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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

Blink Me

What, you don't like Starship Troopers or something?

Starship Troopers was awesome when I saw it
when I was 12
its just I've read some Godzilla comics and can't remember the monsters which appeared in this film ever showing up in the comics. I would have thought Mothra or Battra (I think that's it name) would have worked just as well.


Starship Troopers was awesome when I saw it
when I was 12
its just I've read some Godzilla comics and can't remember the monsters which appeared in this film ever showing up in the comics. I would have thought Mothra or Battra (I think that's it name) would have worked just as well.
Toho wouldn't let them use anything other than Godzilla.


Just saw this and man, what a disappointment. Should have renamed it "5 minutes of dinosaur wrestling." Special effects were great, though.

Lots of really badly delivered lines, strange edits, and overall, just disappointing interaction between Godzilla and MUTOS. First time in a while I've actually wanted to walk out of a movie.


Not all movies are alike. Just because the makers of Godzilla may have been trying to do something on the level of jaws or alien doesn't mean it's on the same level. Jaws worked because Brody and co. were interesting, well developed characters. You didn't mind the build up and lack of shark because the characters were interesting and did interesting things. The military subplots in Godzilla were just boring and predictable. Felt like generic 90s/00s Hollywood filler. And Aaron taylor Johnson was about as charismatic as a wet mop.

Teasing the monsters and big reveals is fine as long as the human drama is able to pick up the slack in the interim. It doesn't work well here because the characters are bland and the actors aren't being directed in any major way to help alleviate that.

This was my feeling on the film and the buildup. Other films that build up to a monster reveal with teases have characters who can carry the film. Ripley and crew, and the android subplot are interesting enough on their own, while Brody and the other characters are equally interesting.

For me Godzilla suffered since none of the human cast was interesting. None of them stood out which any sort of personality.


Gold Member
So yeah,I FINALLY saw this movie. I was really looking forward to it, but unfortunately I'm kind of let down. Or not let down, but indifferent. I feel indifferent towards it. Which, of course, by itself is pretty bad.

It started off really good, it had the sense of a grand adventure about to happen. It even reminded me of Jurassic Park in some weird way, with the constant hinting at someting amazing but never showing it. The stuff at the mine and the power plant was awesome. Cranston was great, maybe too great in comparison to the rest and his story was good. It had me interested and excited for things to come.

And then he dies. And his cardboard box son takes over. The only narrative the movie had going died with Cranston, and as a result I was whofully indifferent to anything that happened from that point forward. The story is just soooooo boring, and the convoluted "coincidences" in which the son is somehow crossing Godzilla or the MUTO path is laughable. The way he randomly joins army units while he travels halfway across the world is insane. His story is bad, Olsen's stuff is nonsense, Watanabe is a throwaway character who's only purpose in the entire movie is to introduce the name "Gojira" which immediately is turned into Godzilla by all the others.

I just didn't care about any of it. Which isn't that big of a deal because I didn't come for a good script but for Godzilla fucking shit up. Unfortunately, this was also not really good up until the last 20 minutes of the 148-minute movie. This movie teases way, way, WAY too much. After the third time of epic build-up of Godzilla and MUTO fighting and randomly cutting to another scene I was like "fuck this". Teasing is good, but at some point you have to pay off. The airport scene is just absurd in this regard. Massive buildup, Godzilla makes a crazy awesome entrance, everybody knows shit is about to go down and then - cut to a little kid who is watching the actual fight on tv. There were simply way too many scenes that built up to nothing.

Aside from that I guess I expected a darker, more grim movie. The first trailers were really depressing, "end of the world" kind of stuff. The movie had none of that. You know from the first minute that cardboard box son and his family will survive so there is no sense of tension at any point. In that sense I wish they'd gone the War of the Worlds route, where Tom Cruise and family just try to survive the craziness. CG and sound design was incredible though, I thoroughly enjoyed that. I also really loved the deserted, overrun Japanese city. The 3D didn't add much for me personally.

Like I said, I feel indifferent. And that sucks.


I didn't think the sound design was nearly as good as what people are saying. Godzilla's roar was awesome in that you could feel it in your chest. But the actual sound tracks were sloppy as fuck. You'd hear these little details that would just stop abruptly like someone pressed stop in Audacity. And that happened a lot. Be it sirens or waves crashing or things breaking. Things would just vanish from the sound track. Not fade out or fade into other sounds. Just straight cut off. It happened enough that it was distracting me when I watched the movie.


Put it this way, Pacific Rim (another Legendary film) cost $30 million more than Godzilla, made $30 million less than Godzilla, and it's getting a sequel. Godzilla 2 is coming.


Legendary CEO Thomas Tull had said prior to release they needed 380 million worldwide to break even. Godzilla most definitely made a profit

That's odd -- I wonder why they would need over twice their budget to break even? I would imagine marketing would be included in the announced budget.


budget was 160m. no idea about marketing.

What marketing? They barely had any for this movie. They had 2 commercials (fiat and snickers candy bar), and that was shown 2 weeks before the movie was released. I can't see marketing being too expensive.


That's odd -- I wonder why they would need over twice their budget to break even? I would imagine marketing would be included in the announced budget.

Because they don't received the entire money made per ticket sold in theaters even less in foreign countries. That's why movies need to make double of their budget to make a profit.


Godzilla was like a shity version of Pacific Rim...just to take the last movie of the same style for a comparison.
The story, okay fuck the story in this kind of movie, if its non intrusive its okay but whatever was left from the script was destroyed by odd lines and non existing emotions.
I soooo did not care for shit in this movie, and about 20 people left the cinema when it became clear that the movie would not get better after an hour.
So sad that it made so much more than Pacific Rim.
Oh and btw, i find it kinda funny that people put story discussions in spoilers here because that story was so incredibly not interesting, no reason to discuss it imo. Sorry guys.
Godzilla was like a shity version of Pacific Rim...just to take the last movie of the same style for a comparison.
The story, okay fuck the story in this kind of movie, if its non intrusive its okay but whatever was left from the script was destroyed by odd lines and non existing emotions.
I soooo did not care for shit in this movie, and about 20 people left the cinema when it became clear that the movie would not get better after an hour.
So sad that it made so much more than Pacific Rim.
Oh and btw, i find it kinda funny that people put story discussions in spoilers here because that story was so incredibly not interesting, no reason to discuss it imo. Sorry guys.

Yes, yes. Let the hate flow through you.


Yes, yes. Let the hate flow through you.
Yeah i know, i was in the mood kinda :/
I put it a bit drastic, you are right about that. The points i mentioned i actually found to be lackluster though...if you can get past my quite unreasonable writing.


Great movie. Choice of leads was a grave mistake, but they did the movie the right way. The monster sequences were fantastic and sprinkled all across the movie very well, and Godzilla's first appearance was excellent. The last segment of the movie, which was all monster fighting, was also well done; with the ending of the movie being one of the best parts.


Saw the movie today, while I did enjoy it
I didn't like how it kept cutting away when Godzilla met up with the other monsters I also didn't care for the other human characters with the exception of Hal from Malcom in the Middle.


Saw the movie today, while I did enjoy it
I didn't like how it kept cutting away when Godzilla met up with the other monsters I also didn't care for the other human characters with the exception of Hal from Malcom in the Middle.

Those are pretty common thoughts fan and detractors alike.


It's obvious they did it intentionally. Literally closing the door on Godzilla's face gave it away.


It didn't bother me much though; I knew what they were doing. The last act made up for it; and the sequences before Godzilla arrives with the other monsters are more than entertaining enough.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I've always wondered if people's viewpoint for a Godzilla film came not from actual Godzilla films but from sci-fi B-movies or those released in MST3K


Watched it today and enjoyed it a hell of a lot. I think the crowd complaining about not enough monster screentime are out to lunch, that the movie showed incredible restraint and didn't overdo bombast was a major factor in why I liked it as much I did.


I've always wondered if people's viewpoint for a Godzilla film came not from actual Godzilla films but from sci-fi B-movies or those released in MST3K

Yeah, I'm positive most people have no idea of the old godzilla films and the lack of monster action/overbearing boring human plot in those.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
It's obvious they did it intentionally. Literally closing the door on Godzilla's face gave it away.


It didn't bother me much though; I knew what they were doing. The last act made up for it; and the sequences before Godzilla arrives with the other monsters are more than entertaining enough.

If I remember right this shot wasn't actually in the movie was it? I seem to remember the door closing but not Godzilla behind it.


If I remember right this shot wasn't actually in the movie was it? I seem to remember the door closing but not Godzilla behind it.

It's not in the film. The door closes, but it's from a different angle and something else is going on behind it.
If I remember right this shot wasn't actually in the movie was it? I seem to remember the door closing but not Godzilla behind it.

Yep. They were pretty tricky with the trailers.

Also in the trailer with the halo jump when you get the pov shot its just of Godzilla walking but that's not how it is in the movie.


If I remember right this shot wasn't actually in the movie was it? I seem to remember the door closing but not Godzilla behind it.

Right, the shot is of the door closing on Godzilla (from the side rather than face front) is fighting the MUTO.
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