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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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SolidSnakex said:
The game hasn't even gone gold yet has it? So it wouldn't make sense for him to already have the case and everything.

Oh you would be surprised. The game hasn't gone Gold yet indeed, but I think R* has already designed the case and everything, which would be logical since the game is only 6 weeks away, I can't believe it :D

Anyway, let's not pay any more attention to this douchebag with his fake nonsense video. People like him should be banned from all of the Internets.


I haven't been checking on this game's news lately, but I heard something about a multiplayer mode for up to 16 players. How will it work?


SMZC said:
I haven't been checking on this game's news lately, but I heard something about a multiplayer mode for up to 16 players. How will it work?
See the OP:
- There are total 15 multiplayer modes, the previewers were able to play 7 of them.
- All modes can be accessed through the cellphone.
- Multiplayer mode can support up to 16 players.
- The entire city will be opened during this mode.
- Confirmed 14 (out of 15) multiplayer mode names are: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Mafia Work, Team Mafia Work, Race, GTA Race, Cops N'Crooks, Hangman's NOOSE, Deal Breaker, Turf War, Car Jack City, Bomb Da Base I, Bomb Da Base II, Free Mode.
- Player customization will be available in the multiplayer mode.
- The host makes the rules.
- Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch: In both modes, host can decide the number of peds, the flow of traffic, the intervention of police and the weapons. (The previewers tried playing a Team deathmatch, all of them equipped with rocket launchers. Almost half of the city lighten up shortly with series of explosion caused by them.)
- Race & GTA Race: The host can decide the choice on vehicles and number of laps.
- Mafia and Team Mafia: The player will assume him/herself as a henchman to Kenny Petrovic and will be competing with other players to complete hits (ordered by Kenny over the phone) before the rivals can.
- Cops N'Crooks: In this mode, a group of player will act as cops, the rest as criminals. The cops can see criminals' location on their GPS and will make sure the criminals don't escape alive. On the other hand, the criminals will have no clue where the cops are.
- Hangman's NOOSE: In the single player mission called 'Hangman's NOOSE', there will be co-op, where you and your friends will be escorting a mafia mobster, while ambushed by the NOOSE (GTA IV version of SWAT).


raYne said:
See the OP:

Wow, that's awesome. I hope it's as fun as it sounds on paper.

I wonder how much lag will afffect matches, though. We're talking about a whole damn city with tons of NPCs.

Ranger X

Tr4nce said:
Oh you would be surprised. The game hasn't gone Gold yet indeed, but I think R* has already designed the case and everything, which would be logical since the game is only 6 weeks away, I can't believe it :D

Anyway, let's not pay any more attention to this douchebag with his fake nonsense video. People like him should be banned from all of the Internets.

Normally there's no cases and booklets made in advance. It's a one big time shipment to manifacture where every is made.


SMZC said:
Wow, that's awesome. I hope it's as fun as it sounds on paper.

I wonder how much lag will afffect matches, though. We're talking about a whole damn city with tons of NPCs.
I'd guess we won't really know until when consumers get their hands on it at launch.

The problem with a lot of games is that the online component is tested only in-house. So when they get released into the hands of normal folks, with their less than optimum setups, who play with people over far greater distances, it turns to shit.

I'm optimistic though.


raYne said:
I'd guess we won't really know until when consumers get their hands on it at launch.

The problem with a lot of games is that the online component is tested only in-house. So when they get released into the hands of normal folks, with their less than optimum setups, who play with people over far greater distances, it turns to shit.

I'm optimistic though.

However Rockstar has offices all over the world actually. So they will probably have tested it?


MMaRsu said:
However Rockstar has offices all over the world actually. So they will probably have tested it?
Says you.

..and even so, they certainly aren't testing is with "normal people" connections. :lol

Ranger X

raYne said:
Says you.

..and even so, they certainly aren't testing is with "normal people" connections. :lol

They can simulate a normal user environement. I don't know what are the implications of such testing process and if it truly results like a real online beta testing but many devs are testing their stuff like that.


Jamesfrom818 said:
I didn't get a Gold account for Halo 3 but I think I may have to get a few months for this game. Everything sounds too awesome.

Dude, just sign up for a silver account the day it comes out and upgrade to the 3 months of free gold. No CC # even required. If it's everything you hoped for then pay for the year when the 3 months expire.


raYne said:
I'd guess we won't really know until when consumers get their hands on it at launch.

The problem with a lot of games is that the online component is tested only in-house. So when they get released into the hands of normal folks, with their less than optimum setups, who play with people over far greater distances, it turns to shit.

I'm optimistic though.

That's my biggest worry, i can see it turning into a lag fest.


bathala said:
anyone pre-ordered this on Best Buy, cuz I'm guessing that u get ur gamerpic on the day u pick up the game?

My buddy just showed me some gamerpics he got from pre-oredering at BB today. I don't think they are part of the national pre-order deal though, they are probably BB specific.
Yasser said:
you say that now, but i bet there'll be mission where you need to get from a to b within a time limit and you'll be like "motherfuck this traffic!"

As long as the drivers arent mental cases like in Burnout Paradise who turn into your car, I will have no problem avoiding traffic. Plus, I can use them to block the cops behind me.
"I think the fact of the matter is, after this long of playing the game, unexpected things are happening to me all the time," says Houser. "And I’m bloody jaded and bloody cynical, and I’m the first to complain about things, but this actually is doing that. I’ll be getting in a battle with some guys, I’ll steal someone’s car and some fist fight’s kicked off, and then suddenly he’ll be chasing me through the street, and I’ll get in position – like, ‘I’m not running from you any more; I’m going to fucking have it with you now, mate’ – and just as I’m about to crack him, a car comes flying through the shops, runs him over, and he goes flying. And these tiny little moments happen more per square inch – or per square pixel or whatever – than I ever dreamt possible, and it’s the organic nature of all the elements that have come together, and particularly the procedural animation via the NaturalMotion content, that allow the experience to be unique. There really are lots of ways to play these missions."

I mean, come on.

So basically confirms what I thought all along, Euphoria will make this game in a looooot of ways, just like itll change the gaming industry, long live Euphoria. Its here.
Edge said:
We’ve been talking for hours, but when it comes to this GTA, there are so many details packed in there that we could be here for days. The sat-nav systems, with their spoken instructions, fitted in the more expensive cars, for example. The fact that some vehicles have beautifully shiny paintjobs that reflect the world around them, while the bodywork of old bangers is dull, matt and lifeless. The fact that vehicles get dirty over time – and that you can do something about it by rolling them through a carwash. Being able to use the radio facility on your mobile phone in order to take in the game’s many stations while on foot. The new explosion effects, which blast fiery, smoky plumes huge distances into the air. The sandy shorelines, with their discarded tires and other pieces of junk, and the footprints you leave on both the dry and the glisteningly wet sand. The buoys that bob in the water. The water itself, whose surface reflects the late evening sun to create the kind of evocative scene it feels almost neglectful to not stand and soak up for a while. The spray on the camera lens as you hammer a powerboat down the harbor, and the bassy booms that accompany its bounces across the waves. The Poop Deck seafood restaurant. The golf centre, with its caged driving range. The forklift driver who’s having a break from his work and standing around smoking (giving you plenty of opportunity to steal his wheels and take them for a spin, only to curse the fact that forklifts aren’t renowned for their agility or speed, leaving your ambitious attempt to jump one over a skip ending in upside-down calamity). The fact that driving slowly up to pedestrians sees them defensively raise their hands towards your vehicle’s bonnet rather than blindly ignore you until they’ve been turned into jam. The newspapers that cascade over the street when you collide with their flimsy vending boxes. The fact that some drivers – the frail elderly, for example – can be swiftly removed from their vehicles, while younger, burlier types prove more stubborn and necessitate some additional persuasion via the end of your boot. The incidental dialogue intertwined right through the experience which gives even more life to this world (sample offering from a particularly impolite police officer we’ve stopped in front of simply to eyeball: "I’m a cop… and you’re a dickhead"). The slightly dodgy-looking Japanese hot hatch with its tiny, almost unnoticeable logo which tells us that its engine features Invariable Valve Timing. The damage you can do to interior walls, ripping chunks out of plaster with gunfire. The you’d-only-ever-find-them-in-GTA companies such as RS Haul (slogan: ‘We’ll dump your load’) and the TW@ internet cafe chain. The realistically modeled bullet holes in car bodywork that stay where you’ve shot them. The grubbily authentic graffiti. The police computer system that flicks through portraits of suspects like something out of a Tony Scott movie. The Liberty City road surface, a patchwork jumble of variously hued tarmac that looks like it’s been bedding in for years. The simple fact that, for the first time in a GTA game, you can change weapons while driving. The intricate overpasses. The subway system. Hanging from your fingertips on building exteriors and shimmying your way into more trouble. The people standing around at the side of the road, looking under car bonnets. The fog. The neon. The Walk/Don’t Walk signs. The laundromats and nail parlors and drug stores that flavor the city streets. Queen’s One Vision. Alexander O’Neal’s Criticize. The $5 toll bridge (whose fee you can, naturally, ignore, so long as you’re up for smashing through a barrier). The lampposts which don’t simply fold over but buckle in a shower of sparks. The ubiquitous depth-of-field effects. The bin men who hold on to the rear of moving trash vans. Middle (not Central) Park. DJ Lazlow. Becoming distracted in the middle of a firefight by the sight of a jet heading across the sky from Liberty City Airport to who knows where. That comedy club content. And just looking across the river, at night, running your eyes across the twinkling lights of the city skyline. Imagining all of the possibilities that exist over there. Knowing that it’s going to be a blast. And, just as before, that you’ll want to share your stories with friends.

Quoted in its entirety: Why GTA4 Will Be The Finest Game Of 2008, If Not The Entire Dang Generation


Wow. That article got me soooo pumped.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Quoted in its entirety: Why GTA4 Will Be The Finest Game Of 2008, If Not The Entire Dang Generation

Yeah. When I read that I almost fell out of my chair. Soooo amazing.
Dear All Other Games Ever,


Seriously, that's just INSANE that you can do that.


(Magical GIF By eudaemonic)


The wait is fucking killing.

Seriously, fuck this thread. I check it every day, at work, at home, on the road. I can't take it anymore.

Himuro said:
New image


I know there probably won't be given what Rockstar has said, but I hope there's some sort of dirt course in GTA4.
SolidSnakex said:
I know there probably won't be given what Rockstar has said, but I hope there's some sort of dirt course in GTA4.

There's a picture from a mag with Niko on a dirt bike and what looks to be a dirt track, so I guess they're in.


Can't wait till this game drops. This and MGS4=best summer ever. Seriously, this summer is better than most fall seasons:D


newsguy said:
My buddy just showed me some gamerpics he got from pre-oredering at BB today. I don't think they are part of the national pre-order deal though, they are probably BB specific.
this might sound stupid but

wait do u get those gamerpics from the pre-order box that u bring to the register? or u get them later?
flipswitch said:
There's a picture from a mag with Niko on a dirt bike and what looks to be a dirt track, so I guess they're in.

Thanks. I'm glad it didn't fall into the category of things they didn't think fit into the GTA4 universe.


Just when you think there can't possibly be any more awesome you get hit in the face with yet more evidence that GTA IV will, in fact, be the game of forever. That article snippet and picture of the bike/train just made me wish I could cryogenically freeze myself for 6 weeks.

I'm glad forklifts are in but I hope they've fixed the up/down control, which was reversed from real life in SA. Hopefully flipping cars with them is easier too.

Ranger X

Awesome comments in that article.

Only one thing i don't know --- The fucking water splashing on the screen. Videogames don't want to evolve, we are still cameras :(
When will someone step up and stop this nonsense? Don't you people feel it's unimmersive? It's like lense flares, completely depraved of any sense except if you're playin in first person view behind some visor.


Personally I like things like water splashes, as long as it doesn't obscure vision too much. It makes me feel like water is actually flying past and interacting with me. To me it's more immersive, not less.

Ranger X

dejay said:
Personally I like things like water splashes, as long as it doesn't obscure vision too much. It makes me feel like water is actually flying past and interacting with me. To me it's more immersive, not less.

Well, lucky you. Not that it's game breaking for me but its sure annoying :|

Ploid 3.0

Himuro said:
New image


I was looking at money train (movie) yesterday. Fell asleep around the time Wesley chased down the train on his motorcycle. Interesting.


What's so special about the train pic? Haven't you guys done that in the other games?

Ranger X said:
Well, lucky you. Not that it's game breaking for me but its sure annoying :|
Well it depends on the game for me. Basically, I love it in first person, but it always comes across stupid in third person games.

Ploid 3.0

I have done it in GTA:SA actually. Train and bike, trains and bike, train and vehicle, trains and vehicles, jetpack and trains, etc etc. In tunnels of course.
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