- More Multiplayer Things that need to be patched in-
1) LAN mode + ability to play custom matches.
This game, some modes have a max of 8 players, yet you cannot have a party over 4. Meaning if you had a group of 8 people and wanted to play 4v4s all night, you can't. Its basically all matchmaking or nothing... once these servers go offline, the multiplayer is gone forever, much like Resident Evil Outbreak. You can't even play it LAN.
Also of note, how can clans/friends arrange games between themselves in this game? They cannot.
2) View your end-game stats for the last game you played.
The only time you see your stats for a current game are when you are in the game pressing start, or at the end of the game for 5 seconds. After you go back to the lobby, there is no button to press to show you how you did in your last match. (Think Halo) This needs to be added so you can look as long as you want at the scoreboard instead of fast glancing it before its gone forever in 5 seconds.
3) Magic vs Physical Damage indicators?
For weapons select in the character lobby, under R1 inspection, weapon's special skills should say whether or not they do elemental damage or physical. I wanna know what im dealing.
IF the host leaves, allow people to get the exp they earned. And allow a host migration to unfold. As it stands now, if the host leaves... even sometimes after game ends, you get NOTHING. I had a game where a friend went 12-0 and was robbed
5) Disconnect at end of game error for parties!
Sometimes a game will end, and one person in a party will receive the message that they have been disconnected, and will not get exp rewards... however the OTHER party members will not get this message, and instead will get their exp.
Bout all I can think of now