I know bahamut horns are used for:
- Turning rusted weapons into SR Bahamut weapons (1 horn each).
- Upgrading SR baha weapons into SSR ones (3 each).
Am I missing any? I just got my 5th Baha horn and am considering using it to get a dagger for my fire team/human-heavy version of my water team, but they seem scarce and I don't want to put myself in a tight spot.
I could alternatively get a staff for harvin/erun attack and HP up, but I'm not too sure about this one, I want to end up with a 2 Unknown, 1 Bahamut 30%, 7 Magna setup, but farming AND MLBing 7 Magna weapons seems like a chore (I have 2 daggers! Damn you Leviathan!).
Nope. I'm struggling with this as you need 100 siver anima for the guild wars character. You only have three options for acquisition:
- hard raids (best but 3 per day)
- cerulean stones (very limited resource. Probably not worth)
- trading renown points for it. 1 per 100 points. Capped at 10 a month.
My advice, since its just for uncapping characters, don't even sweat it. Just do your 3 hard raids per day and build up that way. I'd say it's an average of 1 per raid if you are able to MVP your hard raid.
Edir: duh. As Falk said, leeching hard raids with EP too.
Eh. I should probably read more carefuly from now on, I completely missed that. Good thing it will be at least one more month before I start farming for Uno since I upgraded 40+ silver animas to gold animas a few days back.
Are there any benefits to leeching the lv 100 raids? Specifically Macula Marius for my water team? Gave it a shot once but didn't get a particularly useful drop.
They have a chance of dropping a better version of their characteristic weapon (with omega skill, instead of a normal one that can be bought). They also drop golden animas needed to host grande raids and T2 orbs - I must admit to doing some Marius raids for T2 water orbs. The thirst is (ironically) real.