Their equivalent of FBI is super advanced.Wow. That didn't take very long.
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Their equivalent of FBI is super advanced.Wow. That didn't take very long.
FTFYHe didn’t think. That’s the problem. Like many kidsin this generation
Poor kid, my ass. Whatever they give him (which will likely be nothing), won't be enough.
No, it doesn't compare to those other crimes, but that's a different subject. This guy messed with stuff he knew effected millions of people and caused millions of dollars in damages to a company. He put himself in this spotlight and should be punished harshly for the purpose of being a deterrent.
What a stupid asshole. He may just have ruined his life.
Twice. Poor baby! Fortunately, extortion and causing millions in damage for clout is cool now. Stick it to the man!Meh, apparently the same kid has already been arrested before something similar.
I don't think it was the embarrassment but the selling of proprietary source code and ransom that made this a little more serious than just embarrassment. Having said that I hope the kid just gets a slap on the wrist though, this isn't worth ruining somebody's life over.I don't get the angry reactions... the GTA franchise is a juvenile fantasy about being some sort of badass anyway, but when some teen actually screws with a rich corporation everyone is against him?
It obviously wasn't the smartest move the way he did it, but having the state police ruin lives because a million-selling game dev got embarrassed online isn't exactly a world order I can support.
NeoGAF justice warriors probably want to ruin this kids life forever.
this isn't worth ruining somebody's life over.
They'll either bail him until he's eighteen and try him as an adult, or they'll send him to a YOI.17 years, so he skips jail?
Gary McKinnon got slap on wrist and that was the American government
There's still young offenders institutes, and then at 18 transfer to prison.17 years, so he skips jail?
I did some stupid shit when i was 17, but aside from some speeding, I never went out there and tried to black mail people for millions of dollars lol.
The only sympathy I might have for this kid is if he's indeed autistic like the early reports said. Their brains are wired differently, and they dont fully understand the consequences of their actions. Even then, send this asshole away for some therapy so he can learn to rewire his brain until he realizes that this isnt normal human behavior.
Ever heard of snowden?
Cant trust these fools.
When he is the hacker, Rockstar wil sue him and his co-hackers in to oblivion....What are they feeding these 17 year olds?
I'll be surprised if this dude even gets juve, slap on the wrist and some community service.
Most likely he would rather go to jail than this.His punishment will be playing GTA online 24/7
Some of you on here need to go and get yourselves an account on ResetEra so you can all give each other a big hug. Absolute man babies.
I really hope some of you never become parents. Otherwise I feel sorry for the kids if they ever make a mistake. Unforgiving pricks some of you.
Maybe we should set up a go fund me to help out Rockstar with these damages.
“Whatever he gets won’t be enough” wow, wow, so let’s just sentence him to death then is what you’re saying?
He should have doxxed/swatted instead.Wow. That didn't take very long.