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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT2| Life's A Beach


Super Member
I wonder if above method would work for police cars.
It's only for 'standard' vehicles like the Mesa. It should work on mission vehicles if one wanted a less common vehicle, but getting them to spawn after a mission barely works as is.

I tried it on a Crusader and it didn't work.

I found a clean Burrito (the fastest van) but it's not storeable at all. Same for the Brute Pony with Sprunk livery.

anyways... Snapmatic photos!

I found the only use for Super Diamond. Green Hornet & Black Beauty cosplay! Too bad the hat won't stay on between missions, etc.

Hanging out with some guys waiting for stupid crates


I bought the most expensive house for my second character. It only has a 6-car garage, but you also get a swimming pool and freeloaders!

Hopped back on last night for about 45 minutes, but came across a few decent stories, and since I am a little slow at work I'll share them with you all :D I love reading other peoples stories, and I figure most of you feel the same. If not....tough taters! :p

Shortly after I joined my first lobby of the night, I was cruising around, and saw some dude with a 7k bounty destroying other people. I get somewhat far away, and decide to check out the situation through my sniper scope. I see tons of cops running up the street away from me, and they are dying left and right. Soon I see a hail of bullets materialize, and then the muzzle flash fades in to view. Dude was minigunning everything, and everyone. I couldn't see his actual character, just his muzzle flash....so I aimed somewhat up high, took a shot, and boom! 7k in my pocket for sniping a ghost. Looked like he gave chase a little, but not much. A very short while after that...

Driving around, I notice a green high priority vehicle. I'm in my Comet, so I start screaming towards it. As I'm getting closer, I see a dude in one of the new super cars, the Zentorno(sp?), and we meet at an intersection perfectly - I was turning right, him, left. I knew where this cat is going, so I decide to peacefully race to the Simeon Car in the stadium parking lot civilly, no guns. He follows suit, no guns, no ramming. He gets to it first via shortcut, and as I'm driving up to the car I turn around to lead the way and show that I wasn't going to try for it, but he blasts me before he gets in the car. Ok...sure buddy, you just opened a can of worms. Dude doesn't know how to leave the parking lot, and I respawn before he leaves. I throw a few stickies his way, but I was too far away, and they exploded harmlessly. Knowing my intentions, he gets out finally, and starts taking a back way to the Mod Shop. I chase him, and in short order I am ramping and landing almost directly on top of him via shortcut he must not have known about (heading right out of that lot, break in the guardrail)...I throw a stickie, but somehow it didn't hit him and blew up mid air, and then a few seconds later after I pulled away some, I get blown up - not sure how, but it was by his hand. So now I'm feeling like this dude needs to get it, and get it good he shall. During the brief chase, I saw he was heading to a MOD Shop to repsray. I respawn, call for my Sanchez, and start tearing ass after him across anything I see. I then see him leaving the Mod Shop, and I knew exactly where he was headed, so I make a bee-line for Simeons. He's taking a major route through the city, but I am cutting along the water front, across train tracks, side roads and ramps. Halfway there, I call Lester to go off the radar. We are driving about equally, just on different roads. We both get to the last main straight road leading to Simeon's at the same time, except I am far closer to the docks. I have my lights off, and I am just tearing through traffic, constantly looking behind me to try and see him. Cause if I see him, he can see me. Each step of the way, I feel like it's those "OMG close calls" at every turn...dropping down the little hill to cross the bridge before Simeon's, turning the corner left to go back there behind the crates at the port entrance, the long straightaway in the crates on the docks by the cranes, and finally, stopping at Simeon's door to place some welcoming party favors. I miss my first throw, but get a decently placed second. It's then I see that he is RIGHT around the corner...shit, he has to see me.. I had about 5 seconds left on my "off the radar", so I book it literally just to the other side of a semi trailer no more than 20 ft away from the Simeon entrance, and I see his dot come flying in, and stop. Waiting for the door to open. I trigger the explosives, destroying him, and the car. My only regret was that I didn't have my headset on, so he couldn't hear me laughing maniacally....As I am speeding away, I come across another player riding a Sanchez, and I'm happy to see the unwritten law of "You have the same vehicle as me, I'll be cool to you" was in effect. We keep going in to the city, and I see my previously exploded target come chasing us down. He kills my Sanchez buddy, then me. I respawn, snipe him, and walk in an alleyway. Once he respawns, I see him cutting corners coming after me, and then he goes off the radar one turn away from me. Hah, can't use my own trick against me buddy, especially not when it's as obvious as you just did...He turns the corner to see me unreachable on a wall, in Passive mode, blowing him a kiss. He gets out, and stands there, likely swearing me up and down at his wasted money for going off the radar, and then takes off. I watch him leave, saluting him as he goes, then I ride into the sun..

...where I shortly came across a 9k bounty driving a clearly stolen vehicle...and I blow up his car, only to see his body bouncing along the road at the same speed we were driving. He gets up, then kills me. I respawn, try to snipe him by shooting him 3 times in the dome with the Heavy rifle...and nothing...I go down again...Once I respawn, I am almost immediately killed by some jerk under the map. Oooook....I reported the one main guy, then left, but man, that short visit almost seemed to roll up the entirety of the GTA:Online experience into a short concise play session...Sabatoge, hunting, making money, awesome chases, and the ass hat glitchers...ahhh what a game!!
I'll post some pictures I guess:

My new whip (that roaring engine doe)

Apartment view
Great pics - especially that apartment one. I doubt I will ever tire of photos of the beautiful landscape...and I know it will only get better in time! Love those engine sounds too, especially the fact that R* took the time to add different sounds for how tuned your car is. Little touches that really add some unmentioned depth and immersion to the game.


awesome for the singleplayer ..almost every npc and many animals and old gta/red dead characters
many missing parts


YOU CAN BE A COP no wanted stars, don't shoot other cops though. attack and mess with other npcs and other cops will shown up to take them down. Somehow the game registers you as a cop (future dlc maybe) so any crime you do will alert backup
Okay WTF is going on here. I log on, I go ahead and kill a guy with a bounty for $7000 after a short chase then I escape over to the airport get into a cargobob and fly over to the eastern edge of the map and just as I'm following the highway with nobody around me as the other people in the room are on the west side my character dies the helicopter crashes and now I'm just watching my corpse on the screen with no way to get out of it other than to go to the Playstation menu and quit the game. Also the game glitched a bounty on me as I couldn't go into passive mode but yet there was no indication of someone placing a bounty on me.

Sorry for the poor quality as corpses can't use phones and I had to use my 3DS to take these pics.


Man those SP mods look crazy...playing as bigfoot, or birds?! Playing as a cop!! All looks awesome...I am slightly tempted to test some of that stuff out. Doesn't seem too bad to do it all, I'm definitely going to do some research about it, as I am very leery about any modding work to my saves.

I guess before I do that...I should mess with the cheats? I am slightly embarassed to say...despite all the time I spent with the game (little over 130 hours for single player..), I still have not looked at the cheat list? I platinumed the game a month or two ago...but still, I have yet to play with the cheats, let alone even know what they are. I might have a busy weekend ahead of me..
Wanna elaborate on that cop part?
It's part of the save file modding....and it appears to be like Basketball says (according to something else I read, can't find it though D: ), play as a cop, anything you shoot at more cops will show up, and despite you getting a wanted level you won't be shot at. This seems too awesome...the percentage of me testing this is going up..
Okay WTF is going on here. I log on, I go ahead and kill a guy with a bounty for $7000 after a short chase then I escape over to the airport get into a cargobob and fly over to the eastern edge of the map and just as I'm following the highway with nobody around me as the other people in the room are on the west side my character dies the helicopter crashes and now I'm just watching my corpse on the screen with no way to get out of it other than to go to the Playstation menu and quit the game. Also the game glitched a bounty on me as I couldn't go into passive mode but yet there was no indication of someone placing a bounty on me.
There is definitely some crazy stuff going down in Los Santos. Modders taking their fight online are going to become more and more common I think until the next versions come out...I would say someone premptively put a stickie on the Cargobob (cause I have done that), but to have your body flop around like that....that's some foul play right there that someone else in that server is doing....


Super Member
You know, R* should've just put a "Be ANYONE" cheat into the game. I believe it was both in GTA III and VC.

Messing with the save file probably works but it also puts the save file at risk.

That said I will probably try it out! All I have to do is move my save onto a USB stick to bring it to PC, right?
You know, R* should've just put a "Be ANYONE" cheat into the game. I believe it was both in GTA III and VC.

Messing with the save file probably works but it also puts the save file at risk.

That said I will probably try it out! All I have to do is move my save onto a USB stick to bring it to PC, right?
Yea, I believe that is it...and as long as you make a copy of your save...should be even safer! I have not done this yet...but I have transferred PS3 saves to my pc before. Once the file is there, you load up the program to do the editing. Though, not sure about the program in question, in terms of it being safe or not. I imagine yes..
Pffffttt they need to add 2x money back into these things...


Super Member
There are program links in the GTAforums link. The Hex Editor and the Save Editor. There's a 3rd one which replaces the Hex editor and [I believe] contains the character codes so you don't have to do it yourself.

I'll be trying it shortly but it's funny you can play as certain animals [crash warning].


I found the only use for Super Diamond. Green Hornet & Black Beauty cosplay! Too bad the hat won't stay on between missions, etc.

Kato, I want you to take my hand, and I want you to come with me on this adventure.

Hanging out with some guys waiting for stupid crates

What everyone can't see is the hundreds of downed police helicopters surrounding that hill top. The carnage, oh the delicious carnage.

I was there!


Great stories, I love the fact you can play one night and have a totally different experience than the day before. Public sessions always keep me on my toes but I love heading onto a server with a high bounty and spending my time in LS defending myself from bounty hunters.

Nothing more satisfying than taking out "that guy" in the little black shooty heli who always comes looking for an easy kill.

Apartment view



Decided to give this a try.
I guess i need to join GAF's (360) crew or something, not too keen on playing with randoms, considering my first experience with a random was to almost getting killed, and the second one was to getting killed (after which the game tells me about the passive mode. How nice).


Man... playing with randoms sucks a lot. This random guy just comes near me and blows up in his car next to mine.
I said to Stormtrooper that i can't blame this being casual crap but... Man. Can't even drive around.
Ugh. I hate grinding money, regardless of a game. But i need it for that safehouse.

Does this have private freeroam or something? Though it would kind of defeat the point of playing Online...

EDIT I'm not against random PVP, just not keen on doing it with random people. A session with invited people but PVP enabled would be fine i guess, i'd know what i'd be getting into.


Does this have private freeroam or something? Though it would kind of defeat the point of playing Online...
In the menu when you get in story mode you can launch an invite only session that will allow you to invite others if you want and still be able to do missions by yourself.


In the menu when you get in story mode you can launch an invite only session that will allow you to invite others if you want and still be able to do missions by yourself.

I see.

In other news, i managed to park my car in front of a shop door, went in, and now i can't get out.... FML.

EDIT right. Some kind soul moved my car. How nice. I'm surprised he didn't drive over me right after...
Speaking of the devil here are the two of those I had spawn today:

Mine is the one on the left and the one in the foreground in the first and second photos respectively. Would look better as hardtops.

hardtops would look better fosho- plus the peyotes spawn sometimes with the tinted windows rolled up and it looks kinda funny. I drove around for like an hour in a buc and couldn't get any peyotes or tornados to spawn, just the other cars.


hardtops would look better fosho- plus the peyotes spawn sometimes with the tinted windows rolled up and it looks kinda funny. I drove around for like an hour in a buc and couldn't get any peyotes or tornados to spawn, just the other cars.
Well I couldn't exactly get the color right because I can't actually figure out what the metallic color and pearlescent are but a comparison between a hard top and another red gang peyote:


Okay... WTF is this?
Started a private session, hopped on a train roof and just stayed there. Now suddenly i keel over... because the train passed over ANOTHER train, except this one didn't have an engine, just cars. So i'm now i'm standing on this ghost train...

EDIT this ghost train moves really slowly. And i somehow fell from it though i was able to catch it.
EDIT i fell from the ghost train again for no reason.
EDIT now i saw the reason for falling. The real train hits me and throws me off, but didn't kill me...

EDIT apparently this is a recorded glitch.


Okay... WTF is this?
Started a private session, hopped on a train roof and just stayed there. Now suddenly i keel over... because the train passed over ANOTHER train, except this one didn't have an engine, just cars. So i'm now i'm standing on this ghost train...

EDIT this ghost train moves really slowly. And i somehow fell from it though i was able to catch it.
EDIT i fell from the ghost train again for no reason.
EDIT now i saw the reason for falling. The real train hits me and throws me off, but didn't kill me...
Ghost trains are glitches they happen once in a while you will see a train without the engine to pull it.


Ghost trains are glitches they happen once in a while you will see a train without the engine to pull it.

Got one again.

I need to do something in this game, i just wander around aimlessly. Reckon i should do some jobs... they just don't feel meaningful alone. Could just keep replaying the story if i want to do things alone.

Not sure when i've become so reluctant to play with random people, even without voice chat. I mean, the game offers matchmaking system so it can't be terrible, can it?
Well I couldn't exactly get the color right because I can't actually figure out what the metallic color and pearlescent are but a comparison between a hard top and another red gang peyote:

that pic does the pearl paint justice! Looks so clean, that dark maroon. Does the blue tornado got a pearl paint job too? The silver joint has a metallic pearl with the white softtop, it looks good.


that pic does the pearl paint justice! Looks so clean, that dark maroon. Does the blue tornado got a pearl paint job too? The silver joint has a metallic pearl with the white softtop, it looks good.
I'll probably muck around and get it to be correct colors and all the convertible is more crimson than the maroon of mine . The blue and the sliver Tornado's have pearlescent paint jobs same with the buccaneer that spawns there.
I'm going to guess and say this isn't normal.

Ya beat me to it! Looks like the glitchers found a new thing..

Yea, there are some crazzzzy things going on. Mine was by Strawberry Ave & Power St, by the art park, in Pillbox Hill. Soon, ferris wheels started spawning as well.

People were glitching all over this game. I saw someone drive underneath a parking garage. I drove a stolen Buffalo to an Ammunation, came out, and it turned into a different color Fusilade, with the doors already off, laying on the ground next to the car.
Great stories, I love the fact you can play one night and have a totally different experience than the day before. Public sessions always keep me on my toes but I love heading onto a server with a high bounty and spending my time in LS defending myself from bounty hunters.

Nothing more satisfying than taking out "that guy" in the little black shooty heli who always comes looking for an easy kill.
Agree 100%, the bounty baiting is a ton of fun. I get a kick out of making people drive in circles, or really going off road with it. Sniping those Buzzard pilots though...not a lot of things in the game give me a smile like doing that does. SoGood.gif


I'm going to guess and say this isn't normal.


Just a modder forgetting that public online sessions are everyone's playground and not just his/her own paddling pool. Same basic trick as spawning the moving part of the ferris wheel or the Mount Chilliad UFO. Oh well, at least this is just spawning daft items.

A bunch of online mod menus have been popping up on modding forums for a little while now and the functionality goes way beyond interesting and fun and straight into "cheaty". Despite my love of offline and community mods this slowly encroaching cloud is making me consider jumping on the new-gen [console] versions when it comes out rather than waiting a little while for my friends list to catch up.

I'm gonna play some Bad Company 2 for like half an hour, after that I'll be on for some GTAO.

Must of missed you mate.

I'm hoping to be on later tonight so hopefully some of GAF will be on.
Despite my love of offline and community mods this slowly encroaching cloud is making me consider jumping on the new-gen [console] versions when it comes out rather than waiting a little while for my friends list to catch up.
I simply cannot WAIT for the next gen version. Graphical & gameplay upgrades aside, I hope it will be a long while before we start seeing this crap invade our online sessions :(


Super Member
I simply cannot WAIT for the next gen version. Graphical & gameplay upgrades aside, I hope it will be a long while before we start seeing this crap invade our online sessions :(
PS4 has an online multiplayer paywall, yes? So hopefully for yous guys there aren't idiots risking their money over some griefing.

I probably will not make that transition. I don't even own an HDTV so I can't play PS4.

During this 2x RP time I found that doing any race solo and waiting until the 4 minute mark to finish maxes out the RP gained(6000 at 100 & above -50 for each level below 99). Gained 10 levels that way today(95-104).

Easiest solo cash gainer is potshot with $10,000 for killing two guys and a driver and taking the van to Trevor's. Going to do this until I can finally get the Buzzard(400k short).

Didn't know any of this stuff until today......

Just so this isn't all text enjoy a Trevor selfie
PS4 has an online multiplayer paywall, yes? So hopefully for yous guys there aren't idiots risking their money over some griefing.
For PS4 it's up to the developers to decide if they want to require PS Plus to play online, which is the yearly subscription. I reallllllly don't see GTA going free to play online. I wonder I the paywall would stop this behavior? I would think some next gen black magic voodoo would prevent those people from doing it.

Xb360 players, do you all see a bunch of glitches? Like maybe anything resembling those giant meteor/boulders/Ferris wheel where they have no rightly business being?
Heck yes, I highly recommend all gaffers to commend each other! That 5% discount adds up. Every little bit counts!


I simply cannot WAIT for the next gen version. Graphical & gameplay upgrades aside, I hope it will be a long while before we start seeing this crap invade our online sessions :(

PS4 has an online multiplayer paywall, yes? So hopefully for yous guys there aren't idiots risking their money over some griefing.

For PS4 it's up to the developers to decide if they want to require PS Plus to play online, which is the yearly subscription. I reallllllly don't see GTA going free to play online. I wonder I the paywall would stop this behavior? I would think some next gen black magic voodoo would prevent those people from doing it.

Xb360 players, do you all see a bunch of glitches? Like maybe anything resembling those giant meteor/boulders/Ferris wheel where they have no rightly business being?

The paywall is certainly a potential discouragement to the casual mod user/downloader however the key (pun intended) is unbroken encryption on both save and game structure files.

As of now, for the PS4, this remains the case and only a couple of vulnerabilities appear to have been identified (in public at least) for further investigation. There is a little discussion about a possible TCP buffer overflow/crash vulnerability in the PS4 Vidnow app that may allow code to be executed (but this does not inherently bypass any signature authentication) and some vague talk about examining the traffic between Vita and PS4 but neither of these are likely to lead anywhere in the immediate term.

In short, I think there is a long way to go before it's possible to run unsigned/modified code on a PS4 and very few people seem to be working on it at all so hopefully the integrity of GTA:O should remain OK (outside of in-game glitches) for a good while.

I don't really follow the XB scene so YMMV there but as far as I know all is safe and well on planet XB1 encryption at the moment too.

I probably will not make that transition. I don't even own an HDTV so I can't play PS4.


Comments such as this make me hope R* give us some more details about their account transition plans. I'd like to move to the next gen version but would really hate to miss out on playing with folk who aren't planning on upgrading in the near future.

I'm toying with the idea of creating a new PSN account and leveling up a new character on that account to keep for continued use on PS3 GTA:O but don't want to waste my time if R* will allow me to continue to play on both PS platforms (non concurrently of course!). I have no idea how they would make that work though.


Heck yes, I highly recommend all gaffers to commend each other! That 5% discount adds up. Every little bit counts!

Oh yeah! It certainly reduces the cost impact of my explosives addiction. :)


Finally got to level 100 last night from level 87 thanks to those four minute races.

On another note, I'm a member of the BritGAF crew. Is this still active or has everyone moved to GAFstreet?
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