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Green Party Nomination Discussion

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Less than 24 hours we will know who the Green Party selects as their Vice Presidential nominee. David Cobb or an endorsement of Ralph Nader.

This article published tonight sets the stage well...


Cobb wants to run a campaign in safe states while Nader/Camejo want to let Cobb be the Green Candidate in states where Nader/Camejo qualify by signatures or by their Reform Party endorsement(8 states including Florida) or they meet the requirements for signatures as Independent candidates.

I'm cheering for Ralph because his candidacy I believe could actually take off and could actually get him in the debates where who knows what could happen.

Cobb is fearful person(the article says it as does his fear of Bush) and I think he's weak. I may just not vote for him if he gets the nomination(I was going to vote for the Green candidate as Kucinich didn't get the Dem nomination). But Nader seems to be looking like the person who wants real change, while Cobb is dilly-dallying around thinking he will grow the green party to some national power in only a few states. That doesn't work. The green party has to attack everywhere and Nader is the man to do it.

If Nader does get the endorsement...he'll be on 20+ ballots...up from the 8(the reform party) he is at now. This also hurts John Kerry's chances...not that I care...John Kerry sucks as do all of his collegeaues(anyone else catch that 97-0 vote in the senate for a 450 billion "defense" budget this past week. We now outspend the rest of the world combined in "defense" by even more now...the previous defense budget was 400 billion).

Anyhow. I'm cheering for Nader...Kerry only has himself to blame by not submitting IRV bills in the Senate.

This would be a non-issue if the Democrats were smart and elected Kucinich. Bush would be gone very easily as Kucinich is the polar opposite of Bush...a clear choice would have been given to the electorate.
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