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Godot: It’s pretty Good[OT]


Gold Member
Obnoxiously queer seems like the perfect description, these people don't even try to hide it anymore :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
People in their own little bubble typically dont give a shit. When people act weird and at work that is lax in policies, they can wing it and do dumb shit assuming they never get fired. There's only so many of those kinds of companies that tolerate that.

The vast majority or people and companies dont stand for that stuff. That's why most people's linkedin profile is much more professional than any other social media profile. They know to maximize job opportunities and contacts, you got to look and act the part.
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In hindsight, quoting a clearly idiotic take (from a rando nobody on twitter, possibly a bot too?) about woke devs using pre build engines) and making it out to be "people call our engine woke", was not as clever as the CM (?) thought it would be.

In further hindsight, hiring that CM manager was what set the certain course for this trashfire in the first place.
I wonder why all these activists tend to pop up in relatively successful projects....Oh right, because ideologically driven crap cannot take off so they only corrupt and damage something that was not created by them.
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Of course...

"Community Managers"

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
So they shifted the blame that it was an unofficial discord, but peoples as of yesterday were, from the official site, redirected to godot cafe as their discord. So they're lying.

What about the ban to push to github? Clearly cannot be done by a sole rogue unofficial discord mod.


What happened to professionalism?

Too often I see this with tons of different companies, I mean this is a game engine for God's sake with literal developers using it and paying good money to boot...

Why in the bloody fucking hell would you allow someone like this to just ban them with virtually no thought whatsoever and then when called out on it they doubled down with their stupidity it's quite frankly just painful to watch and it happens everywhere today

To companies everywhere, quit hiring these toddlers in adults clothing because they sit there and berate and attack people for different ideologies principles or opinions and meanwhile the customers and I use that word because consumers we are not we are customers are the ones who suffer.
Will Ferrell Crazy Pills GIF

I for one am sick and fucking tired of it show some professionalism!
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Gold Member
These types and their fake smiles hide some very bad blood.
In fact, I think someone on GAF was talking about how people who fake smile have a bit of psychopathic tendency.
I mean to be fair, photo smiles are fake anyway. You are smiling to order. It's the least natural of any smile.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I mean to be fair, photo smiles are fake anyway. You are smiling to order. It's the least natural of any smile.
Not for these people... if I say anymore this will turn into a politically charged post. Let's just say, her look combined with her demeanor continue to prove the point.
I understand what some may refer to as Being Polite, when working in a place of business, but these people... they use niceties until their views are grape stomped into oblivion.


Ermmmm ... what the actual fuck? Lmao. So is this woman actually "woke" or just a straight up racist in disguise? I'm confused.
A lot of people who describe themselves as woke are pretty bigoted or racist, and use wokeness as a cover or as an alternative outlet for their bigitory. Often you will find these people exhibit 'trolls remorse' from their earlier Internet activity as shown above. No doubt she was originally a 4chaner.


Fafracer forever
How is O3DE? I still haven’t checked it out yet, but it’s on my todo list.
It's got a somewhat steep learning curve but there are aspects that are just better than anything else out there (modularity, actual async I/O, completely data-driven rendering pipeline etc). Note that there's less than 5% of CE left in there so if you expect that - you're in for a surprise (for some people that alone is a positive - but not for everyone :messenger_grinning_sweat:)
A HUGE CRISIS. ITS SELF DESTRUCTION! LOL, what a has been, such a Jaffe.

I mean that whole thing started because someone went all "using 3rd party engines is for weak trash woke devs" or something like that, that they obviously opposed as well, they're a 3rd party engine, lol. I guess if those "devs" agree with that post, rather than oppose it like godot did, they can stop using godot if they ever did and not feel so bad they got blocked. It's a free engine btw. Donating/flaunting cash at it thankfully doesn't give anyone more power (nor should the expectation be you get to dictate their tweets, lol, wtf?). Glad they demonstrated that fact by blocking that guy. Oh no he's gonna take his $100 and go home, boo hoo. They asked folks to show games using their engine after a stupid claim went viral and they could use it as a marketing stepping stone like everything is about marketing and that was apparently too political so the bigot brigade called their bros.

Manufactured outrage as usual, that's all this type of folks is good for, stalking folks, ridiculing them for their appearance, etc., but really having no valid excuse for why the original post that triggered them so hard is a valid cause for this and yet whining about getting banned over doing that shit.

Why yes, their twitterer making a mild tweet you didn't like is at the expense of the development/bugfixes of the engine, you're so good with tech! Glad you found out 3rd party engines are woke, now you can stop supporting ideals you can't abide by and move on, lol. But hey, at worst, it's open source, why don't you and your amazing friends just fork it and make it so much better and more awesome than any of those filthy woke folks could ever dream, and you can call it go-anti-woke-dot, that should work better than social media cancelling (bu bu cancel culture is what the wokes do!).

This is the usual anti-woke crowd trying to make a mountain out of, not even a molehill, more like flat ground. Then some grifters pretenting they "fork" godot to take $ from sheep that will give their money for the (im)moral satisfaction witn no evidence any actual dev who knows shit moved :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Do you you still actually believe this?


She chickened out and hides her tweet so now I am left with Tweet that will make people question why I posted Asmongold taking a shower.

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