multiple kinds of enemies with vague tells that are constantly attacking at odd times. I want to fight but no matter what I do, something is about to hit me. I don't want to roll around forever looking for an opening because that is not fun.

I've never had this much trouble with legibility in a GOW game, nor has one ever felt so sluggish when trying to transition from defense to offense and vice versa.

Basically the combat works best when you're in a big square or circular arena. It doesn't work great when in a narrow corridor perpendicular to the camera with flying things in my goddamn face.

3) Why is it so hard to shatter a petrified enemy?

Square-square-triangle doesn't do it, but square-square-square-square does? But not if you're standing too close because the collision detection and auto-targeting are fucked up? Great.

4) Snakes grab you every 5 seconds and steal your time and fun away from you. It barely hurts you, it just makes you repeat something annoying. This section has also highlighted how dumb the new "not a QTE!" finishers are. It's like the world's easiest game of punchout that lasts for altogether too fucking long.

I was really starting to like the combat system, and I was even looking forward to this trial part to really see if I was getting the hang of it. But this shit isn't working for me.

Random complaint: You used to be able to cancel a block into a parry and now you can't and it's fucking terrible. If an enemy has a two hit combo, why can't I block the first hit and parry the second?
The game definitely gets better with upgraded Blades of Chaos. You can actually fill up your rage meter without relying on excessive dodging and hitting from afar.
This might just be my favorite multiplayer game behind Uncharted. The combat's really fun and has depth to it, and the maps are all well designed too.

The beta was absolutely amazing. I think I put in 40 hrs and I wanted more. I loved the free for all mode. I haven't touched the retail version yet but I'm thinking this might be my MP until The Last of Us' MP.


Murdered By StarCreator
It's certainly the best-looking game in the series. I especially like it when the camera zooms out during combat so I can see the level design.

Check out this screenshot I took of the first boss fight.

Finally got Round 1 of the trial down but now I'm getting stomped on 2 despite note having a problem with it before. I think not having the blades at max is killing me since I don't have the enhanced Rage meter. I think it's more frustrating because if there was just a health chest or a checkpoint at some point during it, it wouldn't be a problem.

Are you playing on hard?


Come teh-cj, i need your impressions... you love all things GOW right?

Yup massive god of war fan.

Its a really consistent campaign. It has no high's of the other god of wars but it doesn't have any lows either. Its just a solid adventure with some awesome comabat. The last boss is pretty epic though.

The co op and multiplayer is just fantastic. But it man.
We're not really disagreeing - the character models can get very small in this game, you need to either have a good size TV or be sitting pretty damn close.

You disagree that we're not disagreeing?! I disagree with that, too!

Like I said it comes down to the proper size TV for how far away you are sitting. If you're watching from 12 feet away with a 32", that's not ideal for watching anything.


benevolent sexism
I'm trying a new strategy for the trial. I'm just standing there blocking while everyone goes batshit insane, occasionally parrying a snake to petrify everyone. It's mind boggling how often the parry just completely whiffs when you're RIGHT NEXT TO THE ENEMY, or connects then whiffs the counterattack.

Also, why does my L2+Triangle power just fizzle out half the time?


Ok the time limit on co op is silly. Can this be patched at all?

it ruins the experience to be honest.

edit: and 1 life? seriously?


Also, why does my L2+Triangle power just fizzle out half the time?

It seems to be a bug but here's how I understand it,
you know when you leave a clone on a certain spot or a lever and you have to press L2+Triangle to make him disappear? I guess the game thinks there is always one out there that needs to dissipate, even when I'm RIGHT NEXT to them and I use it it seems to just fizzle, even with the green targeting aura around them


I just got to Chapter 20. Since obtaining the (item spoiler)
Amulet of Uroborus
combat has been significantly easier. I enjoy (item usage spoiler)
freezing an enemy
and then wailing on them to get my rage built up. For most encounters, once the rage is activated it's easy mode as I can keep most enemies in stun lock.

I've already maxed out both my health and magic, as well as the blades. What element should I focus on upgrading for the trials? I've primarily been using fire in normal combat.


Finally beat the trials thanks to that post from ps3trophies.org. You really can't make any mistakes in the first part. The whole having to block the entire time was cheesy and really shouldn't have to be done.


Just got to
The Temple of Delphi.
This area feels pretty amazing, but the level design on
the Snakes on a Train bit
on the way there felt pretty weak. Fight with the
made up for it, though.

The presentation is pretty much great, but the camera work pans out at the worst moments sometimes and I am realizing that I am just not a fan of a fixed camera anymore in general. I just hate feeling restricted to what the devs want me to see. Never bothered me that much before, but I am just sick of that design these days.

As far as the gameplay, it is pretty much GOW, but rolling feels delayed, the finisher mini-game is lame and I am not a fan of the parry system. Other than that, it's fine. Enemies also seem to take more damage and can get cheap shots in much easier. Design-wise, I think it's probably the weakest so far, but it's still the prettiest in areas and is fun to play.
No one seems to talk about multiplayer? Is there a seperate thread or something lol :p

Having leveled a Poseidon character up to level 22 playing favor of the gods exclusively... here are my thoughts on online. So far. Hell I could be wrong on lots of it, but its just my "so-far" impressions. And as this specific god fighting others.

Not a shootbang game!
The stats, good shit
Leveling up and getting cooler powers and armor
That armor/weapons can only be upgraded three times (thankyou!)
Levels are pretty good, except Bog of gorgon or w.e
Very fun when you get to work together and play smart
Did I mention it is very very fun!

-Potential Problems Please note this is from a Poseidon toon perspective-
Hades IMO is WAAAAAAAY OP. Zeus is OP as well but first lemme talk about Hades.
Hades has amazing defense and offense all wrapped in one. He can dodge attacks and not get hit when he is in shadow mode or whatever he uses when he goes underground and can pop up whenever he wants. Effectively avoiding everyone's attacks and at same time always landing his own. He should be way softer if he is going to be that OP. He can escape combat even when outnumbered, and easily. Its completely unfair. Not to mention the life syphon crap which makes him outlast even god damn tank.

Zeus as well can nearly one shot people at a very low level with magic... Zeus also has an ability that cancels out other peoples magic so he lumbers towards you impervious to any magic attacks whilst dealing a fuck ton.

Poseidon is underpowered, love him in practice but my god he needs a buff; and i can talk more in specific about him since thats the character I play as. He is supposed to be a tank and have defense but honestly his armor only blocks physical and not any magic defense whatsoever... meanwhile it seems like other gods get better magic defense and offense at the same time, and skills that can eat through any defense I have... Poseidon gets almost no offense btw so its horseshit that he doesnt get both magic and physical resists. Basically I buff and shoot other people at distance to help teammates while juggling opponents + overwhelm enemies but in terms of damage output or mitigating what is dealt to me I just cannot survive without magic resist... If I am fighting a Zeus or Hades character, even lower level, I am at a significant disadvantage. You would think my magic would do more damage to Hades and Zeus characters since they are supposedly more glass cannon-ish but no. My viability is best against other Poseidon's or Ares people. I heard he gets better once you ditch the all out defense and go elemental damage, but so far its not too good.

-Combat issues-
Grabbing people seems to be terribly broken, people dodge all the time and im using my chains to grab them but to no avail, it grabs nothing. Meanwhile sometimes I get grabbed when all im doing is running (how?).

Sometimes you just get hit over and over and over again. Blocking doesnt do shit even against some light attacks or a couple people wailing on you. Chain raped too constantly. OR grabbed at impossible times.

Some people dont get hit or somehow walk through abilities as well. Like my magic attack that brings and ice/water hurricane, half the time people just do a combo through it and arent vortexed upwards :/

-Lag related issues-

Sometimes you use the Triangle Heavy attack combo to juggle people and they literally stay on the ground after being hit and are not grabbable.

Sometimes people just sit on the ground right before they die, and never get up. Dont DC. But they do something to avoid death... cord pulling? no idea..

-Miscellaneous things-

-Would be nice to not have to push the start button to see players/stats and come to a complete stop.

-Please for the love of christ, do NOT allow 2v4, or 3v4 matches to start. Ive had too many times been on a team of 3 vs a team full of hades and zeus players... only to get raped for the next ten minutes.

- NEEDS MORE DIRECTION. Seriously how the fuck do I get the gorgon to do her shit? Or how do i get that spear to drop to kill giant cyclops? Its so confusing how to get these side objectives done. I feel like there is so much to learn but no way to learn it besides playing a fuck ton and testing things. I know how to do some things... I found out the gorgon one, but the giant is still a mystery to me. And whats the entire purpose of shooting Horse/Statue? Does it give lots of points?

- Why cant I see the levels of the people in my party? I wanna know how far they are leveling up each god...

- Voice chat shouldnt be turned on if you are in a party. I dont wanna hear the other team

- On the Labyrinth level, both teams starting top traps should be spikes or flames. The left side team shouldnt get a flame trap when the other gets a spike, its kinda small but spikes imo are way better 1 shot killers.

- Knockback seems to be a tad random at times, like getting knocked off a ledge when you are fifteen feet from it...

So in summary...

Great game, needs a bit of tweaking on the hades/zeus side of things and maybe a buff for the blue guy. And tweak some of the little things like hints as to how to kill giant, what killing statues/horse does, etc.

Also, I have played the single player for about an hour. So its obvious the multiplayer is winning my time and my go-to fix for fun at the moment.


The gorgon cinematic kill has to be my favorite kill in the whole series. It never got old. The gore is so satisfying in this game.


The gorgon cinematic kill has to be my favorite kill in the whole series. It never got old. The gore is so satisfying in this game.
Is that the one when
Kratos cut her from her head down to a side?
I saw a video of that kill and it was really up there with the most gruesom kills in GoW.


@MyAbsolution - When you run or dodge the halo pops over your head. That means you can chain grab them. It's a risk/reward type of thing.
This games Multi is a freaking beast. I'm having so much fun playing it! Feels so fresh after playing COD and your typical shooter for the past few years.

OMG the Co-op mode!!! BEAST!!!


Does the MP feels a lot different than the Beta? Like U2 Beta to final or U3 beta to final.

I'm asking because I loved the beta, the same happened with U3 I loved the Beta but I thought they changed it to much by the final version.


Me and my friend just tried a bit of this down at the Playstation Lounge in Toronto. I was surprised. Me and my friend had came their to had a match of PSASBR but I was just surprised to see it up and running. Had to wait until some people had their turn at it but apparently everyone was stuck on a part early on in the game where 2 tanky elephants brawled with you with a couple of hounds spawning down there. They were a bit tanky, but it was fun to get rid of them. I was surprised at how they dealt with the QTEs. tapping square or x to mash open his head, and using the control stick to dodge the attack was good thinking. I liked that they decided to throw that in.

Anyways, I only played for a little while after that (went further to unlock Ares Fire) and then got out of the place since we had wasted an hour playing All-stars there already and was going to miss my train. Not too bad. I was thinking of preordering this earlier on, but realized I didn't have enough interest in the god of war series to invest in another iteration. Still need to get through the saga collection.
You disagree that we're not disagreeing?! I disagree with that, too!

Like I said it comes down to the proper size TV for how far away you are sitting. If you're watching from 12 feet away with a 32", that's not ideal for watching anything.

My man, i knows me some viewing distance - I'm even into tuning speaker distances.

For any given set up, these character models will be small but the effect will be magnified on a small SD due to limitations in resolution, and dedicated pixels per model. But also people dont always have their shit tuned quite right, and you shouldnt expect them to to be able to see the action. You basically need an HD tv of a certain size to play some of these scenes. I can't imagine the
in SD


I just got a glitch where a gate went up signifying that I had to defeat all the enemies in a certain area to progress... but then immediately afterwards the gate went down again without me even touching the enemies. I then had them all follow me along a path until they wouldn't go any further, at which point I grappled one of them to take along with me... and when I took about 10 steps he and the other goat-men vanished into thin air.

This game!
@MyAbsolution - When you run or dodge the halo pops over your head. That means you can chain grab them. It's a risk/reward type of thing.

Didnt know bout running part, but using it against dodgers... i swear half the time this thing pops up (halo), you cant chain grab someone. It does nothing. They evade outta way and you are spamming that grab to no avail.


Is that the one when
Kratos cut her from her head down to a side?
I saw a video of that kill and it was really up there with the most gruesom kills in GoW.
Yes, I thinks it's my favorite kill from the series. The gore is so gruesome and real looking.


I'm at the
elevator after getting the eye upgrade.
Is this the Trials I've heard so much about? Because this section is fucking bullshit.


So I've got my blades upgraded to level 4 (I think) and it opens up the following moves/button combos...

1. right stick + hold triangle
2. right stick + hold square
3. right stick + hold x

How the fuck am I supposed to press those button combinations with my right hand? If I'm pressing any of those buttons, then my thumb is going to be off the right joystick. Furthermore, x is fucking jump. If I hold the controller all dopey and shit, and move the right stick and hold x, all Kratos does is roll and jump.
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