You are so close to understanding how this works but you still have the most critical aspect backwards.
I want to say thank you for continuing this discussion too because I have learned a lot re-reading the basics and looking up new articles. Coincidentally my wife asked yesterday about why ABS is good and how it works so this has been a good primer. Hahaha
Ok, static friction does not generate heat and a free rolling tire with no turning, hard breaking or accelerating is definitely in a state of static friction. I triple checked this across numerous articles in tire physics just to make sure. If splitting hairs is necessary, then yes there probably is a very minute amount of dynamic friction but it is unsubstantial and not the source of heat in a free rolling static situation.
Tires heat up when rolling forward due to the deformation of the tire at the contact patch. The tire will always be a tiny bit flat at the contact patch. Under-inflated tires over heat even quicker due to the extra deformation at the contact patch. This heating from deformation is through the entire tire, not just the surface. The side wall, tread and carcass are all being compressed and uncompressed across the entire diameter of the tire at the contact patch every rotation of the tire. This is why tires get hot on highways even without turns and why the Veyron's tires need to be special, to handle the insane heat build up at those speeds. Heat in this instance of static friction is not happening because the rubber is rubbing against the road like in dynamic friction, but because rubber is rubbing against rubber as it stretched and compresses throughout the entire tire as it rotates.
Ok on to slip and dynamic friction scenarios. All tires have an optimal slip angle. Old narrow treaded 60's era F1 cars, this angle was pretty large. Hence the bad ass slides. Modern F1 cars, it is much smaller. You primarily control the slip angle with the wheel, obviously, but also with the brake and gas to shift weight forward and backward. Unless you are overheating your tires to an extreme level, any minute, especially "microscopic" temperature fluctuations are going to have a negligible if not undetectable effect on the cornering behavior of your car. Tires out of their ideal range are going to have less potential grip, but you can still further reduce or increase their available grip through weight transfer. The hundreds if not thousands of pounds of weight you can quickly shift around through steering and pedal inputs is going to be what likely unbalances your car. How could you even determine what "microscopic" surface temperature fluctuations would be good or bad? Depending on the situation, more heat could result in more grip so less sliding, or a bit of cooling could provide more grip. This is the major flaw in your thinking. You seem to think that the unbelievably minute fluctuations of the tire surface are what primarily changes your total available grip of the friction coefficient of the contact patch, and the overall behavior of the car. Yes, of course any tire is going to have an ideal operating temperature but these are given in ranges of degrees, sometimes hundred of degrees. The range is not measured in hundredths of degrees. Yes, theoretically you could build a perfect car that drives perfectly on a perfectly uniform surface to such an extent of consistency and control of variables that variations in the handling characteristics of the car might come down to "microscopic" temperature fluctuations. Maybe in this theoretical scenario, hundredths of degrees of tire temperature fluctuations may need to be accounted for in relation to car balance.
But, these are just race cars and road cars. Hundreds and thousand of pounds of weight is constantly being redistributed to all four tires. This is the primary way the contact patch is going to change size, and the change in the contact patch size is going to be the primary variable in the friction coefficient and therefore your total available grip. This is why suspension setups have such a huge effect on handling. It is changing how the weight transfers across your car and how the tire is coming in contact with the roar, or its contact patch. This is why we have active suspension for improved cornering, not active tire heating.
I think we're making some progress here. You are misinterpreting what I'm saying (possibly not your fault, I may have been unclear) - you are suggesting that I think heat actually
initiates slip from a stable state, being the primary
cause of
all grip loss, and that isn't what I'm trying to say. Grip loss is initiated by unbalancing the car, either from gradients on the track itself or from driver inputs, not heat. We agree on this. Overall tyre temperature influences the overall grip level, and can be good and bad, hence the reason for tyre blankets, and warmup laps. We also agree on this. And in a 'dynamic' state of slip, heat directly affects grip. I believe we agree on this too. I keep mentioning that heat and slip are directly connected, and you have taken that to mean I think heat causes
all grip loss, and I'm definitely not saying that.
Where we differ, and continue to do so, is that you think slip/a spin can occur with no major fluctuation in temperature, that temperature doesn't need to be involved.
Let me address a few things first - this has been mostly guesswork from me, so if the many physics articles you found want to call a rolling tyre 'static friction', then fair enough. But my point is that the transition to 'dynamic' when there is slip involved
has to be seamless. It's not just gripgripgrip and then suddenly there is an obvious slip angle with oversteer or understeer. The instant before it was obvious to the driver, it was happening. So if we can describe a tyre rolling along a straight as having 100% grip (I don't think it would - at any decent speed it would be fluctuating below, maybe between 99% and 100%), and your TTO into the next corner with some nice slip angle could be described as say... 80% grip, then what was happening a split second before at 85% grip? It was a lesser slip angle, but still dynamic. What about before that, at 90%? Or what about at 98.99%, before the driver even felt any difference? It would still be described as dynamic. It all happens in an instant - to the driver it might have felt like 100% grip and suddenly 80% grip, but when you focus down to the moment of transition to watch the grip level change, there is no point where it is suddenly dynamic. It was dynamic immediately, on a minute scale, and ramps up. Everything starts small.
Now to the key point about heat:
How could you even determine what "microscopic" surface temperature fluctuations would be good or bad? Depending on the situation, more heat could result in more grip so less sliding, or a bit of cooling could provide more grip. This is the major flaw in your thinking. You seem to think that the unbelievably minute fluctuations of the tire surface are what primarily changes your total available grip of the friction coefficient of the contact patch, and the overall behavior of the car.
When I describe 'microscopic surface temperature fluctuations', I am referring to the size of the layer, not the amount of temperature fluctuation. The fluctuations can be very large, but across a microscopic layer of rubber. In a violent slip that resulted in an instant spin, the temperature fluctuation on the surface would have been massive, and it would have been over before any part of the rubber deeper than this microscopic layer had time to heat up. You can get very high temperatures on a very focused point of the tyre surface, and that is absolutely directly affecting the grip. I am not saying that the fluctuations are the
cause of the loss of grip in the first place, just that they are there, instantaneously, just like slip is there, instantaneously, as I described above (at 98.99% grip, for example). I say again... the
cause is the unbalancing of the car, we're agreed on that. But the
instant that has happened, you are getting slip and temperature changes, no matter how small. The speed at which the slip and temperature ramps up is determined by how violently the car is unbalanced in the first place.
It seems that you don't think this is reasonable because you believe temperature changes only happen at a clear separate phase, after the slip has been going a while, and that you can have slip without any big ramping up of temperature:
To go back one last time to why TTO happens, you snap off the throttle which creates a rapid transfer of weight forward, reducing the contact patch and potential static and dynamic friction at the rear tire, while simultaneously doing the opposite to the front. Temperature has nothing to do with why you spin. Your tires don't need to be hot, or they can be nearing over heating , it doesn't matter. The principles of TTO remains exactly the same.
I don't agree. If there is slip, there is heat, and the heat would have played a key part in the inability to save the spin. You also gave a wet track as an example of where you can slip with no temperature ramping up, which I contested - F1 drivers can heat their tyres in full wet conditions by simply weaving (to cause slip), because parts of the rubber are still touching the track. It seems to me that the only time there would be
no ramping up of temperature on the tyre surface in a slide is when aquaplaning, or on ice - two instances where there is no direct rubber contact with the track.
So to bring it back to your original complaint:
GT, it seems that you can over heat your tires in an instant, and dramatically reduce the available grip for a few moments afterward.
My suggestion remains the same - the display represents some kind of surface temperature, whether it's a microscopic layer or slightly deeper, we don't know. When you upset the balance of the car to the point where tyres are slipping significantly, you are bound to get this kind of large temperature fluctuation on the surface (even though the rest of the tyre is unaffected, hence the immediate return to normal if the slip is very brief). If the slip and heat is maintained for a while longer, it will penetrate deeper into the rubber, and the surface temperature will be retained for slightly longer, long enough to have had a detrimental effect on overall grip for the next few corners.