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Grand Theft Auto V |OT2| <Title available for purchase>


Why does he wear the mask!?
If you ride out on whatever the GTA version of Pacific Coast Highway is you'll eventually reach a restaurant called Hookies. That's actually based on a real place called Neptune's Net. They modeled it so faithfully that if you walk inside the locations of the doors are in the same places they are in real life.


Purchased it with Michael :D


Gold Member


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Oh, and I spent three hours hunting deers last night.

And I loved every minute of it.

A cougar killed me in one hit as well.

It reminded me of RDR.

RDR was great.

So is this game.


Yeah, I visited LA for the first time last summer for a week to visit a friend.

I'm really glad that I got the opportunity to see LA before playing this game, because even though I was there for a very short amount of time, I was still recognizing plenty of areas in San Andreas.

Masterful world building on display here. The recreation of the Santa Monica pier is absolutely frighteningly accurate.

Agreed. Unfortunately they cut out the neighborhood where we stayed (West Hollywood right behind The Laugh Factory).

Also, speaking of recreations... Do they have a parody version of Randy's Donuts or the Tar Pits? I haven't explored Los Santos enough to find out.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I'm only at 15 hrs and I feel like I've played almost every single moment I've been hone

Same. 13 1/2 hrs for me and just finished my third night on it. 22% complete and I have only just done Trevors first plane mission.


I love the face that getting out of police trouble actually requires you to use your head.

I've had max stars in GTAIV and I've been able to clear my theft by just driving regularly on the streets. This does NOT work in GTAV. They're persistant as fuck, and I have to seek a darker/shadowy place and hide around buildings. I love that.

I once had like, the entire police force on me on the highroad. I just couldn't avoid them and they were ramming my ass, so I jumped out, stole an ATV and drove up mountains. Eventually they gave up after trying to follow me up the mountain for like a minute.

Then the helicopter shows up and I'm forced to drive down again... where all the cops were camping. I died.

I loved it :lol

It also encourages the player to seek places like underground areas (where helicopters naturally can't spot you) as well as switching cars to get your wanted level to go down more quickly. It's a nice system.

Dead Man

Bah, time to take a break, just got killed by a security guard for dropping his GF off. Got to say, I think they were very successful in what they have tried to do, it is just not fun for me in a lot of ways. Or maybe I just suck at the game, but dying every 10 minues when I just want to screw around for a bit is getting pretty old.
Finally had some time to actually sit down and play the game thoroughly last night, something I couldn't do on release day.

No spoiler take aways -- even my one spoiler tag in there is extremely minor, not relevant to the story at all.

  • There's already a greater variety of missions than in GTAIV. I'm a few hours in and every mission with Michael, even the very first open world mission of the game, is more varied than every mission with Niko from GTAIV. I can't stress this enough, so far. Missions are just top notch.
  • Driving is arcadey with Franklin and a sports car and anybody who loved GTAIV's driving will be disappointed by GTAV's. However, don't judge the driving model just by Franklin and a sports car. Driving with Michael legitimately feels different and driving larger, clunkier cars handles more similar to GTAIV.
  • Cars stick to the ground more, they aren't floaty like in GTAIV.
  • Motorcycles... Meh, IMO. Motorcycles seem to control and act like motorcycles in Just Cause 2. They feel very "static," like they don't have momentum or almost like they're sitting outside of the world, dropped on artificially. GTAIV's were much harder to handle but I felt they were probably done better, especialyl with The Lost and the Damned. My opinion might change on this when I get some real sport bikes as opposed to this crappy old man motorcycle.
  • I feel like the aiming reticule is too difficult to see. The little white dot worked in RDR, but for some reason I'm having trouble with it in GTAV. I use free aim.
  • Definitely fewer cops walking the beat, which I am thankful for.
  • Wanted level is done much better than in GTAIV. Getting out of your car to escape the cops actually works, and sometimes it's the only thing you can do to really get away.
  • Game looks incredible, but it doesn't run perfectly. It runs at a steady FPS and I do not notice many spikes or sudden pits, but while driving at high speed the game runs consistently below 30FPS... I'm not an FPS whore or anything, but I can notice it. FYI, I'm on 360 with the mandatory install on the HDD & playing off disc.
  • Mission transitions are awesome
  • Tennis is surprisingly good. Whoever said that this is bad does not know what they're talking about.
  • Guns could have more "oomph" to them with sound, but otherwise, I'm happy
  • The radio is terrific. I wasn't hot on GTAIV's radio, but this is really good. An excellent mix of memorable, known songs, with great underground stuff.
  • Speaking of the radio, the radio makes you feel like your actions have an impact on the world. They've really ramped up the "post-mission news break" in this game... So far every significant mission I've played has had a mention on the radio the next day in the game, not just the main missions and not like... 20 game hours later like in past GTA's. Seems like after every story mission, you get some great radio chatter.
  • "specials" do not feel like cheating... I was worried they'd break the game, but they don't. Franklin's feels great while driving... makes an actual difference. Michael's is good too but I don't use it as often.
  • The world may be bigger than RDR, but to me, it doesn't feel a lot bigger. I know that's subjective, but riding from Blackwater to Chuparosa or one of the far off Mexican towns felt like an ordeal, something that would take ages. I've barely discovered the whole area, but I didn't feel like looping around the map was necessarily huge. I'll probably change my opinion as I play more and discover the interior sections of the map.
  • Heists are not hype. They are not just a lame mission that they're calling something new. They actually feel like a different meta-mission that feel organic... I don't know how else to explain it to someone who hasn't played it, but they feel organic, not like a formulaic GTA scripted mission. I've only done 1, and they feel awesome.
  • The mission sandbox is back! Finally!
    The First heist, when you grab the bug extermination van
    A mission had me commandeering something, and when I drove up to get this thing, I noticed 3 blokes hanging out around the front of the building. In GTAIV, you'd have no choice, you'd have to shoot them up and start a gun fight and it'd be annoying. In V though I thought ... "I wonder if I can go around back..." I took a few extra minutes, walked around, and lo and behold, was able to do some stealth to commandeer what I needed. This was SO refreshing!
  • Speaking of Stealth -- Stealth play actually works in missions where you can do it (some you obviously can't)... It's not tacked on like San Andreas and it's not as annoying as Uncharted 3.
  • The writing and voice acting in Michael's missions is very good. Don't let the cheap penis jokes, lame obvious jokes, and the overdone "N" and "F" of Franklin fool you, there is also some very clever, very good writing. The interactions between Lester and Michael are so well written, well acted, and really on point... They hint at a narrative wthout beating you over the head with it... Their banter on their past relationship adds value without making itself obvious, and the small jokes and conversations are actually surprisingly well written.
  • The game does not hand hold you -- this is so refreshing. In RDR, the game would say something like "find a way into the McFarlane Barn," and then drop a marker on your map so instead of "finding a way into the barn" you'd be "walk to this marker." GTAV, so far, does not do this. There ahve been two specific cases where the game has said something along the lines of "find a way to do something [get into a house or get somewhere or do something in particular]" and you had to figure it out. This is SUCH a relief and makes playing through missions MUCH more rewarding.

Overall thoughts: I've been more impressed than I thought that I would be. Things that I thought would be "the same old GTA" (a formula that I've always liked, but can feel formulaic) feel fresh and new. Missions are terrific so far, every single one. Most of all, the biggest impact for me has been that I feel like I am in control of my character making actions, not just following a map marker, holding the right trigger, and going from marker to marker. That there are multiple ways to play through a mission (so far) is great and they feel organic and not contrived.

This game really clicked for me last night and now I can't wait to go back and play it.


I hate to say this, but after playing GTAV, I don't think Rockstar will be able to go "back in time" for future releases, mainly because a lot of the features they have introduced in the last two games have been centered around the technology of the today world and I just feel like at this point, taking away a lot of these features would be like downgrading

I'm probably just doubting myself and I'm sure they would be able to pull it off


Never really spent much time with GTA games, but after going to get a haircut and getting into a scuffle with an asshole outside I'm hooked.

I ran over him a few times after my haircut to make sure he doesn't start shit with anyone else.


Permanent Junior Member
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but-

On the 360, if you install the play disc onto a USB stick, the start menu/map load times are instant.
Hmmm, tempting. I have the PS3 version, but I'm getting sick of listening to my slim read the game.


Same. 13 1/2 hrs for me and just finished my third night on it. 22% complete and I have only just done Trevors first plane mission.

Hah. Same. Had some trouble with that initially, but glad landing is more forgiving than expected. Just have to work on slowing down. But I plan to chill on the main story for a while. I just want to exist living in that world and drag out the narrative as long as possible. That is...until GTA online launches. God this game. I was pretty deep in TLoU but it was kind of a personal thing. With GTAV I just want to spend time in the thread, watch the streams, talk about it all day until I'm back there again.

The people not interested in this game are dead to me! Fools. ;)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Nice impressions Albatross!


The plane camera is flawless man, it handles very similarly to ace combat. I get that it might not be your preference but give it some time to get used to it and you'll understand how much control you have over your plane this way.

You have to rotate and pull up to turn, gotta learn to fly like a real pilot.

It's not how the planes handle ( they are fine) its the camera and how that rotates with the planes ( whereas in SA the camera was static, basically)

Also, yea the sport bikes are ridiculously crappy. They feel like R* only put 20 seconds of effort into them, they just feel so bad ( very twitchy for example) Surprisingly worse than SR and SD!
( sport bikes only, the rest are meh, the Sanchez is a lot worse than the one in IV )

I just wish Rockstar gave us an option for the driving, like mafia 2 does. Hopefully PC modders can work there magic.

Bicycles are awesome though.
Man. I'm not feeling his game much. It has a great skybox, weather effects, ocean, time of day but I just feel bored playing it. No way a 10. It still has good moments though.

Oh yeah and seeing the city at night from the mountains looks so good. No game has done it as well as this game.

I think that depends on how far into the game you are.

I've been biding my time and ignoring story missions and yeah, side stuff has began to dry up a little. However, it feels like every mission unlocks new stuff to do during free roam - only just unlocked clothing stores!

That (company spoiler, just in case)
mission is ridiculous haha.
It also encourages the player to seek places like underground areas (where helicopters naturally can't spot you) as well as switching cars to get your wanted level to go down more quickly. It's a nice system.

Becareful though!

So far one of my most impressive moments? I was playing as Michael and I had uh.. stolen a fuel tanker and driven it off one of the over passes to blow up on the traffic passing by underneath.

Long story short- cops were all over him. I bailed near a train yard and took off running. They lost site of me and I was hiding in a train car. You could see on the minimap the cops walking around the yard looking for me with flashlights out (it was night).

One crawled up into the train car and found me. He radiod in my position and I shot him ha. Too bad that brought every copy in after me.

It was just a really cool experience.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Hah. Same. Had some trouble with that initially, but glad landing is more forgiving than expected. Just have to work on slowing down. But I plan to chill on the main story for a while. I just want to exist living in that world and drag out the narrative as long as possible. That is...until GTA online launches. God this game. I was pretty deep in TLoU but it was kind of a personal thing. With GTAV I just want to spend time in the thread, watch the streams, talk about it all day until I'm back there again.

The people not interested in this game are dead to me! Fools. ;)

GTA Online will seriously cause personal problems for alot of people :lol Divorces, lost jobs, and the occasional "Death by Game."

Wonder what'd would happen if all 16 people, in various parts of San Andreas, each pick up 3 to 5 wanted stars on their own, and then converge into the center. What kind of Police Hell would result?

Wonder if Blimps can be used in Online. Blimp Wars/Races. BTW, it looks to cast a HUGE Shadow on the world below (while in the blimp), should look cool from the ground.

Who knew there was a long ass road tunnel through Mt Chiliad?


A couple of really simple questions.

Is there a way to change your reply to texts/emails?

It seems that you can no longer knock people out with punches? Every time I win a fight or one hit A pedestrian at speed , they're just dead? Not unconscious? There's something a little bit off about punching a pedestrian and them just being dead.

Is gambling confirmed in the game? All I found is a casino "opening soon"
GTA Online will seriously cause personal problems for alot of people :lol Divorces, lost jobs, and the occasional "Death by Game."

Wonder what'd would happen if all 16 people, in various parts of San Andreas, each pick up 3 to 5 wanted stars on their own, and then converge into the center. What kind of Police Hell would result?

Wonder if Blimps can be used in Online. Blimp Wars/Races. BTW, it looks to cast a HUGE Shadow on the world below (while in the blimp), should look cool from the ground.

Who knew there was a long ass road tunnel through Mt Chiliad?

I just want to get in a round of golf online.

I think the golfing (and tennis) are REALLY well done. I expected them to be just tacked on afterthoughts so they could market them.. nope. They are full featured amazingness. Club selection, score cards, wind, green slopes, etc. I love how you can choose to either cart around from shot to shot and hole to hole (or skip it for this who want to). I spent literally 2 hours yesterday just shooting a couple rounds of golf lol.


I was doing the long ass triathlon... 15 mins in I fall off my bike and another cyclist runs over my head killing me... :(


Checking the Social Club, I use Micheal and Trevor an equivalent percentage of the time, at 37% each, 60% into the game.

It's really quite comprehensive.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I just want to get in a round of golf online.

I think the golfing (and tennis) are REALLY well done. I expected them to be just tacked on afterthoughts so they could market them.. nope. They are full featured amazingness. Club selection, score cards, wind, green slopes, etc. I love how you can choose to either cart around from shot to shot and hole to hole (or skip it for this who want to). I spent literally 2 hours yesterday just shooting a couple rounds of golf lol.

I haven't even gotten around to playing Golf or Tennis :lol

Is it me, or is there some semblance of "changeable story", depending on "which character you are" when you meet up for the Big 3 Missions? Like, I've shown up as one character, who arrives later than the other 2, and arrive to those 2 arguing. Wonder if I had showed up as one of those 2, I could see the beginning of that argument.
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