also, fun fact, melee equipped in a car and hit l1 lets you flip the bird.
Also, how do you get into taxis? Everytime I try, I end up kicking the driver out.
Is there a list of all songs in the game?
This. And can´t you call a taxi like in GTA IV?.
God damn, I'm watching random GTAIV videos... the "peak-time" streets are dead as fuck. No action going on, people driving like robots, people just walking on the sidewalk, doing no interaction whatsoever...
Jesus, this game reminds me of how important LIFE is in a game like this. I want to drive my car down the street during peak time and see lots of shit happening. In this game, I see police cars following criminals, I see gangs fighting other gangs, I see someone trying to hook up with his girlfriend on his cellphone, I see people swimming and doing other exercises, I see people just chillin - talking with each other, I see old couples sitting on benches eating icecream together...
Guys, I've never experienced so much life in a city before (I've never played San Andreas). This is EXACTLY what I wanted GTAIV to be.
I've followed your hype-posts!![]()
I feel like saying "screw this" and bail home :lolYou just want me want to go hoME EVEN MOREEE
Is there a list of all songs in the game?
btw, where is OT2? its over the limit.
(Buckethead isn't online)
Fuck that, hype is HEALTHY! This game is no joke, no hyperbole, no bullshit! This game is pure fun, I wanted this game five years ago instead of the shit we got instead!Calm down bro. It's not healthy being this cray.![]()
The PS3 version has LPCM option if you have a receiver to decode it, which is funny considering the game is simular size to the 360 version (people usually say its the audio that takes up blu-Ray discs space)They might be 'higher bitrate', I wouldn't know because I haven't tried the 360 version, but the PS3 has tons of low bitrate audio. And it sucks. Also, surround is computed, not recorded.
I've followed your hype-posts!I admire your patience! Enjoy the game man!
The PS3 version has LPCM option if you have a receiver to decode it, which is funny considering the game is simular size to the 360 version (people usually say its the audio that takes up blu-Ray discs space)
The side mission really early into the game with theis hilarious. Good to see Rockstar back with the humour.Aliens
Also, anyone else taken random event hitchhikers to the altruist cult in the mountains?
I keep hearing I can rob Convenience Stores and other places but they don't show up? Are the people saying that wrong or is it just in the online portion?
Edit: Also, what's a good place to buy glasses?
Can the player do armed robberies, or is it unlocked later?
Was the N-word ever used in San Andreas? I don't recall it being used.
I love Lamar, great character.Every reference to Lamar's Apache blood has me rolling
Was the N-word ever used in San Andreas? I don't recall it being used.
only once or twice
only once or twice
So once again anyone with $500k in game cash already want to try and see what the collectors edition secret message was?
"T.P.E - Trevor Philips Enterprises. Weaponry, narcotics, intimidation and casual wear. Lago Zancudo. Great ocean, highway north, through north chumash, 0.5 miles past Raton Canyon. <- when guard rail ends, follow the dirt road down the docks. Bring $500,000 cash. xxxxx"
A rumor says that GTA V actually includes the land mass of LC. Initially it cant be accessed since it´s blocked by invisible walls bordering the map, but when you bring that 500k, these invisible walls disappear and you should be able to enter into LC.
Dead @ the fact that when you do burnouts at stoplights, people get out of their car to fight you. Lol. And I didn't even know you can literally pop your tires when doing burnouts. That's crazy.