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Guild Wars 2 |OT| Buy Once, Sub Never, Fun Forever

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Don't understand how people can call this a grind. The Heart events are the only areas where I've felt a slight grind, after exclusively exploring and not doing the Personal Story and PvP/WvW. Quickly rectified that problem doing my Personal Story and fighting enemies that are on my level.

Incidentally, do you earn less experience for fighting lower level enemies than yourself?

I think the problem (at least for me) is that around level 6 or 7, you do most of the content in your zone for that level and the next stuff is designed for levels 9+.

What I did was do some WvW, crafting and exploring new zones to get to level 10 and get back into it, but since the game doesn't help you do any of that stuff, I could totally see people (and myself on my first character) getting stuck there and having your next personal mission or nearby hearts/zone areas be too high level and thinking they need to grind


Noob question. We were doing WvW yesterday and I was ontop of a keep defending it (brings back warhammer memories) and i picked up some icebow on the ground and it was awesome. Where the hell did that come from?


Noob question. We were doing WvW yesterday and I was ontop of a keep defending it (brings back warhammer memories) and i picked up some icebow on the ground and it was awesome. Where the hell did that come from?

Elementalists can spawn them... and fire swords.


Surprised that I've spent so much time on my character already, haven't played a game that much in a long time. Yeah I know that's not much for some of you crazies but that's a lot for me :p



Yeah naming characters in this game actually took me a fuck ton of time.

My Asura necro ended up being called Lasheef. Never used that name, and thought it up on the spot after trying all my usual combinations of shit.

I ended up using all-new names myself after the ones I always use were surprisingly taken.

I also created one 3-letter name, that should make me stand out in a few years when everyone is at minimum 5 chars long.


Sonic handles my blue balls
That's the only time I died. That giant fire hand, right? Dude took out a crap load of people and then others kept bringing random mobs with them as they ran to the battle.

It's such a clusterfuck of a fight. Spent the whole time buffing, dropping down barriers, and ressurecting people...figured that someone should keep everyone alive. 20 minutes later, got a bronze medal. That was confirmation for me that if you're not dishing damage, you aren't guaranteed a gold medal.


Still trying to level up my human to 19 (almost there) in Caledon forest exploring and doing as much as I can

Ran into a few bugged events, the Moa one (for the meta event chain) where it doesn't attack... at all. And the krait witch where the witch is no where to be found even after 15 - 20 minutes of hunting.

Loving this game though <3


Neo Member
I dunno maybe I need to try another class but I feel useless as mesmer, drop like paper.

I haven't purchased the game yet but during one of the BWE I played a mesmer. Stacking Confuse on enemies always seemed to kill them quickly for me. And if I had illusions up I'd get 3 of them and blow them up to confuse all the mobs around them.


Yeah, Warrior is tough when playing against the huge boss battles. I'll just jump out and shoot my bow, roll in, get a couple hits then roll out.

They definitely have to work on the bosses to be a little more melee friendly. I've really enjoyed them once I realized my role isn't to just stand there and beat on them, but taking away what I feel is 90% of my class with a majority of the bigger bosses is pretty ridiculous IMO.

I do enjoy them though, it's kind of cool having to switch up to a completely different playstyle but I'd rather have my melee be viable without getting one-shot.

I think a part of this issue is that in all likelihood we're not getting healed. This game does not have a designated healing class and it's difficult to heal someone in events because you can't see their healthbars like in other mmo's.

I play as a Guardian and I wanted to try tanking that gigantic wyrm boss in Caledon forest head on. I took three hits before I had to back off. I think if there were some heals my way, it would have been fine.

I'm level 25, and a lot of the people I know who are higher than 25 have played less time. I'd like to make clear that from my perspective this is a good thing. I've spent a lot of time just doing things for fun (jumping puzzles, climbing mountains, showing people around WvW, refining controller arrangements) and getting near-constant levels of enjoyment. I don't go looking for how to get more XP, I just think about what I want to do next.

Also surprised at what I've settled into with my thief- sword/gun and gun/dagger. Never would have seen that coming. Although I miss shortbow something awful. :p


I think some people who are already getting tired of the game needs to put off levelling and just explore the game a bit. I think I spent half the game just solving vista puzzles and venturing off to areas around the map. This game really encourages exploring because unlike wow, it's not as easy to get caught by a mob so you can go to wherever you like without hassle. The exploration is similar to Skyrim, but unlike the game you won't have the hassle of tediously walking back to where you wanted to go if you get sidetracked. You can easily warp back using a Waypoint on your map. GW2 really takes aspects that I absolutely hated in other mmos and improved it exponentially.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I've gotten bronze several times after doing my damnedest to dish out DPS. I'm not sure at all how that's supposed to work.

Other times I'll get dinged a gold five minutes after just passing through and getting a couple shots in.

I think in events that spawn multiple mobs it is based on the amount of enemies you get XP from. From an event where there is only a single boss, it is based on pure damage dished out to that mob.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Still trying to level up my human to 19 (almost there) in Caledon forest exploring and doing as much as I can

Ran into a few bugged events, the Moa one (for the meta event chain) where it doesn't attack... at all. And the krait witch where the witch is no where to be found even after 15 - 20 minutes of hunting.

Loving this game though <3
Bugged moa...so not just me. Good.
I've gotten bronze several times after doing my damnedest to dish out DPS. I'm not sure at all how that's supposed to work.

Other times I'll get dinged a gold five minutes after just passing through and getting a couple shots in.

Best is events you just walk in on, do one hit, yet somehow score a gold medal for the event. Wut?


When I heard that you get better loot for killing enemies higher than you, I wanted to test it out. A pair of us went into Kessex Hills at level 14-15 and took on level 22 mobs. On the drops, I was getting two to three blues per kill, and a green masterwork item quite often.
Do any of the classes have a resource to manage? I didn't really notice it but just kinda realized everything is cooldown based. Or is this just a mesmer only thing?


Here's my weekend review. Probably played about 20+ hours.

I started as a Norn Warrior and made it to roughly level 15 before I wanted to explore the other classes. I loved my Norn, a giant beast of a killing machine. The area he starts in was right up my alley, snow covered peaks and Viking-esque lodges. I enjoyed exploring and all in all had a great time. The graphics are outstanding and the world feels alive. Jumping is embraced in this game and you&#8217;ll find your fair share of secrets hiding atop jumpable structures or cliffs. The interface is solid and easily navigated. The graphics must be good, I actually find myself taking screen shots all the time, something I never do. If there was a vantage point to climb up to, you&#8217;d find my Norn there surveying the land.

Why is it a better MMO than most anything out there? A thousand small cuts. Sure there are some big bullet points like Dynamic Events and a personal story but those HAVE been done before. What GW2 gets right is a thousand small things that make your adventure better. No mail boxes, crafting is fast, fun and gives exp, your own personal harvesting node, swimming, flat leveling, no kill stealing, different skills based on weapons equipped, jumping puzzles, no monthly fee, World PvP, in game store doesn&#8217;t sell game changing items (well except exp, and treasure finding potions). It&#8217;s all there and done well. I love that you don&#8217;t have to group up to get rewarded for dynamic events. It&#8217;s a small thing but man knowing that you&#8217;re involved without the artificial group tag really helps.

Dynamic Events &#8211; these are truly great. They pop up all over the place and you can choose to get involved or not. Many stage up and progress in story. Like once I was killing ratmen for a scientist in a cave. I beat the even got my reward. I then noticed the scientist running back to town babbling about how he couldn&#8217;t wait to test the data. On a lark I decided to follow him. Nothing in the game gave me any indication I should do so. When we go back to town the story continued and a whole rat war broke out. Another stage in the dynamic event. I got a bonus to my reward since I had been in the previous stage, others that joined in got a normal reward. The best reward was me knowing more about why this was occurring. Everyone else was just yelling &#8220;rat invasion!&#8221; but I knew the truth, we had just invaded their home and slaughtered them in the name of experimentation. My only minor, minor (really small) quibble with Dynamic Events it&#8217;s that the pop up all the time. Sometimes you&#8217;re just trying to get something done and there are three or four Des around you and you feel bad ignoring them.

Races &#8211; I loved my Norn. I thought the Asura was a little too comic relief but that&#8217;s not a bad thing as long as you&#8217;re in the mood for that. The Sylvari are cool in concept but there starting area was so damn green, I got green overload. Hard to make a manly Syvari so you may want to consider embracing their light in the loafer vibe and go girl. Didn&#8217;t try a Charr &#8211; will one day, but they kind of run funny imo. Humans are better than I thought they&#8217;d be. A solid race for sure but you&#8217;re not going to get the super unique vibe or feel. The women all believe in miniskirts.

Professions &#8211; I have nowhere near played them all. First, I&#8217;m kind of over pet classes so I probably will avoid the Necro and the Ranger. The Warrior is all about weapons and you really feel that. I felt like the skills could use a little love. I had 10 skill points saved up simply because most of the abilities didn&#8217;t interest me in the slightest. But being able to use 80% of the weapons was nice. I fell in love with axes. I tried the Engineer for a bit and they are fun and versatile, I want to keep playing but as I chose Asura I have to make sure I&#8217;m in a comedic mood.

World PvP seems like it should be a blast but I&#8217;m to absorbed in my &#8216;solo&#8217; game to give it a try, but it&#8217;s out there tempting me on a daily bases. Soon I shall enter a babe in the woods.

My biggest complaint was that all my names were taken (or at least not an option) so I had to break from my tried and true MMO takes. But is that really a bad thing? I&#8217;m actually quite fond of &#8216;Cog The Architect&#8217; now. Also the Bradly guide sucks donkey balls. Any decent wiki has all of the information contained within and more.

Closing thoughts? If you like MMOs this is a not to be missed diamond to add to your chalice. Not sure, on the fence? Give it a shot. If you hate MMOs then you may very well hate this too, you can&#8217;t change gaming DNA easily but if there is ever going to be one that changes your opinion this is the one.


Also, in the upper-left area of the Sylvari area there is a
giant wurm boss
that drops a chest when killed. Very awesome and got sweet weapons out of it too, along with a pearl and some other stuff I'm doing to hold on to.

Are guild invites working yet?


Keii (Hasemo) and I did the Metrica jumping puzzle, that was pretty fun.
Yeah it was. Thanks again for waiting for me at the end. I suck at platforming more than I thought - that puzzle itself took me about 1,5-2 hours. Even with "cheating" (using mist form to not get blown of the vines etc.).


In the Charr starting area, the very beginning when you first zone in after creating your character, why the hell do I just get 25 fps? Everywhere else in the area I get 60 or so...it's just odd.


Also, in the upper-left area of the Sylvari area there is a
giant wurm boss
that drops a chest when killed. Very awesome and got sweet weapons out of it too, along with a pearl and some other stuff I'm doing to hold on to.

Are guild invites working yet?

yeah, that's the meta event I mentioned above, the moa one leads into it (from what I saw on the cached GW2 wiki anyway, it's near the area as well)

Love the meta-event bosses in this game :)


Like once I was killing ratmen for a scientist in a cave. I beat the even got my reward. I then noticed the scientist running back to town babbling about how he couldn&#8217;t wait to test the data. On a lark I decided to follow him. Nothing in the game gave me any indication I should do so. When we go back to town the story continued and a whole rat war broke out. Another stage in the dynamic event. I got a bonus to my reward since I had been in the previous stage, others that joined in got a normal reward. The best reward was me knowing more about why this was occurring. Everyone else was just yelling &#8220;rat invasion!&#8221; but I knew the truth, we had just invaded their home and slaughtered them in the name of experimentation.

Wow this sounds AWESOME.
If I purchase it rght now, can I start playing right away?

Also, how open is the world? Like in TOR, or really open?


yeah, that's the meta event I mentioned above, the moa one leads into it (from what I saw on the cached GW2 wiki anyway, it's near the area as well)

Love the meta-event bosses in this game :)

Nice to know someone on here played it. Literally stumbled upon it. Very cool.

Didn't see you post. Can you link it?


Nice to know someone on here played it. Literally stumbled upon it. Very cool.

Didn't see you post. Can you link it?

I didn't post the link, but the wiki is being very slow/not working at all anyway :(

I did play the meta-event last BWE and have tried and failed today due to some trouble including with the overflow shards but ah well. I'll try again later.

Btw question for people, have you seen any cool giant boss meta-events outside of the ones we know of (the metas for the starter zones and the Shatterer)? Like for instance in Kessex Hills or Brisban or any place like that.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
work from home brah

i got 30 hours (4 hours during the launch. and about 12-14 hours on saturday and sunday). because of no work and all. and it was a lazy weekend of doing nothing productive.

Doesn't explain how someone gets 65 in 30 hours.

Well from the previous pages, people have put in over 22-24 hours or more already since the early start.

I've put 26 hours in, and I'm only 22.


Wow this sounds AWESOME.
If I purchase it rght now, can I start playing right away?

Also, how open is the world? Like in TOR, or really open?

Its a staged world. You can wander into any area but you'll get destroyed by higher level mobs. The area you're 'supposed' to be in is always well laid out and progresses in a way that makes sense but allows you to explore and adventure. if you go through a 'gate' to an area you haven't naturally progressed to you can get slaughtered.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
probably crafting or doing that exploit just like the guy who dinged 80

I don't really get the point. Most of the fun in this game is experiencing the content, not leveling.
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