Sorry to quote you again but was wondering what what kind of games you have troubles with in general? To me being color blind seems way beyond my uderstanding so it would be a bit hard to imagine.
Sory for asking, feel free to ignore. Just curious.
Color blindness doesn't give me much trouble at all in games.
Here, for example, I can see the red bar below skills just fine, it's just that if I'm looking at the center of the screen it's not obvious to me in my peripheral vision since it's such a narrow bar.
As for games that give me trouble...puzzle games that have yellow/green blocks with very similar brightness levels (fluorescent yellow and fluorescent green are very close to me, while fluorescent yellow and dark green can easily be told apart) or blue/purple blocks with similar brightness levels. I can't really think of any specific examples, outside of Puzzle Fighter 2. Most games are pretty good about catering to colorblind gamers (hey, we represent about 10% of the male population, so it's not a rare occurence).
edit: I suppose character under-lighting (green and red, respectively) in games like Dota 2 and Heroes of Newerth isn't super obvious to me, though the different health bars make that mostly a non-issue.
Funny thing though, is that being a videophile, I'm super sensitive to colors being out of whack on a display, whereas most people don't even notice.
Can't really complain too much about my color blindness. It's a mild ailment that gives me very little trouble in life. I will sometimes embarass myself by calling something green when it's actually grey, but besides that, no issues. And hey, I have 20/10 vision and really good night vision so it's not all bad.