Byron Bluth
Its dissapointing to see that all the original puzzle/game breaking bugs in the original release are still present here, along with all new ones.
Its dissapointing to see that all the original puzzle/game breaking bugs in the original release are still present here, along with all new ones.
I must be incredibly fortunate, because I'm playing through Rubacava right now and I haven't encountered a single bug yet.
At beginning of year 2.
Only bug i saw was in forest, trying to pick up the wheelbarrow. It went all weird and done the animation, but was inside the wheelbarrow, and i could move, but it didnt effect the position of wheelbarrow.
PS4 launch was a disaster
I got a refund, not rewarding that shit show
I am just going by what people have been posting here and on Twitter.
I am replaying using my original discs and mods. Refunded my Remastered version due to the preload/preorder/theme issues. Won't be rewarding them with my business until that gets fixed. Now with all these other issues people are reporting it is even more dissappointing.
Honest question ... why are you still posting in this thread? You've been extremely vocal about your hate for this game, are you just unhappy that other people are enjoying the remaster?
Glad I can't voice an opinion here.
Thank god for the ignore button.
Fired it up last night. It's an old adventure game alright. But everything holds up and it's as charming as ever.
Didn't you eventually get the theme?Glad I can't voice an opinion here. It is strong but my passion for this game is as well.
Didn't you eventually get the theme?
I am sorry but what?
I am commenting on documented and reported bugs. I am not attacking anyone or saying they shouldn't play the game.
Being a big fan since it first launched in 1998 and I was 13 I am very dissapointed yes. They let me down. Grim is one of those games I play on an annual basis along with others like Half Life 1/2, Full Throttle and more.
I in no way shape or form hate this game. Wtf?
And you see nothing wrong with how you acted?Using a friend's account but he would have to make my PS4 primary and his console my primary.
We looked into it further and it would cause problems if either one of us lost connection to the internet, losing access to our licenses.
So I just log into his account once and awhile and play with the theme. Then cry.
Double Fine and Tim Schafer have replied to me on Twitter and said they are working on it. I will be waiting until then.
Glad I can't voice an opinion here. It is strong but my passion for this game is as well.
At this point you're commenting on bugs that you haven't even personally experienced. Your extremely negative opinions stand out even to someone who's just casually browsing this thread. That, understandably, gave me the impression that you really don't like the game.
And you see nothing wrong with how you acted?
Nothing wrong with voicing your opinion. We've had people in here who love the remake, and people who wanted more. We've had people who encountered bugs, and we've had people who haven't. It's all been very civil. The reason people are calling you out on it are because you have used an extraordinary amount of posts getting extremely agitated because things weren't working properly in the beginning. Which happens during launches, it's just the nature of things. You took it all very personally for some reason, and while people were trying to discuss the game you kept calling Sony/Double Fine liars and thieves because you couldn't access your free theme right away or something silly like that.
I mean, I get being annoyed if you're really excited about playing the game, but you could have used a lot less posts (and a calmer tone) to convey your emotions. You went a bit over the top very early on. It's not the end of the world if you have to wait a bit for some early issues to be ironed out. You really can't see how you got on people's nerves a bit in here?
That is how I act in these types of situations. It got worse because people started egging me on, making fun of me, calling me names, sending me abrasive PMs. I am not entirely at fault.
Look, just wait a bit until Sony and Double Fine figure it all out. Having to wait a bit more isn't the end of the world. It's obvious you love the game, and that makes you alright in my book. Just allow people a little bit of space to enjoy the game - a lot of people have a special connection to this game and there's been a bit too much negativity in this thread. That can't be good for you personal enjoyment of the game when you get around to playing either.
I don't blame you. When the title is a longtime favorite, one where a personal attachment comes into play, it only makes sense to be so utterly disappointed. If this were to happen to, say Sam & Max Hit the Road or Halo (*cough* it did with MCC), then I would be just utterly turned off.That is how I act in these types of situations. It got worse because people started egging me on, making fun of me, calling me names, sending me abrasive PMs. I am not entirely at fault.
So when are we going to get the grim OT2 going? Now that the per-order stuff seems sorted out, we might as well start again on a new footing.
Possible name:
Grim Fandango OT2: Only Film Noir Drama Beyond This Point
So when are we going to get the grim OT2 going? Now that the per-order stuff seems sorted out, we might as well start again on a new footing.
Possible name:
Grim Fandango OT2: Only Film Noir Drama Beyond This Point
Yeah I'd be okay with this. This thread has actually really dampened my excitement and enthusiasm for playing the game. And it sucks, because I was really stoked for it. But because some dude can't control himself and goes apeshit over a fucking theme all I can think about when I boot up the game is this drama.
Sure, I shouldn't go into the thread then maybe. But I really would like to see other people's impressions. Blargh.
I'm liking the opening of Year 2 so far. Very Casa Blanca-ish.
Grim Fandango's logic sure is something. It's almost a novel thing now to have a game designed with a vision above the purpose of suiting an audience. I like that it can now be discovered for its own designed obscurity and unique themes.
It is interesting that a game like this could be seen as cutting edge since it is based on Latin culture, characters, etc. where most games are always so stereotyped these days.
Yet it was released in 1998.
Way ahead of its time and one of the best stories, characters, voice acting, writing and more in a game ever.
That's actually the first thing I thought about playing the game and hearing Manny's voice, I didn't expect him to be voiced by a Hispanic man. Do any other big games have lead characters like that? Kinda sad that I was legit shocked, even with the Day of the Dead theme.
Maybe they could get away with it because he looks white? lol
Also just got to the forest and I've had a lot of visual glitches. Particularly with the tie rope and bread.
Ive got an update for ps4 version but cannot download. Anyone else have this?
Yup, me too. Cloud saving is effectively out of the window now.Ive got an update for ps4 version but cannot download. Anyone else have this?
Okay, just kept retrying and it downloaded.
This first big puzzle with the message machine is the most complex in the entire game imo, or the second most complex.
Do any other Vita players know if we're able to also stretch the game to full screen? I can't figure out how. Is it not possible on the Vita version?
This first big puzzle with the message machine is the most complex in the entire game imo, or the second most complex.
Curious about whether there's a bug in part of the Petrified Forest:Is this a bug or am I just not doing something correctly?I'm stuck where the four fire beavers are. I've managed to put 3 out but when I go around the side to the fourth he never goes out. I also tried throwing bones into the tar and having them leap off the rock but that just loops until I run out of bones to throw. I also have the key if that matters.
You aren't doing something correctly.
When you throw a bone and it leaps, you have to extinguish them midair. You don't ever have to do anything with the fourth one in the back. Just extinguish the 3 that jump.
I think I'll hold off this until these supposed bugs get ironed out.
lol <-not really much of a spoiler"Run you pigeons, its Robert Frost!"
Thanks again Onion. Having a great time with it.
And ^ yea, I'm glad to hear that message machine puzzle isn't typical. That was not......intuitive....
Anyone knows where do i get the "that's not funny" dialog for the trophy? is the only one missing for me and i really can't remember how to trigger it.
The update on Ps4 refuses to download for me, keeps giving me errors. Any suggestions?
The update on Ps4 refuses to download for me, keeps giving me errors. Any suggestions?