And finally beat the game. I do not understand the general opinion that this is the worst GOW title. The combat is miles ahead of the combat in previous entries. The pacing is fantastic. Switching QTE's to the corresponding side of the screen allowed me to focus more on the action. The puzzles weren't too hard but not excessively easy. The elemental weapons and magics are much preferred over past methods. The setting was well varied. The final boss was amazing
Only complaint I can see are some sound issues (which will be fixed) and the story. If we're judging off story, then it would rank last (only played 1,2, and 3). That's not to say it was a bad story, it was enough to keep me going, but not nearly as epic (in the traditional sense) as the others.
and I like how it was more flare and reward for completing the Trials, which was the real final boss challenge wise.
I really hope they add a multiplayer map inspired after the final boss scene, as a small arena. Start you off in a boat going in circles around the whirlpool in the storm, then about mid way through have it switch to the platform with the fury in monster-form occasionally attacking. Shit could be epic!