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Granblue Fantasy |OT| English Translation available as of 2016/04/11!


Is there a way to get renown points that I'm missing, cause this 12 per raid is getting old. :(

You get bonuses if you use R and SR characters in your party. I have a party of petra (SSR) for buffing then an R and an SR. I use this party for all hard raids to solo and omega raids I'm just intending on leeching. I just try to get enough damage in to get the bonus for leeching..doesn't always happen.

The bonuses add up.

You also can get up to 50 for soloing an omega raid even without the R and SR bonus. (Might be a bit lower but it gets up there)


Is there a way to get renown points that I'm missing, cause this 12 per raid is getting old. :(

Using SR or Rare characters gives a bonus to renown points (Max bonus of 500 for each weekly) which should greatly raise the amount of points you earn per battle.


Weapon pool Cliff's notes (are Cliff's notes even still a thing?)

It's important to note that weapon pool provides a few things:

- It's the damage source for ALL your characters. Some get more damage from your pool than others because of weapon type preference but the pool feeds everyone's damage not just the main character.

- it also provides additional hit points above the base character stats. Can be useful in tough battles to pad that out a bit.

- the main weapon drives your character's element, his ougi (special attack) and you can only use certain weapon types in the main slot depending on the job of your main character. The other weapons in the pool are just for stats and skills (increased attack, increased hp, increased double attack, etc)

New player

Your job as a new player is to collect the highest attack weapons you can find regardless of element or weapon skill. None of that means much to you at this point. You are strictly looking to fill 10 slots with high attack weapons. You probably have a few SR characters, maybe an SSR or two if you bought one or rerolled during legfest. Chances are they aren't all the same element. Fill that weapon pool with anything you have and get. Run events to get some shiny new SR weapons and maybe an SSR if you are real lucky.

Not quite as new. Reached rank 30

After awhile you have filled out that weapon pool with a mishmash of weapons based on their attack. Element is all over the place, rarity is a healthy mix of SR and maybe a character SSR or event SSR. Now you need to settle down and start thinking about working toward a single element. This will be based on characters you have. Find some strong SR or build around that SSR you pulled. Pick an element and start focusing on that. What does this mean? This means you need to start working on raids. Say your element is wind. What you need to do whenever you have 5 EP is hit that raid button and look for a tiamat omega raid. If you don't see one, try again in 5-10 min. When you spot one, be quick. It dies so fast you will barely have time to join the raid. Spam the button to join, pick any old friend summon. Don't think, no time. Pick whatever team you have selected and let it load. Once it loads, close that call for help window ASAP and spam attack. You may wile completely after that attack but who cares. You need to do damage or debuff the enemy to get credit. Doesn't matter if you are wiped. After doing that hit, you can hit the home button and when the raid finishes you will see it in the pending battles screen. Collect your rewards.

What rewards? Well you will get some rainbow weapons which are used to level up your real weapons. These are super helpful. You will get a quartz looking crystal which is used to create gold animas (more on that later). You might see a dragon scale for that element. Those are rare and useful later. Good stuff. You may get lucky and get the actual tiamat summon. That's good stuff. You want it and want it fully uncapped and leveled eventually. Short term it will only be useful as a stat boost but long term it will provide the backbone for your weapon pool.

The real prize is the weapons. You may get an SR weapon. These are great either as fodder for skilling up good weapons or as new additions to your growing weapon pool. If it has an attack skill attached to it, keep it, add it to your pool. Level it up, uncap it with subsequent SR weapons and skill it up to 4 or 5. You want to fill your weapon pool with these magna SR attack up weapons. The skill will add a percent damage increase to that element.

Now if you are super super lucky, you may get an SSR weapon from that raid. These are what you need. This is what you will be grinding for month after month after month. You want to eventually fill your weapon pool with 6-7 SSR magna attack up weapons. Some aren't going to be attack up (sadness) but can still be used for fodder to skill up.

To improve your chances at the good stuff, you need to host your own raids. Even if you can't do more than dent them, hosting gets you a red chest. Whereas the normal gold chest has about a 1% chance at a SSR weapon, red chest is closer to 10%. To host your own omega raids you need 3 gold animas of that type. I.E. 3 gold tiamat animas. To get those you need to farm the hard version of tiamat. You can do that through progression, killing the normal then you have access to the hard. Same rules apply as above, you get a red chest for hosting the hard and a red chest for MVPing it. You can get silver animas, gold animas or SR weapons. All good stuff. Silver you can turn into gold in the shop using the quartz crystals I talked about above and 3 silver animas. Work toward being able to solo the hard raids. You can do 3 of each type per day. Try to do them all. Get those animas and host your own omega raids.

There's a lot more to talk about. But it's all covered in the weapon optimization guide and the ultimate guide. By the time you reach rank 40-50, you'll know more than enough to make good use of those guides.

Personally I have reread them every couple weeks and gotten more out of it each time. I understand how it is daunting for complete newbies though so maybe this will help.

Btw. I typed this out on mobile. So excuse typos, weird auto corrects and brevity. I feel like a novel would barely be enough to fill in the early game knowledge gaps in Granblue.

Edit: added a little summary of what a weapon pool is at the top.
This is awesome, thanks for taking the time to write it up!


Today's bahamut farming (farmed all afternoon EU) :
9 swords
3 daggers
10 spears
5 axes
4 staves
4 guns
6 fists
7 bows
7 harps
7 katanas
Couldn't even max the dagger yet....I'm not even sure what I'll do with all those dupes. :|


Today's bahamut farming (farmed all afternoon EU) :
9 swords
3 daggers
10 spears
5 axes
4 staves
4 guns
6 fists
7 bows
7 harps
7 katanas
Couldn't even max the dagger yet....I'm not even sure what I'll do with all those dupes. :|

You must have gotten a boat load of certificates though! That's the real win. And horns. Horns very valuable too.


Neo Member
Looks like worth mentioning, you can hide the initial do you want to request backup popup from magnas etc, under gameplay turn the second last option on.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Another FYI, and this is only for the obsessed/ADD people like me: You can play on two devices at the same time, and the data will sync. So, on my computer I'll run Proto raids, and at the same time, I'll play Casino on my phone, or clean out my inventory, etc.


I can add to garath's guide as a 2 month newb that people should not negate the magna SR when farming your weapons. a MLB, Max lvl SR is usually equivalent or better to a plain or even 1LB SSR in terms of stats. A skill 4 SR has the same boost as a skill 1 SSR, and you'll get way more SR before you can field enough magna SSR.

So to start off you should work on getting enough MLB magna SR for your pool so that you can start farming and hosting your own omega, because you get much better drops in your own raid than joining someone else. Hoping to get the right SSR by joining other raids is soul crushing, and if you do no damage you're not getting renown to trade either.

Yeah, SRs are much easier to get. I added a few to my pool and it helped a ton.

Except. Light & Dark SR weapons (from Omegas) are crap. Cause their skill is just HP increase. In L & D only option is to go to SSR asap.

Another FYI, and this is only for the obsessed/ADD people like me: You can play on two devices at the same time, and the data will sync. So, on my computer I'll run Proto raids, and at the same time, I'll play Casino on my phone, or clean out my inventory, etc.

In computer, just open 2 browsers and play Casino & Grind same time without another device.
Alright started the event but unfortunately after 7-8 missions I notice I am not earning any loyalty points. Is there a specific quest I have to do for them?
Farming valor while cleaning out the ol' box. If they ever decide to crack down on multi windowing, sad days.



Looks like worth mentioning, you can hide the initial do you want to request backup popup from magnas etc, under gameplay turn the second last option on.

Another FYI, and this is only for the obsessed/ADD people like me: You can play on two devices at the same time, and the data will sync. So, on my computer I'll run Proto raids, and at the same time, I'll play Casino on my phone, or clean out my inventory, etc.

Learn something new every day. Thanks to both of you. Crazy that they allow playing on two windows/devices at once. This will help my idling bahamut time.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
So should I be farming the hell out of this Aurora Trial over the next 48 hours for my GW weapon mats? Assuming I can beat it.


Learn something new every day. Thanks to both of you. Crazy that they allow playing on two windows/devices at once. This will help my idling bahamut time.

I believe technically this is against rules and there is a potential ban for it. That said, this is primarily regarding not overloading the servers, and the only ones you hear of are people getting soft 24hr bans speeding up Coop H2-1 by reloading.

You can be in multiple raids at once with this, but action delays span across all raids -- i.e. you won't be able to attack for 15-20 secs in any of your open raids if you start a 4-chain in one of them.
It seems you either have a crew, just left a crew, or currently have an invite to a crew, so I can't send one.

Yeah playing solo this whole time I didn't know I had a crew inv msg from a random guild this whole time I didn't know where to check if I had an inv. Thanks anyway, I'll wait for an opening in another guild.
Are most veteran players actually able to do the Prove Your Worth challenges? I'd imagine the SR challenge isn't that bad, but the R challenge seems pretty steep.


Another FYI, and this is only for the obsessed/ADD people like me: You can play on two devices at the same time, and the data will sync. So, on my computer I'll run Proto raids, and at the same time, I'll play Casino on my phone, or clean out my inventory, etc.

:O, game changer


Tragic victim of fan death
Another FYI, and this is only for the obsessed/ADD people like me: You can play on two devices at the same time, and the data will sync. So, on my computer I'll run Proto raids, and at the same time, I'll play Casino on my phone, or clean out my inventory, etc.



Sigh. Extreme light dungeon is great but it is going to take at least 15 runs to get everything. Exhausting. Especially since I need more time with the event to get the other silver certs.

And I did 2 today and no star. I guess it's just happening when I'm asleep today.

And I've only gotten a few bahamut runs.. no silver certs :/


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
When does this Aurora Trial come back? I need so many mats, it's not going to happen this time unless I do nothing else but this event.


Neo Member
Weapon pool Cliff's notes (are Cliff's notes even still a thing?)

It's important to note that weapon pool provides a few things:

- It's the damage source for ALL your characters. Some get more damage from your pool than others because of weapon type preference but the pool feeds everyone's damage not just the main character.

- it also provides additional hit points above the base character stats. Can be useful in tough battles to pad that out a bit.

- the main weapon drives your character's element, his ougi (special attack) and you can only use certain weapon types in the main slot depending on the job of your main character. The other weapons in the pool are just for stats and skills (increased attack, increased hp, increased double attack, etc)

New player

Your job as a new player is to collect the highest attack weapons you can find regardless of element or weapon skill. None of that means much to you at this point. You are strictly looking to fill 10 slots with high attack weapons. You probably have a few SR characters, maybe an SSR or two if you bought one or rerolled during legfest. Chances are they aren't all the same element. Fill that weapon pool with anything you have and get. Run events to get some shiny new SR weapons and maybe an SSR if you are real lucky.

Not quite as new. Reached rank 30

After awhile you have filled out that weapon pool with a mishmash of weapons based on their attack. Element is all over the place, rarity is a healthy mix of SR and maybe a character SSR or event SSR. Now you need to settle down and start thinking about working toward a single element. This will be based on characters you have. Find some strong SR or build around that SSR you pulled. Pick an element and start focusing on that. What does this mean? This means you need to start working on raids. Say your element is wind. What you need to do whenever you have 5 EP is hit that raid button and look for a tiamat omega raid. If you don't see one, try again in 5-10 min. When you spot one, be quick. It dies so fast you will barely have time to join the raid. Spam the button to join, pick any old friend summon. Don't think, no time. Pick whatever team you have selected and let it load. Once it loads, close that call for help window ASAP and spam attack. You may wile completely after that attack but who cares. You need to do damage or debuff the enemy to get credit. Doesn't matter if you are wiped. After doing that hit, you can hit the home button and when the raid finishes you will see it in the pending battles screen. Collect your rewards.

What rewards? Well you will get some rainbow weapons which are used to level up your real weapons. These are super helpful. You will get a quartz looking crystal which is used to create gold animas (more on that later). You might see a dragon scale for that element. Those are rare and useful later. Good stuff. You may get lucky and get the actual tiamat summon. That's good stuff. You want it and want it fully uncapped and leveled eventually. Short term it will only be useful as a stat boost but long term it will provide the backbone for your weapon pool.

The real prize is the weapons. You may get an SR weapon. These are great either as fodder for skilling up good weapons or as new additions to your growing weapon pool. If it has an attack skill attached to it, keep it, add it to your pool. Level it up, uncap it with subsequent SR weapons and skill it up to 4 or 5. You want to fill your weapon pool with these magna SR attack up weapons. The skill will add a percent damage increase to that element.

Now if you are super super lucky, you may get an SSR weapon from that raid. These are what you need. This is what you will be grinding for month after month after month. You want to eventually fill your weapon pool with 6-7 SSR magna attack up weapons. Some aren't going to be attack up (sadness) but can still be used for fodder to skill up.

To improve your chances at the good stuff, you need to host your own raids. Even if you can't do more than dent them, hosting gets you a red chest. Whereas the normal gold chest has about a 1% chance at a SSR weapon, red chest is closer to 10%. To host your own omega raids you need 3 gold animas of that type. I.E. 3 gold tiamat animas. To get those you need to farm the hard version of tiamat. You can do that through progression, killing the normal then you have access to the hard. Same rules apply as above, you get a red chest for hosting the hard and a red chest for MVPing it. You can get silver animas, gold animas or SR weapons. All good stuff. Silver you can turn into gold in the shop using the quartz crystals I talked about above and 3 silver animas. Work toward being able to solo the hard raids. You can do 3 of each type per day. Try to do them all. Get those animas and host your own omega raids.

There's a lot more to talk about. But it's all covered in the weapon optimization guide and the ultimate guide. By the time you reach rank 40-50, you'll know more than enough to make good use of those guides.

Personally I have reread them every couple weeks and gotten more out of it each time. I understand how it is daunting for complete newbies though so maybe this will help.

Btw. I typed this out on mobile. So excuse typos, weird auto corrects and brevity. I feel like a novel would barely be enough to fill in the early game knowledge gaps in Granblue.

Edit: added a little summary of what a weapon pool is at the top.

This is the first coherent explanation of early weapon progression that I've seen. THANK YOU!


Just did the Halo dungeon (the one with a star for my group) and holy shit - so many gold treasures! That was kind of amazing


So I've started farming Yggdrasil and I've gotten a fair amount of the Omega Animas. What am I supposed to do with these again? Do I trade them in for a summon/weapon? And if so - where?

EDIT Oh I see. I need them to host the Omega version of her raid


I've gotten three Yggdrasil SR weapon drops so far. That's pretty nice. What do I do with/where do I trade in the fragments and stuff I get from the Raids?


Still chaining bahamut for my last dagger...think by now I have 3 of each weapon maxed....what's with that RNG...

Oh and 10 horns, 80 silver certs and 63 gold certs...zzzzz


Any place left in a GAF crew? Since I'm obviously starting to play this game more seriously I'll disband my one man crew I made just for kicks and I'm looking for a new one to join tomorrow.


Still chaining bahamut for my last dagger...think by now I have 3 of each weapon maxed....what's with that RNG...

Oh and 10 horns, 80 silver certs and 63 gold certs...zzzzz

That's crazy, I'm at 4 horns, 52 gold certs, 31 silver certs and all weapons maxed at least once but bow (which I have only gotten from angel halo) I went from no daggers to a maxed dagger in 5 bahamuts.

Been running grand order too and have 21 feathers, 14 gold certs, 6 silver certs, and 13 blue sky crystals

Also its crazy the difference between JP and NA primetime. During JP primetime there's a raid every 2 minutes but I'm lucky to get into any of them, NA primetime its a raid every 30min but I get into every one


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Also its crazy the difference between JP and NA primetime. During JP primetime there's a raid every 2 minutes but I'm lucky to get into any of them, NA primetime its a raid every 30min but I get into every one

If you use Tweetdeck, you can get into nearly every raid during Japanese primetime.


If you use Tweetdeck, you can get into nearly every raid during Japanese primetime.

I do use it but if I have to use soul berries at all before joining the raid it will be full before I get in. During NA prime time, I can use them and still be one of the first people in


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I do use it but if I have to use soul berries at all before joining the raid it will be full before I get in. During NA prime time, I can use them and still be one of the first people in

OH yeah well that's different :p I sit with my raid tab open and full energy, ready to pounce. It's very rare that I don't get in a raid.
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