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Godzilla:STE worst on-line PS2 game since CoN?!

Boy, I'm glad I rented this one instead of buying it! Don't get me wrong, the game itself is just as good as the Gamecube original, better since I don't have to use the controller designed for moon octopus hands, but damn if the on-line mode isn't broke as hell.

I tried logging on to face off against a friend one state down and I could see his game, but was unable to join. I tried joining another game, and that wouldn't connect either.

No lobby. No private rooms.

Has anybody else had any trouble playing on-line? I get the impression the developers just shoved a barebones GameSpy client in there at the last minute without testing it thoroughly. Damn shame since on-line fighting games on the PS2 are limited to this and MK. :(

Looks like developers having to dick with two sets of on-line standards is going to further exacerbate the current problems of developing for two to three boxes. Ugh! >:|

Agent X

I thought War of the Monsters sold somewhere around 150,000. That really isn't all that bad, considering that it came out at an awkward time (January 2003) and wasn't really promoted as heavily as some of Sony's other heavy hitters. The Getaway also came out about that same time, and Sony was still pushing SOCOM, ATV Offroad Fury 2, and Ratchet & Clank, so WotM kind of got lost in the shuffle.

I believe it deserves a sequel, even if it is made for another system. It would make a terrific PSP game.

PS2 on-line gaming works fine for the big shit titles. Namely stuff I don't care to play. It's the third party stuff that's questionable, and even Sony's incompetent PC developer branch SoE. There's no fucking reason CoN should have been handled as badly as it was, especially since the Snowblind folks outright states that SoE sent people to work with them all of the way through development.

Of course, that's not saying much since SoE appears to be full of retards. >:|


The Take Out Bandit said:
Of course, that's not saying much since SoE appears to be full of retards. >:|

I'll have to agree there, as I've been saying that since May of 2002...Making Infantry pay to play was retarded, and fractured the community. Then, making CoN broadband only...jesus.

Also: click!


The Take Out Bandit said:

Ah but Xbox Live works superb (Barring Ea's titles which technically aren't really "Xbox Live") with the "Big Shit" titles as well as the 3rd party stuff. Godzilla is no exception I'd expect. and if it doesn't work properly a small update in the future corrects it all...something your PS2 version of Godzilla or CoN will ever have.

Xbox Live > PS2 Online...

(barring Playonline based PS2 titles which is what PS2 online should have been)
small update in the future corrects it all...

Gee, I guess Zipper didn't get that memo.

There are plenty of patches to resolve connection and cheating issues on PS2 on-line titles, but I wouldn't expect a troll to know that. ^_^

And the issues with CoN are deeper rooted than something a patch would resolve. Shit on-line interface. Slapping a two disk game onto a DVD in the 11th hour without testing. Etc. Etc. Plain and simple SoE screwed the pooch.

Barring Ea's titles which technically aren't really "Xbox Live"

What's good for the goose. . .


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The Take Out Bandit said:
I've read rumors of it being a PS3 launch title, but just word of mouth stuff; no sources cited. :/
You did? I'd love that to be true...Incog's been quiet lately
Incog's been quiet lately

Aren't they working on God of War, or is that just "some people from Incognito"?

I want a new WotM and another on-line Twisted Metal would rock. Voice chat. More vehicles. Blah, blah. You know the spiel.

I just want to spread the gospel of Preytor ownage to the world! :D


The Take Out Bandit said:
another on-line Twisted Metal would rock. Voice chat. More vehicles. Blah, blah. You know the spiel.

As long as they bring back classic Thumper and fix the damn AI, I'm all for it.


Matlock said:
I'll have to agree there, as I've been saying that since May of 2002...Making Infantry pay to play was retarded, and fractured the community. Then, making CoN broadband only...jesus.

Also: click!

Well, Infantry sucked (they also made Cosmic Rift pay to play and I'm a huge fan of Subspace/Contiuum so that pissed me off) so it was a mistake regardless.

I haven't played CoN so I can't comment on that.


Mashing said:
Well, Infantry sucked (they also made Cosmic Rift pay to play and I'm a huge fan of Subspace/Contiuum so that pissed me off) so it was a mistake regardless.

Yeah, but the thing is...SS is still free. ;)


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The Take Out Bandit said:
Aren't they working on God of War, or is that just "some people from Incognito"?
Your guess is as good as mine...David Jaffe is producing God of War, who was also producer on the TM games, but its SCEA's Santa Monica studio doing the development and they make no direct or indirect mention of Incog.


Matlock said:
Yeah, but the thing is...SS is still free. ;)

Indeed it is.. and if my lag wasn't so freaking bad (no idea why) I'd still be playing today. I haven't played it in about a year :(


The Take Out Bandit said:
There are plenty of patches to resolve connection and cheating issues on PS2 on-line titles, but I wouldn't expect a troll to know that. ^_^

You're so cute when you're riled up. ^_^ Mr "Xbox suxx!!! Capcom are traitorous!!! Gimme SFAC Online on mah PStwoooo" has called me a troll. Oh woe is me.

I haven't even turned my Xbox on in over 3 months due to FF11 sucking up all of my free gaming time (Though I still manage to get a level or two done in Disgaea somehow). And that game has 20-30 meg updates to correct problems/cheating every other week so yes I am aware that some PS2 titles do see patches. But it's few and far between. Killzone, R&C3, Mortal Kombat Deception, and Godzilla...4 new online Ps2 titles...all 4 hacked via gameshark within hours and still plagued by said device...where's the patches to block the cheating and fix any netcode problems for them?

Oh and thanks for bringing up cheating. Another area Xbox Live is better than PS2 Online is in the restriction of rampant cheating. If the devices don't exist to encourage it and modded/modified titles are restricted it limits cheating from the outset. And again when something does get through (RB63 grenade hack) a small update fixes it down the line.
The closest thing PS2 has to a cheat free environment is in FFXI which runs on the tightly controlled ship that is Playonline. DNAS no longer helps for those "other" titles since the games are fugging hacked within days of release.

The Take Out Bandit said:
And the issues with CoN are deeper rooted than something a patch would resolve. Shit on-line interface. Slapping a two disk game onto a DVD in the 11th hour without testing. Etc. Etc. Plain and simple SoE screwed the pooch.

The shit online interface is par for the course when it comes to most PS2 online titles...barebones. However you are right that it should not have been the case. Being practically a 1st party title it should have been the upperclass as far as PS2 online titles went. And yes I'm aware of the rampant problems that affected the gameplay due to the way the game media was handled. I'm one of the group that couldn't wait to try SO3 back when it launched in Japan and experienced first hand these type of problems. oddly never had problems with Xenosaga though.

The Take Out Bandit said:
What's good for the goose. . .

And... are you implying that Xbox users should be happy that the EA titles are barely above their PS2 counterparts and far below most Xbox Live titles when it comes to online modes and support just cause the PS2 memberbase has been ok with this?

Xbox Live = Playonline > EAOnline > All other PS2 online setup (Capcom, SNK, and Sammy agree!)

But I guess someone who's likely never logged more than 5 minutes on Xbox Live wouldn't know that ^_^
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