They're developing a FF companion app that's supposed to be out very soon. It links up to FFXIV apparently and will come with Triple Triad.Wish Triad Triad was a standalone game on Steam/PSN/XBLA.
You get points towards your rank, PvP currency, and PvE currency. Most people play the 72 man mode and ignore the 4v4 mode. The 72 man mode also has gear sync so the only point for the high end PvP gear in that mode is vanity.How's the PvP, it's mostly 4v4 PvP and then... 18v18v18 RvR? I spent an hour googling about class balance and itemization a week ago, and it seemed the class balance is actually pretty good for a MMO, though a few classes did stand out a bit in each mode...and PvP item reward progression is fairly linear regardless if you win or lose (some folks mentioned spamming losses at a very fast pace) can still earn items at a good rate). The PvP is mostly limited to that, right -- leveling a PvP rank to get PvP item sets? Are their equivalent to higher-end raid gear and/or stats mostly geared to just PvP or PvM, too? Any broader impact on the world, factions, housing, crafting, etc, or basically just points for your 'PvP level'? I know the game is obviously highly PvE centric but it seems they did put decent effort into the arena mode and some pretty good looking armor sets so was just curious about it.
It really depends on what you want out of the game.I've always wanted to play this game but dat subscription.![]()
Probably a stupid question but is it worth it? The PS4 version anyway.
GS is pratically a new game. Impressive content..
Sounds incredible! Please tell me this plays during Triple Triad for max nostalgia
Can't stop feeling that it's too late to start now! Just like every other MMOROG, it feels like it'll take ages to catch up. How "many hours" in is the Gold Saucer content?
i heard you can use steam wallet money to pay for the subscription if you have the steam version, maybe OP can be updated with that on the subscription part
I'm actually so temptedbrb buying FFXIV :O
YASSSSSSSSUpdate: Yep, the original Triple Triad "Shuffle or Boogie" theme is in.
Update: Yep, the original Triple Triad "Shuffle or Boogie" theme is in.
How does it go for Australians? I've always been tempted, but the thought of subscribing to something a long way away has put me off.
Patch is live! Go! Go! Go!
So what you're saying is S-E has officially created some FFVII assets in HD.
Eventually, we'll have our FFVII remake but it'll be embedded in FFXIV.
Just participated in the dancing GATE. That was pretty fun
I'm so glad that Final Fantasy Online finally has chocobo racing. This is so wonderful.
there's plenty, and i mean plenty of australians playing the game, probably 90+% of them are in tonberry
tonberry is the unofficial sea/aus/nz server so the english community is the probably biggest out of all the japanese servers
maybe chocobo breeding should be added into the title as well since it's quite a big deal for some people i imagine
There's a trial on PS4 right?
When is the DX11 client out?
Update: Yep, the original Triple Triad "Shuffle or Boogie" theme is in.
What kind of FFVI stuff is in there? I've seen some Magitek Armours in that one CG video.Final Fantasy XIV is actually a remake of all Final Fantasy games.
You can find older Final Fantasy games' contents and references in XIV.
Downloading the update now but how does one actually reach the Gold Saucer?
Can I still upgrade from PS3 to PS4 for free?
Yes, the free version upgrade lasts until Tuesday, March 31st, 2015. You will need to download, install, and log in to FFXIV on your PS3 first -- updating the game is not necessary. Then, proceed to the MogStation to continue the process.