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Goldeneye DS - Based on the N64 version


MightyHedgehog said:
Yeah, but there was an analog input involved in that control scheme.

Well, the second screen could serve to have a thumbpad via the touch screen like how people use laptops.


GAF's Bob Woodward
So, is this a port, with the original's assets etc. or just EA's interpretation BASED ON Rare's Goldeneye?

Mr Gump

Ristamar said:
If the multiplayer framerate is a steady 30 fps, I'm definitely in...
There isnt going to be split screen action so you could probably count on that being the case.

Seriously the DS needs an analogue stick. Mario 64 was supposed to be all about the WOWZORS analogue control and now 64x4 all these years later doesnt have what made mario 64 so fun to control.



Um, why wouldn't it just use the scheme in the Metroid demo? Lots of people played GE with the camera-buttons doing the movement instead of the stick afaik.
So aiming isn't analog anymore then. Be it movement or aiming, analog is pretty much necessary, IMO. Unless the game plays more like Doom, with auto-aiming. The touch-control would work, but the screen isn't exactly in a position that would seem comfortable to me. Maybe Nintendo will throw in an analog stick (like a folding-click one so that the main case can still close flat).


Uh, aiming was with the stylus in the metroid demo. I think most people seem to feel that analog aiming is more important than analog movement, and stylus aim is as much analog as a mouse is.


Unconfirmed Member
It could work. You would just have to remove the analog element from movement which would make control feel a little wonky.

It could be set up with dual "pad" control for movement and aiming with L being aim and R being the Fire button. Weapon select could occur on the touch screen (with map overlay), with select being reload.

Edit: I don't see why the D-pad can't be both digital and analog. I think it could have heavy click points but be preasure sensitive as a means to be psuedo analog... I heavily doubt that is the cas however.


Sucks at viral marketing
I wouldn't be suprised if this was true. I wouldn't be suprised if it was revealed that Rare was porting the game for Nintendo under a deal signed with EA. Hell, EA doesn't actually need to be part of the equation if MGM is involved.

Didn't Goldeneye already not use the c-buttons for movement and couldn't you even use the d-pad instead of the analog stick?


Awesome news!! From the way it reads though, I'd interepret it as "based" on GoldenEye, I reckon it will be produced by EA, but based on the N64 version. I doubt it will be a port.

I may be wrong though...
Well it sounds like great news. I'd love to play Goldeneye on the DS. All the same, I think I'm going to wait until EA confirms this one before jumping for joy.
ManDudeChild said:
That's all well and good (well it would be if it wasn't for the fact that the Godfather was announced before that), but see the thing is, don't try to pretend that you Robert-GCA aren't the same as the Robert Miller from GCAdvance.

Who said I was pretending anything?. Yes that is me there. I've never said it wasn't me. I've got it in my sig at other boards. Your just now catching on is all. We were the first , that we know of, to reveal that information on the games. That is why we had gca-first next to it.
Robert-GCA said:
Who said I was pretending anything?. Yes that is me there. I've never said it wasn't me. I've got it in my sig at other boards. Your just now catching on is all. We were the first , that we know of, to reveal that information on the games. That is why we had gca-first next to it.

No, I caught on a long time ago. But the tone of your post was, "this guy that isn't me also broke the old news that EA is doing a Godfather game!" So I thought i'd call you out on it. The only "news" was the possible time frame and style.


ManDudeChild said:
No, I caught on a long time ago. But the tone of your post was, "this guy that isn't me also broke the old news that EA is doing a Godfather game!" So I thought i'd call you out on it. The only "news" was the possible time frame and style.

... didn't seem to me that he was trying to make it sound that way, so i dunno what you're trying to get at.

anyhow, i'm interested in finding out if the game is a port of the N64 game, and if so, how EA managed to get that done with Rare or Nintendo or whoever has the rights to the N64 game, and also how the control scheme works out.
hirokazu said:
... didn't seem to me that he was trying to make it sound that way, so i dunno what you're trying to get at.

anyhow, i'm interested in finding out if the game is a port of the N64 game, and if so, how EA managed to get that done with Rare or Nintendo or whoever has the rights to the N64 game, and also how the control scheme works out.

Guess it's how you look at it, fair enough though.

I'm not buying the MS Rare DS response either though. It would certainly help the bomb that is Rare (as far as it being worth the cost) if Rare did some handheld work on DS.


Console Market Analyst
So, they've spent millions of dollars on the GoldenEye: Rogue Agent property... And instead of bringing a portable version of it to the DS, like is typical for EA, they're going to throw cash away to help port a game they had nothing to do with? And to top it all off, the source is "that guy who scooped Godfather and Batman Begins"?

I'm convinced.


Unconfirmed Member
hirokazu said:
... didn't seem to me that he was trying to make it sound that way, so i dunno what you're trying to get at.

anyhow, i'm interested in finding out if the game is a port of the N64 game, and if so, how EA managed to get that done with Rare or Nintendo or whoever has the rights to the N64 game, and also how the control scheme works out.

though one thing that comes to mind is those Rare DS rumours, despite the fact that the MS dude dismissed them.
Rare would technically not have to be involved with it at all. The game, scenario, code etc. is © nintendo AFAIK.

The only stumbling block would be EA since it holds the current license for Bond games etc. That said it would totally behoove them to greenlight and "publish" an exclusive port of GE from nintendo (NST port job? Rare?) to help push hype for their "bastard sequel". It would be like printing money for both parties... and we already know Nintendo is not above putting up some capital to fund a big name game with a different publisher (see Twin Snakes, and similarly other outside the box agreements with SEGA, Square, Namco etc,).

But again, until I see a screenshot, or get a PR, this is a pipe dream (but a cool one)


Unconfirmed Member
Goreomedy said:
So, they've spent millions of dollars on the GoldenEye: Rogue Agent property... And instead of bringing a portable version of it to the DS, like is typical for EA, they're going to throw cash away to help port a game they had nothing to do with? And to top it all off, the source is "that guy who scooped Godfather and Batman Begins"?

I'm convinced.
I don't think it lends credence to the rumor, but if EA wants to pimp its "sequel" it would be just as smart to help port, or publish a proven game with most of the major code in tact and for a similar platform architecture (N64/DS) as it would be to pour resources into a small screen "port" (that would likely need a lot of new content anyways) of the same title.

I have no problem with deriding the rumor for its source however ;)

edit: horrendous spelling errors
Goreomedy said:
So, they've spent millions of dollars on the GoldenEye: Rogue Agent property... And instead of bringing a portable version of it to the DS, like is typical for EA, they're going to throw cash away to help port a game they had nothing to do with? And to top it all off, the source is "that guy who scooped Godfather and Batman Begins"?

I'm convinced.

Here's the kicker though. He didn't scoop Godfather (only those vague bits). But all the same, I hope the Goldeneye and Batman news are true.


It better look a whole lot better than the Nintendo 64 version. The Nintendo 64 version is so ugly that it gives me a headache just to watch it nowadays.

And it had better play better, too. It was awesome back in 1997, but it's nothing above average today. Playing with a digital control pad is kinda going to suck by default, though.


I still enjoy playing Goldeneye to this day, I don't understand how games just magically change for people after a certain period of time. I loved Goldeneye then, I love it now.

As for the lack of analog controls on the DS, that could be made up for using the touch screen, and it would also make the experience more different and unique. Or maybe not, but hey i'm not going to complain about the controls I know nothing about, it could work great.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Deg said:
we'll see. I bet its rogue agent.

Yeah, I would imagine EA had handheld Rogue Agent ports for the DS and PSP.


scola said:
I don't think it lends credence to the rumor, but if EA wants to pimp its "sequel" it would be just as smart to help port, or publish a proven game with most of the major code in tact and for a similar platform architecture (N64/DS) as it would be to pour resources into a small screen "port" (that would likely need a lot of new content anyways) of the same title.

I have no problem with deriding the rumor for its source however ;)

edit: horrendous spelling errors

N64 and DS do not appear to have anywhere close to similar architectures.
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