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Godot: It’s pretty Good[OT]


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
A HUGE CRISIS. ITS SELF DESTRUCTION! LOL, what a has been, such a Jaffe.

I mean that whole thing started because someone went all "using 3rd party engines is for weak trash woke devs" or something like that, that they obviously opposed as well, they're a 3rd party engine, lol. I guess if those "devs" agree with that post, rather than oppose it like godot did, they can stop using godot if they ever did and not feel so bad they got blocked. It's a free engine btw. Donating/flaunting cash at it thankfully doesn't give anyone more power (nor should the expectation be you get to dictate their tweets, lol, wtf?). Glad they demonstrated that fact by blocking that guy. Oh no he's gonna take his $100 and go home, boo hoo. They asked folks to show games using their engine after a stupid claim went viral and they could use it as a marketing stepping stone like everything is about marketing and that was apparently too political so the bigot brigade called their bros.

Manufactured outrage as usual, that's all this type of folks is good for, stalking folks, ridiculing them for their appearance, etc., but really having no valid excuse for why the original post that triggered them so hard is a valid cause for this and yet whining about getting banned over doing that shit.

Why yes, their twitterer making a mild tweet you didn't like is at the expense of the development/bugfixes of the engine, you're so good with tech! Glad you found out 3rd party engines are woke, now you can stop supporting ideals you can't abide by and move on, lol. But hey, at worst, it's open source, why don't you and your amazing friends just fork it and make it so much better and more awesome than any of those filthy woke folks could ever dream, and you can call it go-anti-woke-dot, that should work better than social media cancelling (bu bu cancel culture is what the wokes do!).

This is the usual anti-woke crowd trying to make a mountain out of, not even a molehill, more like flat ground. Then some grifters pretenting they "fork" godot to take $ from sheep that will give their money for the (im)moral satisfaction witn no evidence any actual dev who knows shit moved :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Unity locked my account because my bank protected me from a fraudulent transaction.

Then they wanted me to buy something to make it right when I was not my fault to begin with.

To hell with Unity. All hail Godot! I have some Godot tutorials to go through for the humble bundle.
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I just find dealing with customer support on Unity to be kind of screwy. They really pissed me off.

I think I will just focus on learning Godot and Unreal.


I just find dealing with customer support on Unity to be kind of screwy. They really pissed me off.

I think I will just focus on learning Godot and Unreal.
learn the doom engine



A HUGE CRISIS. ITS SELF DESTRUCTION! LOL, what a has been, such a Jaffe. Maybe in certain circles (ie that guy that got banned and those eager to latch on anything anti-woke but have nothing to do with engine/game development and are trying to cancel someone all while hating cancel culture).

I mean that whole thing started because someone went all "using 3rd party engines is for weak trash woke devs" or something like that, that they obviously opposed as well, they're a 3rd party engine, lol. I guess if those "devs" agree with that post, they can stop using godot (or any other engine) and not feel so bad they got blocked. It's a free engine btw. Donating/flaunting cash at it thankfully doesn't give anyone more power (nor should the expectation be you get to dictate their tweets, lol, wtf?). Glad they demonstrated that fact by blocking that guy. Oh no he's gonna take his cash/ball and go home, boo hoo. They asked folks to show their games using their engine after a stupid connection went viral and they could use it as a marketing stepping stone like everything is about marketing and that was apparently too political and now they're called out as woke? Yes, the community manager making a tweet you didn't like is totally at the expense of the development/bugfixes of the engine, you're so good with tech! Glad you found out 3rd party engines are woke sir, now you can stop supporting folks with ideals you can't abide by and move on, lol. But hey, at worst, it's open source, why don't you and your amazing friends just fork it and make its so much better and more awesome than any of those filthy woke folks could ever dream, and you can call it go-anti-woke-dot, that should work better than social media canceling (bu bu cancel culture is what wokes do!).

The king of the snowflakes made a vidya, oh noes, what drama. Yes please, show what sheeple you are more by just going by youtubers of all things, lol. You guys better demand evilore takes back his endorsement earlier in the thread until or if they cancel your targeted person, nothing else suffices! Funny this didn't happen with all the things they could be actually called woke for like all the pride month events and what not they had going on within their various communities, but no, it's going against a post trashing the use of 3rd party engines as being woke trash that gets you going, lmfao.
Didnt Read Lol Storm Trooper GIF


Gold Member
This is so absurd... I stayed with Unity and won't be moving away, but if I have to, I'll make it's not gonna be Godot anyway... Not that their engine em is enough for my requirements either.

Blocking users from cloning your public repository on GitHub? That's insane, didn't even know it was possible, beyond borderline...


Neo Member
I started getting into Godot semi-seriously a few months ago, before all this Unity junk started happening. My goal was to make the same game I had already made in Unity, from scratch, in Godot - to see how comparable they are.

Godot is better than Unity in practically every single way that matters to me. No installation, everything you actually need is built-in and yet there's zero bloat, there's no "choose your graphics pipeline addon" - it's all one core system; graphics are more than good enough for indie purposes in both 2D and 3D, GDScript is so much better than C# for writing game code that it feels like cheating, and more.

The only downsides currently would be the occasional re-occurrence of bugs that've already been fixed (due to the open source nature of things), and at times it can be a little wonky with your GPU drivers. I'd like them to improve the audio engine too, but that's just me being picky with a half-finished game.

Good riddance to Unity IMHO, they lost their way a long time ago (the user posts on their own forums are evidence of that).

TLDR; Godot is not missing anything from Unity that I personally need, it's all there, and it's easier and faster.
I felt exactly the same way. Unity has so much bloat, at times things will start going wrong and it's impossible to diagnose. The lighting specifically always tripped up for me. Godot meanwhile feels like everything in the game is something I put in there on purpose. It's very well organized, and feels controlled. All that, and you'll never pay a dime.
In the same way that Blender, open source and free, is beating out Maya as an industry-grade 3D modelling program, I think Godot will eclipse Unity in 3-5 years. Maybe less, if it gets some good PR via hit games. Right now the best game I know of made in Godot is Cruelty Squad, but that game doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the engine's graphical capabilities :p
edit: GAFer 'Kruis' pointed out this Discord mod is not the same person as the CM. I also think different people are doing the (premium) account and GitHub bans.
So we can establish there's a bunch of power-tripping activists at work.

Let's hire this totally unhinged, tantrum throwing, premium customer banning, person as our community manager. She seems fit for the job and will do favors for our business...., how is this even real?
Also, the amount of projection going on is insane. Talk about being an insecure, toxic coward.


Also, she has a way with words:
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what i don't understand is how companies allow their reputations to be ruined by employing these loose cannons. you'd think that being the public face of the company would require some strict scrutiny and tight control.
I know. It's ridiculous. When I worked in social media stuff for a company, they were so strict about what you could and couldn't post.
Let's hire this totally unhinged, tantrum throwing, premium customer banning, person as our community manager. She seems fit for the job and will do favors for our business...., how is this even real?
Also, the amount of projection going on is insane. Talk about being an insecure, toxic coward.


Also, she has a way with words:
Ermmmm ... what the actual fuck? Lmao. So is this woman actually "woke" or just a straight up racist in disguise? I'm confused.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Let's hire this totally unhinged, tantrum throwing, premium customer banning, person as our community manager. She seems fit for the job and will do favors for our business...., how is this even real?
Also, the amount of projection going on is insane. Talk about being an insecure, toxic coward.


Also, she has a way with words:

That's the guy moderating the Godot Discord channel, not the community manager.


what i don't understand is how companies allow their reputations to be ruined by employing these loose cannons. you'd think that being the public face of the company would require some strict scrutiny and tight control.
My guess is that person hadn't yet made her coming out as an "obnoxious queer" at the time she was hired. Now let's see if the director wants to keep her, continuing to ignore the shitstorm and maybe even supporting her in the futur or taking actions about her.


A HUGE CRISIS. ITS SELF DESTRUCTION! LOL, what a has been, such a Jaffe. Maybe in certain circles (ie that guy that got banned and those eager to latch on anything anti-woke but have nothing to do with engine/game development and are trying to cancel someone all while hating cancel culture).

I mean that whole thing started because someone went all "using 3rd party engines is for weak trash woke devs" or something like that, that they obviously opposed as well, they're a 3rd party engine, lol. I guess if those "devs" agree with that post, they can stop using godot (or any other engine) and not feel so bad they got blocked. It's a free engine btw. Donating/flaunting cash at it thankfully doesn't give anyone more power (nor should the expectation be you get to dictate their tweets, lol, wtf?). Glad they demonstrated that fact by blocking that guy. Oh no he's gonna take his cash/ball and go home, boo hoo. They asked folks to show their games using their engine after a stupid connection went viral and they could use it as a marketing stepping stone like everything is about marketing and that was apparently too political and now they're called out as woke? Yes, the community manager making a tweet you didn't like is totally at the expense of the development/bugfixes of the engine, you're so good with tech! Glad you found out 3rd party engines are woke sir, now you can stop supporting folks with ideals you can't abide by and move on, lol. But hey, at worst, it's open source, why don't you and your amazing friends just fork it and make its so much better and more awesome than any of those filthy woke folks could ever dream, and you can call it go-anti-woke-dot, that should work better than social media canceling (bu bu cancel culture is what wokes do!).

The king of the snowflakes made a vidya, oh noes, what drama. Yes please, show what sheeple you are more by just going by youtubers of all things, lol. You guys better demand evilore takes back his endorsement earlier in the thread until or if they cancel your targeted person, nothing else suffices! Funny this didn't happen with all the things they could be actually called woke for like all the pride month events and what not they had going on within their various communities, but no, it's going against a post trashing the use of 3rd party engines as being woke trash that gets you going, lmfao.

Friendly advice, try running your post through ChatGPT and ask it to tone down the emotions in your post with maybe 50% and make it more concise. Here, I did it for you:


what i don't understand is how companies allow their reputations to be ruined by employing these loose cannons. you'd think that being the public face of the company would require some strict scrutiny and tight control.

A community manager is in my mind basically a media/public relations person who hopefully is somewhat trained in communication. It's not that person's role to insert their own emotions or views, but rather to just make sure the community runs smoothly. But I might be wrong about what CM means. Sometimes the best way to deal with people who you don't agree with is to just ignore them and let their emotions fizzle. The CM instead seems to have decided to pour gasoline on the situation.
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I mean just fire the activist. This shouldn't even be drama, it's a game engine.

the fact it even reached this point tells you that you have hired the wrong people.

Jesus christ, what is with community managers and their freaking god complex's.
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I'm assuming "community manager" is either unpaid or low wage. Seems the only way to explain how these posts are always inhabited by utter weirdos with no dress sense.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I'm assuming "community manager" is either unpaid or low wage. Seems the only way to explain how these posts are always inhabited by utter weirdos with no dress sense.

Of course

I mean these peoples don't ever land "serious" jobs anyway. But companies should spot them from a mile away that they'll fuck their things up.


I'm assuming "community manager" is either unpaid or low wage. Seems the only way to explain how these posts are always inhabited by utter weirdos with no dress sense.
DEI quota. Easier to hire some rando who is different from everyone else in the company as community manager, since they serve as a walking billboard for the company's "inclusionary" policy, while not directly impacting operations.
Of course, dumb people always find a way to creatively fuck up.


It is kind of amusing. They always hire obnoxious people. I am probably going to have to use a different name if I use their forums.

I bet they will be looking at NeoGaf and targeting people.


Oh god. The posts on the Godot forum actually have to have the approval of the moderator. There is actually a delay before approval.

Oh. Gee. The Godot plush is only $30. lol.
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I'm assuming "community manager" is either unpaid or low wage. Seems the only way to explain how these posts are always inhabited by utter weirdos with no dress sense.
These people have no real jobs and basically live on the internet. This is how they managed to highjack all those positions - because normal people are out there working and don't have time for moderating forums which are about video games.

We are at a natural disadvantage here, because the majority of us have lives, while they do not.
DEI quota. Easier to hire some rando who is different from everyone else in the company as community manager, since they serve as a walking billboard for the company's "inclusionary" policy, while not directly impacting operations.
Ex-fucking-zactly. The devs/owners think that this person will just post their avatar online and they will get thousands of thumbs ups from the pronoun mob, while the normies won't even notice. So they thought it was a win-win.

Problem is, their little pets weren't content to just look nice on their profile picture. They were given power (imaginary power solely on the digital world, but power nonetheless) and make no mistake ... they are going to use it.


Golden Boy
Ermmmm ... what the actual fuck? Lmao. So is this woman actually "woke" or just a straight up racist in disguise? I'm confused.
People like her are the type that think of black people when a Dragon Quest troll has thick red lips, so they tell the devs to censor it.

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