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Gran Turismo 6 |OT| Moon Rover The Castle


Gameplay at Toscana, race of two laps with day-night transition with the Audi Quattro S1 Pikes Peak.


I think that feeling and FFB has improved in these surfaces that aren't asphalt. Car movements and FFB effects are more realistic than GT5, and I like it. :)

PD talk about improving their sound reproduction, but I'm absolutely convinced they didn't even record the Quattro S1. It's such a distinctive sounding car, this has no trace of that evocative sound, in fact I'm pretty sure that's one of the generic samples PD have used for at least three iterations of GT!

Come on PD, the engine is the heart and soul of a car, why such lack of care?

One more point, who in PD's HQ thought it was a good idea put a car like the Corvette GT1/GTE into an off-road race? Is it, like I believe, a sop to the US audience, when it has no place in such an event, not when the game is full of 4wd rally derived machinery.
The thing I am learning from this thread is that GT5 Prologue was the secret best GT on PS3. I have this weird desire to go back and see what it's like, because I've completely forgotten.

Dead Man

So when adding ballast can you not see the PP figure until you decide on an amount of ballast

PD talk about improving their sound reproduction, but I'm absolutely convinced they didn't even record the Quattro S1. It's such a distinctive sounding car, this has no trace of that evocative sound, in fact I'm pretty sure that's one of the generic samples PD have used for at least three iterations of GT!

Come on PD, the engine is the heart and soul of a car, why such lack of care?

One more point, who in PD's HQ thought it was a good idea put a car like the Corvette GT1/GTE into an off-road race? Is it, like I believe, a sop to the US audience, when it has no place in such an event, not when the game is full of 4wd rally derived machinery.
Turn it up and enjoy:

And yeah, bizarre to see those rwd muscle cars in that race, good to see PD's grid selection remains as hilarious as ever.


Doesn't GT6 have a practice mode like GT5 or can you still make a private online session where you can just do free runs? I'll be super sad to see if things have changed in regards to what I felt in the GT6 Academy.

Has GAF had any races yet? Please upload some footage of online racing guys between you lot please :)

I saw free runs Online. Didn't join any though, just browsed.
Can you really not race online until you progress to National A in the single player? That's a real bummer as I wanted to save the offline until my wheel comes :(

Mobius 1

Praise Jesus. Just figured out how to disable the rock songs from the race BGM. Pretty obtuse as usual.

GT5 had a couple of decent songs under the Race playlist, even if I also turn them off immediately. GT6's race music selection is lackluster in comparison.

Both had a considerable amount of music that is not included on either playlist, it's just sitting there.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Hey guys, if I log online 1.01) the game warns me it'll apply a new update that "might corrupt savegame data although my in-game progress will still be there", what the hell? Does it mean that if I accept there's a chance I'll get all of my cars (used the glitch of course, fuck GT6's shameful economy) and money wiped out?
Should I play the game offline until I beat lots of events and race for plenty or miles?

I'm done with the glitch, anything else I want to earn (got myself the ridiculously priced cars <5M credits), I don't even care for the money I still have in the bank, but I don't wanna lose whatever cars I have in my garage.


°Temp. member
Just finished international A and saw the ending credits. I guess I'll start the "S" stuff tomorrow. I heard that we're missing a lot of stuff that will be added later, but is it true that there currently aren't any endurance races? :(


Hey guys, if I log online 1.01) the game warns me it'll apply a new update that "might corrupt savegame data although my in-game progress will still be there", what the hell? Does it mean that if I accept there's a chance I'll get all of my cars (used the glitch of course, fuck GT6's shameful economy) and money wiped out?
Should I play the game offline until I beat lots of events and race for plenty or miles?

I'm done with the glitch, anything else I want to earn (got myself the ridiculously priced cars <5M credits), I don't even care for the money I still have in the bank, but I don't wanna lose whatever cars I have in my garage.

Watch GTP carefully. If something happens they will raise alarms.

Repo Man

Loving the game so far and I'm glad that after a whole heap of hassle which I wont get into now, I ended up going the extra mile to get the game.

Few things though which have probably been discussed to death already but the search function didnt yield many results or then I'm just a noob with it.

Are the custom soundtracks totally bugged ? The game seems to be stuck on whatever track I choose from my playlist which I used for GT5 with success. I read somewhere that the game likes to play an entire song before playing the next one which means that in short races the game repeats the same song because it doesnt get to finish it. In any case this irritates me because the GT games havent had a decent soundtrack since GT4 and I like to have some cool driving tunes while I play.

Some quick pro's and con's


- Loving the new physics, I dont quite know how PD does it but since GT 1 and 2 they've somehow been able to rework the handling in almost every game in new interesting ways. I play with the dualshock and I find that the way the mass of the cars translates onto the pad is next to none.

- Coffee break events, mission races etc. are awesome. I loved all the little things like special events in GT5 so its great to see these back and multiplied.

- Apricot Hill is back baby! and that shit looks sweet as all hell at night.

- Cannot praise the new menu's enough. Sure there's a few brainfarts here and there but compared to GT5, the game just feels so much more user friendly.


- No re-work of the Seattle city track which is one of my alltime favourites from the GT series. However I can sort of understand it with modern cars probably struggling on that track a bit if everything was done faithfully because it was a pretty bumpy track.

- Random lock-ups. I know the game has only just been released and I'm sure a patch is on its way but its still irritating when the game locks up. A lot of it seems to happen in menu transitions.

- Tire sounds, I've been reading that they are supposed to be super faithful or something but I kinda find them irritating and overpowering at the moment. I get the purpose of them that they are meant to give you clues to whats going on with your car but when listening through TV speakers they somehow feel even more annoyingly loud. I turned the sound effects down but then you start to lose other sound effects. I cant for example hear the engine properly anymore or the wind which acts a signal to tell me when I'm in the slipstream of the car in front. Wish there was an option to adjust more of the sounds separately, PGR series did it in PGR 3 or 4 I think so why can't PD give us some more options ?

- Graphics seem to have taken a step back a little with framerate issues which might get patched up. The new lighting is cool but they could go a bit easier with the bloom and some of the shadows are still a bit mediocre to put it nicely. The trees in the distance appear to be blurry as hell though and this shows especially on autumn ring. havent compared if they were like that in GT5 but I dont recall them sticking out like a sore thumb like they kinda do now, for me atleast.

- Missing the used car dealership. There was something magical about buying your first piece of junk from the UCD only because you couldnt afford anything decent from the proper dealerships. I know the used cars have basically been merged into the proper dealerships now in the form of some cheaper non-premium cars which effectively eliminates having one more separate menu but still, I'd prefer to have the UCD but thats just me and my stubborn ways I guess.

Anywho, good game is good and I can see myself spending many hours playing this as I did with GT5.



I've been stuck on this mission for the past 3 days. Can't even get silver =(
What was your split time? Sub 1:40? I need to figure where to make up lost time.
Did you manage gold yet? My fastest time so far is a 2:16.886, with still plenty of room for improvement. Sector 1 time is 0:40.7 and sector 2 is 0:57.8.
I can't upload a replay file on Neogaf, so if you PM me your email address, I'll mail you my replay and you can have a look for yourself.


It's taken ages, but I've finally finished working through the 15th Anniversary Cars. Partly because I wanted to use them in career mode and a lot of them are on racing slicks, partly because it just takes a while. So, without further ado, the best cars on the list:

R18 TDI, Audi
Megane Trophy, Renault Sport
Cobra Daytona Coupe, Shelby
GT40 Mark I, Ford
HSV-010 GT, Honda
Huayra, Pagani

Note that the only prerequisite is fun to drive, not curated to fill every performance bracket or drivetrain type etc. I didn't include stuff that's very fast and supremely competent but is antiseptic drive, so the GTR and SLS went out. All are stock except for the Huayra which I had to slap sports softs on, otherwise you'll be tearing your hair out of on every slow corner exit. Not enough road cars, I know, but the Vette is only above average really. What else? Didn't try the ugly duckling rally Audi on dirt, maybe it's good there. Almost put the R8 on there, it has a weird tendency to oversteer on corner entry though, that might be a good thing depending on how you look at it. No assists,
except ABS


Hail to the Chef
Had my first trip on the moon yesterday, that's a fun addition to the game.

Edit: the difficulty so far (finished National B yesterday) in the ordinary races and license tests is definitely two notches lower than in the previous games, it is kind of difficult to NOT gold an event. satisfying on one hand, because I never was that good at the licenses in the past, but on the other hand it feels a bit like doing a speed run of the game.
Money-wise, I haven't even touched the 1mil credits that came with the Anniversary Edition, bought the following so far:

Honda Fit
FRS and a few tuning options (rear wing, sports intake, electronics) (yeah, I know)
and still around 100k in the plus.
Ascari is the best new track added for sure, the last sector has an incredible flow, I had a great tussle with a Lotus in my gimped Caterham, then all of a sudden it was over as the reduce pace trigger kicked in. I saw it happen right in front of my eyes as we both crossed the finish line the ai jolted and its pace had vanished, it was like it was on half throttle and stabbing at the pedal.

Fucking Polyphony :(

I'll have to see about getting a video uploaded as I saved the replay.


Matterhorn is a pile just like Cape Ring, they've lost their creative touch, none of the new fantasy tracks touch the old classics.

wat, Matterhorn is one of PD's best. All the variations feel unique and all are great.


What resolution are you playing on? I'm on 1080p, the game game dips in frames while in cockpit view, it runs mostly in 60fps on the bumper cam.

In 720p it's alot smoother, cockpit is almost 60fps...but still has framerate drop on tracks like Barthrust or Nurburing Type V in a full 16 car grid.

If you race mostly in cockpit view, you'll get used to it and it'll seem like it hasn't dropped in frame rate however that is because the game is really consistent in that regard. Still, it's a general consensus that the game has frame rate drops on higher resolutions.

I'm also playing at 1080p. The track with the most severe fps drops for me is twin ring motegi at night. Other tracks like bathurst or nurburgring i haven't noticed too many drops. There is a camera shake when turning at high speeds or under heavy braking that makes the screen sort of judder, i've been wondering if people have been mistaking that for framerate issues. I can definitely tell if there is indeed a fps drop just by the controller steering and screen input, which is what i mostly notice on motegi.
Ascari is the best new track added for sure, the last sector has an incredible flow, I had a great tussle with a Lotus in my gimped Caterham, then all of a sudden it was over as the reduce pace trigger kicked in. I saw it happen right in front of my eyes as we both crossed the finish line the ai jolted and its pace had vanished, it was like it was on half throttle and stabbing at the pedal.

Fucking Polyphony :(

I'll have to see about getting a video uploaded as I saved the replay.


Matterhorn is a pile just like Cape Ring, they've lost their creative touch, none of the new fantasy tracks touch the old classics.

I loved Cape Ring :(

Eiger too. Amazing drift tracks.


PD talk about improving their sound reproduction, but I'm absolutely convinced they didn't even record the Quattro S1. It's such a distinctive sounding car, this has no trace of that evocative sound, in fact I'm pretty sure that's one of the generic samples PD have used for at least three iterations of GT!

Come on PD, the engine is the heart and soul of a car, why such lack of care?

One more point, who in PD's HQ thought it was a good idea put a car like the Corvette GT1/GTE into an off-road race? Is it, like I believe, a sop to the US audience, when it has no place in such an event, not when the game is full of 4wd rally derived machinery.

Yes, it is a pity that PD has no clue about sound. Really, they have one the worst sounding franchises ever and it doesnt help that the audio is matched to stellar graphics and attention to details on other aspects of the game.

I dont play with audio while playing GT and that is wrong.



So when adding ballast can you not see the PP figure until you decide on an amount of ballast

The PP is clearly visible on screen at all times, but it does not change until you confirm...

Add the ballast, click OK, see the revised PP, change ballast, Click OK, see the revised PP etc. etc. etc.

Same as changing the power %.

Dead Man

The PP is clearly visible on screen at all times, but it does not change until you confirm...

Add the ballast, click OK, see the revised PP, change ballast, Click OK, see the revised PP etc. etc. etc.

Same as changing the power %.

Oh. That sounds a bit shit. Why would they do it that way?
I'm well into 40% completion and the AI isn't broken at all.

I've just had some first 16 car races, and the AI is doing a good job. Definitely further improved over GT6.


Am I only one who thinks GT is too realistic?

Don't get me wrong, I know that Gran Turismo is not the most realistic simulation out there, but the jump to PS3 saw the series' biggest step towards proper simulation.

Looking back now, what was it that made the series so popular? At the time, reviewers praised the original Gran Turismo for its realism. It was better than anything we'd seen on consoles, and about as good a physics model as we could expect on the given hardware. But it never was realistic. Even up to GT4, the game would only encourage the application of basic motor racing principles. It would never demand it. I remember being able to throw the Toyota 88C-V around corners at ridiculous speeds, simply stabbing the brake pedal a few times to stay on track.

And I liked it. I liked believing I knew what I was doing. It felt like I was racing well, and the replays made me look like Michael Schumacher. Most of us would never get a real race car around a track at a decent pace, but GT let us do it, and made us look good at the same time.

I always thought sim racing was a niche market. Did the GT audience always want more realism? I find myself in two minds. With the physics being a huge talking point, and comparisons being made to other sims and even real car handling, I feel like I'm supposed to play it like a sim. I feel like I should be removing the aids and playing with harder tires. But I'm not good at sim racing. I'm not a race driver. I just want to be fooled into feeling like one.


Does anyone have any Dual Shock 3 layout recommendations?

I'm currently using L2/R2 for Accel/Brake and I'm finding it hard to keep my finger down on R2. The trigger is convex and it feeling like my finger is about to slip off.


Neo Member
Does anyone have any Dual Shock 3 layout recommendations?

I'm currently using L2/R2 for Accel/Brake and I'm finding it hard to keep my finger down on R2. The trigger is convex and it feeling like my finger is about to slip off.

I still use X and Square.....

I've done it since the original and I shall continue to do so!



I still use X and Square.....

I've done it since the original and I shall continue to do so!


Haha, I used X and Square in the tutorial race as you have no choice but felt it didn't give me much control. I suppose my options are using trigger addons or the right analogue stick.


Hail to the Chef
Haha, I used X and Square in the tutorial race as you have no choice but felt it didn't give me much control. I suppose my options are using trigger addons or the right analogue stick.

I am adapting to the HKS Racing Controller at the moment, seems promising, albeit it's a wired controller.


Can anyone give me the low-down on wheel support for GT6?

I've been relegated to an old usb madcatz, paired with a set of logitech pedals (attached through a rather broken usb logitech wheel). So essentially I have two wheels, one has working steering, the other has working pedals.

It's not a problem for PC gaming but I have the feeling GT6 isn't so customizable with axis selection.
Am I only one who thinks GT is too realistic?

Don't get me wrong, I know that Gran Turismo is not the most realistic simulation out there, but the jump to PS3 saw the series' biggest step towards proper simulation.

Looking back now, what was it that made the series so popular? At the time, reviewers praised the original Gran Turismo for its realism. It was better than anything we'd seen on consoles, and about as good a physics model as we could expect on the given hardware. But it never was realistic. Even up to GT4, the game would only encourage the application of basic motor racing principles. It would never demand it. I remember being able to throw the Toyota 88C-V around corners at ridiculous speeds, simply stabbing the brake pedal a few times to stay on track.

And I liked it. I liked believing I knew what I was doing. It felt like I was racing well, and the replays made me look like Michael Schumacher. Most of us would never get a real race car around a track at a decent pace, but GT let us do it, and made us look good at the same time.

I always thought sim racing was a niche market. Did the GT audience always want more realism? I find myself in two minds. With the physics being a huge talking point, and comparisons being made to other sims and even real car handling, I feel like I'm supposed to play it like a sim. I feel like I should be removing the aids and playing with harder tires. But I'm not good at sim racing. I'm not a race driver. I just want to be fooled into feeling like one.
With the default settings, GT6 doesn't seem any more sim-like than previous iterations. You have to go in and disable aids for every damn car, you have to go in the wheel settings to change it to simulation... and you have to disable aids every single time in 'Arcade' mode. The game never demands that you play it like a sim. In fact it feels more like it is actively discouraging it with this ridiculous settings system. I mean, the licence tests even prevent you from disabling 'skid recovery force'.

I'm sure there are plenty of GT players who have never touched the settings, and play it just like GT1, even steering with the d-pad.


I am adapting to the HKS Racing Controller at the moment, seems promising, albeit it's a wired controller.

Yeah, I don't think I can do wired unfortunately. Too many roaming children in our house.

I think I'll give the R-stick a whirl over the weekend.
Does anyone have any Dual Shock 3 layout recommendations?

I'm currently using L2/R2 for Accel/Brake and I'm finding it hard to keep my finger down on R2. The trigger is convex and it feeling like my finger is about to slip off.
I use the sticks for accel/brake and I've golded all the licence tests up to S and most of the missions. I find it easy to gently maintain speed through corners but I turn the sensitivity down to -1 or -2 otherwise I tend to oversteer too much.


I cannot for the life of me master the carting races except for the first one. The second one on the indoor circuit, and all the others in the other classes seem fucking impossible. The cart goes 180° or hits the sides, and the race is lost.

Really hampering my progress, I'm almost ready for International A but didn't get the free cars or trophees for the other categories because of this.
Alright, what happened to the better car ownership aspect of the game?

It was supposed to be much better than in GT5 and yet, GT Auto offers the same stupid options. There's no visual damage carried over and all you get are the same stupid options to wash the car, fix the engine, body ridgy and change oil.


This screenshot right here, released on the official homepage, says "body repair" and I think most of us assumed it also meant mechanical damage. 1.0 didn't have any of that and I suppose we hoped the ridiculously huge 1.2 GB day 1 patch would bring that in, but it didn't either. Even when a patch finally enables it, it's going to be visual damage only. GT6 should have a ton of customizable pars for cars. Is that really the case? I'm asking, because I only had the opportunity to play my copy 4 times since release. I've looked a bit into the body parts for the few cars I have and it certainly doesn't look like it's more than before.

The next patch is coming in January. Am I supposed to put the career mode on hold, until they finally ship the real 1.0 version of the game? Because I really don't want to race with rental cars anymore and just like in all the game before, that's all you really do. You buy and collect cars you don't really own.


Alright, what happened to the better car ownership aspect of the game?

It was supposed to be much better than in GT5 and yet, GT Auto offers the same stupid options. There's no visual damage carried over and all you get are the same stupid options to wash the car, fix the engine, body ridgy and change oil.


This screenshot right here, released on the official homepage, says "body repair" and I think most of us assumed it also meant mechanical damage. 1.0 didn't have any of that and I suppose we hoped the ridiculously huge 1.2 GB day 1 patch would bring that in, but it didn't either. Even when a patch finally enables it, it's going to be visual damage only. GT6 should have a ton of customizable pars for cars. Is that really the case? I'm asking, because I only had the opportunity to play my copy 4 times since release. I've looked a bit into the body parts for the few cars I have and it certainly doesn't look like it's more than before.

The next patch is coming in January. Am I supposed to put the career mode on hold, until they finally ship the real 1.0 version of the game? Because I really don't want to race with rental cars anymore and just like in all the game before, that's all you really do. You buy and collect cars you don't really own.

What kind of fix options do you want? It seems you want visual damage, but then that you dont want visual damage. Do you want them to tell you that you need to fix specific parts of the car? Like every part number or something like that?

It seems that damage is only carried over for race cars, at least those people are complaining that they have to fix their cars after "only few crashes" and how they dont want to do that.

As to the rental, i dont get it?... what do you expect to happen in next patch? It will still be the same game with few more features, and it already has billion features. It wont drastically change anything... so if you are not having fun now, I dont see how will you have more when next month or next year. Will ability to put decals make base game more fun?

i checked body parts for Lancia that i played mostly with and they had many different wheels and 4 different spoilers and thats it. Not sure what it was before or what else could there be. For performance tuning, they have plenty of options, not sure how it compares to before.


I did the "revert to 1.00 game" thing.. and noticed that the Online part had 2 more options..

- Quick Match.
- Community.

what are those..? and are they coming back..?
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