Agreed, so I'm not seeing the "omg awesome!".Ploid 3.0 said:I have done it in GTA:SA actually. Train and bike, trains and bike, train and vehicle, trains and vehicles, jetpack and trains, etc etc. In tunnels of course.
Agreed, so I'm not seeing the "omg awesome!".Ploid 3.0 said:I have done it in GTA:SA actually. Train and bike, trains and bike, train and vehicle, trains and vehicles, jetpack and trains, etc etc. In tunnels of course.
Water splashing the camera makes more sense in third person games, because it's possible that someone is chasing your character around with a camera. It doesn't make sense that you're carrying a camera and a gun. The helmet in Metroid Prime was a nice touch though.raYne said:What's so special about the train pic? Haven't you guys done that in the other games?
Well it depends on the game for me. Basically, I love it in first person, but it always comes across stupid in third person games.
Perhaps, but in first person it pulls you into the environment. Water splashes and not so much lensflare, but bright/dark exposure transitions etc.SapientWolf said:Water splashing the camera makes more sense in third person games, because it's possible that someone is chasing your character around with a camera. It doesn't make sense that you're carrying a camera and a gun. The helmet in Metroid Prime was a nice touch though.
Just pretend you are seeing from the view of a Lakitu dangling a camera from his fishing pole.raYne said:Perhaps, but in first person it pulls you into the environment. Water splashes and not so much lensflare, but bright/dark exposure transitions etc.
It doesn't actually make more sense in 3rd person, since there isn't actually someone with a camera following you. So if you want to reach that far, you can also pretend that in first person, your character is wearing glasses. :lol
Agreed about the MP helmet interaction.
Done and done.BobFromPikeCreek said:Just pretend you are seeing from the view of a Lakitu dangling a camera from his fishing pole.
That was only the set up. The point was that the chaser got randomly run over by a car crashing through shops as soon as Houser turned to fight him.Himuro said:That Houser quote didn't impress me. They've been chasing you when you jack their cars for the longest.
Even that isn't anything special. It happens a bunch of times in many sandbox titles.rogue_pigeon said:That was only the set up. The point was that the chaser got randomly run over by a car crashing through shops as soon as Houser turned to fight him.
Meaning if it's new news? Nah, it's been known for a long time.oneHeero said:Does anyone know about the special edition? I just saw what it is, but wasnt sure if already mentioned.
Perfect, just making sure, hadnt seen what it was yet. Thanks! Its pretty good for 90bucks.raYne said:Meaning if it's new news? Nah, it's been known for a long time.
Metal box w/
-Rockstar duffel bag
-Art book
Saw the pre-edit pics.Kafel said:You can still find the LE ?
oneHeero said:Perfect, just making sure, hadnt seen what it was yet. Thanks! Its pretty good for 90bucks.
Whoa... Thats glorious. SE confirmed. I've never bought a GTA game before, rarely ever buy SE's, this will be my first one this genraYne said:![]()
Your choice.![]()
OH MY FREAKING GOD!Himuro said:New image
Verboten said:This may seem kinda random, but will the cops finally give chase if you're speeding or running a red light? Will we have to observe the rules of the road?
painey said:what is so impressive about that particular picture? You could ride your bike alongside trains in previous GTA games..
ElyrionX said:The real question is: where the hell did the helmet come from? Did he yank it off the guy he stole the bike from?
Verboten said:This may seem kinda random, but will the cops finally give chase if you're speeding or running a red light? Will we have to observe the rules of the road?
Gexecuter said:i think i heard somewhere that it will happen, some magazine.
recklessmind said:Well then, I guess that settles it... :lol
just messin with you man
Gexecuter said::lol yeah i dunno if its true or not but the edge interview where they mentioned you can either pay a toll bridge or smash the barrier (which i assume will get the cops on you) will probably mean that this time there will be more real life rules to follow or break.
kylej said:I think I have hit my saturation point. Might take a break from the news and leave some surprises for myself now.
Gexecuter said::lol yeah i dunno if its true or not but the edge interview where they mentioned you can either pay a toll bridge or smash the barrier (which i assume will get the cops on you) will probably mean that this time there will be more real life rules to follow or break.
SolidSnakex said:Yeah but that really won't interrupt the joy of driving. That's a big part of GTA for many people and I think adding in running redlights is something that could tick people off.
RumFore said:Speaking of tolls, I had no idea GTA:SA had them until a few days ago. I was driving around and was crossing over a bridge from a small town and was amazed that every car slowed down to a stop for the toll. There were a bunch of cars in front of me so I sad the hell with it.
notjackbauer said:Personally, what tickles me about this pic is what it may portend- a completely explorable network of underground subway tunnels. Imagine riding your bike on the tracks, following an above-ground train in Broker into the darkness, barreling alongside it, then veering off at a fork in the track. Maybe you pass a few mole people, crazy hobos living underground, then have to swerve into them to avoid an oncoming train. You finally reach a station, grind your bike up some steps, and cruise out into Star Junction.
Or the cops chase you down into a subway, and you hop onto the tracks to get away. They hop down after you, only to be crushed by an oncoming subway train while you roll onto the next track.
I'm really excited about this feature.
dejay said:Speaking of hobos living underground, I wonder if that group of 4 hobos you see underground in GTA III will make a cameo.
recklessmind said:I can't remember... was that the mission where you were supposed to kill them with a molotov cocktail?
Or was that just me being creative... :lol
I know the term is being tossed around a lot now, but this sounds like true emergent gameplay.newsguy said:The edge article was good. I enjoy reading what Houser has to say about the series. It's funny cause when he hypes things like Euphoria I know with any other developer it's PR speak. When I read what Houser says it sounds genuine, like this is his baby and they finally got to use a tech that takes it to another level. Overall there wasn't much new stuff in the article though. As for the car crashing through a shop and killing the guy chasing Niko, I think the important part there is that it's assumed these things are happening more often. Even totilo from MTV mentioned that there's more random stuff going on this time around.
I hope not, that would take away a lot of the fun.Verboten said:This may seem kinda random, but will the cops finally give chase if you're speeding or running a red light? Will we have to observe the rules of the road?
MrTroubleMaker said:I hope not, that would take away a lot of the fun.
As Niko came upon a toll booth on his way to the bar, our demonstrator slowed down and allowed him to pay. As with most things in the game, normal acts like stopping at red lights and paying tolls are optional but can affect your wanted level if you don't abide by them.
That's an interesting quote, but yeah, I hope it's reasonable like you stated.newsguy said:I actually went way back to find this because it seems people are bringing it up again.
From the first big Gamespot preview:
There was alot of discussion about this, but only if there's a cop at said intersection will you gain a star. It would be aburd to have motorcycles and supercars in the city if you had to follow the rules in the game. R* wouldn't screw us like this.
Yeah, that was a lot of what made Driver and Driver 2 so freaking hard. I remember honking my horn in Driver 2, behind a cop stopped at a traffic light. Then my wanted bar went up and the cop then attempted to destroy my car with his.MrTroubleMaker said:I hope not, that would take away a lot of the fun.
yeah, that's badascii42 said:Yeah, that was a lot of what made Driver and Driver 2 so freaking hard. I remember honking my horn in Driver 2, behind a cop stopped at a traffic light. Then my wanted bar went up and the cop then attempted to destroy my car with his.
:lol wowchubigans said:Another question comes to mind...would cops throw you out of the car with guns blazing just for running a red light?
It'd be cool to have a cop pull you over, come to your car, go back to his patrol car to run your tags...and have a random chance of having your stars go up or disappear altogether. Or you could just pull a Fargo.![]()
While we're on that subject, Driver had the most ridiculously aggressive cops... It wouldn't take much to set them off and they would not stop until your car was a smoldering pile.chubigans said:Another question comes to mind...would cops throw you out of the car with guns blazing just for running a red light?
It'd be cool to have a cop pull you over, come to your car, go back to his patrol car to run your tags...and have a random chance of having your stars go up or disappear altogether. Or you could just pull a Fargo.![]()