Not sure if it should be a new thread or what but game now supports MAC OS X
And it's a Cider port.
If you have a Windows partition, avoid this unless absolutely necessary.
Jon Peters said:Hey all, it is my fault the updates to those 3 dungeon chains did not get into to the notes. There is a lot going on right now and as we establish our patch process sometimes things will slip through the cracks. I wanted to shed some light on the dungeon speed clear stuff as well. You should not see any diminished returns unless you.
1) Run the same exact chain over twice in a row
2) Complete multiple dungeons in 30 minutes or less each.
We also reduced the rewards of completing story mode, once you have already completed it, because the rewards for story mode were never intended to be a high as they were.
At this time, dungeons should one of the most efficient ways to level and get gold, and it is not our intention to make them feel like a grind. This is a very large game, and we have a lot of people playing it in many different ways. Right now we are working hard to make sure there are not any ways for players to circumvent the normal rewards in the game and then we will be able to look at the actual rewards and make sure they require a reasonable amount of investment.
Dungeons are meant to be difficult and we will continue to update them to try and reach a point where the time invested to XP/Gold/Tokens is similar for each dungeon. Some right now are just too easy to complete while others may be too hard. Moving forward we will try and post more clear change notes for those dungeons we do fix.
Thanks for your feedback, we really appreciate your desire to help us keep improving on the game.
Are you still gonna hit up Mumble? I enjoyed hanging out with you guys.
What'd you get for Vita? Still doing my best to hold off with all the PC games I have waiting for me this fall...
Found this explanation about the anti speed run dungeon system on the main site
Didn't finish my full set, but I do have 995 unused tokens, guess its time to try other ones
Can still run AC, alternate between Howling King and Ghost eater
That's because they ARE being assholes. There's a difference between saying something inflammatory with no backing, and trying to debate the faults of a game. You can disagree with me all you want, but nobody can try and say that I don't present my arguments for my stance.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but don't you think voicing those opinions on THEIR forum might actually result in positive change?
The thing is, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish. Sitting in this thread and bitching about the game solves exactly nothing. It doesn't make you feel better, it doesn't change anyone's mind, and it certainly doesn't get Anet to address your issues. You're spitting into the wind, man.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but don't you think voicing those opinions on THEIR forum might actually result in positive change?
All you're doing right now is pissing off a couple people. If that's your intention, though, then I certainly can't stop you.
Why debate at all then, or have forums at all? Simply to circlejerk?
In my anecdotal experience it is extremely rare for anyone to ever, at least significantly, change their opinion.
I'm all for debate, but I don't see much debate going on. Posting the same opinions over and over again isn't debate. Not to compare forums, but the SA thread for Guild Wars 2 is a very different beast. People are debating about the game there, but no one is posting over and over again that they hate the game. In fact, debate there seems pretty healthy, and I'd like to see the same here.
If you don't like the game, then that's cool. No one is asking that you love it. But there's nothing constructive about harping on it. It kills strategic discussion. At some point, this OT needs to be more about discussing the actual strategy and meat of the game, rather than still talking about whether or not we like the game.
I'm dying to chat about balancing in CoF, but every time I come in here, it's the same stuff: I HATE THE GAME, I LOVE THE GAME, I HATE THE GAME, I LOVE THE GAME.
I was hoping that at some point we could get past talking about loving or hating the game, and start delving into strategy and mechanics. That's what the OT is for, after all.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I really would like to talk about the actual game, and less about what people think of the game. That's kind of why I post in this talk about this game and its mechanics with others who also play the game. (that goes for people who love the game as well. I really don't care what people think of the game at this point. I just want to start chatting about difficult encounters and builds)
Okay..when I click on race I don't see racials..
Are there patch notes out?
Here are the patch notes for todays game update:
Asuran players will now aim toward their targets when using a rifle.
Fixed various broken events and skill challenges.
Fixed various locations that allowed players to move outside the map.
Fixed various locations on maps where players could become stuck.
Discovery crafting may now use items directly from a players bank.
Fixed bugs in the Exploration achievement so players can now receive 100% map completion.
Added a system to limit the experience and gold that players can receive from speed-farming dungeons.
Fixed bugs in A Different Dream, A Fragile Peace, Dredging Up the Past, "Forging the Pact, Pastkeeper, Ships of the Line, Stealing Secrets, The Priory Assailed, and The Source of Orr.
Reduced the overall difficulty in Dead of Winter.
Retaliation: This boon no longer reflects damage received from siege weapons.
The Experimental Rifle is no longer usable in World-versus-World.
Smoldering Arrow: This skills casting time has been reduced.
The Prestige: This skill now requires full recharge if its interrupted at any time.
Descent of Shadows: This traits effect can now only trigger once every 8 seconds.
Rocket Boots: This skill is no longer usable underwater. This is a temporary change until we can figure out why players can launch themselves into the sky using this skill.
Detonate Mine Field: This skill is no longer a blast finisher.
Just got a blue dagger off of Teq that is better than my current equipped ones. It also looks like a level one dagger. I'm level 75.
I'm almost at 2 gold, enough to buy the grandmaster trait book. But I actually have to get maybe 50 or so insurance silver for traveling/repairs. Right now I am trying to heart my way to level 80, but the missions in Frostgorge can be pretty tough.
I'm all for debate, but I don't see much debate going on. Posting the same opinions over and over again isn't debate. Not to compare forums, but the SA thread for Guild Wars 2 is a very different beast. People are debating about the game there, but no one is posting over and over again that they hate the game. In fact, debate there seems pretty healthy, and I'd like to see the same here.
If you don't like the game, then that's cool. No one is asking that you love it. But there's nothing constructive about harping on it. It kills strategic discussion. At some point, this OT needs to be more about discussing the actual strategy and meat of the game, rather than still talking about whether or not we like the game.
I'm dying to chat about balancing in CoF, but every time I come in here, it's the same stuff: I HATE THE GAME, I LOVE THE GAME, I HATE THE GAME, I LOVE THE GAME.
I was hoping that at some point we could get past talking about loving or hating the game, and start delving into strategy and mechanics. That's what the OT is for, after all.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I really would like to talk about the actual game, and less about what people think of the game. That's kind of why I post in this talk about this game and its mechanics with others who also play the game. (that goes for people who love the game as well. I really don't care what people think of the game at this point. I just want to start chatting about difficult encounters and builds)
Discoveries from bank is such a blessing.
Have they commented on bringing back the Dolyak rewards to WvWvW in some manner?
Then talk about the game and ignore the posts you don't like? Those who also want to do that should respond to you. Want to make meaningful discussion then do so, instead of jumping into or extending an argument. There's others talking about the game itself and surely would like to discuss those aspects with you. Discussion will go nowhere just responding and complaining/arguing about the folks who have complaints against it.
Oh yes, they are. I love these quality of life improvements.
I think they said Dolyak rewards would be back, some time in the future, after having been retooled. No ETA though...
As someone who's bank is full of mats... I hope I can turn off bank discovery.
As someone who's bank is full of mats... I hope I can turn off bank discovery.
My love of Yaks wasn't from farming them but rather that they brightened up my WvW experience.They should just add diminishing returns to them like every other event.
Its becoming exceedingly clear at this point that ArenaNet is a rookie MMORPG developer and making some bad rookie mistakes.
Quite frankly, the ONLY ones that benefit from this dungeon change is Blizzard.
They should just add diminishing returns to them like every other event.
Heh. They don't.
Although I'm sure there are exceptions. MMO focused gamers seem to come from a different planet. They see a too short experience with GW2; I see the 140 hours it took me to hit 80 as a massive time investment and I still have a lot left to do with that character, and that's before alts. But I'm also thinking about getting Dark Souls finally, and Torchlight 2 unlocking in a couple days to play with my friend who didn't get GW2, and FTL is just one of those fantastic, surprising games that sticks in my head... And I have to fit this all between real life and reading and keeping up with the news and writing and etc. etc. etc.
Some of you guys are just another breed.![]()
I would very much appreciate this as well.Are we gonna try to do another guild WvW walkthrough this week? Que times have been horid tthe last few days, but I know that myself and at least 1 other guildie would appreciate it... I have so many un answered WvW questions.
At some point, doesn't the OT become a place just for the fans? I have my problems with the game but they are heavily outnumbered by the positives. I feel no need to express these problems in the OT at this point. Soon, someone will create a thread "Who hated GW2 and why?" Perhaps I'll post my problems there.
The way I see it, and I'm probably wrong, is the OT's are for the fans. For example...I hate, hate, hate Mario games now. You will never me in a Mario OT bitching about the controls, music, or graphics of the latest Mario release. Let the fans have their place to jerk all over themselves. Again, someone WILL create the "Who thought Mario so and so was shitty?" I'll post there.
I'm a big TOR fan. There are people in this thread that would come into the TOR OT and post lies and generally just shit on the game and say "HA HA Free to Play." Some will say that they just have contrary opinions. I say they are being assholes.
Are we gonna try to do another guild WvW walkthrough this week? Que times have been horid tthe last few days, but I know that myself and at least 1 other guildie would appreciate it... I have so many un answered WvW questions.
My love of Yaks wasn't from farming them but rather that they brightened up my WvW experience.
Get killed in WvW? Spawn back at your base cause you got zerg'd? Frustrated you need to walk back? Here, intercept this Yak near your base, walk with it a bit and get reimbursed for your repairs and frustration.
Just saw that a mac client is coming.
With tha information, I will most certainly be picking this game up (I was probably going to get it anyways, but would much rather not have to boot into bootcamp to play)
With that said, if I were to buy the windows version, say this weekend, would I simply need to re-download the mac client when it is released, and switch over no problem?
Thanks, look forward to getting in the game!