Stuck at work right now. I have some schoolwork to do when I get home.. All I want to do is play this game![]()
I feel ya there! I work too much atm but I look forward to putting many hours of my life into this game haha
Stuck at work right now. I have some schoolwork to do when I get home.. All I want to do is play this game![]()
What sort of processor do you have? This game is more processor intensive than a lot of other games.woo got my code.
created character. Entered game.
default settings getting me ~23fps
Even with 'high performance' setting im getting 30fps...
Surely my gtx 460 can handle this (c2q 9550 shouldn't be too shabby). Which settings should i mess around with?
Any specific drivers i needa get?
woo got my code.
created character. Entered game.
default settings getting me ~23fps
Even with 'high performance' setting im getting 30fps...
Surely my gtx 460 can handle this (c2q 9550 shouldn't be too shabby). Which settings should i mess around with?
Any specific drivers i needa get?
So where is the best place to get fat loot? WvW or just PvE? Only level 11 but seems like the best gear I can find is crafted. Just wondering if their is a low level dungeon I can run or something?
Random mobs, Karma vendors. And no there's no lvl 11 dungeon. And why is it bad the best gear you can find is craftable... that's a good thing! Useful crafts!
Jump puzzles remind me of the old Maple Story jump quests, except that now they're actually completable. MS jump quests were, simply put, the worst thing EVER.
Guild Wars 2 crafter reaches level 80 first
like i said, c2q 9550 stock clock. it's a bit old, but haven't really done me wrong yet.What sort of processor do you have? This game is more processor intensive than a lot of other games.
There seecms to be a Nvidia problem with this game. There have been a series of 306 drivers posted (beta) give those a shot. Some users are reporting some prety good FPS increases.
like i said, c2q 9550 stock clock. it's a bit old, but haven't really done me wrong yet.
k, will do. Link would be great, unless it's something i can search on geforce?
I don't understand people who desperately scramble to hit the level cap, how is that fun?
Wow didn't know I was playing on the EU GafGuild server.
I feel that the difficulty of monsters in PVE is quite uneven. When facing a same level monster it seems like sometimes I absolutely destroy them and other times I barely make it out. Maybe it's by design but I feel I don't have any clue of how much I can handle. Playing a mesmer is damn fun though.
Can't emphasise this enough. Spend your Karma there is some great loot on vendors.
like i said, c2q 9550 stock clock. it's a bit old, but haven't really done me wrong yet.
k, will do. Link would be great, unless it's something i can search on geforce?
Must be fun for them. People play all sorts of games differently (ie; people that rush through Mario games and people that collect everything in Mario games). Doesn't surprise me that people are playing for two days straight and reaching level cap.
Ok, I'm kind of stuck when it comes to jewel crating. I crafted pretty much every earring and ring combo for the starter jewels (garnet, pearl, turquoise, amber etc.), and I'm not a high enough level for the more rarer jewels I've been finding (level 37 crafting). So uh, how do I level up my jewel crafting now? I can't make any more crafting components besides the copper ones.
I also upgraded my thief so he can have the shadowstep ability that's not tied to attacks. It's pretty great, and you can take some shortcuts up mountains or other frustrating areas as well.
I dunno, a Mario game and an MMORPG are completely different, the latter is all about offering this vast amount of content, and with people just blitzing through and explotiing bugs and whatnot just to hit the cap is just strange to me
Where are the best Karma vendors? The heart NPCs werent selling anything that great, should I be looking in the cities or where?
Where are the best Karma vendors? The heart NPCs werent selling anything that great, should I be looking in the cities or where?
Where are the best Karma vendors? The heart NPCs werent selling anything that great, should I be looking in the cities or where?
Random mobs, Karma vendors. And no there's no lvl 11 dungeon. And why is it bad the best gear you can find is craftable... that's a good thing! Useful crafts!
PvE - wise, how's the difficulty? Has anyone actually died from PvE?
Nothing wrong i'm just a little lazy, want that kill shit; open chest; get fat loot. I have been getting some stuff form karma vendors so guess that's good enough for now.
Anyone know what level PvE Dungeons start?
PvE - wise, how's the difficulty? Has anyone actually died from PvE?
PvE - wise, how's the difficulty? Has anyone actually died from PvE?
Where are the best Karma vendors? The heart NPCs werent selling anything that great, should I be looking in the cities or where?
PvE - wise, how's the difficulty? Has anyone actually died from PvE?
PvE - wise, how's the difficulty? Has anyone actually died from PvE?
You are always de-leveled to whatever area you're in. So i'm lvl 23 right now... went back to a lvl 10 zone and died to mobs.
There are some nuts personal story missions. I am looking at you, "Rumours of Trouble" (Nords). I died so many times to that.PvE - wise, how's the difficulty? Has anyone actually died from PvE?
PvE - wise, how's the difficulty? Has anyone actually died from PvE?
PvE - wise, how's the difficulty? Has anyone actually died from PvE?
PvE - wise, how's the difficulty? Has anyone actually died from PvE?
Pretty sure my first death didn't come until level 15+...fighting this fire elemental boss who completely decimated about 20 guys trying to take it down.
Come to think of it, all of my character's deaths have only happened when fighting bosses in large groups. Much harder to dodge / predict mob behavior when there are 5+ people on top of it.
When does this officially launch? Tonight at midnight? I got screwed by pre-ordering from Green Man after the 17th, so they wouldn't give me a head start code.