You know you have to right click on the party member that's in the overflow, right?It doesn't even show up for me. Like, never.
You know you have to right click on the party member that's in the overflow, right?It doesn't even show up for me. Like, never.
We're aware that players are having trouble getting into the same overflow map as their party members, and our developers are working on fixing this. In the meantime, try a workaround: right-click your party member's icon in the top left-hand corner of your screen and select "join". ~RB2
We currently have a couple serious bugs with one of our important back end systems. This error is causing the loss of trading post, players to sometimes be separated and unable to travel to each other when switching maps and entering overflow servers, and numerous guild errors. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and are currently working around the clock to try and remedy this error.
Press H, last tab (the swords), join the Heart of the Mists, there is a PvP browser there.
You know you have to right click on the party member that's in the overflow, right?
is it intentional when you're in a city or a distance away you lose sight of your party? i was walking up the steps in Divinity's Reach and his party icon disappears
When I was doing the Metrica puzzle with Aeana us both that the other person is in WvW, despite us being on the same map, without any overflows. It fixed itself when we saw each other on it intentional when you're in a city or a distance away you lose sight of your party? i was walking up the steps in Divinity's Reach and his party icon disappears
Wait Hawkian is the only way to play with a 360 controller to get a wireless receiver?
Dude. That's my avatar 'bro!Any reviews up? I'm assuming that everything media-related are just impressions right now.
Also I have no idea where to go to grind stuff like carrots or blueberries, I wish the NPC just sold them. Maybe if the trading post was up I could buy those there
a couple more thoughts
1) They should do a better job giving people armor and weapons. The quest rewards so far have been very average (slightly better piece of armor or whatever) and the drops had been the same. The one time I saw great items is when I 100%ed a zone but I couldn't use either of them. Should I be buying them from merchants? Which ones and where?
2) I really feel that there should be quests. The problem I have with hearts is that they're completely mindless and DEs are just killing things for the most part. Quests dont have to be collecting bear asses or whatever, they could use unique mechanics (like WoW does with vehicle controls for all kinds of things), make you explore areas, and highlight points of interest. Right now I'm finding these POIs and maybe there are events nearby, but it would be great to have something unique to that specific place
I'm enjoying the game but something about it just disappoints me. Mostly the combat really. With WoW, there is an extremely tight feedback loop in terms of indicating what is going on in combat through visual cues. It feels like GW2 combat is just, for lack of a better word, a clusterfuck. The visual and auditory cues for your spells and other players spells aren't as apparent as they are in WoW. The second you get more than 5 or 6 people it's just a barrage of crap going on and it's really hard to keep track of. With WoW, it actually does an extremely good job at letting you know what is going on with a fair amount of players. I also much prefer the UI design in WoW. The UI in GW2 leaves much to be desired.
I also hate that my spells will cast even if I'm outside of range. Oh damn, blew a CD because I was two meters short. Yay.
I like dynamic events, at least conceptually, but the weakness of the combat leaves a lot to be desired. I feel like if we took this games design, and put in WoW's combat, it would CRUSH WoW. The best way I can explain it is how the Quake games just feel right, but some other FPS games feel floaty. Tight controls is a hard thing to explain I guess.
It's a good game, but as an ex WoW player it's pretty hard to stomach the weakness of the combat.
a couple more thoughts
1) They should do a better job giving people armor and weapons. The quest rewards so far have been very average (slightly better piece of armor or whatever) and the drops had been the same. The one time I saw great items is when I 100%ed a zone but I couldn't use either of them. Should I be buying them from merchants? Which ones and where?
2) I really feel that there should be quests. The problem I have with hearts is that they're completely mindless and DEs are just killing things for the most part. Quests dont have to be collecting bear asses or whatever, they could use unique mechanics (like WoW does with vehicle controls for all kinds of things), make you explore areas, and highlight points of interest. Right now I'm finding these POIs and maybe there are events nearby, but it would be great to have something unique to that specific place
So we didn't get to do the WvW tour tonight but that didn't stop us from partyin'
And I even met a floating bear named Ted in Divinity's Reach!
Tonight was truly magical.
Wirelessly? Yep how else could you O.OWait Hawkian is the only way to play with a 360 controller to get a wireless receiver?
I had to laugh after finishing The Grove and getting 1 copper. Granted, that is super early game and I also got some xp and 3 transmutation stones.Wtfff I 100% an area and the two item rewards are unusable by my proffesion, fuuuuck that
So we didn't get to do the WvW tour tonight but that didn't stop us from partyin'
Interesting. In terms of the combat, It's always been my experience that it feeling like a cluster fuck is an indication of a real lack of understanding of how the combat mechanics should function. So, presumably given time, you would change that opinion after figuring it out.
In other words, someone coming in to WoW might say the combat is a cluster fuck, but you and I would tend to disagree with that, I would think.
I cannot wait to get my hands on this game to see the functionality of combat in action. It seems so delicious in theory, multi-class ability combos in particular.
I had to laugh after finishing The Grove and getting 1 copper. Granted, that is super early game and I also got some xp and 3 transmutation stones.
Fingers crossed- all invite/grouping/TP issues fixed after this?
"Anybody know a good way to get leather? It seems like it's the rarest material."
Salvage medium armor.
"One would hope. I just want a working TP so I can try to work on crafting some, since I've outleveled it. Would be nice if the monthly achievement for not dying would work, too, since the month is nearly over."
That achievement worked just fine for me.
Leather rare? Ha ha, have you seen the amount of Jute one gets?Anybody know a good way to get leather? It seems like it's the rarest material.
Yeah figured that but still. Maybe if I can stop black screening long enough to play the game proper I'll find out firsthand.Cities don't give you great rewards. It's all about the zones.
Sure... uh, why are you telling me?Hawkian, there's a wired x360 controller, you know.![]()
Leather rare? Ha ha, have you seen the amount of Jute one gets?
Hawkian, there's a wired x360 controller, you know.![]()
You asked how else you would connect the controller without the adapter on the previous pageSure... uh, why are you telling me?
Yeah it changed the numbers on my account name after registering my box copy serial code. I am not sure what this will do to people trying to find me via my old number.
Either that or find a wired 360 controller. I picked up this receiver from Amazon and it works great.