Starting today, as part of Patch 2.51, the Manderville Gold Saucer is now open in Final Fantasy XIV.
Based on Final Fantasy VII's Gold Saucer, it will serve as something of a mini-game hub. This includes Chocobo Racing, Triple Triad, Gold Saucer-themed FATEs called "GATEs", a daily/weekly lottery called "Cactpot" (named after Cactuars, of course), and various carnival-esque small scale games.
You won't have to pay anything extra to access Gold Saucer, and there are no microtransactions associated with its content. However, you will need to play the main story until Level 15 where you unlock airship travel between city-states. That also means that free trial accounts should be able to check it out.
Patch 2.5 Trailer, including Gold Saucer footage:
Patch 2.51 Notes, with the nitty-gritty details:
More on Final Fantasy XIV:
• Do I get any free time if I buy this?
Yep! You receive 30 days with purchase of any version.
• How about a free trial?
[Windows PC] [PlayStation 3] [PlayStation 4]
14-day trial, Level 20 cap, communication restrictions (anti-RMT), other restrictions apply with free trial version.
• This is one of those SUBSCRIPTION GAMEZ! What are the monthly fees like?
60-day time cards are also available from select retailers.
• Can I still upgrade from PS3 to PS4 for free?
Yes, the free version upgrade lasts until Tuesday, March 31st, 2015. You will need to download, install, and log in to FFXIV on your PS3 first -- updating the game is not necessary. Then, proceed to the MogStation to continue the process.
• Do I need PlayStation Plus for this?
• Can I use Steam Wallet to pay for my subscription?
• Show me what's come out (trailers and patch notes) since the game launched! Show me THE FUTURE too!
2013.09.27 » Version 2.0: A Realm Reborn [2.05]
2013.12.17 » Patch 2.1: A Realm Awoken [2.15|2.16]
2014.03.27 » Patch 2.2: Through the Maelstrom [2.21|2.25|2.28]
2014.07.08 » Patch 2.3: Defenders of Eorzea [2.35|2.38]
2014.10.28 » Patch 2.4: Dreams of Ice [2.41|2.45]
2015.01.20 » Patch 2.5: Before the Fall (Part I)
2015.02.24 » Patch 2.51: (Gold Saucer, Chocobo Racing, Triple Triad)
2015.03.?? » Patch 2.5: Before the Fall (Part II) (The Battle of Ishgard)
Spring 2015 » Version 3.0: Heavensward
• Resources?
About Final Fantasy XIV:
The Lodestone, official community resource:
A Realm Reborn official product page:
Heavensward pre-order mailing list sign-up:
• Where's GAF at!?
NeoGARF Community thread:
Based on Final Fantasy VII's Gold Saucer, it will serve as something of a mini-game hub. This includes Chocobo Racing, Triple Triad, Gold Saucer-themed FATEs called "GATEs", a daily/weekly lottery called "Cactpot" (named after Cactuars, of course), and various carnival-esque small scale games.
You won't have to pay anything extra to access Gold Saucer, and there are no microtransactions associated with its content. However, you will need to play the main story until Level 15 where you unlock airship travel between city-states. That also means that free trial accounts should be able to check it out.
Patch 2.5 Trailer, including Gold Saucer footage:
Patch 2.51 Notes, with the nitty-gritty details:
♦ Chocobo Racing
♦ Triple Triad♦ So you think you can race this chocobo!?
In the Final Fantasy XIV version of chocobo racing, the so-called "sport of sultans", you will play the part of jockey, trainer, and breeder. When you obtain your racing chocobo you will need to name it by selecting a combination of phrases, adjectives, nouns, etc. You'll be able to queue for races on three different tracks located in The Black Shroud, Thanalan, and La Noscea.
Chocobos will run automatically, much like Final Fantasy VII, and you'll have control over the steering. You can boost your chocobo's speed by expending Stamina, which slowly recovers during the race. Be warned, liberal use is likely to tire out your chocobo. You don't want that to happen in a close one.
"Magicked panels" are placed on a course will bestow positive or negative status effects, including a burst of speed or Heavy - a slowing status effect. You can jump to obtain items hanging over the track to use - think something similar to Mario Kart. You will be matched with up to seven other players based on your chocobo's rank.
♦ So you think you can train this chocobo!?
Participating in races will earn your chocobo experience points towards increasing its rank. Feeding your chocobo various items will also affect stats comprising its racing pedigree, such as: maximum speed, acceleration, endurance, stamina, and cunning.
♦ So you think you can breed this chocobo!?
By choosing to retire a chocobo, its racing days are done - but, you can choose to have it breed with another bird in a system called "Covering". This is in attempt to produce an offspring of a higher Pedigree Level - better stats, basically. The new chocobo may also inherit traits and abilities from its parentage, such as Increased Stamina or Heavy Resistance.
♦ Other Attractions♦ Triple Triad returns in Final Fantasy XIV
Triple Triad, a card minigame featured prominently in Final Fantasy VIII, returns in Final Fantasy XIV. If you're unfamiliar with how it works, a simple explanation is that each player selects five cards from their collection, all have have four values (ranging from 1-9, A) that represent the "strength" of its four sides. By placing a card with a stronger value adjacent to an opponent's card that has a weaker value will cause the card to "flip" and will score you one point. Each match is decided in nine turns with players alternating what cards to play and where to place them.
You can employ the use of different rules to add extra layers of challenge to the game, and the team has developed additional, original rules not seen featured in Final Fantasy VIII.
♦ Play against NPCs or other players
NPCs that are available to duel will have a special icon, and serve as one way to build your deck by claiming cards in victory. While you can't lose cards to other players, as the challenger you will be able to set the rules of the match beforehand. In addition to the rules that were in Final Fantasy VIII, new ones have been developed for Final Fantasy XIV including: Order, Chaos, Reverse, Fallen Ace, etc.
♦ 80 cards available to collect; more will be added in subsequent patches
Cards can be obtained in several different ways. You can win them from NPCs, purchase them in Gold Saucer for Manderville Gold Saucer Points (MGP), or win them as drops from battle content. You'll be able manage your collection and arrange your decks through a Gold Saucer user interface.
♦ Map of Gold Saucer♦ Gold Saucer Active Time Events
A recreational spin on "Full Active Time Events" or "FATEs", (Final Fantasy XIV's spin on public battle events) GATEs take place exclusively in the Gold Saucer and can be joined by anyone by speaking to various attendees.
Examples of these impromptu mini-games include a Simon Says-like GATE called "The Time of Your Life" in which you must perform emotes in a specific order to avoid elimination. A luck-based GATE called "Any Way the Wind Blows" features Typhon, who will have you stand in different positions on a platform. When he appears, his fearsome randomized snorts may eject you from the arena. Those who remain on the platform split the winnings.
Other GATEs include platforming challenges, one of which is called "Cliffhanger". You must ascend to the top of an obstacle course to rescue a chocobo chick while a goblin drops bombs on your path - potentially knocking you back down to the bottom. Remember the Nickelodeon show "G.U.T.S" and its "Aggro Crag"? It's kinda like that.
♦ Cactpot
The Cactpot is a daily/weekly lottery in which players can win MGP to spend on various Gold Saucer-exclusive prizes. You enter by selecting a four digit code, purchasing your ticket, and then waiting until the winning numbers are drawn.
Drawing times will be different based on peak times for each data center with the weekly drawing on the weekend.
♦ Mini-games
Four different mini-games to test your skill are also available. "Monster Toss" is a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy VII's Super Dunk, in which you must use precise timing to shoot a Bomb into a basket. Other games of this type include: "The Moogle's Paw", a crane game to fetch a prize, "Crystal Tower Striker", a type of high striker or strongman game, and "Cuff-A-Cur", a punching mini-game that will have you throwing fast ones at a Gilgamesh doll.
More on Final Fantasy XIV:
• Do I get any free time if I buy this?
Yep! You receive 30 days with purchase of any version.
• How about a free trial?
[Windows PC] [PlayStation 3] [PlayStation 4]
14-day trial, Level 20 cap, communication restrictions (anti-RMT), other restrictions apply with free trial version.
• This is one of those SUBSCRIPTION GAMEZ! What are the monthly fees like?
60-day time cards are also available from select retailers.
• Can I still upgrade from PS3 to PS4 for free?
Yes, the free version upgrade lasts until Tuesday, March 31st, 2015. You will need to download, install, and log in to FFXIV on your PS3 first -- updating the game is not necessary. Then, proceed to the MogStation to continue the process.
• Do I need PlayStation Plus for this?
• Can I use Steam Wallet to pay for my subscription?
• Show me what's come out (trailers and patch notes) since the game launched! Show me THE FUTURE too!
2013.09.27 » Version 2.0: A Realm Reborn [2.05]
2013.12.17 » Patch 2.1: A Realm Awoken [2.15|2.16]
2014.03.27 » Patch 2.2: Through the Maelstrom [2.21|2.25|2.28]
2014.07.08 » Patch 2.3: Defenders of Eorzea [2.35|2.38]
2014.10.28 » Patch 2.4: Dreams of Ice [2.41|2.45]
2015.01.20 » Patch 2.5: Before the Fall (Part I)
2015.02.24 » Patch 2.51: (Gold Saucer, Chocobo Racing, Triple Triad)
2015.03.?? » Patch 2.5: Before the Fall (Part II) (The Battle of Ishgard)
Spring 2015 » Version 3.0: Heavensward
• Resources?
About Final Fantasy XIV:
The Lodestone, official community resource:
A Realm Reborn official product page:
Heavensward pre-order mailing list sign-up:
• Where's GAF at!?
NeoGARF Community thread: