I think the multiplayer is a tremendous success, the first AAA hack and slash multiplayer... but it still can be improved.
- Deathstreaks.... cut that shit out. You don't deserve a "win" button if you play poorly. When someone pops this you gotta run away and hope they aren't smart enough to grapple you, surrendering tactical advantage in the process ( Chalice, Altar, Catapult/ Spear of Olympus etc)
-Too many useless sets of armour. I'm sorry but why the fuck would anyone use the cyclops set? You can get similar HP from other armour... plus a heap of other stats. It is useless.... same for the griffin armour... and most non allegiance amour. If you like how the piece looks, it's basically a handicap to wear it. Give us more options and more build variety. I run around in full Artemis set as Poisedon, more of that.
-Private matches with full customisation. Right now we are at the mercy of the matchmaking, gives us options to make our own private match and set up the map, mode, fountains WW etc off or on. Also put a player count on there... I have NFI how many people are on.
I personally also think that WW and ring outs need to be toned down slightly.
It's still my favourite multiplayer this gen, a fantastic first step. Unique, fun.. a breath of fresh air. Finally someone stepped up to the plate.