Is the community still going strong? What's the outlook for the next 3 months?
I want to get into a new MMO but I will only start to have 'free time' in June.
Is the community still going strong? What's the outlook for the next 3 months?
I want to get into a new MMO but I will only start to have 'free time' in June.
Quick question, in the sign of the Gold Saucer I would like to have it on my Vita with Remote Play, how would I go about getting the PS4 version without making a new account but rather use my existing one?![]()
When you buy and install PS4 copy you get an opportunity to attach it to your existing service account.
With the expansion Heavensward, so Spring.
Hmm alright, I currently have it on PC so I could buy a PS3 copy for 10 and then do the PS3 to PS4 upgrade offer right? Though wouldn't that waste the 30 free days of the PS3 version, or will these be simply added to my account?
You need a PS3 to activate that, but yeah I did it like last week, I bought a copy on amazon for I think it was 4euros and 5euros of shipping, activated on my PS3, then converted to PS4(need to do it before the end of march though) and got a free month from it on my account so it basically paid for itself, in fact cheaper than an actual month of subbing.
What kind of FFVI stuff is in there? I've seen some Magitek Armours in that one CG video.
I see, thanks for the explanation that's really awesome value right there with the month getting added, I have no qualms about doing that!One question though, since you said I need a PS3 to do that, I do have one but do I actually have to download the patches on the PS3 then or does it suffice if I insert the disc and start it once? Just asking since my PS3 downloads slow
You need to install the game on the hard drive which takes a while, iirc, but you don't have to actually patch no. You install, then it asks you to create an account or link to an existing account when you first launch, you link to your main account(same login/pass you use to log on PC) and after that it starts downloading, you can just turn it off, go to mogstation with any browser, there's an option to upgrade to PS4 that pops once you linked your PS3 game to your account, they give you another code, then you go to the store on your PS4 and enter the code there and it adds the game to your PS4, at which point you'll have to download the patches obviously to play on PS4.
By the by, those of you interested in Triple Triad...
In addition to the rules that were in Final Fantasy VIII, the Final Fantasy XIV team has developed new rules such as:
Order: A rule wherein you are required to play each card in the order that it appears in your deck.
Chaos: A rule wherein the card you play each turn is selected at random from your deck.
Reverse: A rule wherein the conditions for capturing cards are switched so that smaller numbers are more powerful than larger numbers.
Fallen Ace: A rule wherein the all-powerful "A" becomes susceptible to capture by the lowly "1." If the Reverse rule is also in play, a "1" will then become vulnerable to capture by an "A."
Ascension: A rule that affects cards that are grouped into a specific type, such as "Primal" or "Beastman." When placed on the playing grid, the number values on these cards are increased by one for every card of that type that is in play. Numbers that are increased to "11" or more are considered to be of "A" rank.
Descension: A rule that affects cards that are grouped into a specific type, such as "Primal" or "Beastman." When placed on the playing grid, the number values on these cards are decreased by one for every card of that type that is in play. Any number that is decreased to "0" or less is treated as a "1."
Swap: A rule wherein one card from your deck is switched with one of your opponent's before the match begins. The cards to be swapped are chosen at random, and are returned to their original owners at the end of the game.
Roulette: When the "Roulette" rule is in effect, the advanced rules for the match will be chosen at random.
Can't stop feeling that it's too late to start now! Just like every other MMOROG, it feels like it'll take ages to catch up. How "many hours" in is the Gold Saucer content?
you calling me a nerd?With the amount of hours you put into games? Yeah, you'll be just fine.
Yep yep, Triple Triad is SO GOOD.
Jesus. I just got a new PC and am deciding between WoW and FFXIV and I'm split 50/50.
God damn it
IMO Tetra Master of FFIX was much better than Triple Triad.
I am really interested in playing this as a FF 1-9 fan, but I can never make it past level 25 in an MMO without getting bored. Do you have to be high level to participate in the Gold Saucer? Help sell me on this with nostalgia.