Bugged for the moment- you know about the join in feature, right? It's not working at the moment but it solves the problem when it functions right.
For now, only form a party when you're in the same zone- leave the party, all go out into the overflow together, then party up.
It's bugged; it should be trivial to get into the same zone as them, it's just not working properly at the moment. Ordinarily, you right click on them in the party screen and hit "join in"Partying in this game is so garbage. Pretty much impossible to get into the same 'server' as your friends, only shows party portrait when you're in the same zone, and it doesn't even say if they're online or not.
"Guild invites cannot be sent at this time. Additionally, some players who were in guilds have been kicked and cannot be reinvited. We're investigating."
"Guild invites cannot be sent at this time. Additionally, some players who were in guilds have been kicked and cannot be reinvited. We're investigating."
"Guild invites cannot be sent at this time. Additionally, some players who were in guilds have been kicked and cannot be reinvited. We're investigating."
So the server my friends are on is now full, and the game keeps giving me some message about permanently choosing a "home." That doesn't mean that I can't have characters on multiple servers does it?
Correct. Which is why i'm trying to wait out the full period for the gaf server.
You can pay $$ to transfer your characters across worlds though. Something I personally don't want to do.
Correct. Which is why i'm trying to wait out the full period for the gaf server.
You can pay $$ to transfer your characters across worlds though. Something I personally don't want to do.
Correct. Which is why i'm trying to wait out the full period for the gaf server.
You can pay $$ to transfer your characters across worlds though. Something I personally don't want to do.
So I can't play with my friends? That is crazy. How do you go about getting a refund?
You can guest on other servers.
Stop being a drama queen.
Transfers being free for the first weeks seems ok. But I'm guessing the server you want to actually transfer to will still be full, So bugger D:
Your home server only determines who you represent in WvW from what I understand. You can play with your friends regardless of server thanks to the guest system. If you want to play WvW with your friends though, roll on the same server. If you can't, you're shit out of luck.
That is seriously crazy. I guess I'm shit out of luck.
Lame... Stormbluff Isle is full.
So what are the options for someone trying to get on their guild's full server? Wait it out? Is there any guarantee that the game would open?
So what are the options for someone trying to get on their guild's full server? Wait it out? Is there any guarantee that the game would open?
Ouch, that sucks. well, hopefully it will open up a bit when free transfers are still available
Free transfers are available (i think), so some spots might open up
But if one doesn't, and the week runs out, I just won't be able to get on that server without paying more money?
Is there a way to see if a server is full while on the server?
I want to tell my friend when he can join.
From the GW2 blog:
"At launch, players will be able to transfer between worlds freely. However, once server populations have largely settled and stabilized, world transfers will be restricted to once a week and cost a variable amount of gems based on the population of the world being transferred to."
So maybe it's not "just one week", it's probably more when it's to the point when everyone has had a chance to get on the server they want to and populations stop fluctuating.
story line quests are hard as shit if you're not up to recommended level...
Don't want to sound like a fangirl or anything but people seem to be getting outraged over things that are an issue with every single MMO.
I guess I can understand if it's your first time but complaining that servers can't hold an infinite numbers of players is just silly.
This game runs so bad for me![]()
I get 10fps in the starting area...It really chugs in WvW during those large zerg battles.