Mannn, my CPU upgrade has me getting a solid 60 FPS looking at the same stuff that got me 25-30 with my old CPU.
Can you remake a character without having to worry someone ninjaing your name?
Can you remake a character without having to worry someone ninjaing your name?
I upgraded from an Athlon II X4 to an i5 3570k.Nice! What CPU are you using now?
Also game seems poorly optimized for the way it looks, going into this game with zero knowledge, completely fresh.
I have being saying it since the start of the very first beta but fanboys don't want to listen.
I have 2 PCs.
One has a
5870 1gig VRAM
8gig DD3 RAM @ 1600mhz
Win7 64 bit
other PC has
GTX670 2gig VRAM
I forget the CPU but its much newer than the other PC and faster.
8gig DDR3 @ 1600 mhz
Win7 64 bit
Completely different parts in each
And it runs like ass on both PCs with the same settings.
I'm having absolutely zero lag, not sure why people are getting so much.
I'm up to level 4. Some of the quests are different from the stress tests. I tried to meet up with my friend in the Sylvari town but that place is a maze. How do you even get out of there?
Lol my part of friends keep trying a portal but getting on different overflows and connection errors ;(
I guess I dont have head start, even though I bought it July 24th, I will try again tomorrow that is when I am supposed to start anyways
Got in the GAF guild, thanks Gojira.
How did you get in? You're not on the list? 8(
All the other bindings work? You clicked in the stick right?So I'm using a x360 controller to play, and I can't get the right stick to act as the camera. I got the autokey script going. Any idea what's going on guys?
All the other bindings work? You clicked in the stick right?
So just tried to play my Human Necro - after killing the earth elemental 5 times, relogging and remaking my character once, I gave up and went on my Charr. Completed the starting stuff relatively easy and went to the Mists to go to Divinity's Reach to play with my Human friends.
We're all stuck in three different zones, two overflow and one normal. I don't understand - how do I play with my friends?