Despite being a big GT fan, I had no hype for this one and haven't picked it up yet. By what I'm hearing in this thread, it doesn't seem worth it? Might skip and wait for GT7 on PS4
It's definitely the worst GT game I've played. That's not to say it's bad, but it's not a step forward for the series. I've only spent 4 or so hours with it, which is nothing for a GT game, so I can't say I have a definitive opinion yet.
But here are my preliminary opinions:
Overall, I'd say the game is
visually troubled, and that's nothing to do with being last gen. I've had multiple regular drops below 60fps during racing, regardless of the number of cars on track. Screen tearing is much more abundant than in GT5. And it just generally doesn't look as "slick" as GT5. Tracks and environments have a gritty, grainy, rough look to them. I miss the polish of GT5.
Many of us have already lamented the serious
sound issues. Folks complained loudly about the sound in GT5, but I thought it was spot on. It was detailed, crisp, and responsive in all the right ways. But there are some unforgivable sound problems in GT6. Most engine sounds are muffled, regardless of camera view. And many are subject to distortion even at moderate volume. There is also
no difference between the sound mix in bumper cam and in cockpit view. Since those are the two views I regularly use, it was immediately noticeable. And when your tires go off (which happens too easily IMO), the squealing sound is unbearable and prone to serious distortion at even moderate levels.
Also, the game is simply
too easy. The big draw for me has always been the challenge. Shaving off tenths or hundredths of seconds to lap times and license tests is the thrill of the game. But in GT6, there's simply no challenge. Cut-off times for golds are simply too low and easily reached in one or two tries. Admittedly, I'm not that far into the game (third-tier racing and licenses), but so far it's a cake walk. And glancing at the PSN trophy list, that will also be a cake walk. Compare that to the trophy list on GT5 which took me three years of off and on again playing to approach 80% completion.
AI has never been what the GT games are about, so I'm not too worried about them. Except... the cars the AI uses should be regularly trouncing me. The PP rating far exceeds mine, and yet I can sail past them with little effort. That suggests that the AI isn't actually using the cars it looks like they're using, or they're being seriously hamstrung for no good reason. You used to have to work to build a car even capable of beating the AI before you could sail past them. They never put up a fight, but at least you had to outclass them in prior GT games. Now, I could fly by a car with 150-200 PP more than me. That's simply unacceptable.
On the plus side, the UI is the best its ever been. But for me, I'd take the crappy GT5 UI over a ho-hum GT game any day.
That's it for now, but I'm unimpressed. I can only hope this game gets the dedicated series of (awesome) title updates that GT5 got. But with sales already showing a huge dip, I worry that that won't happen anytime soon.