I don't know if the "Slide4Speed" physics in GT5/6 is a limitation of PS3 hardware, but it's been annoying ever since the first GT Academy when they updated the physics from GT5

. It's been toned down a bit in GT6, but it's still there and in some cars it's the only way you're gonna be competitive with the top dirvers online. I hate doing it, as it makes the game feel very arcadey in nature as opposed to sims like iRacing/AC/PC where that driving style would result in a much much slower time and in certain corners/tracks you'd end up in a wall or sandpit for driving like that.
The draft also needs to be toned the fuck down. You shouldn't be able to hang with me if I'm 1-1.5 seconds a lap faster than you. It just kills the whole point of building a lead only to be reeled back in from a car mile away.
These are my two main gripes about racing online. I really hope PD addresses these in the coming updates, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.