How does one determine what is gamebreaking?
In Diablo 3, replaying a quest gave you rewards of money and experience. Some quests gave a significant amount of reward for the amount of effort. Blizzard thought it was gamebreaking enough to remove/reduce the bonuses.
The same thing can happen in GW2 quests. You're just farming the quest over and over again because it's the most efficient way to level up and get money. Permabanned?
I would look here:
vb [ɪkˈsplɔɪt] (tr)
1. to take advantage of (a person, situation, etc.), esp unethically or unjustly for one's own ends
2. to make the best use of to exploit natural resources
1. take advantage of, abuse, use, manipulate, milk, misuse, dump on (slang, chiefly U.S.), ill-treat, shit on (taboo slang), play on or upon "Casual workers are being exploited for slave wages."
An item was costing fractions of it's real cost due to an error. Someone said they were listed at 21 karma and not like 21k karma. They were buying these uber cheap items to forge really really power items at fractions of what you'd have to normally pay for them.
When you take advantage of bugs,mistakes etc in games.. it's an exploit.
I love that ArenaNet rules with an iron fist. Exploiters be damned.
Wait, did Kripp get banned? Please say yes.
Your definition of exploit is wrong.
When you take advantage of bugs,mistakes, glitch etc in games.. it's an exploit.
Wikipedia Definition
"An exploit (from the verb to exploit, in the meaning of using something to ones own advantage) is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behaviour to occur on computer software, hardware, or something electronic (usually computerised). "
It's cut and dry, because IT WAS A GLITCH.
Maybe he'll actually sleep now.No, Kripp got 72 hours. Krippi got perma.
It's not a glitch
Also, just to repeat, I agree that it's wrong and my main issue is the severity of the punishment (especially compared to the 3 day temp bans botters received)
I hope nobody actually got banned just for buying a couple of them and doing nothing else with them. There's a big difference between that and what others were doing with turning them into other things via the mystic forge on a massive scale, and I don't think the two should be treated equally. People in that thread make it sound like they were banned just for buying, but how many and is that really all they did?
It's not a glitch
Also, just to repeat, I agree that it's wrong and my main issue is the severity of the punishment (especially compared to the 3 day temp bans botters received)
It's not an exploit
Well, according to @GuildWars2: "If you bought a few weapons - you were not banned. If you massively exploited it - you were. read here: ^MK "
I would say a fair discipline would be a warning (at log in) and a rollback of their characters. but the communities in these games are usually piles of shit so I can imagine the calls for blood on a noted community figure.
How is it not a glitch? To say it was not a glitch means they meant to have that weapon at 21 karma.
I would say it would be because the intern in charge the data entry on pricing made a typo, not because they intercepted packets, or other other cyber hocus pocus and got the transaction processed.
That's a completely different definition. In real life you can exploit someone, but in game it means something completely different. It's a separate term:
Glitch, bug, typo... whatever you wanna classify it is... as long as you take advantage of it.. it's an exploit.
I would say it would be because the intern in charge or pricing made a type, not because they intercepted packets, or other other cyber hocus pocus and got the transaction processed.
Invites are working again for all it seems, feel free to PM me in-game. Hawkian the Blade
[]Deimorz 25 points 28 minutes ago
Some more info about the bans from the GW2 Twitter:
Let me assure you: All the people we banned were fully aware of it being an exploit.
If you bought a few weapons - you were not banned. If you massively exploited it - you were.
If you bought 50 you are not permanently banned. MK
I went directly through the site. Not stupid.
Their damage at range is lackluster (overall melee is stronger than range in this game by principle I believe), if you want to pull shit off you need to get in the thick of things... or bring them to you atleast.
I see.
Also umm... is this the only place that this is posted?
I hope that ArenaNet isn't actually doing game updates via Reddit and nowhere else, because... they have a website and a launcher for a reason, and I don't see this on either.
I hope nobody actually got banned just for buying a couple of them and doing nothing else with them. There's a big difference between that and what others were doing with turning them into other things via the mystic forge on a massive scale, and I don't think the two should be treated equally. People in that thread make it sound like they were banned just for buying, but how many and is that really all they did?
I received a 72 hour ban for buying 4 of them, I admittedly would have bought more but the mail was broke, inventory almost full, and bank full. I only grabbed those 4, salvaged (because I couldn't sell anyway and I am only 36) for useless items to my professions. And, to top it off, I reported the bug 3 times throughout a few hours hoping it would be fixed, checked before I went to bed, and it was still there. I played nearly all day today then tried to log in a few mins ago to see I have a ban, so stupid.
If i go remotely close to them i get smoked
I think someone on that stream said one person did get banned for just buying one of the items...i think he was just mentioning a post he saw on reddit though, not like someone he knew personally or something
edit -
Infiltrator's Strike, the innocent little sword 2 skill, is in many ways my biggest asset.Well I've done things to help that
1. I've put a lot of points in acrobatics, and shadow arts... so I have some durability and traits to get me outta danger.
2. I use dagger/dagger... so I have use of the 5th skill that gives me stealth.
3. I use the 25% speed increase signet.
4. I use scorpian wire to bring them to me.
Other things you could do is use sword, or some of the shadow recall stuff. Pop in... hit some people and recall out once things get dicey.
yes they are using reddit for their updates. it's PATHETIC.
yes they are using reddit for their updates. it's PATHETIC.
Well, I suppose that explains why I was under the impression that ANet was not communicating anything. I don't go to Reddit, and I honestly should not be expected to. They need to be using their website and launcher.
I love how draconian everything is. People should have seen the writing on the wall when we started hearing reports of people copping 72hr bans for misconduct in chat and inappropriate names.
Well, I suppose that explains why I was under the impression that ANet was not communicating anything. I don't go to Reddit, and I honestly should not be expected to. They need to be using their website and launcher.
yeah I went into this game blind, and this company is coming across like a bunch of douchelords, I guess I should have researched it more...
Do I need to refine stuff before I can see it in the discovery panel?
I agree. However, they're making the actual posts there. They announce the post through twitter and facebook.
[+1] 1 point 34 seconds ago (1|0)
Let's clear that up: Kripp's account is terminated.
Well, the horse has spoken.