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Grim Fandango Remastered |OT| The Excelsior Line Edition


Welp, I was just browsing PSN on my computer and navigated over to Grim Fandango. Was clicking through thinking of buying it, and when I clicked "Confirm Purchase", thinking it would prompt me for payment information, it bought the game. I'm not sure what I thought was going to happen.

Anyhow, looks like I'll be playing it! Downloading now. 7.8gb is a doozy for a game from 1998.


Hmm, seems to be run into a bug. Glitched into the elevator door in the casino. Can't seem to enter it or exit it, just stuck in the door.
I don't know if this is a glitch or I just haven't done enough to trigger it (which I doubt) but in Year 2, I
made the fake ticket with the Week 2, Tuesday, Race 6 and got the picture, but when I go back up to the lounge to show it to Nick, it says he's still in Max's office and I don't know what to do. The only other last thing I have to do besides that is get Glottis kicked out of the VIP room as far as I know. The Seabees leader is in jail, I showed the Rusty Anchor card to Toto, I faked Naranja's death, etc.
Any ideas?
I'm still working my way through Year 3. Real life getting in the way. Not even that far into it, I'm just at the part with the
crane. I broke the part off with the drill and now I'm just lost trying to figure it out. Not stuck yet, just haven't had enough time figuring it out because some people came over.
I don't know if this is a glitch or I just haven't done enough to trigger it (which I doubt) but in Year 2, I
made the fake ticket with the Week 2, Tuesday, Race 6 and got the picture, but when I go back up to the lounge to show it to Nick, it says he's still in Max's office and I don't know what to do. The only other last thing I have to do besides that is get Glottis kicked out of the VIP room as far as I know. The Seabees leader is in jail, I showed the Rusty Anchor card to Toto, I faked Naranja's death, etc.
Any ideas?

While you're on the screen with the ticket counter to the right, the hallway that leads to high rollers area, and then a set of steps in the center - take the printed out ticket, walk over to the left to see another ticket counter and use it there.


Oh, this game. <3

It's been so long since my last playthrough that I don't think I remember many of the puzzles at all, so I'm mega-stoked for this. And this new soundtrack ... perfecto. This is the only game where I never skip past any of the spoken dialogue because I love the voice work so much. The accents and characterization are heavenly.

It felt so right to curl up on the couch playing this with headphones while the snow fell outside tonight. Hope this exposes a whole new generation of folks to Schafer's mad brilliance.
Well I've been stuck here since the game released Monday night...so I come back to it each evening for an hour or so.

I think that after I figure out this part the rest of the game might make more sense, like I might know what types of things to look for/do. It's just this initial hump that's really hard. I'm going to try some more this weekend and if I still don't get it then I'll have to use a walkthrough.

I did make a bit of progress tonight though!! I found out that I can
stuff the bread in the tube and it gets shredded! But I shredded like 5 more loaves and nothing happened
So I'm thinking that I'm on the right track at least

This is my worry too.

I feel like it would be helpful to look at spoilers to "get" the way the developers are thinking, but I am sure Ill just get stuck again haha

I wonder how vague/obtuse the puzzles are. On one hand, I like the idea of the challenge, but on the other, there may be some genuinely contrived puzzles. But I guess I can look at hints at worse.


Dammit, the game is constantly crashing on the vita.

It's really really annoying. Is this a common issue? any chance of a patch?
Has anyone noticed that 'interactive objects' are much harder to spot when the remastered graphics are turned on?
I found that I had to keep switching between modes during the petrified forest/moving sign post puzzle as I couldn't spot where I'd dropped it.

Same goes for the extending bridge in Rubacava,
Definitely, or at least the 30mins I played in bed the other night was!

It's great on the Vita although you can miss small things that you may need to pick up or use.
I was playing the part in the forest where you have to plonk the arrow down and it spins to show you where you need to go and I could barely work out where the arrow or I was on the screen!


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
So whats the verdict on the vita version? Is it playable?
When it runs it runs fine. Interestingly, I did notice that the game starts with the original graphics rather than the remastered that the PS4 did but I couldn't tell if that affects the frame rate. Probably, but not by much. Obviously it's a smaller screen so there may be difficulties seeing things but no immediate problem if you pay attention to Manny's head and the old fashioned trick in 3D adventure games of paying attention to things that aren't pre rendered and are therefore things that you can pick up.

The downside is of course if it works. I've had one crash on the PS4 but right now, with my cross save file I can't even play the Vita game. It loads, takes me to an error screen then closes the game. Every single time. Thankfully remote play works like a charm but the fact that this 17 year old game struggles to run on modern hardware is more of a reason to moan about lazy developers than the lack of overwhelming bloom and the fact that Manny's bow tie isn't rendered in three dimensions.


The downside is of course if it works. I've had one crash on the PS4 but right now, with my cross save file I can't even play the Vita game. It loads, takes me to an error screen then closes the game. Every single time.

this happened to me.. deleted the game and just remote played it.


No game has better voice acting.
I can believe this. Even well acted games have a lot of stilted line deliveries in them, but those are very far apart here and I can't think of any from the main cast. It helps that the dialog feels natural, at least in the stylized, pulpy way the game presents itself in. The only other game coming to mind with that is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines and that has no lead actors going through a story arc.

Endo Punk

This is my first experience with graphic adventure genre and it wont be my last, bring on Day of the tentacle!

Perfect game for when you are in the mood for something that doesn't test your dexterity and you just wanna absorb yourself into the wonderful setting and characters.

I knew that it's good, but I'd forgotten just how good the voice acting is. Manny is perfectly cast.

He really is. Definitely goes in the list as one of m ol time fav game characters. Heck the whole cast is on the list!
Just finished Year 3. I got stuck at one part
That fucking lock on the door. I didn't see it. Had to get a hint. I saw the handle and the wheel and tried for like 10 minutes to just guess the wheel spins :p.

Has anyone noticed that 'interactive objects' are much harder to spot when the remastered graphics are turned on?
I found that I had to keep switching between modes during the petrified forest/moving sign post puzzle as I couldn't spot where I'd dropped it.

Same goes for the extending bridge in Rubacava,

I haven't had any difficulty. I didn't even realize I could turn on original graphics until Year 3.

OT: Slint rules
Lol this game is kicking my ass.

I've played a few adventure games in this style, but I''ve become so spoilt .... I've had to turn to the guide for a few puzzles and I only just started Year 2.

The forest sign post/fire beavers and the tree farm completely wrecked me :( .. Wonder how much I'm ruining the game by turning to guides. If I didnt check a guide I probably would have been stuck forever lol.

If only the game had a quest guide/hint system of some sort for noobs lol.


Was going to get this on Vita but grabbed it on my Mac instead finally. So much nostalgia, it feels right playing this on a computer again after so many years. Just started tonight and got up to Year 2.

The tree puzzle was so much easier than I remember it being as a kid. I must have spent an entire afternoon on that back in the day.
Just finished Year 3. I got stuck at one part
That fucking lock on the door. I didn't see it. Had to get a hint. I saw the handle and the wheel and tried for like 10 minutes to just guess the wheel spins :p.

I haven't had any difficulty. I didn't even realize I could turn on original graphics until Year 3.

OT: Slint rules

They do indeed!


Was going to get this on Vita but grabbed it on my Mac instead finally. So much nostalgia, it feels right playing this on a computer again after so many years. Just started tonight and got up to Year 2.

The tree puzzle was so much easier than I remember it being as a kid. I must have spent an entire afternoon on that back in the day.

Didn't even realize it was on Mac :/ Might have gotten that instead of on PS4. Oh well!
so im trying to get back on vita and it downloaded my save from ps4 but now it is giving me an error when the game is trying to load on the vita.

any solutions?


Ps4 version here, game boots me back to dashboard with the ps4 error suggestion screen when I try to enter the
right at the beginning of year 3.

Gonna re-download and see what happens.

Edit: Tried a redownload and database rebuild and still crashing. Wonder if I could get a refund.
Encountered almost all the bugs Sectus points out on page 28. Glad someone is reporting them, hope they get fixed. Some of the animation bugs are really off putting. Just enterred a fail state where I locked a waiter in a larder and then turned the tap on a wine casket. He opens the door, shouts at me then nothing happens.


I just bought the game on the PS4 and plan on playing it very shortly. Do you guys recommend tank controls or not? Have never played the game before so I am incredibly excited to do so!
I just bought the game on the PS4 and plan on playing it very shortly. Do you guys recommend tank controls or not? Have never played the game before so I am incredibly excited to do so!

They can be frustrating the odd time but since nothing requires timing you only need a bit of patience. They're also "the right way."


I've got a horrible bug which is spoiling the game somewhat. In the casino after Manny stood up from the table after talking to someone, he got stuck in a walking backwards animation. Stupidly I was using a single save game and saved shortly after expecting the bug would clear on a reload.

It doesn't.

Maintain two save files is my advice, I really don't feel like starting from scratch again but it looks like the only way.

Edit: can be fixed after all - find anything that causes Manny to step backwards, pulling a level worked for me.
Yeah I've had Manny's arms and hands flip in that area also. I think there might be some sort of gimbal lock or something going on. Made a fair bit of progress tonight in Rubacava, feel like I know one of the solutions in the club but I don't seem to have to tool to do it just yet. Lots of leads going on in this town, it's quite hard to keep focused but if you ever feel lost go back to what is driving you in the area.


I've only had a few animation bugs, like Olivia vibrating really hard whenever she steps away from the wall during the dialogue sequence in the Blue Casket. Most of my bugs have related to visual hitches which are a bit off putting.
I've only had a few animation bugs, like Olivia vibrating really hard whenever she steps away from the wall during the dialogue sequence in the Blue Casket. Most of my bugs have related to visual hitches which are a bit off putting.

I sometimes get manny moving his "lips" as if he's talking when he's not.
Point and click controls just feel so weird and detached for this game. Tank controls forever.

They're also not really tested all that well. They don't always give all the available options you have with some objects and the path finding can be kinda wonky at times, especially when you want to examine something and Manny just starts to walk away from it.


I really miss a hint system. Something like The Room, where in each part of game you have a 3 level hints, to not read a walkthrought when stuck.
Got a Tweet and email from Double Fine stating that the status of the Dynamic Theme being released for everyone to purchase is up to Sony and they are working with them to make it happen.

Likely part of an agreement for the preorder and such.

Let's hope for the best! I can only assume there is an exclusivity clause or something for the theme to be preorder only for a certain amount of time. Seems silly since many wanted to preorder but couldn't due to errors and that it being exclusive isn't going to get us to preorder if the game is already out.

Very happy they replied and hopefully we will see it on the store for everyone to enjoy soon!

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