Ah, forgot about the menu button filter option.kaching said:
Ah, forgot about the menu button filter option.kaching said:
kaching said:Push Intents is just about the sexiest thing I've seen for a mobile device. That plus the revamping of the market with OTA installs is how you do syncing with mobile devices in the 21st century. Can't wait.
Oh, and that new stuff shown for Google Listen in the TV segment better come to the phone version as well. She said same binary, but didn't confirm what would and wouldn't work on different devices with different screen sizes...as long as the phone version starts to support video podcasts, I'll be good.
But, I wasn't, not in the first sentence of that post. It was a general statement about how we transition between technologies, without ever requiring a deliberate attempt at assassination of the old to bring in the new. There's plenty of examples of this.borghe said:while you were talking specifically about web technologies,
giga said:Recent app switcher looks diff.
giga....Thank you and Fuck you at the same time!
You are killing me here. :D
Nice!borghe said:if you want to get technical, Apple actually gives you more of a "choice" in that regards. You can either NOT visit the flash site on your iphone because it won't work, or you can instead just visit it on your computer where it will work. IMHO that's a much more logical metric by which to gauge the choice. Yeah, not at all consumer friendly, but at least at that point they are given an entirely legitimate choice.
hope32 said:They can still choose not to go to a flash website regardless of what they're using. By using the iPhone they have no choice, they just simply can't. You're not making any sense here.
Blu_LED said:Is Google going to put the conference up on their Youtube page? I really want to watch this.
radioheadrule83 said:God I can't upgrade from the Hero until April next year... why do I see spending a shitfuck load of money on a phone in my future?
hope32 said:They can still choose not to go to a flash website regardless of what they're using. By using the iPhone they have no choice, they just simply can't. You're not making any sense here.
Exchange support
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An iPhone fanboy trumpeting the need for choice by slamming the OPTION of flash on a phone is just about as hypocritical as you can get. That line about using flash on a desktop as true choice was especially cringeworthy.Sh1ner said:I assume so, the Day 1 part 1 was uploaded about 24 hours ago according to youtube so I assume it will appear soon.
Subliminal said:I'm in the same boat as you.
I've been shafted by htc and google and now have to shell out for a sim free phone
I'll get the one - after the Incredible. (wasn't there a 1.5ghz, 2.2 device leaked before?)
because for the layman out there, they have no idea what a "flash site" is. hell, I guarantee people right here in this thread have used a navigation that they thought was flash but wasn't, or vice versa. it's not like there is some clear de facto identifier of a flash site or not (aside from it not working, which was kind of my point). For the choice you guys are suggesting to be real, it would require something as ridiculous as johnnybryce posted "Hey guys this is a flash site are you REALLY sure you want to go here!!???". Of course that's stupid, and thus there is no indication to people that, "hey, this site uses flash, do you want to see the non-flash version?" and thus no choice. You can argue the merits of including it or not and it's an argument based 100% in opinion.. I absolutely acknowledge that. But factually there is no consumer choice and this is not built on consumer choice. arguing for either of those points is just stupid. in the end it will sell more units. My only hope is that it will at best slow down Flash's decline on the web and not actually stabilize or reverse it.Hawkian said:Yeah I don't know how he missed that.
I never said I anything about a need for choice. Get your head out of your ass. I love the competition brought by Android. I just want to see Flash die a horrible death. Check your fanboy war at the door. so being anti-flash now automatically promotes someone as an apple fanboy? jesus christ.VanMardigan said:An iPhone fanboy trumpeting the need for choice by slamming the OPTION of flash on a phone is just about as hypocritical as you can get. That line about using flash on a desktop as true choice was especially cringeworthy.
josephdebono said:HTC's probably gonna be leaking like a fucking sieve over the next couple of months after this.
I bet we'll be getting two decent phones around October/November with 2.2 and current(ish) hardware. That'll be just before Gingerbread.
Next proper upgrade will probably be with phones in March next year. I'm betting we'll have awesome Gingerbread enabled phones with a new Sense and powerful (Moorestown?) cpus which would be able to run blazingly fast.
Android is seriously amazing me because every iteration seems to be getting faster even on the same hardware. Vanilla 2.1 is freakishly fast on the Hero (Sense UI does kick it in the balls though) and FroYo should further improve on that.
borghe said:because for the layman out there, they have no idea what a "flash site" is. hell, I guarantee people right here in this thread have used a navigation that they thought was flash but wasn't, or vice versa. it's not like there is some clear de facto identifier of a flash site or not (aside from it not working, which was kind of my point). For the choice you guys are suggesting to be real, it would require something as ridiculous as johnnybryce posted "Hey guys this is a flash site are you REALLY sure you want to go here!!???". Of course that's stupid, and thus there is no indication to people that, "hey, this site uses flash, do you want to see the non-flash version?" and thus no choice. You can argue the merits of including it or not and it's an argument based 100% in opinion.. I absolutely acknowledge that. But factually there is no consumer choice and this is not built on consumer choice. arguing for either of those points is just stupid. in the end it will sell more units. My only hope is that it will at best slow down Flash's decline on the web and not actually stabilize or reverse it.
anyway, this is a google thread, not adobe thread.. sorry about that. just get fired up when people say "god google's awesome for giving people the choice that evil apple took away from them!!!" or such. android is a great OS and should be praised on the merits and innovation to the smartphone world. It just seems asinine to include an aged and dying development platform as one of those innovations. :\
SimleuqiR said:2X-5X speed improvement is not bad at all. This should give older hardware a bit more life.
Yeah, HTML and Javascipt are getting long in the tooth.borghe said:It just seems asinine to include an aged and dying development platform as one of those innovations. :\
SimleuqiR said:2X-5X speed improvement is not bad at all. This should give older hardware a bit more life.
yes, that would be an actual choice. however that doesn't exist, and thus there is no choice.andycapps said:I think you're still missing the forest for the trees. I don't see why a simple option can't be in the settings to default to a non-flash site if one is available but to use flash if one is not. Or if you REALLY like the Apple way, which is no flash at all, then you could just disable Flash and then you have choice, the Apple way.
oh come on now.....kaching said:Yeah, HTML and Javascipt are getting long in the tooth.
He's not missing anything, he's just towing a line.andycapps said:I think you're still missing the forest for the trees.
Not a fan of sarcasm, I guess.oh come on now.....
No news as of yet.Ermac said:When today is Froyo dropping for the N1? I bought your betaphone Google, give me froyo!!
Jobs followers? More like Mac OS and Linux users. Shit is terrible.VanMardigan said:I think I dislike flash as much as the next guy, but there is a special level of hatred for flash that seems exclusive to jobs followers. Its the "flash ran over my dog, lets kill it NOW" attitude that you have to absolutely question the source, which most often eminates from those who drink the apple kool aid.
borghe said:yes, that would be an actual choice. however that doesn't exist, and thus there is no choice.
as for me liking the "apple way", considering I was doing that long before I ever got an iphone (i.e. not installing flash on my PC) again I don't get how being anti-flash now suddenly makes someone an apple fanboy. tons of people have hated flash since long before apple ever made a circus event out of it.
And since Linux users are such a small group, I think saying Jobs followers is accurate.giga said:Jobs followers? More like Mac OS and Linux users. Shit is terrible.
I would say there's a special level of hatred for it reserved for developers also..... of which I'm one of. it was a necessary evil 10 years ago when a dynamic HTML meant at best rollovers and basic animation. video streaming????? YEAH RIGHT! It had it's required uses. But he majority of those uses IMHO (the navigation ones) have been gone for around 5-6 years now, and the video ones have been starting to dwindle over the past 18 months. And yet it's viewed as a major success when the technology is introduced to a platform. Seems like a valid annoyance to me, especially when the wife bitches about not being able to play farmville on her iphone and knowing "Yeah, there's really no reason this piece of shit needs to be in flash today"VanMardigan said:I think I dislike flash as much as the next guy, but there is a special level of hatred for flash that seems exclusive to jobs followers. Its the "flash ran over my dog, lets kill it NOW" attitude that you have to absolutely question the source, which most often eminates from those who drink the apple kool aid.
a line I've been towing proudly for 5+ years on here. Look through my post history, I promise you there are plenty of instances of me bashing flash long before the introduction of the iphone, and certainly LONG before I got my first iphone last june.kaching said:He's not missing anything, he's just towing a line.
borghe said:Seems like a valid annoyance to me, especially when the wife bitches about not being able to play farmville on her iphone and knowing "Yeah, there's really no reason this piece of shit needs to be in flash"
doubt she's a big enough farmville addict to take that big of a downgrade....VanMardigan said:Your wife shouldn't have to suffer your personal vendettas (or Jobs'). Get her an Android phone big guy.
Subliminal said:
Subliminal said:
borghe said:I would say there's a special level of hatred for it reserved for developers also..... of which I'm one of. it was a necessary evil 10 years ago when a dynamic HTML meant at best rollovers and basic animation. video streaming????? YEAH RIGHT! It had it's required uses. But he majority of those uses IMHO (the navigation ones) have been gone for around 5-6 years now, and the video ones have been starting to dwindle over the past 18 months. And yet it's viewed as a major success when the technology is introduced to a platform. Seems like a valid annoyance to me, especially when the wife bitches about not being able to play farmville on her iphone and knowing "Yeah, there's really no reason this piece of shit needs to be in flash today"
a line I've been towing proudly for 5+ years on here. Look through my post history, I promise you there are plenty of instances of me bashing flash long before the introduction of the iphone.
I'm not talking about flash bashing, I'm talking about the rhetoric you keep towing for why we need to actively get rid of it.borghe said:a line I've been towing proudly for 5+ years on here. Look through my post history, I promise you there are plenty of instances of me bashing flash long before the introduction of the iphone, and certainly LONG before I got my first iphone last june.
where did I say they were giving you a choice? I said "technically it's more of a choice" but never did I commend them or applaud them for doing anything like that. hmm.. what's more annoying? The apple fanboys who became anti-flash because apple made it cool or the android people accusing everyone who hates flash of being an apple fanboy. nope, they're both equally annoying.hope32 said:You deny being an Apple fanboy but your post about Apple giving more "choice" and the constant illogical posts really show your true colors.
eh, I don't get how equally or more capable technologies based on open and readily available standards is rhetoric. to each their own though. my thought is that once WebM takes off (wait, I thought I was anti-google????) the need or desire for flash in a mobile device will probably be cut down by over 50%. as both iphone and android app stores continue to grow, that should polish off the remaining 50ish%... no need to get salty.kaching said:I'm not talking about flash bashing, I'm talking about the rhetoric you keep towing for why we need to actively get rid of it.
awwradioheadrule83 said:Yeah that Hero build is nothing to get too excited about:
I got an advance look at Googles latest treat for Android phones, Android 2.2 (more deliciously known as Froyo) on the Nexus One. Announced this morning at Google I/O in San Franisco, the update will initially be available to Motorola Droid and Nexus One owners in June. Android users will definitely be happy with this update, which delivers faster performance, tethering/mobile hotspot and of course, Flash support.
borghe said:edit - and I'm really really really done on this subject. hooray google. hooray android (for competition and innovation). hooray chrome. hooray VP8. Hooray free web fonts. Hooray our google overlords. Fuck flash.
borghe said:where did I say they were giving you a choice? I said "technically it's more of a choice" but never did I commend them or applaud them for doing anything like that. hmm.. what's more annoying? The apple fanboys who became anti-flash because apple made it cool or the android people accusing everyone who hates flash of being an apple fanboy. nope, they're both equally annoying.