Racing 101: (edit: when accelerating) corners that transition into uphill will induce oversteer due to the front suspension loading ahead of the rear thus increasing front end grip and changing the car balance to oversteer. Downhill turns, you get understeer. This is what makes the Ring and elevation in race tracks so awesome, it adds an additional component to consider when racing.
I can't speak to blocks traveling on perfect inclines because I am not a physics graduate, but race tracks tend to have corners across elevation changes not several on a constant gradient. Also, those blocks need independent suspension modeled that effects the tire contact patch due to compression or unloading and therefor changing the available grip either at the front or rear of the car, you know the thing that is going to cause the under or oversteer that this whole discussion seemed to stem from.
ITT: people who seem to know a decent amount of physics but not enough about the basics of car control and suspension dynamics. GT6 does have some TTO, it is just really poorly modeled and super forgiving. I think I need to secret Santa the book, "Going Faster" to some peeps in this thread. It will end these arguments much sooner. I should re-read that, it has been over 10 years since I last did!